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Matt Sorum says Slash didn't want to play with Carrie Underwood at Lemmy's birthday party

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10 minutes ago, DTV88 said:

I understand your point, that’s a total dick move to do that to Frank. But if Izzy really was supposed to be a part of the reunion, I assume he was to replace Richard so it appears that Axl was open to moving on from more of NuGuns. In that case, both Frank and Richard would probably have continued with whatever other projects they have like the Psychadelic Furs. In fact, wasn’t they already in the works until the Izzy thing didn’t work out?

Noone ever said Richard would be booted.  They could have had the 3 guitarist set up on stage. This is not beyond Axls thinking.


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1 hour ago, DTV88 said:

I understand your point, that’s a total dick move to do that to Frank. But if Izzy really was supposed to be a part of the reunion, I assume he was to replace Richard so it appears that Axl was open to moving on from more of NuGuns. In that case, both Frank and Richard would probably have continued with whatever other projects they have like the Psychadelic Furs. In fact, wasn’t they already in the works until the Izzy thing didn’t work out?

Yeah, we just don't know what the actual plans were. Maybe since they were only initially talking Coachella, they considered doing classic lineup reunion. But then as they talked further about an actual tour and all that, guest spots for Adler and Izzy started becoming more realistic. We still don't know if the "loot" comment was in regard to a share of tour profits or if Izzy wanted back in the GNR agreement, or what. We never will know.

I don't think Izzy would have ever been down for a world tour like the one the band embarked on from 2016 through today. And Adler couldn't handle it. So I really don't think Fortus spot was in jeopardy. If anything, probably would have just been an additional guitarist.

It's all so fascinating the way the reunion came together. I really hope we get some details eventually of what happened and what almost happened.

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On 6/9/2024 at 7:16 AM, Free Bird said:

Wake me up when he has something positive to say. He always comes across as a bitter motherfucker and acts like he doesn’t know that he has to thank Slash for the most relevant parts of his life. If it weren’t for Slash’s phonecall, who knows where he would have ended up.

The mentality in this post is why drummers feel under appreciated. 

For better or worse, drummers are integral to the sound of a final recording. They don't get their due because things like placement of fills or the drum pattern aren't counted as songwriting the same way a guitar fill or riff might be. But they are just as important. Compare AFD to UYI and you can see how integral drummers are to the overall sound and direction of the band. 

GNR basically recorded two big relevant albums. He was on one of them (UYI was technically two albums, but you get what I mean). This isn't a Gilby situation where he had no say or involvement in recording original material, and his legacy with the band was as a fill in guy.

He was already in The Cult. This isn't a guy who was pulled out of the gutter. Like anything, he may have benefited from luck, timing, and connections - but the mentality that he has to thank Slash like he wasn't already a pro rock drummer is silly.

I personally do not like the creative choices with the drumming in UYI, and think that the band lost a lot of the edge that made them unique when they lost Adler. I can still look beyond that and say the guy has a right to be bitter, or at the very least annoyed with not being included.

Let's be real, it's a money thing. The general public does not know any GNR members beyond Slash and Axl. Those are the two iconic guys that people wanted to see together for a reunion. Beyond having Duff there as the third guy to make it seem like more of a reunion, they don't benefit from paying anybody else. That's what it comes down to. It has nothing to do with how valid Izzy, Adler, or Sorum are as parts of GNR's history, it's simply a shrewd business/money thing, where they are putting money ahead of authenticity. Which, I don't blame them for because it's a lot of money....

I don't think they should include him, there is no point other than to be nice or altruistic - but I do think he's right to be bitter with how diminished his role in the band seems to be historically. 

Edited by gunsnchalupas
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Matt Sorum not only would be a great drummer for the current band, but he might also be a breath of fresh wind, because should there be someone unhappy with any current situation while having the balls to tell it to Axl’s face, it might be him. 
Which is why he probably wouldn’t keep his tenure for long. 
It's not gonna happen anyway. 

Edited by jamillos
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7 hours ago, gunsnchalupas said:

He was already in The Cult. This isn't a guy who was pulled out of the gutter. Like anything, he may have benefited from luck, timing, and connections - but the mentality that he has to thank Slash like he wasn't already a pro rock drummer is silly.

while it's true that Matt was already a pro working musician that worked with big name artists before Gn'R, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be very thankful for Slash and getting the Gn'R gig and that is cause the success he found, the money and the fame were far greater than anything he has experienced before it. 

people who are not musicians often don't really have an appreciation for less melodic and obviously in your face instruments like bass for example or especially drums. Sorum still doesn't shy away from being obnoxious, greedy, and ungrateful imo.

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6 hours ago, gunsnchalupas said:

Именно из-за менталитета, описанного в этом посте, барабанщики чувствуют себя недооцененными. 

Хорошо это или плохо, но барабанщики являются неотъемлемой частью звучания финальной записи. Они не получают должного, потому что такие вещи, как расположение вставок или рисунок ударных, не считаются написанием песен так же, как гитарные вставки или риффы. Но они не менее важны. Сравните AFD и UYI, и вы увидите, насколько барабанщики играют важную роль в общем звучании и направлении группы. 

