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2 minutes ago, Unagi said:

Where'd the rumour come from that The General was about Tommy or a tribute or something? I saw that over and over on various forums. 

And then we get this weird ass shit 

He was referred to as "The General" in that he was band leader in regards to rehearsal and such. Folk just assumed it was a nod to him before Brain clarified it.

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3 minutes ago, Unagi said:

Where'd the rumour come from that The General was about Tommy or a tribute or something? I saw that over and over on various forums. 

And then we get this weird ass shit 

It was a loose connection based on the fact that Tommy’s nickname at rehearsals was ‘The General’ because he was basically the MD.

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1 minute ago, LandOla said:

From Youtube:


The last two songs from the Beltrami suite. The first song is "The General". The second was called "Leave Me Alone" at the moment of recording. Later on, was renamed as "Monsters".

It's a troll, he always commented on other videos explaining things like Soul Monster was In this Grave and this kind of things

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After dozens of listens (because I’m a deprived weirdo like everyone else here) I personally prefer the general. Monsters is much more suited for radio airplay though. I could see that song actually being successful if they released it as a single on its own.

My expectations for the general were never high. I never understood why that was what this forum considered the holy grail. I always was more interested in soul monster, Oklahoma, and Zodiac. But, I was wrong. I might be biased because it’s new but the general might be one of my favorite GnR songs

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8 hours ago, bumcheecksmcghee said:

Which song comes first you think? I wanna try an join the two tracks together and make an 8 minute epic, 1 song thing lol.. I'd have thought the general first which ends an seeps into the darker monster? 

I can see the General + Monsters+ Shacklers Revenge being a trilogy.

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9 hours ago, Eric Cantona said:

Ok boomer

Guess I’m a boomer too, and I like CD and this new stuff, but if you don’t agree that the reason GNR are relevant at all is 87-93, you are in fact in the 1 percent. You can prefer whatever you like of course, and I would never look down on that. Without 87-93, no one would have ever dreamt of financing the whole CD fiasco, and I say that as a fan of CD.

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2 hours ago, Amir said:

I think they work better as two separate songs. I know they’re thematically the same but it’s like listening to Estranged right after November Rain

I disagree. I mean I agree that playing Estranged right after November Rain doesn't work particularly well, but that's because those are both lengthy epic songs. It's a bit too much listening to them back to back. The General and Monsters on the other hand are pretty short on their own. And quite frankly they sound incomplete without the other if you ask me. Listening to only the other song without the other almost feels like listening to only the "don't you think that ya need somebody" part on November Rain on it's own. Or you know the first part of November Rain on it's own. It feels like something is missing. Together The General and Monsters are a masterpiece in my opinion. Individually they're just okay.

But everyone is of course entitled to their own opinions. Personally I wish that there was actually some instrumental part that would tie these songs together. Following The General, I wish that the orchestral background music would take over seamlessly transitioning into Monsters.

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