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Prince Appreciation


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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, D4NNY said:

Very true, they could have done that but maybe they just felt that editing or censoring his work would be worse than not releasing it at all, maybe out of respect? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ And I definitely don’t find it horrible or offensive, I believe it’s all ‘tongue in cheek’ as they say, and as you said ‘82 was a very different time/world. I even played it for my partner earlier and when it got to that part she had a massive smile on her face and just said “wow, no way” 😂 A bit of shock lyrically but she really enjoyed it ha!

As for the HnR version it definitely has his more mature sound but having listened to it just now yeah you’re so right, that guitar on the original is just incredible. Original wins!

Yea...sometimes lyrics can be taken out of context or too literally...

For example, I personally see why OIAM can be seen as a racist song but I also can understand it from a young Axl just off the greyhound point of view too...it's just clumsily worded, isn't it ...

Interesting to hear your partner's take....and I guess her reaction was exactly what P was wanting to illicit by saying that in 1982....a reaction your partner gave in 2024 but some wouldn't....but I do think this era of trigger warnings and over protecting folk of old films and art (many that carry 18 or "R" certs already...) in general is gonna be looked back on with disdain! I agree with Ralph Finnes and others recent push back....

I think era is everything and we shouldn't whitewash history, rather learn from it and we can only do that by seeing it as it was....original form.

There are things happening today that will be frowned on in a decade, we can guarantee that...

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34 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

Also have you bought/seen the whole of GSlam '92 yet? Let me know if not... @D4NNY

I’ve seen a number of clips on YouTube but I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t seen it all yet! 😅 from what I have seen though it’s incredible. I think my favourite so far is Sexy MF, the faces he makes, the charisma and his sense of humour just makes it so enjoyable 


On 5/20/2024 at 9:34 PM, colonizedmind said:

The other one we missed on from the 1999 SDE...play this one for your significant other....😸


This one she’s heard before, it’s one we both enjoy. She has no choice though in what she hears when she gets in the car 😂

19 hours ago, colonizedmind said:

However....get your hand in the air....



And damn that was funky! I can’t help but feel sadness though when I see a performance from ‘13-‘16. Just reminds me what a shame it is that he left us so early, that level of energy and pure talent right up to the end. He could have had so many more years of fun and creativity 😔

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Posted (edited)
On 5/22/2024 at 6:26 PM, D4NNY said:

I’ve seen a number of clips on YouTube but I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t seen it all yet! 😅 from what I have seen though it’s incredible. I think my favourite so far is Sexy MF, the faces he makes, the charisma and his sense of humour just makes it so enjoyable 


This one she’s heard before, it’s one we both enjoy. She has no choice though in what she hears when she gets in the car 😂

And damn that was funky! I can’t help but feel sadness though when I see a performance from ‘13-‘16. Just reminds me what a shame it is that he left us so early, that level of energy and pure talent right up to the end. He could have had so many more years of fun and creativity 😔

Edit: That version of Lust U had been remixed by a fan who has the tech to really improve these bootleg demos (until we get from the source) by getting the AI to split the stems and then remixing and rendering out the flaws. Big improvement on BFTP previous.

Oh for sure....he would be going as old Mick is these days....so easily another 15 years at his top and potentially 25 of making great records and producing interesting shows, adapting for his age....Piano and Mic and ideas like that would of given new direction and rest, to the status quo high energy ones....when you have that much talent at your finger tips, you have options!

You haven't? 😯😯😯

Ok! It's a tough one to keep up because of copyright issues (no shit!)

Get watching/downloading. This is the full gig sans NC2U...if you watch it in a oner, it'll change your life again on just how good he was (hate that word!) honestly it's truly friggin amazeballs

500 ppl club gig, frantic camera dudes that had no prep (gets better angles as it goes) but still it was shot on 35mm and rescanned at 2K (the proper Blu-ray is much better than this render but still the close ups are awesome!!) 

Won't stay up for that long I'd imagine....

NC2U separate.


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Posted (edited)
On 5/20/2024 at 8:28 PM, D4NNY said:

Very true, they could have done that but maybe they just felt that editing or censoring his work would be worse than not releasing it at all, maybe out of respect? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ And I definitely don’t find it horrible or offensive, I believe it’s all ‘tongue in cheek’ as they say, and as you said ‘82 was a very different time/world. I even played it for my partner earlier and when it got to that part she had a massive smile on her face and just said “wow, no way” 😂 A bit of shock lyrically but she really enjoyed it ha!

As for the HnR version it definitely has his more mature sound but having listened to it just now yeah you’re so right, that guitar on the original is just incredible. Original wins!

Also on the note of controversial material...I had heard the reason Lust U and Extra were left off was due to the suspect lines and meanings behind...in fact they were remastered and were ready to go, so while maybe not being released in a showcase boxset, they could/should still be put out on streaming with trigger warning (if bloody needed) BUT thst reasoning fell down for me, as the Estate happily put out and promoted "Schoolyard" which arguably is even more crude, exploitive and "questionable" but perhaps gets a pass as it doesn't use as triggering a word as rape? 

