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How do I explain to my children that Steven Adler was kicked out of the band?

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On 7/19/2024 at 7:28 AM, gunsnchalupas said:

Every Sunday, my wife and I have family funday. It's an idea we came up with where the family has a day devoted to fun. We will usually get takeout from our favourite restaurant Cracker Barrel, and rent a movie from our local video store. Unfortunately, being in a small town, most of the movies are quite old. Our children were disappointed that they did not have Kung Fu Panda 4, but we settled on Big Daddy.

For those who have never heard of the film Big Daddy, it came out back in 1999. It featured Adam Sandler (who was a comedic actor before his current fare of serious movies shedding a light on the crippling nature of gambling addictions). He adopts the kid who plays Anakin in Star Wars. My kids loved the movie. Even better, they loved the version of Sweet Child Of Mine in the film. I would be lying if I said that I didn't make them listen to the credits, just to hear it all the way through.

As a huge GNR fan, it has always been my dream that they too would fall in love with the band that captured my imagination. My wife thinks that I am getting way ahead of myself, refreshing the GNR homepage multiple times a day, seeing when the "Not Ur FN Business Back Off Bitches" tour will come to my town, so that I can have my 3 year old and 7 year old see the greatest FN rock band alive in person, in the flesh, and see why their dad has a wall full of Axl Funko Pops (he only released one but I have 20). 

While my kids have not asked about the song in the credits yet, I can tell that something has been on their mind lately, and I can only hope they are wondering about Guns N' Roses. Anticipating all the possible questions the 3 year old might ask about the MOST DANGEROUS FN BAND IN THE WORLD, I have been brushing up on my GNR history. Reading the Wikipedias, browsing old forum threads. I would be lying if I said that this didn't ruin the vibe and anticipation of the possible 2026 tour dates for the "Up Ur Ass N Around The Coroner" tour (my idea for a name, not theirs). 

My wife noticed that my usual chipper mood took a turn for the worse. After doing her weekly audit of my internet history, she approached me and asked me if it was the reason why I was upset. I'll admit I might have broken down in front of her, but I really want my children to love this band. "How do I explain to them that Steven Adler was kicked out?".

You see, my kids still live in a world of innocence. When I blasted those credits, they simply went back to their Minecraft and Jo Jo Seaweed videos. They never realized that they weren't even listening to a full recording of the original band. That drug use and personal misunderstandings resulted in Axl RERECORDING part of the song and inserting some OPERATIC vocals like some sort of Queen song or something. They don't know that Steven Adler was kicked out of the band in 1990 or drug use, and I have no idea how I am going to explain it to them.

It feels like my entire life was turned upside down. Unless I figure this out, there is no way I will be able to convince the wifey (my wife) to let us spend our vacation budget on the "Not In This Spice Time GNR In Ur FN Face N Live At The KFC Yum Center" arena show. Instead, it will be something lame again, like Santa's Village.

Please advise on how you explained to your school aged children that Steven Adler was kicked out of the band in 1990 for alleged heroin use.

I know there's more than a hint of humour in your post lol, but the music that kids grow up with is the soundtrack to their lives, and they do sometimes want to know things. Just tell them the truth, other peoples lives are a great education to kids of any age

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I'm surprised no one came up with the glaringly obvious advice to give to OP. Tell his kids that Steven was fired because he wasn't doing his job properly anymore. They'll assume Steven just got lazy and was kicked out and will leave it at that. No need to tell about Steven's drug use. 🤔💡

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