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Axl Sued For Sexual Assault

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On 11/22/2023 at 8:56 AM, Italian girl said:

34 years later 

34 years of silence, 34 years of paaaiiiin, 34 years that are gone forever, and I'll never have agaiiiaannnn. 

On 11/22/2023 at 8:56 AM, Italian girl said:

34 years later 


On 11/22/2023 at 8:56 AM, Italian girl said:

34 years later 


On 11/22/2023 at 8:56 AM, Italian girl said:

34 years later 


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On 11/22/2023 at 4:51 PM, VampireSoul said:

Erin has been very pro Axl and anti Stephanie since around the reunion, she even made a remark that basically said she was manipulated by team Stephanie to sue Axl and regrets it. Wish I could find it. She also gave a statement defending Axl in some other case not so long ago and commented on Stephanies sons instagram post pretty angrily. So no I don't think Erin is gonna show up again... But then again, who knows. 


She made a few comments like that, on her now deleted IG @esperly_.

A fan account tagged her on a picture with Axl, wishing that her and Axl would reunite.

@esperly_ replied "same".



And here she makes an angry IG post at Stephanie Seymour's son, because he posted a caption which Erin apparently perceived as taking a jab at Axl. 


Edited by meadsoap
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29 minutes ago, meadsoap said:


She made a few comments like that, on her now deleted IG @esperly_.

A fan account tagged her on a picture with Axl, wishing that her and Axl would reunite.

@esperly_ replied "same".



And here she makes an angry IG post at Stephanie Seymour's son, because he posted a caption which Erin apparently perceived as taking a jab at Axl. 


We also know that she reconnected with Axl in person around the time these posts were made. All this happened around 2016. In 2017, Erin unfollowed Slash and Meegan, deleted pictures of Axl from her account, and ultimately deactivated her IG. She hasn't been seen since. 

So as it relates to this case, I don't know if Erin would be willing to defend Axl in this kind of case on the unlikely possibility she somehow gets involved. Maybe if she and Axl reconciled again between 2017 and now.


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58 minutes ago, meadsoap said:

And here she makes an angry IG post at Stephanie Seymour's son, because he posted a caption which Erin apparently perceived as taking a jab at Axl. 


Was the second screenshot an updated version of the same post where she added the stuff about the subpoena?

28 minutes ago, meadsoap said:

We also know that she reconnected with Axl in person around the time these posts were made. All this happened around 2016.

I've read that she and Axl talked on the phone around that time, but I haven't heard about them meeting in person.


In 2017, Erin unfollowed Slash and Meegan, deleted pictures of Axl from her account, and ultimately deactivated her IG. She hasn't been seen since. 

So as it relates to this case, I don't know if Erin would be willing to defend Axl in this kind of case on the unlikely possibility she somehow gets involved. Maybe if she and Axl reconciled again between 2017 and now.

This is all so bizarre. I wonder what happened there.

It's highly unlikely that Erin (or Stephanie) will get involved in this.

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3 hours ago, meadsoap said:


She made a few comments like that, on her now deleted IG @esperly_.

A fan account tagged her on a picture with Axl, wishing that her and Axl would reunite.

@esperly_ replied "same".


That's my fan account that I used when I was a teen, how time flies...Lots of times Erin used to comment on some of my posts about Axl, their relationship etc. 


Back in bussiness now, I don't think that she or even Stephanie will have any word on this situation goin' on right now. I believe that even Axl don't want them too, especially Stephanie for his own reasons. It's crazy how all that happened after a very great year for the band (well I wasn't surprised about Fernando though:tongue2:). We all know about young Axl's behaviour but that lady has 3 different versions for the same story. Crazy at least. 

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" To the above-named defendant:
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve
a copy of your answer upon the attorneys for the plaintiff at the address stated below.
If this summons was personally delivered to you in the State of New York, you must
serve the answer within twenty (20) days after such service, exclusive of the day of service. If
this summons was not personally delivered to you in the State of New York, you must serve
your answer within thirty (30) days after the service of the summons is complete, as provided
by law.
If you do not serve an answer to the attached complaint within the applicable time
limitation stated above, a judgement may be entered against you, by default, for the relief
demanded in the complaint.
Plaintiff designates NEW YORK COUNTY as the place of trial. Venue is proper as a
substantial part of the acts or omissions giving rise to Plaintiff’s claims took place in New York
County. "

Looks like we will see what Axl's side will say soon enough.

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8 hours ago, Blackstar said:

Was the second screenshot an updated version of the same post where she added the stuff about the subpoena?

