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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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6 hours ago, jamillos said:

You can ignore the fact that they used about 14 studios for CD sessions, and we've heard the fruits of a single one. You can ignore Tommy confirming that Axl worked on something in a studio every year. But ignoring the fact the management confirmed to some admins here (afaik) that the sequel was ready to go around 2012, that's rather silly. I understand the scepticism, but this is more like denial. 

The basic maths will then say that even if we're very strict here, we're talking about at least ten songs, out of which we may or may not have heard/received about one half. 

We know how many songs they had. It came from the only source worth listening to. Axl said in 2006 they had narrowed it down to 32 songs, 26 of which were done. Just subtract what we have from 32 and that's how many are left. bumble/dj all said they did nothing new after this period. 

32 minus CD (14) = 18

18 minus OMG and 4 NITL singles = 13

13 minus leaks (atlas, monsters, SOG, Going Down) = 9

9 songs we aren't certain about, though they could very well be from instrumentals (quick song oklahoma etc) we have heard or semi completed songs like nothing and eye on you. 

So in reality i would agree there are probably likely to be 3/4 songs we have not heard a single note of. that could be as low as 1, or it could be as high as 7/8 if none of those semi finished songs were carried on. 

14 studios were not used for 14 different sets of songs, it is most likely the same 60/70 instrumental songs using different amps, different environments and engineers etc with axl then picking 40 to finish with vocals and lyrics which by 2006 was the final 32. 

Edited by JimiRose
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5 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

We know how many songs they had. It came from the only source worth listening to. Axl said in 2006 they had narrowed it down to 32 songs, 26 of which were done. Just subtract what we have from 32 and that's how many are left. bumble/dj all said they did nothing new after this period. 

32 minus CD (14) = 18

18 minus OMG and 4 NITL singles = 13

13 minus leaks (atlas, monsters, SOG, Going Down) = 9

9 songs we aren't certain about, though they could very well be from instrumentals (quick song oklahoma etc) we have heard or semi completed songs like nothing and eye on you. 

So in reality i would agree there are probably likely to be 3/4 songs we have not heard a single note of. that could be as low as 1, or it could be as high as 7/8 if none of those semi finished songs were carried on. 

14 studios were not used for 14 different sets of songs, it is most likely the same 60/70 instrumental songs using different amps, different environments and engineers etc with axl then picking 40 to finish with vocals and lyrics which by 2006 was the final 32. 

That's better math, yes. And I wasn't suggesting he did 14 different sets of songs, but thinking it's just the minimum we've already heard is the opposite extreme. Granted a lot of the rest could be those instrumentals. 

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We also know the band worked on entirely new songs after the Village recordings, like Scraped. We wouldn't have heard of Scraped if it hadn't been included on CD. It is not unlikely other new songs were written after Village, but wasn't included on CD.

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44 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

We know how many songs they had. It came from the only source worth listening to. Axl said in 2006 they had narrowed it down to 32 songs, 26 of which were done. Just subtract what we have from 32 and that's how many are left. bumble/dj all said they did nothing new after this period. 

32 minus CD (14) = 18

18 minus OMG and 4 NITL singles = 13

13 minus leaks (atlas, monsters, SOG, Going Down) = 9

9 songs we aren't certain about, though they could very well be from instrumentals (quick song oklahoma etc) we have heard or semi completed songs like nothing and eye on you. 

So in reality i would agree there are probably likely to be 3/4 songs we have not heard a single note of. that could be as low as 1, or it could be as high as 7/8 if none of those semi finished songs were carried on. 

14 studios were not used for 14 different sets of songs, it is most likely the same 60/70 instrumental songs using different amps, different environments and engineers etc with axl then picking 40 to finish with vocals and lyrics which by 2006 was the final 32. 

That's pretty accurate

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56 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

We also know the band worked on entirely new songs after the Village recordings, like Scraped. We wouldn't have heard of Scraped if it hadn't been included on CD. It is not unlikely other new songs were written after Village, but wasn't included on CD.

If only we had not heard of scraped on CD

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2 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

We also know the band worked on entirely new songs after the Village recordings, like Scraped. We wouldn't have heard of Scraped if it hadn't been included on CD. It is not unlikely other new songs were written after Village, but wasn't included on CD.

I think though this comes under the 2006 32 songs, so i don't doubt that ideas came and were recorded between 00-06, but once we got to 06, the 32 were the final picks, and using all quotes from band members, they didn't write 'New' songs after this period. I hope it's closer to the 7/8 remaining completely unheard tracks, but it's most likely in between the lowest (1 or 2) and the highest. 

