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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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7 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

Sp1at update at Gnrevo: 


Songs are coming out soon, summertime. Record label are the goto for this, band members vague on anything

Year off next year, assumed from external parties and plans outside gnr

Glastonbury will have at least one guest possibly, source, the guest. Very guessable lol

How long until “plans changed”, another Slash interview where he says “they’re coming in a few months” into no releases for years and years to come? I don’t know Sp1at that much to be fair but I generally have a strong distrust in “insiders”

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2 hours ago, tboneman said:

Okay. I assumed we were speaking just musically. That documentary and movie, yeah you can say they're risks, financial risks maybe but not musically.

Releasing live stuff and have a setlist voted by fans etc. are not risks imo. Even that Lulu thing was basic by numbers Metallica riffs but just Lou Reed babbling over the songs like Abe Simpson. 

And but yes, they have released 4 albums since 2003 and I guess that's better than nothing. And yes, most fans liked them. But not all, and to me it was "seven years and this is best you can do? Again?" Long and uninspiring songs with even more uninspiring solos. Kirk must be the most boring guitarist on the planet. No edge or bite whatsoever. It was like AI made this record. 

But then again, I am more of Megadeth fan than Metallica fan. And they released 8 albums since 2001! Probably some Metallica fanforum members are jealous of that. But I don't compare it to GNR because it's pointless. 

Yeah a lot of songs could benefit from some editing. Still, I love plenty of their stuff from the last 3 records. I can only dream that Gn'r put out an album from that quality. Nothing but mad respect for how Metallica treads their fanbase. I agree on Hamett though ;). 

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28 minutes ago, Billy Cundy said:

I’d be more inclined to agree with both of you if he had put anything out @SoulMonster @Rovim but he hasn’t, so this vacuum has created a situation in which we ponder the reasons as to why no material is forthcoming. I agree with both of you though, I assume axl still has the capacity to pivot and write about anything he wants… he’s a bright guy, and yeah maybe he’s less isolated than we presume. I was just building on someone else’s point from a few pages back, as I hadn’t seen that particular ‘hot take’ on here before. Of course, reasons could be endless. 

it must be hard to be enthusiastic about 15 year old songs though. I’ve been in tonnes of bands and I am a different person and musician to the one I was in the 2000s. Mustering the enthusiasm to revisit them and treat them as ‘new product’ must feel like a step backwards and a bit of a drag. I might be wrong, he might love it. 

Radiohead, Megadeth, Bumblefoot for example, and many, many other musicians and bands go back to rework very old tunes. Van Halen did it too, Jerry Cantrell (AIC) sometimes you go back cause you couldn't figure it out back then and only years after initially writing the tune, all the pieces fell into place so at least to some extent, it's a common practice among musicians.

having said that, and I've said it before, it is my opinion that there is high value for creating an album from scratch as in most cases it seems to be a more accurate snapshot of where a musician currently is in their life, making it feel fresh and more relevant, but there are no rules imo, as long as you get there and make a great album which brings me to my other point: we don't know what Axl has managed to write and record but didn't release.

it's possible that he's sitting on great tunes with cool lyrics so reasons for not releasing music very often can range from this musician is not motivated to overthinking it, etc.

Edited by Rovim
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1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

What would you consider a musical risk for Metallica? And do you actually want that? I almost guarantee if they did do some dramatic risk on this record then people would not be liking this record as much right now. For me I always enjoyed their more experimental side. And Lulu was definitely a risk, musically and commercially.

From 91-2003 they messed with formula, and you'll notice that those are also the years that internet fans squabble about most. 

I think there's more old than new on the new record in terms of ideas but there is some balance. As for megadeth, they have released a lot of albums but for me Dystopia/sick the dying/Endgame there's little to no musical differences happening besides a new guitar player with a different approach. And that's fine, the same thing is happening with Metallica where they are resting in a safe musical place where they release new stuff the majority enjoy but it's not pushing the boat out too far as to lose very many.

Well I wasn't calling for them to take risk per se, just commenting about the statement that "they take risks". But since you asked: I'd been happy if they would write shorter songs for change. There's only one song that's under 4 min on the album. Two under 5 min. Many of the songs on the album are needlessly long. How about cut lot of the long boring parts and work more on interesting parts. You can have longer songs on a album but let them stand out. When there's 11 songs on a album and 7 of them are over 6 min, to me that's too much. And no wah-wah on solos for Kirk. His solos are nowadays just blah. They are there just to fill a space. And use more Trujillo. I think he only sings backing vocals on one song. Or how about guest musician? Another (metal) singer or guitarist. 

