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Trump used November Rain last night at a rally

Subtle Signs

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56 minutes ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

Voting for someone that didn't receive any votes in the Democratic primary is great for democracy.

The Democratic National Committee held a virtual roll call ahead of the convention after President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy and backed Harris to take his place. The virtual vote opened on August 1 and the following day Harris received the majority votes needed to secure her nomination.

It was announced that Harris had been officially certified as the party's presidential nominee, receiving 99 percent of the delegates' votes following the five-day online balloting process that concluded on August 6. 



Source:  https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.36EN4TT



I don't have an issue with how it was done, the elected delegates had to pivot and find a solution quick after Biden was shown to be in not great shape to continue as he had in the election cycle



Edited by WhazUp
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6 hours ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

It's funny that people think January 6 was a coup attempt. Democrats staged their own coup against Biden months ago and all I hear is crickets.

Biden was done dirty. I wished they kept him in the race for obvious reasons to you and I. At this point, I don't think it's going to matter anyways. Biden isn't helping his party right now anyways, they probably want to silence him after his more recent behavior. Maybe it's his way of getting back at them? Who knows. He doesn't have much to lose at this point. All politics aside, I hope he can enjoy retirement soon in good health, and with love from his friends and family. 

The January 6 thing is a good distraction talking-point for the Democrats, just like they lose their minds correcting people on the pronunciation of the current VP's first name. 

Another thing I find interesting, is if Trump is half as bad as the left say he is (and I'm not saying he isn't), then how are the polls equal for both parties (within the margin of error)? You would think it would be a cakewalk to run against someone they make him out to be. It's embarrassing. This whole election is insane. We have an old convicted criminal (technically) who was running against a feeble old man who should have retired years ago, switched out for someone who most people don't know anything about. 

But hey, at least we got some great memes out of the whole thing. :D We all know which side does that best. ;) 

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19 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

The Democratic National Committee held a virtual roll call ahead of the convention after President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy and backed Harris to take his place. The virtual vote opened on August 1 and the following day Harris received the majority votes needed to secure her nomination.

It was announced that Harris had been officially certified as the party's presidential nominee, receiving 99 percent of the delegates' votes following the five-day online balloting process that concluded on August 6. 



Source:  https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.36EN4TT



I don't have an issue with how it was done, the elected delegates had to pivot and find a solution quick after Biden was shown to be in not great shape to continue as he had in the election cycle



Of course you don't have an issue. You didn't even care that a senile man has been president for 3 and a half years. And still supposedly is. You have your opinion and I respect you as a fellow American my friend. I will do my best no matter who they elect or appoint, and I hope you do to.


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4 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

You are making multiple assumptions in one sentence here, all due respect

If you are referring to assuming he is senile, I do draw my opinion from living with a loved one with dementia. Dementia is not constant all the time until the end. It is my opinion.....yes. But like I said I hope we all do our best no matter who gets in.

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5 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

Oops, looks like you were offended by the comments above you. No need to be salty.

I'm sure you responded "keep politics out of the forum" to the two threads about Joe Rogan and Tim Pool, right?

Haters gonna hate, I guess.  🤷 😉

Found another triggered member lol hello there... I'm just sitting back laughing at this dumpster fire of a thread, the reason why politics should stay out of here. We're here together as GNR fans have united us, yet one spud has a cry about their team and using music... it's actually funny so thank you for highlighting your own saltiness stupidity... unless you want to talk about the band I have no reason to entertain your thoughts  😉 

Regard to rogan an pool (whoever that is.. I'm not American lol?) I don't know what threads you mean as I don't come here for politics so missed them I guess?? 

I've made you look silly enough now, so I'm off to listen to sorry... cos




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2 hours ago, KURT19 said:

I’m not afraid to say that I love Trump.  
He has great musical taste.

If you don’t like him, fine.  Your choice.

Rock On!

Except you'll be attacked by butthurt members in this group.🤦

They can't help themselves lol🤣

Here for the bands music not everyone's political belief's, that stuff keep to yourself,  like faiths and sport teams etc... it's a GNR forum not, individual forum

🤘state of grace 


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You guys really still believe in presidents? The most powerful man in the world, sure, sure. The current guy doesn’t even know where he is half the time he appears in public, yet you think they actually give him "the red button" and all that. 
Well, whatever keeps ya all arguing and fighting each other, I guess. Just don’t unite, cooperate, and figure things out – that’s not desired at all...

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Thank the Void my country has more than two major political parties. Two party system, especially these days with social media, seems really poisonous, because it creates that "us versus them" divide. With multiple parties (while not a perfect system also) you learn to accept that each party has some good and some bad ideas, which leads to discussion and meeting in the middle.


