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Where do we go now?

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12 hours ago, Free Bird said:

Что заставляет вас думать, что, когда к нам присоединится Иззи, это будет звучать современно? Я думаю, что он полная противоположность современности, в хорошем смысле. А почему для Слэша не должно быть места? Для меня это не имеет смысла.

In a parallel universe, if they were going to record an album in their classic line-up, at least four of them, there would be a different sound. They would have to keep a balance between the sound of their instruments and their voice. Axl Rose, as a vocalist, would have to rediscover himself (he can no longer sing the way he used to), sing lower, quieter, etc. This requires a different song structure and sound volume. Slash is a very assertive guitarist, all the singers sing loudly and aggressively next to him. He would have to rebuild. The question is the balance of sound. But these are solely my fantasies, nothing more

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13 hours ago, Illusion1987 said:

Axl seems to sing better in hot humid climates , these days.

The climate of Vegas is dry, not humid, which is horrible for his voice.

They should set up a residency in Houston...lol.

There's a reason he kills it in that city

It  would be. A "new" excuse to Axl voice....:D

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