I've read that she and Axl talked on the phone around that time, but I haven't heard about them meeting in person.

This is all so bizarre. I wonder what happened there.

It's highly unlikely that Erin (or Stephanie) will get involved in this.

To your first question, yes. I have a hard time figuring out what she's trying to say in either caption, and the added stuff about the subpoena didn't help lol. I didn't even know Erin had this kind of animosity toward Stephanie until that post.

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56 minutes ago, meadsoap said:

To your first question, yes. I have a hard time figuring out what she's trying to say in either caption, and the added stuff about the subpoena didn't help lol. I didn't even know Erin had this kind of animosity toward Stephanie until that post.


It stems from the time when Erin was subpoenaed in Stephanie's deposition back in '94. Stephanie supposedly manipulated Erin to testify against Axl, even to open her own case against him. (Which ironically confirmed what Dr. Suzy told Axl, that Stephanie and Erin had already ganged up on Axl in a past life and that they were still out to destroy him in this life) 

I guess Erin felt manipulated by Stephanie later on and changed her mind - and then changed her mind yet again, later on when she auctioned off all that personal stuff from Axl. She doesn't seem to be the most rational and healthy person, having police records in two states. 

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2 hours ago, meadsoap said:

That auction happened before the Instagram posts I shared.

Also, I don't think that's a fair characterization of Erin. If I can sympathize with how Axl past of being abused led him to act in erratic and volatile ways, than I can extend the same sympathy to Erin. Axl's abusive childhood may have lead him to internalize those behaviors and think of them as normal, and he repeated it in his relationship with Erin. Erin's abusive relationship with Axl might have normalized it for her, and explains her own domestic violence arrests. They call it a "cycle of abuse" for a reason. 

Agree. Not one person in all this is free from their own issues and we probably shouldn't post old IG arguments without mentioning that Harry Brant died. Whatever he meant by that post doesn't really matter now.

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On 11/25/2023 at 1:56 AM, evilfacelessturtle said:

Abused girlfriends and wives stay with their abuser ALL. THE. TIME

No they do not. Some may (sadly) but for you to say “ALL. THE. TIME” is a little presumptuous. Also what about abused boyfriends and husbands? Why so one sided here?

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I think after her marriage to another man had come to an end, and with GNR getting back together and Meegan getting back together with Slash, Erin started to feel nostalgic for her youth and for whatever good times she had with Axl. It's understandable, but hopefully for her own sake she's found a way to move on since then.

13 hours ago, AxlRQ93 said:

Would be so nice if they got back together :)

Would you feel the same way if it was your sister or daughter? Would you advise them to get back together with an abusive ex-husband?

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21 minutes ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

I think after her marriage to another man had come to an end, and with GNR getting back together and Meegan getting back together with Slash, Erin started to feel nostalgic for her youth and for whatever good times she had with Axl. It's understandable, but hopefully for her own sake she's found a way to move on since then.

Would you feel the same way if it was your sister or daughter? Would you advise them to get back together with an abusive ex-husband?

If it was over 35 years later after the relationship had ended and both participants were demonstrably much different people than they were decades ago, then I think that would be their business and no one else's. 

And it wasn't a sudden whim for Erin. She was attending GnR shows before the reunion happened and before Meegan got together with Slash again too.

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2 hours ago, meadsoap said:

That auction happened before the Instagram posts I shared.

Also, I don't think that's a fair characterization of Erin. If I can sympathize with how Axl past of being abused led him to act in erratic and volatile ways, than I can extend the same sympathy to Erin. Axl's abusive childhood may have lead him to internalize those behaviors and think of them as normal, and he repeated it in his relationship with Erin. Erin's abusive relationship with Axl might have normalized it for her, and explains her own domestic violence arrests. They call it a "cycle of abuse" for a reason. 


Fair enough. However, my reply was to the discussion about Erin's animosity towards Stephanie. My assessment of Erin - which is a fair one, given her 180's towards Axl, given her police records, given her witchcraft etc, - does not take away from the fact and my awareness that Axl has his own issues. He's been working on his issues though. I have no knowledge of whether Erin's done the same. 

Cycle of abuse is a popular belief because it seems to apply in many cases. However, I'm living proof that it does not apply in all cases. I have never abused anyone in my entire life. And I know the same to be true about people I've met that come from the same background. Because we've gone through what we've gone through we became awake and aware much earlier than most of our peers and lead a life of constant (self-)reflection. Constant analyzing - us and others. Constant feeling shame and guilt - because victims of early abuse often feel they've done something to cause the abuse. Most of us said very early on - because I know how it feels I'll never want anyone else to go through the same.