I don't like Trump and I don't like him playing Gn'R in his rallies, but if he has the legal licenses to play them, then I guess it's fair that he plays them. 

But I also like that artists ask his campaign not to play their music, when they feel that Trump doesn't represent their values, because why be an artist, if you don't want to take a stance for something you believe in.


Also, that jerking two dicks video? Trying to gay-shame someone is really tired, in my opinion. Even if that dance move looks amazingly stupid. Nothing wrong with jerking dicks. Your own or someone else's.

Rant over, peace out ✌️

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9 hours ago, WhazUp said:

Holy shit dude, this is the most unhinged post I have read since Axl came on here to cuss out Madison :lol:


I agree with only 1 thing in this entire long-winded post naming nearly every right wing conspiracy theory and distorted fact there is - Trump can't be controlled.  He is uncontrollable - you are absolutely right lol

Not much of a rebuttal there…

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1 hour ago, Rindmelon said:

I thought Republicans believed in freedom of speech. :) 

If we want to be technical about it, the freedom of speech doesn't apply to forums, much like social media like Facebook, etc. that are private companies. For example, someone speaking inappropriately at a bar getting removed from the property cannot argue the freedom of speech because it is a private business, and they have a right to refuse service. 

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2 hours ago, Mascadcar said:

Not much of a rebuttal there…

There isn't much in their post to rebuttal, it is pretty much all your typical right-wing talking points that are made up out of thin air


When someone truly is of the mind that "the left are shoving the transgender lifestyle down our throats", and think the source of every issue in the world is with the left, I am not gonna waste time with that nonsense lol

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12 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

When someone truly is of the mind that "the left are shoving the transgender lifestyle down our throats", 

I don't think the right is doing that, but it's pretty obvious someone is. There's children books about it, lots of TV  shows have it painfully obviously apparent, etc. Needing to have pronouns in email signatures at some companies. Getting heavily criticized for "misgendering" people who don't look anything like the sex they are trying to represent themselves as. It's even in Star Wars now, I saw a clip where Imperial Inquisitors were killing a Jedi, whilst respecting their pronouns. It's becoming a joke that (sadly for they/them) is too easy to make fun of. In short, an overrepresentation of a very very small minority of people, who clearly need help of some kind seeing how their suicide rate is through the roof, which is unfortunate of course as everyone deserves to be happy. I won't even get started on women's sports, I feel like everyone should be on the same page about that. 

If someone communicates to me they prefer to be called whatever, I'll respect their wish. But I'm not going to trip over my own words to accommodate their bullshit if I forget to go along with their "lifestyle" for lack of a better word or term, nor do I accept it as normal behavior, but I'll tolerate it because it's a free country and they have the right to pursue happiness. Just don't tell me I'm an asshole for not going along with their bullshit, I don't expect everyone to accept my behavior, but assuming it is lawful, they should tolerate it. 

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6 hours ago, Appetitefordiscussion said:

I could be wrong but I have a feeling they play a lot of  music (whether the campaign has the proper license/it’s legal or not) by artist to provoke them to lash out the next day about it. 

Might be one of those “bad PR is still PR” kinda things lol what a troll 

He's the king of all trolls...

Not long left for him now...

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On 10/16/2024 at 11:23 AM, SoulMonster said:

If the artist owns the music and its rights then it is up to the artist to refuse its use, even if that means less money to the artist. I think it is great that artists have values and principles that are more important than cash. 

Yeah. But I also think those morals are fucked when you say this politician can use it, this one can't as if one is better than other in terms of moral high ground. Either a rule of no politician using your music or you shut the fuck up. 

These bands saying trump don't use my music is fine, but saying Kamala use it is an an endorsement of the last 4 years and especially an endorsement for America's role in prolonging the Ukraine war (scuppering peace talks) and America's role in basically setting the middle east on fire due to their inability or just plain refusal to check Israel. Lots of people here won't enjoy that opinion and I truly don't care😉 also not interested in debating any of what I said, so if this makes you sour move right on by 😚

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16 hours ago, matt1313 said:

- He fosters division and polarity through his remarks and statements

THE MEDIA, a LEFT wing media,  fosters division and polarity.  

- He undermines democracy by refusing to accept elections 

Like Hilary Clinton?  Like Al Gore?  And if you only get your news from CNN and MSNBC, you would never understand how the last election was stolen.  I mean, a surrogate of George Soros, Lord Malloch Brown, owns Dominion Voting.  Dominion Voting tabulates more than half of the United State's ballots.  This doesn't take a rocket scientist here.   That's not to mention disregarding all the video footage of pollsters pushing fake ballots through machines in battleground states and counties.  But, sure, whatever you say. 

