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"The General" is officially delayed... but "The General" AND "Monsters" is (unofficially) out of the bag

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1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

I just assumed that the initial delay with the release of Perhaps was because the physical copies were delayed, so in turn they slowed down the digital release in order to line things up.

Why was the digital release delayed is my question.

As for this new delay... I mean it just seems to happen at every opportunity so I guess we were a bit naive to think this wouldn't be any different 

Perhaps was delayed because of a problem with coordinating between the streaming services, I am sure.

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34 minutes ago, Fallen Angel said:

No email about a delay in the UK. Just contacted the Euroshop customer services and was told that they arent aware of any delay with the Perhaps / General 7 inch however as i had ordered the magic 8 ball at the same time its been delayed to 1st December and they wont be sending either part of the order until then. Just had them cancel the Magic 8 ball and now they say the Vinyl will be shipped in the next 1 to 2 working days.... Somehow i doubt it tho...

Ive just emailed Uk universal too, if its pushed back the website definately should not have been updated THIS MORNING to say its now in stock!

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31 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

Soul Monster is a souless nuthugging fernando loving axl sucking monster. He could have been great, but he chose the path of being a bitch. he truly is the last of his kind though on this forum. the great wall of team brazil. 

I don't know if it is a lack of comprehension on your part that misunderstands my criticism of people's overreaction with a defense of Team Brazil, or rather Axl. At no point in this discussion have I defended the fact that there is a delay in getting the single out. Ultimately, this is Team Brazil's responsibility...and Axl's responsibility for curbing their ability to communicate (and engaging them in the first place). I have numerous times pointed our that the band is dysfunctional and that we should expect the absolute minimum. But all this valid criticism of TB and Axl is drowned out because people get so upset because I dare to point out the irrationality of them cancelling their order and the overall hysteria here over the trivial matter of a song being a bit delayed :lol:

33 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

Why would people want their money held up in a product they may not receive, when they were only told they weren't getting it the day it was supposed to be released? 

The sensible option is to get your money back. If the product actually ends up released, then buy it then. 

I'm certainly not allowing my money to sit in someone's account until December when it's quite possible I might be told it isn't available again then on the day it is supposed to be released. I'd rather have the money in my account until there is proof the product exists. 

In short- I don't trust the GNR organisations ability to deliver my product anymore. They're welcome to prove me wrong, and if they do, I'll buy that product. 

Then they might as well just have not preordered it in the first place :lol: 

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Just now, SoulMonster said:

I don't know if it is a lack of comprehension on your part that misunderstands my criticism of people's overreaction with a defense of Team Brazil, or rather Axl. At no point in this discussion have I defended the fact that there is a delay in getting the single out. Ultimately, this is Team Brazil's responsibility...and Axl's responsibility for curbing their ability to communicate (and engaging them in the first place). I have numerous times pointed our that the band is dysfunctional and that we should expect the absolute minimum. But all this valid criticism of TB and Axl is drowned out because people get so upset because I dare to point out the irrationality of them cancelling their order and the overall hysteria here over the trivial matter of a song being a bit delayed :lol:

Why is it irrational for people to want their money back for a product they have paid for and don't believe they will receive any time soon? 

I'd file that as 'normal' personally. 

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11 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

It is not defending them to point out that they are not empowered to make announcement. They work on directions from Axl. It is what it is. Blame Axl for telling them to not make announcement.


You keep passing off your opinions as facts, while you know fuck all, like the rest of us. You don’t know whether Axl oversees every tiniest business move, and if I’m to use logic, I say he doesn’t. That’s what he hired TB for. Say what you want, they are a bunch of incompetent, arrogant hacks. Way too many examples in the past to think otherwise. 
Btw I’m not buying this alter ego of yours, Jarmo. :) 
Also, I should know better than to get into one of the pointless arguments with you again. Nevermore, quoth the raven. 

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Just now, allwaystired said:

Why is it irrational for people to want their money back for a product they have paid for and don't believe they will receive any time soon? 

I'd file that as 'normal' personally. 

Because the song's quality isn't affected by this delay so if they think they would have enjoyed it when they preordered the single a few months back they are just as likely to enjoy it when it probably is released in a month or so; and if they were fine to preorder the song back then and waiting for it to be released they should be just as fine with waiting a bit more; and if it turns out it isn't released at all they will of course have the money refunded. Only if their financial situation has changed and they need those $15 does it make sense to cancel. No, this has nothing to do with all of this, this is about people being butthurt so they aimlessly lash out hoping to hurt the band somehow, but it doesn't work that way. 

