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anybody else pissed off by Izzy?

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I cherish his one-offs with NuGNR. He doesn’t like the limelight at all, wants no attention, I respect that. It’s a real shame he can’t be onstage with the current lineup though. As OP said, the band is buttoned up and professional now, Izzy could probably roll with that. One day, hopefully 

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I'm cool with letting Ozzy be retired or whatever his current status is. that's his business and I'm happy if he's happy.  


but what pisses me off is how GNR is such an fan UNfriendly band. and I put Izzy at the absolute throne of that statement.  Guy doesn't interact with fans on social media.  Ducks autograph requests.  Has any fan even taken a photo with the guy in the last 25 years???

Does anyone remember that Izzy film one of the forum members created a year or two and tried to get it to Izzy?  No luck there.  Or how about that fan petition. asking Izzy to play a set (even online)?   Izzy didn't even acknowledge it.  I find it hard to believe he didn't know about either considering I accidentally stumbled upon both while sitting on the toilet and he had multiple people reaching out to him.


He doesn't want to be bothered, then fine. But he needs to keep in mind that royalty money is still coming in because of GNR fans.  Would be nice to get some kind of occasional acknowledgement once in a while.  

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Izzy left the band when I was 7 years old and has largely been out of the industry since I was old enough to buy albums.


Some people around here talk about him like he is a mythical creature, but idk. I hope he is living a comfortable life and is happy but he really isn't someone I spend a lot of time thinking about.  People are upset he didn't rejoin the band when he hasn't even really toured at all in the last 30 years.


Glad he was around from 83-91 tho.

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Izzy is Izzy, I guess kudos to him. He delivers the most bland middle of the road uninspired rnr which is fine when you put him in a band role. Hard to imagine him in gnr today, I'm very indifferent about him, he's living his best life it seems, good on him.

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I understand him not wanting to tour, it's not a lifestyle for everyone and it's clearly not for him, but I think it's a shame he did go on stage with Velvet Revolver and nu-GnR but not with the current GnR. Even if it's just for one or two songs like Steven did. It would mean a lot to many GnR fans, and it really wouldn't be that big of a deal. 

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