I think unless very good reason, art should NOT be censored, history in general... As the listener in the end should be the objective ear to take from it what we will and usually these things are not meant formally or or in 1st person, I find....usually it's a story. @D4NNY

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1 hour ago, colonizedmind said:

Also on the note of controversial material...I had heard the reason Lust U and Extra were left off was due to the suspect lines and meanings behind...in fact they were remastered and were ready to go, so while maybe not being released in a showcase boxset, they could/should still be put out on streaming with trigger warning (if bloody needed) BUT thst reasoning fell down for me, as the Estate happily put out and promoted "Schoolyard" which arguably is even more crude, exploitive and "questionable" but perhaps gets a pass as it doesn't use as triggering a word as rape? 

I think unless very good reason, art should NOT be censored, history in general... As the listener in the end should be the objective ear to take from it what we will and usually these things are not meant formally or or in 1st person, I find....usually it's a story. @D4NNY

Extremely weird they have left off certain tracks that could have easily been added and enjoyed as they seem pretty popular among the big fans. As for Schoolyard (man, I love that one) I guess some people could listen and nitpick the “she was only 14” and sexual talk about her but he’s singing as his 16 year old self was viewing her at that point in time so it’s a tough one. Had Michael have written that it would be world news and “bombshell” adding to all those sick allegations. Like you said though, music can be a story and with certain tracks you need to view it as one or else things get misconstrued.
Maybe (hopefully) they have other plans down the line to release stand alone albums of all those unreleased gems. (That’s the dream anyway!)

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1 hour ago, D4NNY said:

Extremely weird they have left off certain tracks that could have easily been added and enjoyed as they seem pretty popular among the big fans. As for Schoolyard (man, I love that one) I guess some people could listen and nitpick the “she was only 14” and sexual talk about her but he’s singing as his 16 year old self was viewing her at that point in time so it’s a tough one. Had Michael have written that it would be world news and “bombshell” adding to all those sick allegations. Like you said though, music can be a story and with certain tracks you need to view it as one or else things get misconstrued.
Maybe (hopefully) they have other plans down the line to release stand alone albums of all those unreleased gems. (That’s the dream anyway!)

MJ estate took out a line of this and then the demo leaked and we see which...


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1 hour ago, colonizedmind said:

MJ estate took out a line of this and then the demo leaked and we see which...


Never heard that version before, wasn’t even aware of the lyric! What a weird choice to remove it though, I wouldn’t have even thought anything of it had you not mentioned a line being removed. Case in point, some people want to find malicious meaning regardless of the original intent. Nice to see a lot of the comments on that video favouring MJ though and not swirling a hate pool.

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15 minutes ago, D4NNY said:

Never heard that version before, wasn’t even aware of the lyric! What a weird choice to remove it though, I wouldn’t have even thought anything of it had you not mentioned a line being removed. Case in point, some people want to find malicious meaning regardless of the original intent. Nice to see a lot of the comments on that video favouring MJ though and not swirling a hate pool.

Yep...it's ironic that one line taken away, once heard, you're like...wow that really changed the song and it's meaning! 

Yea....MJ despite massive effort has never been defeated, even in death he is HUGE cash cow and brand name....

The biopic next year will be a huge barometer of where his legacy will be at. Huge budget, A star cast in and a loooong career to cover, including difficult moments. It could end up being the highest grossing musical movie of all time and that's no mean feat considering the breadth of them these days....

It will be a good preview to what we could expect from the P one when that eventually comes....I think it's in development as we speak ...

Who plays him? There was talk of Bruno for years....

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Sadly I think overall Michael was defeated. I truly believe the media and parasites destroyed him (mentally which led to physically) but in terms of what you said as a brand or media star not at all, never. He will sell for generations. And rightfully so, he was brilliant. 

As for a Prince biopic… damn… that’s a good trigger for debate. I truly don’t think anyone could do it. Not 100% at least. That level of charisma and perfect balance of charm and power and (slight) ego.. he was one of a kind, not just musically but as a personality. Tough one man, you got my brain boggled with that one 😅

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Been enjoying BBC2's Prince night currently. 3 back to back programs. They do this every Saturday night for past few years, they've finally produced a "Prince at the BBC" which was interesting....now the much seen "Purple Reign" doc (with the lack of the Netflix doc, this is one of the best out there!) and then the remastered Blu Ray of PRain live '85. Worth a watch if you've not seen since they upgraded it a bit. Much better mix, for sure....



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On 7/6/2024 at 11:09 PM, colonizedmind said:

Been enjoying BBC2's Prince night currently. 3 back to back programs. They do this every Saturday night for past few years, they've finally produced a "Prince at the BBC" which was interesting....now the much seen "Purple Reign" doc (with the lack of the Netflix doc, this is one of the best out there!) and then the remastered Blu Ray of PRain live '85. Worth a watch if you've not seen since they upgraded it a bit. Much better mix, for sure....



No way!! I had no idea about that! I don’t watch much tv (as in tv channels). I’ve seen the Purple Reign doc on YouTube but it’s pretty shoddy quality. Can believe I missed it, will have to check if it’s on catch up. As for “Prince at the BBC” what is that? Sounds interesting 

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