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4 hours ago, JimiRose said:

I think though this comes under the 2006 32 songs, so i don't doubt that ideas came and were recorded between 00-06, but once we got to 06, the 32 were the final picks, and using all quotes from band members, they didn't write 'New' songs after this period. I hope it's closer to the 7/8 remaining completely unheard tracks, but it's most likely in between the lowest (1 or 2) and the highest. 

In a 2014 interview with Axl:

“We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out,” Rose said in an interview with Revolver. “We’ve worked more on some of those things and we’ve written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call the second half of Chinese. That’s already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That’s been done for a while, too.”

Source: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/axl-rose-confirms-chinese-democracy-sequel-199109/

5 hours ago, vloors said:

If only we had not heard of scraped on CD

How could you say that? Save for the awkward intro, it's a straightforward rocker with some nice Bucket guitars and Axl vocal takes, and lyrics with a lot of depth to them. :P 

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I still don't get how anyone thought a remix album of CD was a banger of an idea. Just goes to show that there was not much else left to work on, if they feel like they want to go back to the already released songs which were yesterday's news by then.

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7 minutes ago, Spoon87 said:

I still don't get how anyone thought a remix album of CD was a banger of an idea. Just goes to show that there was not much else left to work on, if they feel like they want to go back to the already released songs which were yesterday's news by then.

Axl is a NIN fan, and they do remix albums, maybe he had that in mind? I agree it wasn't a great idea. Makes sense to have alt versions of songs for the CD re-release, which was planned on or around 2011. 

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9 hours ago, JimiRose said:

We know how many songs they had. It came from the only source worth listening to. Axl said in 2006 they had narrowed it down to 32 songs, 26 of which were done. Just subtract what we have from 32 and that's how many are left. bumble/dj all said they did nothing new after this period. 

32 minus CD (14) = 18

18 minus OMG and 4 NITL singles = 13

13 minus leaks (atlas, monsters, SOG, Going Down) = 9

9 songs we aren't certain about, though they could very well be from instrumentals (quick song oklahoma etc) we have heard or semi completed songs like nothing and eye on you. 

So in reality i would agree there are probably likely to be 3/4 songs we have not heard a single note of. that could be as low as 1, or it could be as high as 7/8 if none of those semi finished songs were carried on. 

14 studios were not used for 14 different sets of songs, it is most likely the same 60/70 instrumental songs using different amps, different environments and engineers etc with axl then picking 40 to finish with vocals and lyrics which by 2006 was the final 32. 

You're forgetting to count the remix album tracks. 

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I think it is so obvious what they've been doing. Slash & Duff picked out the songs they liked from ChiDem II, did what they did, and that's what we've been getting. According to Slash, which is still the most recent specific news regarding new music, they worked on 4-6 songs, and were going to release them individually as singles. Well we've got 4 so far. That leaves Atlas, Monsters, OMG & Goin Down that we know are finished with vocals. That's 22 songs. Add the remix album in, which have we ever confirmed if there were more remixes that didn't leak? And those remixes were assuredly part of Axl's total count, because by the time he talked of a remix album he had already dropped the "trilogy" talk. The "trilogy" by release time became 2 albums + a remix album. We currently have 22 accounted for songs across 2 albums. I forget how many remixes leaked, but include those (and if there are potentially more) and you're damn near close if not at Axl's 32 count. And this of course leaves room for the idea that songs like Oklahoma & Seven were indeed finished and ready for release. I think this sums up pretty well mine, and others opinion that there isn't much else that is finished with vocals from the ChiDem era to hear ....

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3 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

I think it is so obvious what they've been doing. Slash & Duff picked out the songs they liked from ChiDem II, did what they did, and that's what we've been getting. According to Slash, which is still the most recent specific news regarding new music, they worked on 4-6 songs, and were going to release them individually as singles. Well we've got 4 so far. That leaves Atlas, Monsters, OMG & Goin Down that we know are finished with vocals. That's 22 songs. Add the remix album in, which have we ever confirmed if there were more remixes that didn't leak? And those remixes were assuredly part of Axl's total count, because by the time he talked of a remix album he had already dropped the "trilogy" talk. The "trilogy" by release time became 2 albums + a remix album. We currently have 22 accounted for songs across 2 albums. I forget how many remixes leaked, but include those (and if there are potentially more) and you're damn near close if not at Axl's 32 count. And this of course leaves room for the idea that songs like Oklahoma & Seven were indeed finished and ready for release. I think this sums up pretty well mine, and others opinion that there isn't much else that is finished with vocals from the ChiDem era to hear ....