По сути, GNR записали два больших актуальных альбома. Он был на одном из них (технически у UYI было два альбома, но вы понимаете, о чем я). Это не та ситуация, в которой жил Гилби, когда он не имел права голоса или не участвовал в записи оригинального материала, а его наследие в группе заключалось в том, что он заменял парня.

Он уже был в Культе. Это не парень, которого вытащили из сточной канавы. Как и все остальное, он, возможно, выиграл от удачи, выбора времени и связей - но менталитет, согласно которому он должен благодарить Слэша, как будто он еще не был профессиональным рок-барабанщиком, глуп.

Лично мне не нравится творческий выбор игры на барабанах в UYI, и я думаю, что группа потеряла большую часть того преимущества, которое делало их уникальными, когда они потеряли Адлера. Я все еще могу выйти за рамки этого и сказать, что этот парень имеет право злиться или, по крайней мере, раздражаться из-за того, что его не включили в список.

Давайте будем честными: это деньги. Широкая публика не знает никого из членов GNR, кроме Слэша и Эксла. Это два знаковых парня, которых люди хотели увидеть вместе для воссоединения. Помимо того, что Дафф был там третьим парнем, который создавал впечатление воссоединения, им не было никакой выгоды платить кому-либо еще. Вот к чему все сводится. Это не имеет ничего общего с тем, насколько значимы Иззи, Адлер или Сорум как часть истории GNR, это просто хитрый бизнес/деньги, где они ставят деньги выше подлинности. В чем я их не виню, потому что это большие деньги....

Я не думаю, что им следует включать его, нет другого смысла, кроме как быть добрым или альтруистичным - но я действительно думаю, что он прав, когда горько сожалеет о том, насколько уменьшилась его роль в группе исторически. 

Great post, just great

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20 hours ago, Rovim said:

there's a difference between telling it like it is and not knowing when to keep your mouth shut or talking shit and expecting everyone to give you what you think is owed to you after you said and did whatever you wanted to, basically when there was no position for you to fill in the first place and then writing about it in your autobiography is I think was my point.

he even talked shit in the media after burying the hatchet with Axl years ago if I'm not mistaken and now the shit with talking about Slash not wanting to perform with Carrie Underwood is another little jab for no good reason imo. he seems to always have a need to feed his inflated ego and he's not above making Slash and Duff look bad.

Well he has nothing to lose now. Personally I like hearing his anecdotes about stuff that you don't hear from anyone else.

20 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

But there wasn't a drummer vacancy in GNR. Why should Duff call Axl and demand for him to fire Frank? Why would Sorum even ask that of his friend?

At that time it seemed like it might be a full classic lineup reunion right? Honestly he probably didn't even know who Frank was until Duff told him, just knew that there's another guy there from before. Why would he ask that? Idk, maybe because he also wanted to participate in the reunion with Slash and Duff? This isn't really all that hard to understand imo, but I get it after seeing what his personality is like.

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On 6/9/2024 at 2:35 PM, madison said:


For those ragging on Matt, give it a rest. He was a huge – and important – part of GNR. 

I still believe both Matt & Stevie should have been part of the reunion – rather than some replacement drummer that had nothing to do with GNR when it was the biggest band on the planet.  

And as such – Matt has a right to talk about the band and his experiences as much as he wants.

He's earned it. 

Slash and Duff re-joined GNR. That was never a “reunion” and they weren’t obligated to make Matt, Stevie or anyone else a part of it

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17 hours ago, jamillos said:

Matt Sorum not only would be a great drummer for the current band, but he might also be a breath of fresh wind, because should there be someone unhappy with any current situation while having the balls to tell it to Axl’s face, it might be him. 
Which is why he probably wouldn’t keep his tenure for long. 
It's not gonna happen anyway. 

Sounds like a recipe for success. You should apply to be the band’s new manager.

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18 hours ago, jamillos said:

Matt Sorum not only would be a great drummer for the current band, but he might also be a breath of fresh wind, because should there be someone unhappy with any current situation while having the balls to tell it to Axl’s face, it might be him. 
Which is why he probably wouldn’t keep his tenure for long. 
It's not gonna happen anyway. 

The thing about Axl is he's loyal to those who are loyal to him. Frank's done a solid job since 06. So long as he doesn't say or do anything stupid he'll remain Guns drummer until the end.

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5 hours ago, LunsJail said:

Sounds like a recipe for success. You should apply to be the band’s new manager.

Oh thanks, I will. I'm hereby promising not to say stupid shit like "new album in six months"! 

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:44 PM, DoMw94 said:

It's not so much what he says, it's how he says it.

Matt giving it the whole 'Call Axl and tell him' wasn't all that cool.

It doesn't come across well, and him demanding to Duff to be back in the band when there was no spot for him left a bad taste in a lot of peoples' mouths. Duff and Slash didn't demand to come back, it just happened organically, and they have more of a right to be there than anyone.

Remember...he doesn't hold back!

