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25 minutes ago, Ratam said:

I hope never happen with IRON MOUNTAIN vault. Here in my country has an IRON MOUNTAIN subsidiary company and 10 + years ago has been a fire, apparently was to hide case of corrupt practices, cause it fire 10 firefighters die.

Oh wow that's bad. I guess when the security is so good at these places it makes it even more obvious that it was an intentional fire and not just an accident. The vault that UMG use actually has it's own fire department just in case.


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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Rindmelon said:


“Izzy used to be a great songwriter- his contributions to Guns N’ Roses first album are phenomenal. But, its almost like the guy has lost the fire… I mean I saw the guy a couple years back in the studio… and he was showing me a song he had just written called "Toothpuller" – it was literally about him visiting the dentist and getting a tooth pulled out. [Dizzy then sings some of the lyrics] I mean… this is a guy who wrote some badass songs and now he’s writing about getting his tooth pulled… I mean come on… can you imagine Axl singing that live?’(Dizzy https://metalsludge.tv/classic/?p=30945 ) Many people were and are skeptical on if this 2006 interview with Dizzy was real, but i believe it's the first known mention of the song Toothpuller, that would suggest it is possibly is.


Love it how true artists can write about anything. Love how Paul/John/George would write about scenarios that just happened or events that unfolded in their life. Miss the musicality of Izzy in gnr world. 

Edited by jimisbatman
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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Rindmelon said:

A bit more on what happened that week with regards to these songs. Demo reel 3 obviously suggests there are at least another 2 reels, it's likely there are more from those sessions as they actual recorded about 10 songs that week.


“We recorded 10 songs in eight days. It got me excited about music again. I realized how easy the whole process could be. Those sessions were fun and painless. We just had a great time.”(Izzy Los Angeles Daily News, March 20, 1998

“He's been writing; he wrote some stuff with Duff. He wants to write songs, but he doesn't wanna deal with the whole thing. And it took me a while to finally get to the point where I couldn't handle it either, y'know? He wants to write material, but he's not really sure what he wants to do. He's so laid back. He doesn't want to deal with any pressure. Izzy does what he wants to do.” (Slash Metal Hammer November 1995)

“in April 1995, Duff calls again: “I’m trying to write new songs for the next GN’R record. Come lend me a hand.” It’d been five years since I’d left Guns, but I told myself, “Well shit, after all, why not?” Duff and I wrote ten songs in one week, and also made demos of them. And I thought, “It’s so easy.” When you work with someone like Duff, who loves music in the same way you do, everything becomes simple.” (French Izzy interview, 2001)

“Izzy used to be a great songwriter- his contributions to Guns N’ Roses first album are phenomenal. But, its almost like the guy has lost the fire… I mean I saw the guy a couple years back in the studio… and he was showing me a song he had just written called "Toothpuller" – it was literally about him visiting the dentist and getting a tooth pulled out. [Dizzy then sings some of the lyrics] I mean… this is a guy who wrote some badass songs and now he’s writing about getting his tooth pulled… I mean come on… can you imagine Axl singing that live?’(Dizzy https://metalsludge.tv/classic/?p=30945 ) Many people were and are skeptical on if this 2006 interview with Dizzy was real, but i believe it's the first known mention of the song Toothpuller, that would suggest it is possibly is.


Yeah, the Dizzy thing is real, but not exactly an interview. It was a conversation with a fan who then posted the quotes, likely paraphrased. There were actually two conversations, one in September 2005 and one in early 2006 (see the comments, too):


Some more quotes about the Izzy/Duff sessions here (it also seems that Izzy sent more demos to Axl in 1996):



Edited by Blackstar
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1 hour ago, Rindmelon said:

I mean… this is a guy who wrote some badass songs and now he’s writing about getting his tooth pulled… I mean come on… can you imagine Axl singing that live?


Listen motherfuckers to the song that should be heard
Back down in the gutter is more than you deserve
Screaming fucking banshee, you know that’s what you are
Pussy full of maggots, isn’t that absurd

Dizzy little dreamer with your head down in the stars
Fucking little schemer, lost yourself inside the art
Syphilitic priestess, baby, I know who you are
Parasitic demon sucking acid through your heart


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32 minutes ago, Uncle Bob said:

Слушайте, ублюдки, песню, которую стоит услышать.
Возвращение в сточную канаву — это больше, чем вы заслуживаете.
Кричащая гребаная банши, вы знаете, что вы такая.
Киска полна червей, разве это не абсурд?

Головокружительный маленький мечтатель, опустивший голову к звездам.
Чертов маленький интриган, потерявший себя в искусстве.
Сифилитическая жрица, детка, я знаю, кто ты.
Демон-паразит, высасывающий кислоту из твоего сердца.


Izzy has a song called Parasite from the album 117°. There's the word "maggot", there's the phrase "You're just a maggot in a one horse town"/Back down in the gutter and eventually the word "Parasite"/parasitic demon. I am surprised by this similarity, lol

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