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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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26 minutes ago, something.always said:

Maybe not but the dude has released 10 solo albums, 1 with the Ju-Ju Hounds and has released 2 records since Axl released CD.

Oh he’s definitely been more productive.  They all have with exception of Axl Grease.

Axl has released the least yet recorded 60-70 songs supposedly over a 10+ year period.  Per Finck when he left “dozens and dozens of songs.”  Yet we’ve heard 17 completed songs of supposed dozens and had several albums from every other member.  If people can’t see who/m the problem has been that’s a given.  I guess it’s easier to ride your youth and have the Kartrashians wear your shirts. 

The issue with all of this is all of the press they used to do over the years has never come to fruition. They probably don’t like sharing information because it can cause people/fans to hold them accountable to what’s been said.  The scapegoat going back into late 80’s is “management, label, some secret entity, or whatever the hell the exercise is from one moment to another.”

I assume this probably leads to why they don’t do press now much or can’t say anything directly.  Axl is at the damn game controller. There’s no other reasons.  We’ve heard for years “oh it’s guns so you never know.”  Well explain that in depth.  What does that mean? Why does it take so long.  Call people out!  But they won’t.  Why? $$$$$$$$ and jobs at stake.  Business took over the music many years ago. Now it becomes we have to create something that doesn’t tarnished our already funked legacy.  That’s probably the hesitation along with other obligations.  If Duff and Slash can put out more then 1 record since 2016 and Guns N’ Roses puts out 2 subpar songs, it’s pretty telling.

Edited by UYI4
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1 hour ago, jacdaniel said:

I really thought that Slash and Duff coming back would change things on the music front. 

Part of me believed that maybe the likes of the label were creating obstacles to try get a reunion or that Axl was just insecure.


But now I think it's clear that it's just Axl and I'm not sure we'll ever fully understand why.

It must be such a weird trip for someone as productive as Slash to be in Guns 

Not to sound all big headed or something like that before this post comes across that way but when the reunion was announced (or not announced) I thought "well that's set us back for new music again". I thought CD2 would be buried and any new music would take at least a decade. Ironically we've ended up getting a few CD2 songs. Genuinely the first thought I had was "there goes CD2". 

Now I think about it, even the reunion couldn't be announced properly. The vague press release was pretty much it without confirmation as to who was in the band, no interviews, no picture, no press conference, classic Guns management. Things were handled better pre reunion. 

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5 minutes ago, Nick85 said:

I dunno man. This link removal stuff just screams “We’re a pack of dunces who simply can’t see anything through, so please take down the link to this…”

I don’t know my opinion on this. 

On one hand and in one way or another you might be right.

On the other hand- GNR has never taken down the dozens of Richard Fortus or Dizzy interviews where they say something may be soon. They didn’t take down Slash’s outright incorrect interviews where he said new music was on the way.

I’m not gonna say it will release, because it’s GNR. But there is a ton of smoke right now. We have the random take downs, Perhaps being soundchecked and The General on setlists. We have Axl and Slash in the studio listening to mixes. But ultimately this band fails every single time to release anything. For any other band I’d say a new album or EP was imminent. For GNR I’d say maybe at best we’ll get 2 more songs by 2025.

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The translation of the quote was accurate. It's a simple sentence, doesn't leave much room for wrong translation. Unless, of course, Duff was misquoted by the German magazine or there was a mistake in the translation from English into German.

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Und ließ dann am Ende des Gesprächs noch ganz nonchalant folgenden Satz fallen: „Es wird bald Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause Guns N’ Roses geben. Ich glaube sogar, noch in dieser Woche.“ Hoffentlich handelt es sich um neue Songs. Und hoffentlich singt Axl sie einfach in seiner normalen Singstimme.


What does the above translate to in English?

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5 minutes ago, Macho Vidal said:

Und ließ dann am Ende des Gesprächs noch ganz nonchalant folgenden Satz fallen: „Es wird bald Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause Guns N’ Roses geben. Ich glaube sogar, noch in dieser Woche.“ Hoffentlich handelt es sich um neue Songs. Und hoffentlich singt Axl sie einfach in seiner normalen Singstimme.


What does the above translate to in English?

Deepl returns this:

And then, at the end of the conversation, he casually dropped the following sentence: "There will soon be news from Guns N' Roses. I think even this week." Hopefully these will be new songs. And hopefully Axl will just sing them in his normal singing voice.

German speakers can confirm, but, like I said, it's a simple sentence (two sentences, to be accurate).

Edited by Blackstar
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9 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

The translation of the quote was accurate. It's a simple sentence, doesn't leave much room for wrong translation. Unless, of course, Duff was misquoted by the German magazine or there was a mistake in the translation from English into German.

What he actually said was “the Bart, the”.

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9 minutes ago, diablo9333 said:

I think someone forgot to give them the memo that we aren't in Axl's wilderness years anymore. That strategy might have worked when Axl didn't want the publicity, but now you have a legendary band playing stadiums, that actually needs to promote things. 

And the stadiums aren’t even selling out and have a lot of vacant seats

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