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5 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

After the last two they released ... If they dont come out swinging with a slam run like General or Soul Monster I'm going to be 100% convinced these songs are being left behind

I agree. However, I do believe that they will release what’s already leaked, ala Chinese 

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8 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

After the last two they released ... If they dont come out swinging with a slam run like General or Soul Monster I'm going to be 100% convinced these songs are being left behind

Why these two songs? Why not Atlas Shrugged or Perhaps? Or Eye on You and Dummy? Or State of Grace and Circus Maximus? Regardless of what two songs are picked for the next release, why would that mean that the other songs are "being left behind"? I mean, if two more singles is the plan here, evidently that means the remaining songs are left behind for later or never.

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13 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Why these two songs? Why not Atlas Shrugged or Perhaps? Or Eye on You and Dummy? Or State of Grace and Circus Maximus? Regardless of what two songs are picked for the next release, why would that mean that the other songs are "being left behind"? I mean, if two more singles is the plan here, evidently that means the remaining songs are left behind for later or never.

Because it makes 0 sense to continue to not release the songs that are supposedly "epic" and would generate the most positive reception from fans and media ... Dummy and Circus Maximus lol dude those songs are NEVER coming out because they were never completed as songs they are literally jams from a band that ceased to exist 20 years ago it's always you with these types of responses too lol where's Pele when you need em?

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Just now, 2020_Intensions said:

Because it makes 0 sense to continue to not release the songs that are supposedly "epic" and would generate the most positive reception from fans and media ... 

The songs you mention have only achieved status of epicness because of how much some fans have been fawning over them. It seems like for every year that passes, The General becomes an even more awesome songs in our minds. It reminds me of Sorry, only we didn't have so many years to build up the hype around that song. Shortly, what Axl considers "epic" could be entirely different songs, like Seven or State of Grace.


1 minute ago, 2020_Intensions said:

Dummy and Circus Maximus lol dude those songs are NEVER coming out because they were never completed as songs they are literally jams from a band that ceased to exist 20 years ago it's always you with these types of responses too lol where's Pele when you need em?

Here, have a few commas and periods: ,,,,,,,,, ......... You're welcome.

Not to rehash an old argument, but we have no idea of whether other songs were worked on from 2001 to 2008, and then from 2008 and afterwards. It could very well be that Axl worked on other Bucket songs in addition to Sorry and Shacklers (++), like Circus Maximus, but eventually decided that they, like Atlas, should be saved for the next album. We have absolutely no idea. We can't take the absence of evidence that these songs have been worked on as evidence for their absence as completed songs. That's flawed thinking.

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9 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

Sp1at update at Gnrevo: 


Songs are coming out soon, summertime. Record label are the goto for this, band members vague on anything

Year off next year, assumed from external parties and plans outside gnr

Glastonbury will have at least one guest possibly, source, the guest. Very guessable lol

The guest? Mr. DJ Ashba! 😝 

Just kidding. It’s Mr. Buckethead! 

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11 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

I know these updates don't usually amount to much, but this is good news. Sp1at is a promoter who usually gets his news from the management of band members (which is why the updates usually don't contain any real news on new music). A while back he said he found the band's contact at Universal. This is the first time he's used the label as a source for a concrete timeframe on new music.

I'd be willing to bet "summertime" flies by with nothing getting released.

Isn't this person just another in a long list of "yeah, plans changed" self-titled 'insiders' of the 'throw enough shit at a wall and some of it eventually sticks' variety? 

Just seems years and years of these sorts of comments go on. When nothing happens you get "just passing on what I heard, things must have changed". 

To my knowledge not one 'insider' anywhere said Absurd and Hardskool were coming. 


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My guess is that the guest is going to be Carrie Underwood again.

As for new songs this Summer, it all comes down to when we get our first glimpses of that alt list or hear a soundcheck. We know how this band functions by now, so I don't expect them to switch it up. Slash's setlist pic that we saw would suggest there are not new songs on the way, as the only additions were Breakdown and New Rose. So I wouldn't hold your breath.

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I'd be very, very surprised if the guest is not going to be Elton on NR for old times sake and the nostalgia trend everywhere.

As for the "2 new songs by summer" hooha, yeah well, let's wait and see and most of all let's not get our hopes up by this.

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People really are setting themselves up for disappointment here. 

Assume the show will be identical, Glastonbury will be nothing but a regular show and there will be no new material, as that's the most likely way things will play out.

If anything different happens, great. But expecting new songs, special guests, Elton John playing with them, whatever other wild idea people may throw up on corners of the internet.....well that way let down lies. 

Edited by allwaystired
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