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Shallow song .. A possible explanation (could be by Stuart Bailey)

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On 6/21/2024 at 4:54 AM, Rindmelon said:

Not that i'm aware of. I do know that Jeff Powel was a member of Dr Whisky and that he died. This is the only studio version of a song by Dr Whisky that I know for a fact is actually them.. Stuart is on vocals & this was posted to Monasterio's Youtube channel. there is however live footage up on the channel too but thats of The Assassins


Again, with all the "dying"!

I talked about it in this post,


the Shallow tape demo has references to death in all 4 songs.

And then that Dr Whiskey track is full of "Gonna die like a dog in the dirt!"

Someone that appears to be Michael Lee in the comments says Stuart wrote the lyrics for that video.


Yeah , These guys were the real shit , Hollywood's Sunset Strip -- Mick Rocks on drums . Stuart wrote great lyrics -------- R.I.P. Jeff we miss you ! thanks for posting the video. ... Mikl'Le ,,Yes, "that was the scientology building xxx :-)"


Morbid bunch of rockers!

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I want to soak in how absurd this situation is.

This band has its history extremely well documented. Their shows, when songs were made, even the bootlegs are documented.

Then this tape shows out of nowhere, no one knows enough about it to say exactly what it is, it hasn't been documented previously, it contains 4 original songs with instrumentals, 3 of them vaguely sound like existing songs we know but are different enough to be considered their own songs, and the singer sounds like Axl Rose of all people, when not many people can copy his singing voice. The tape is vague enough that the exact time it was made and whether it was mislabeled is hard to determine. And one of the songs is popular and liked enough that people are questioning why it doesn't seem to have been released before in any official way.

Is there any other band in the world that has this combination of being extremely well documented and having a bootleg that doesn't seem to fit into any documented timeline appear out of nowhere?

This sort of mystery may be the last of its kind in the history of humanity. Especially since these songs were found on physical media, which isn't as popular for demos nowadays. Not because it can't possibly happen in the future, but because next time it happens, no one will believe it since AI voice cloning exists now. It's the last mystery of its kind before AI voice cloning.

And the one person who can confirm or deny if it's him singing on the tape? Axl?
Unlike many other musicians who are very present online, he's very hard to reach.
His team, who may watch the boards to see if leaks are spreading most likely already know about this tape being uploaded online and have alerted him. Maybe the other GNR members know about the tape and have asked him. But is Axl ever going to confirm or deny it's him on the tape to the public? If he cares about it at all, I bet he finds it funny he's the one person that can solve the mystery, but he's not going to. Why would he? Unless he wants to capitalize off the most popular song, but that's even assuming he has the rights to it, or even wants to bother.


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58 minutes ago, Rindmelon said:

@BucketEgg Maybe it's the band he had for a bit that was just called A.X.L, if it is him then the only other option i can think of is an early L.A Guns band practice, there's no way it's Rapidfire

Yeah, it has to be in one of those eras where the documentation was much more sparse.

"So Axl sang with LA Guns for a little while and I think he did some recordings"

and the thread also mentions unknown L.A Guns titles, but they don't seem to correspond to the songs on the tape.


It might also be one of those recordings of "Rose", that's listed in the 1984 section.



It might not be listed anywhere at all. The uploader mentions it's a live recording, but there's no audience sound, so there wouldn't really be any recorded advertisement for tickets when the tape was made.


EditL Tried emailing the gnrontour webmaster. Email address no longer works. The copyright for the website also hasn't updated. If John M is no longer involved with the site, I hope he's alive and well somewhere.


Edited by BucketEgg
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