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Anyone see Dune: Part 2? I never read the books, so I am just familiar with the films. I rented Part 1 and liked it enough but felt like it did not feel like a comlete film. Well, it wasn't because Part 2 has all the meat, and it is fucking awesome. I think part 2 enhances part 1 and vice versa. The first movie gets you up- to- speed with the lore, factions, and universe while Part 2 has a lot of the crazier story elements. Really great stuff. What a great director. 

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I’ve never read any of the source material, but I did skim through the plots of all 8 main books on Wikipedia, and also watched the previous adaptations from 1984 (including the 1988 extended cut) and 2000 (including the sequel from 2003).

That said, this new 2021/2024 two-parter version blows all of those out of the water. Some of the best cinema ever, as far as I’m concerned. A lot of changes made from the book, but they’re all for the best. If you want to see a book-accurate version though, check out the 2000 miniseries. It looks like shit and the acting is terrible, but it’s the most accurate adaptation. Avoid the Lynch version (either cut) unless you like Lynch.

If you don’t care about book-accuracy though and just want a good movie, then just stick to this new stuff. I’m personally really excited about the adaptation of the next book, Dune Messiah. Not sure how they’re gonna adapt anything after that, though (if they even do). The books get REALLY weird after Messiah. There’s also a prequel show about the origin of the Bene Gesirit sisterhood coming out later this year. Looking forward to that too!

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It looks like Dune: Messiah will be made. I am probably going to read the books, now. I don't care for 1-1 adaptions for books and movies, as long as the changes enhance the film. The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, and Jurassic Park are all different than their books- but the screenplays were written to service the story in a way that would translate well on- screen. It is probably very hard to do, and usually people lament a film adaption not being exactly like a book, but I understand why they are often different. They seem to be terrible most of the time, but when they work, they work. I'd put Dune up there with those other behemoth films mentioned above. It is a visual spectacle with a rich world, great sound design, and an interesting and complex story. 

Some of my thoughts,


-Visuals were next- level. In terms of sci- fi cinematography, this was one of the best. Visuals and memorable shots are really important in the genre- Interstellar, Blade Runner and 2049, Avatar 1 and 2, The Last Jedi (say what you want about the movie, it looks amazing), Alien, Arrival, 2001, etc. are all landmarks of visuals in the genre. This surpassed a good amount on that list. The colosseum scene and evil planet was crazy to see on- screen. The lighting was brilliant and made it seem like a completely alien world without relying on cartoony CGI. The worms, battles, spacecraft, costumes, everything look incredible in these films. Great example of computerized special effects and strong art direction coming together to help craft a world and story. Shit, even the explosions looked real, colorful, and vibrant. These movies do a great job of combining dark and dreary scenes with bright, blinding ones. Denis Villeneuve is one of the best in the business, right now. 

-Action scenes were all great. The big battle was a little short, but I read that the book is like that, too. What you get is really good, though. 

-Casting was top- notch. Elvis was a phenomenal villain and NuWonka was an engaging protagonist. The rest of the cast was all really good, too. I didn't know Christopher Walken was in this so that was a fun surprise. Dave Bautista just yelled a lot and had less to do in Part 2, but that isn't the actor's fault. 

-Loved Paul's transformation. His journey as a naive and reluctant protagonist to a vengeful, manipulative Emperor was really well- done. Felt like what Anakin should have been. He had the clear goal of avenging his family but was hesitant with how to get there knowing where it would lead. It was such a killer scene when he accepted what he had to do. 

-I really liked the ending. I was not familiar with the book's story, so I genuinely thought after killing the Baron Paul would kill the Emperor, take the mantle, get with Zendaya, and the other houses would fuck off. When they failed to recognize his ascendency and a greater war started, I thought, "oh, now I get it..." and it tied all the themes together. Even 40 minutes before the film ended, I had no idea how they would have wrapped all the storylines up. The atomics, defeating the Emperor and Harkonnens, what the one princesses' play was to keep the throne, the ominous prophecy stuff and religious themes... it all came together with the ending. Even with that ending, I feel pretty satisfied that the first book/ movie 1 and 2 told a pretty complete story. Sometimes the greater event (the war breaking out) is not the main story and that is okay. I felt the same way about Bladerunner 2049. I don't care so much about the replicant vs. human war that movie's ending led to because the film was about Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford and their stories came to a close. I don't care about the big Dune war (yet) because these films were about setting up the universe and Paul's ascension. If Messiah is about the bigger war, I will happily watch that and care about that later. 


All that being said, 

I am totally hoping for Denis Villeneuve to adapt more of the Dune books. A part of me hope he doesn't just become "The Dune guy", like James Cameron is now just "The Avatar Guy", but I would love at least the next book to be adapted if it has a standalone ending. I haven't read them, and I hear they get weird as fuck, but I believe he can make it work on the big screen. I hear Dune: Messiah is close to being green- lit. If it doesn't happen, Dune 1 and 2 stand on their own. If it does happen, I am more than down to see the consequences of the galactic war on- screen. I just hate when something gets made without the ending greenlit and then you are stuck without the entire thing. 

I didn't see the first part in theaters, and I regret it. I wanted to, and it was during all the weird COVID shit from what I remember. Seeing Part 2 in theaters makes up for it. Awesome movie that enhances part 1. As a whole, they stand as one of the best sci- fi movies ever made imo. What a weird fucking world Frank Herbert created. Super creative and I am here for it. If shit gets bonkers in his later books, that works for me. Hope he lived to complete his main story, I know his kid wrote a bunch after he died. 

@rocknroll41, I am going to consider reading the books and then I will check out the mini- series with James McAvoy. He is another actor I really like. 

Edited by ZoSoRose
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saw the Lynch movie in theaters at the time, enjoyed it, saw Dune 1 by Villeneuve in theaters some years ago, and saw the second one two weeks ago in a
dolby theater with the premium reclining seats and immersive sound and it was pretty awesome. Dune 2 is definitly richer than the first one, and for people like me who
didn't read the books, full of surprises.

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