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Just now, bumcheecksmcghee said:

Leak it !!!!!

Leak it!!!!!

*the email 


don't want any problem sorry...
but that's a nice email, very well done, I hope everyone will receive it, only one very annoying part : the date 

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Just now, jamillos said:

You keep passing off your opinions as facts, while you know fuck all, like the rest of us. You don’t know whether Axl oversees every tiniest business move, and if I’m to use logic, I say he doesn’t. That’s what he hired TB for. Say what you want, they are a bunch of incompetent, arrogant hacks. Way too many examples in the past to think otherwise. 
Btw I’m not buying this alter ego of yours, Jarmo. :) 
Also, I should know better than to get into one of the pointless arguments with you again. Nevermore, quoth the raven. 

I have never said Axl oversees every tiniest business move. Far from it, I think he leaves a lot to TB. But not communication. He wants the entire camp to keep mum, himself, Slash and Duff, Team Brazil, crew, old band members, etc. This is rather obvious. Just consider how silent Slash and Duff are re: GN'R matter compared how willing they are to discuss other projects. Just look at all people under NDAs. Just look at Axl's own comments regarding the press and why he stays away from talking. It is self-evident. 

I have never said TB aren't "a bunch of incompetent, arrogant hacks" :lol: I haven't said anything to defend TB in this thread at all (except maybe shift the blame to Axl) - this is just people who can't handle me criticising their irrational overreaction so they somehow convince themselves the criticism of them is really a defense of TB. I suppose it makes it easier for them to deal with.

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Somehow I've got the feeling December 8th is still not a surefire release date, if the problem really is vinyl production and nothing else, then 6 weeks is still a bit low to catch up on that, some bands take 6 months to ship your vinyl due to these problems

Edited by StrangerInThisTown
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9 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

The german site still lists release and shipping 11.03.23 

Lmfao if its gonna be released here first :lol:

I think it's just slow communication between facilities worldwide because GNRs management is a shitshow, it's not coming out in some countries earlier than the US unless there's a mistake

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15 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Because the song's quality isn't affected by this delay so if they think they would have enjoyed it when they preordered the single a few months back they are just as likely to enjoy it when it probably is released in a month or so; and if they were fine to preorder the song back then and waiting for it to be released they should be just as fine with waiting a bit more; and if it turns out it isn't released at all they will of course have the money refunded. Only if their financial situation has changed and they need those $15 does it make sense to cancel. No, this has nothing to do with all of this, this is about people being butthurt so they aimlessly lash out hoping to hurt the band somehow, but it doesn't work that way. 

What's enjoyment of the song got to do with any of this? 

At this point I'm pretty sure you're just trolling, but if you really can't understand why people want their money back for something they no longer trust will be released then feel free to keep banging that drum. For whatever weird reason you choose to do so. 



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At the end of the day, it's all completely Axls fault. Once he wrestled full control of the band for himself, all of these things have become the norm. 

Silence, no communication, NDA's, failure to release music, delays, no promotion. I have a feeling we'll never quite understand why these things are so difficult for him and so simple for everyone else, including his own band members on their own projects 


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7 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

What's enjoyment of the song got to do with any of this? 

At this point I'm pretty sure you're just trolling, but if you really can't understand why people want their money back for something they no longer trust will be released then feel free to keep banging that drum. For whatever weird reason you choose to do so. 

They don't know it won't be released, it is just emotions running wild because of a delay, so they have nothing to lose from just waiting and see. If it turns out it won't be released, the money will be refunded anyway.

But yeah, if they really are so confident it won't come out then surely it is important to have all those $15 returned ASAP so it can go into the bank and earn them interests :lol: 

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1 minute ago, tommyrai said:

No email in UK for me no spam no junk no nothing, so I assume it's out in December 


Nothing since the order confirmation back in August.


If it's a legit issue with stuff being pressed and such then I get that it's something outwith the bands control.

However, it's not like they wouldn't have known about this for a while.


Putting out a short statement ahead of time to make fans who'd purchased it wouldn't have been that difficult.

Just letting the date go by without bothering their arse to actually let people know is bollocks.

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The thing that really pisses me off is that the smallest indie bands in the smallest towns in the world have no issues releasing music, but one of the biggest bands in rock history just can’t get their shit together. Ever. 

Then again, other bands also have real managers, so there’s also that. 

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