Would you rather hear Duff's story how he went to London, coincidentally same day as Axl played London and ended up in same hotel (out of 1000 something hotels London has), on same floor and not knowing till receptionist told him 'are you seeing Axl'?

or Slash version...?I didn't go to his house and bad mouth my coleegues.  oh wait a minute ?I di go'....no wait a minute 'I didn't go'....

I also heard a story from one member 2006 'Axl went around calling everyone and only declined'...

But in the end, only Matt admited 'I told Duff to talk to Axl'.

Gotta give credit to the guy for being honest, when noone else, obviously, isn't.

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1 hour ago, Frankfurt93 said:

Remember...he doesn't hold back!

Would you rather hear Duff's story how he went to London, coincidentally same day as Axl played London and ended up in same hotel (out of 1000 something hotels London has), on same floor and not knowing till receptionist told him 'are you seeing Axl'?

or Slash version...?I didn't go to his house and bad mouth my coleegues.  oh wait a minute ?I di go'....no wait a minute 'I didn't go'....

I also heard a story from one member 2006 'Axl went around calling everyone and only declined'...

But in the end, only Matt admited 'I told Duff to talk to Axl'.

Gotta give credit to the guy for being honest, when noone else, obviously, isn't.

That's how I see it too. I can respect Matt's honesty and no bs about this stuff. Tells it like it is.

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1 hour ago, Frankfurt93 said:

But in the end, only Matt admited 'I told Duff to talk to Axl'.

Whereas in your examples they made an effort to talk to him themselves, they didn't beg someone to do it for them.

And as I've said before, those two have more of a right to be there. Whether he played a big part in the Illusions era or not, Matt will always be a replacement drummer, never a key pillar of the classic lineup.

His sense of entitlement isn't justified. He had no right to be in the band when Slash and Duff rejoined – they were filling vacant spots. There was no open place for a drummer, they already had one.

Edited by DoMw94
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1 hour ago, DoMw94 said:

Whereas in your examples they made an effort to talk to him themselves, they didn't beg someone to do it for them.

And as I've said before, those two have more of a right to be there. Whether he played a big part in the Illusions era or not, Matt will always be a replacement drummer, never a key pillar of the classic lineup.

His sense of entitlement isn't justified. He had no right to be in the band when Slash and Duff rejoined – they were filling vacant spots. There was no open place for a drummer, they already had one.

Uhm , no!  They all wanted back in, but Matt enough balls to admit how. Unlike Duff, he didn't fly half the world around the globe and tell that silly story about waiting for Axl to come out of shower.

Matt gave the band a more massive bombastic sound and really gave significant input from YCBM taking over the world as the 1st single. Now not to admit his part was a significant in that song or albums in general is a plain lie.

Not sure when you got into the band, but UYI's took the world by storm and placed the band on the very top of the world in an era that was the most vital in the history of rock music, '91 Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana Pearl Jam, U2, Europe all had their biggest (or one of their biggest albums) out. 1990 Alice Cooper and Scorpions same. 1992 Bon Jovi Keep the Faith and STP Core...

That was not fuckin' 2024! And Matt's role on both UYI's and TSI was significant.

Hell even Axl had big plans with him 'I plan to have Matt explode on the next record', if you remember the quote from 92/93

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...it is with him that really they reached the new chapter in their career - the one where they sat on the throne.  Therefore, he has every right to feel entitled to be there. Remember it was from his 1st gig in Rio they became the stadium band, not before.

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32 minutes ago, Frankfurt93 said:

Uhm , no!  They all wanted back in, but Matt enough balls to admit how. Unlike Duff, he didn't fly half the world around the globe and tell that silly story about waiting for Axl to come out of shower.

I'll try again...

Duff and Slash spoke to Axl. Matt spoke to Duff.

34 minutes ago, Frankfurt93 said:

Now not to admit his part was a significant in that song or albums in general is a plain lie.

I didn't say this or anything like it. I said he wasn't in the classic lineup – he wasn't, Steven Adler played on Appetite.

If you're going to be patronising and go off on an irrelevant tangent, at least have the decency to read and understand what you're replying to...

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Sorum might be more recognizable than Adler to a lot of people as the GNR drummer, because, yes, GNR were hugely popular in the early '90s and embarked on the world tour. And Sorum had the stupid perm.

Also, yes, Sorum was a very good drummer for GNR.

But no, Sorum is not responsible in any way, shape or form for the success of Guns N' Roses. He didn't add some distinct flavor that people instantly recognize as "GN'R." In fact, I'd say the opposite.  

This is what Izzy had to say way back when: "Adler's sense of swing was the push and pull that give the songs their feel. When that was gone, it was just... unbelievable, weird. Nothing worked. I would have preferred to continue with Steve, but we'd had two years off and we couldn't wait any longer."

Let's be real. It could have been any competent drummer that GNR used once Adler was fired. Nothing changes in regard to the success they would have had on the Illusions tour.

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15 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

Let's be real. It could have been any competent drummer that GNR used once Adler was fired. Nothing changes in regard to the success they would have had on the Illusions tour.

Right. And that continues to this day – this forum hates Frank, the casuals have no idea who he is, and yet they're still packing out stadiums across the world.

Edited by DoMw94
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