I remember this letter where Axl wrote Erin from on the road that he's reading a book that helps him understand his own issues caused by the abuse. You could feel his relief in his words and he asked Erin to read the book too before they were going to have children. He analyzed his own temper by observing and comparing himself to the ("harsh") people in Germany (his mother's home country), he studied himself and his issues, something that is common in abused and/or neglected children. She sells the letter, just like she sold his letter he wrote her after a suicide attempt, you could still see where his tears had washed out the ink. She sold love notes, even their wedding tape. In my book this is not only cruel but also not very intelligent and it also makes me wonder where her own self-respect is. She was part of the relationship, it is her life too. 

But this is not the topic of the thread. 

We all have a choice. And if we talk about other people and sympathizing with them -  the same should be extended to Harry and to Stephanie, for losing him. Erin's lashing out at someone after that person has been wished a happy birthday by her own child shows (at last to me) again how immature and unstable she is. If you have something to resolve with Stephanie, do so. Do it with her and in person, not on a public internet platform.

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7 hours ago, D4NNY said:

No they do not. Some may (sadly) but for you to say “ALL. THE. TIME” is a little presumptuous. Also what about abused boyfriends and husbands? Why so one sided here?

We're talking about a woman. The gender doesn't matter, but the fact that you're grasping for a "gotcha" says everything.

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On 11/25/2023 at 6:04 PM, JAxlMorrison said:

You’re aware that a one night stand is different than a relationship where people invest time and more in the other person, right?

No shit, Sherlock. You're aware that a starstruck young person might overlook bad behavior to sleep with the biggest rockstar on earth, right?

On 11/24/2023 at 9:15 PM, Avillart said:

Oh I do know a thing or two about the legal system. Again, I come from a family of lawyers. 

This woman was not a battered wife/girlfriend or in any way dependent on Axl. She went out to have fun with a rock star trophy who was at the peak of his financial success - see the documents quoted - and she decided to "have fun with him". She can't identify the hotel where the alleged assault happened and initiated sex with him after having established that he was on "all kinds of drugs" and "ready to explode". She even got a warning by his friend not to "go in there". He assaults her, she's in pain and bleeding but "is weirdly OK with it" and keeps having sex with her rapist. 

Really? LOL

But yeah, her lawyers might just try "Stockholm Syndrome".... 

So you think a starstruck young person wouldn't have any reason to ignore bad behavior of a rockstar? That's literally what she's referring to by saying she was "weirdly okay with it".

Why should she remember the hotel? Do you remember what hotel you stayed at for one night 30 years ago?

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19 minutes ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

You're aware that a starstruck young person might overlook bad behavior to sleep with the biggest rockstar on earth, right?

She wasn't starstruck though, according to her. She was just attracted to him a lot. She said she didn't even know who he was (and his rockstar status) And she wasn't someone who would have been easily starstruck since, according to her book, she had dated or slept with a few famous people (Paul Stanley, Michael Jay Fox, Tom Jones among others) before that night with Axl.


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1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

She wasn't starstruck though, according to her. She was just attracted to him a lot. She said she didn't even know who he was (and his rockstar status) And she wasn't someone who would have been easily starstruck since, according to her book, she had dated or slept with a few famous people (Paul Stanley, Michael Jay Fox, Tom Jones among others) before that night with Axl.


Yeah, but that photo of her and Axl demonstrates he was in fact a cutie. 

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1 hour ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

So you think a starstruck young person wouldn't have any reason to ignore bad behavior of a rockstar? That's literally what she's referring to by saying she was "weirdly okay with it".

Why should she remember the hotel? Do you remember what hotel you stayed at for one night 30 years ago?


She wasn't starstruck. According to one of her versions she didn't even know who he was - see also Blackstar's reply above - and in another version she made it quite clear that he was a trophy to her and the reason why she and her friend went to that club to begin with. As for the "young" person - she's Axl's age, she was no child. And she made it a sport to sleep with people in the industry - her book is a kiss-and-tell.


As for your question regarding the hotel - see my post below from last week:


On 11/23/2023 at 2:55 AM, Avillart said:

Well, let's see where this is going but in court she should make up her mind about details and not come with "it could have been the Pierre." LOL  The Pierre is a NYC landmark, used as a location in many movies and unique. Could have been the Pierre? I also met him at a hotel and I'll never forget the name of that hotel for the rest of my life. 


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