I don't believe Axl had the CD remix album included in the 32 tracks with 26 being nearly done in 2006.  In the same year with Eddie Trunk, Axl said they had finished 2.5 albums worth of material.  He also said the CD release would be one CD, so the double album idea was abandoned then, however, there was supposed to be three total albums as he told Baz in or around 2007 that The General was intended for the "third album", as it fit it lyrically, and said it would be out in 2012 or so. (Wouldn't that have been nice) They had worked on different versions of the same songs, since at least the Village material. There's probably 32 mixes of Zodiac 13 with 26 of them nearly done, if we count different mixes. 

What is interesting, and somewhat supportive of your theory, is in the leaked "CD2" song list, there are what appear to be remixes and/or alt mixes of songs from the first album, and Catcher being included suggests it was one of the songs that bounced between the first two albums. (Keep in mind the email from the screenshot is dated January, 2008, pre-release of the November, 23, 2008 album.) I'm sure songs bounced between the 2nd and 3rd albums too. There's an unleaked email about how many albums to release. I wonder if, at the time of the email, they were considering a special release of the subsequent album to include some remixes of songs on the first album. 




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51 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

I don't believe Axl had the CD remix album included in the 32 tracks with 26 being nearly done in 2006.  In the same year with Eddie Trunk, Axl said they had finished 2.5 albums worth of material.  He also said the CD release would be one CD, so the double album idea was abandoned then, however, there was supposed to be three total albums as he told Baz in or around 2007 that The General was intended for the "third album", as it fit it lyrically, and said it would be out in 2012 or so. (Wouldn't that have been nice) They had worked on different versions of the same songs, since at least the Village material. There's probably 32 mixes of Zodiac 13 with 26 of them nearly done, if we count different mixes. 

What is interesting, and somewhat supportive of your theory, is in the leaked "CD2" song list, there are what appear to be remixes and/or alt mixes of songs from the first album, and Catcher being included suggests it was one of the songs that bounced between the first two albums. (Keep in mind the email from the screenshot is dated January, 2008, pre-release of the November, 23, 2008 album.) I'm sure songs bounced between the 2nd and 3rd albums too. There's an unleaked email about how many albums to release. I wonder if, at the time of the email, they were considering a special release of the subsequent album to include some remixes of songs on the first album. 




After ChiDem was released Axl said it would be followed up with a second album released together with a remix album. In Nov '08 that ChiDem 2 should have already been finished and ready to go. It never materialized. Still a mystery to this day. But no ChiDem 2 ever releasing, and now over 10 years later getting just a few singles from that album, I think is further evidence that there definitely wasn't a 3rd album worth of material finished. 

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30 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

After ChiDem was released Axl said it would be followed up with a second album released together with a remix album. In Nov '08 that ChiDem 2 should have already been finished and ready to go. It never materialized. Still a mystery to this day. But no ChiDem 2 ever releasing, and now over 10 years later getting just a few singles from that album, I think is further evidence that there definitely wasn't a 3rd album worth of material finished. 

I agree, I think CD3 or the third album, was at most, a half a dozen songs (some with vocals). Of course for all we know it could be 12 complete songs, but I'd wager not, at least not songs intended for release. (There are several completed songs with vocals that I believe were abandoned during the CD-era, This I Love almost didn't make it...)

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9 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

I agree, I think CD3 or the third album, was at most, a half a dozen songs (some with vocals). Of course for all we know it could be 12 complete songs, but I'd wager not, at least not songs intended for release. (There are several completed songs with vocals that I believe were abandoned during the CD-era, This I Love almost didn't make it...)

Yeah, like I said, I think we already have / know of 3/4 of what ChiDem 2 was .. I think the idea of ChiDem 3 was abandoned long before 2008. I wish I was wrong too. I wish there was more. ChiDem is my favorite album of all time. But I just dont believe in Axl anymore. All these years I thought he was just sitting on 2-3 albums of material and was just a mad man. But NITL really jaded me. And when Absurd & Hardschool were released, Pele really convinced me what was going on. Axl never laid vocals on much else beyond those initial recording sessions in '98-'00. The ChiDem project for all intents & purposes was finished by the '02 tour. Then, for reasons still unknown, the tinkering for 6 years commenced. And for reasons still unknown, 10 years worth of work only ever produced 1 album. And the singles we're now getting are just tools to promote interest in touring. No artistic vision. No plan being acted on. Axl may have wanted them released eventually, but it's clear the passion is gone. And I believe Slash was being dead on accurate about these songs. He spoke so non chalant about them because he did the work years ago and forgot about it. Because they didnt really matter. But he said, very specifically, that they did a few songs, we already have 2, and that they're going to release another 1-2 and then another 1-2 and that'll be ALL of them. He couldn't remember how many he did because it was so irrelevant. Some think he worked on more. I don't. I think he was specific in that there's at minimum 4 and at max 6 .. We've got 4. They seem to be releasing them in 2 year increments. So we'll see next summer/fall what happens. There's a possibility we get no more, or we get one, or two more. If we get 1/2 more then I truly believe that will be that last official release of ChiDem material we here. 

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I think we get Monsters and Atlas and that's it. Don't see us getting anything else officially ever again in terms of original studio material, and certainly nothing that has been written from scratch by the NITLT line up. They may well try but I doubt they will be able to successfully work together from scratch. At most maybe a cover, and the world is hardly screaming out for another GN'R cover. Just give me leaks/ HQ releases of old stuff that we didn't get back then like Burnout ect & I'm happy.

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23 minutes ago, Rindmelon said:

I think we get Monsters and Atlas and that's it. Don't see us getting anything else officially ever again in terms of original studio material, and certainly nothing that has been written from scratch by the NITLT line up. They may well try but I doubt they will be able to successfully work together from scratch. At most maybe a cover, and the world is hardly screaming out for another GN'R cover. Just give me leaks/ HQ releases of old stuff that we didn't get back then like Burnout ect & I'm happy.

I mean we are probably getting that Children of the Revolution cover Axl, Slash & Duff did with Zak Starkey, Elton John & Ringo Starr. 

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10 minutes ago, Steff_66 said:

I mean we are probably getting that Children of the Revolution cover Axl, Slash & Duff did with Zak Starkey, Elton John & Ringo Starr. 


And we're 2 months away from Axl vocals on the Michael Schenker song, at most.

Slash's new album (and tour) is fantastic, Wichita Lineman is one of the best songs in GNR's live set... I would absolutely prefer a covers record or EP over more frankensteined leftovers.

A full new album isn't happening, though.

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13 minutes ago, Steff_66 said:

I mean we are probably getting that Children of the Revolution cover Axl, Slash & Duff did with Zak Starkey, Elton John & Ringo Starr. 

possibly but that isn't GN'R, we're getting the Schenker songs too but I don't count those either. I just mean stuff recorded and released specifically as GN'R is all. Would love to be wrong of course

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3 hours ago, Rindmelon said:

I think we get Monsters and Atlas and that's it. Don't see us getting anything else officially ever again in terms of original studio material, and certainly nothing that has been written from scratch by the NITLT line up. They may well try but I doubt they will be able to successfully work together from scratch. At most maybe a cover, and the world is hardly screaming out for another GN'R cover. Just give me leaks/ HQ releases of old stuff that we didn't get back then like Burnout ect & I'm happy.

I’d love to get a studio Wichita 

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1 hour ago, jamillos said:

Folks, I’ve said it before, but every released cover version is effectively a track taking up space for an original GNR tune. Think about it. 
I’ve personally had it with covers. It’s not like the band’s released zillions of albums with their own songs as it is. 

Agree please NNNOOO more tired covers!!!!!!!!

Original GNR songs please. PLEASE

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2 hours ago, jamillos said:

Folks, I’ve said it before, but every released cover version is effectively a track taking up space for an original GNR tune. Think about it. 
I’ve personally had it with covers. It’s not like the band’s released zillions of albums with their own songs as it is. 

I don’t think that’s how it works, is not like you either get one or the other. 
If they had original songs they wanted to put out, I don’t think recording a cover would be what stops them. 
its pretty clear to me that we should treasure anything that comes at this point, I’d rather have a cover of Wichita rather than nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Lelex95 said:

I don’t think that’s how it works, is not like you either get one or the other. 
If they had original songs they wanted to put out, I don’t think recording a cover would be what stops them. 
its pretty clear to me that we should treasure anything that comes at this point, I’d rather have a cover of Wichita rather than nothing. 

I think it's debatable at the very least. And that "it's not like you either get one or the other" could be applied to your last sentence... 

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