- He undermines democracy by threatening to punish people opposed to him

Really?  Like the Biden Administration's DOJ and their state-level surrogates trying to lock Trump up as we speak with non-existent "crimes"?  

- He is an extremely bad role model, something presidents should be

Really?  Like Bill Clinton visiting Epstein Island and getting blow jobs from interns under his desk in the Oval Office?  Or Biden showering with his daughters?   

- He is weakening women rights

Like the left shoving transgender ideology down our throats and allowing MEN to take prominent roles, positions and scholarships away from women by allowing them to compete with women?  

- He seems to have a poor grasp on evidence-based reasoning

According to MSNBC and CNN and, apparently, you. 

- He has no qualms about making whatever lie that serves his purpose

According to MSNBC and CNN.  This can also be said of just about every lifelong politician. 

- He is not in favor of strengthening gun laws

Sure he is... he wants to STRENGTHEN and PROTECT the 2nd amendment.   We're witnessing the fall of the great republics of Europe as we speak because the government took their weapons away and the citizens can't fight back.   Again, this isn't rocket science.  On a local level, crime in the United States where it's commonly legal to open carry is almost non-existent.  But if you visit a left-wing city where they take guns away, crime across the board is off the charts.   The bad guys still get guns.   Again, this ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. 

- He doesn't seem to actually have any solutions to anything but just say whatever his supporters want to hear

I'm a business owner and my business was THRIVING under the last Trump administration.  My taxes were at an all time low, homeownership in the country at an all time high, gas prices the lowest they've been in over 25 years, unemployment rate at an all time low, the stock market at all time highs, NO WARS, and the man actually brokered a real peace treaty in the Middle East.  

Now?  Inflation is through the roof.  I've had to lay people off... business is no where near as good.  Home prices are out of reach for the common American.  Joblessness again skyrocketing.  Foreign nations are emptying their prisons and sending them to the United States with our open border.   That's hit home for my area... two women were brutally murdered by illegal MS-13 gang members who were known murderers in their home country. 

When Trump wanted to pull the United States out of the worthless Afghanistan war that was propagated by politicians on the left and right in the 2000's and supported by Bush and Obama, he walked into a room with the Taliban leaders and simply showed them photos of their homes from satellite imagery.  Told them if one American service member is killed during the drawdown, all of the homes in those photos would vanish in seconds.   Not a single American was killed from that point on... up until Biden got in there and botched it all.

I get you might not like 'mean tweets'.  He might be an ass hole and a tough bastard.  But who would you rather have dealing with terrorists or other dictators as the world leader?  Kamala?  Biden?  

Then you really go off the rails:

- His America first policy will make the world less stable

America is less stable because of the Biden's open borders.  America is less stable because we're practically bankrupt.  The country is literally on the verge of collapse.  If that happens, the rest of the world can kiss their ass goodbye.  

- He openly admires "strong men" like Putin, Victor Orban and Kim Jung-Un instead of clearly stating why they are wrong and hurting their people through their policies

According to CNN and MSNBC.  Trump believed in communicating with your enemy vs. isolate them.  Isolating them makes the world a more dangerous place.  Ukraine is a perfect example of that.  So is the current state of affairs in the Middle East. 

- His policies regarding Israel will likely only perpetuate the current conflicts in the middle east

Again, Trump was the only one to garner a real peace deal in the Middle East.  The big problem there is Hezbollah and Iran.  Believe me, most of the middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia would love nothing more than to see both of those entities wiped off the map.  Iran's own PEOPLE want the regime gone.  But what does Biden and Harris do?  Send Iran billions in aid... that's used to propagate war against Israel.  Again, NOT ROCKET SCIENCE HERE. 

- He is not willing to do enough for green transition and curb climate change

This is all a myth.  The Earth is nowhere near the hottest it's ever been.  It cycles hot to cold every 40k years or so, and we're right in the middle of that cycle.  There are no more hurricanes than there was 100 years ago, in fact, there's LESS.  The data is out there.  There just happens to be a lot more people living in the areas where major storms hit.  But I'll humor you here for a second and say 'climate change' is real.   The left, Biden and Harris, want to do away with the fossil fuel industry.  Did you see all the windmills and solar farms destroyed by the hurricanes last month?  Anyway... when the United States is not energy dependent, we have to OUTSOURCE our energy needs, pulling it form China and the Middle East.  Not only is that bankrupting the United States, but the methods the Chinese and middle-eastern entities use to extract the fossil fuels for us is far more damaging to the environment than if we were to responsibly produce it ourselves.  

You see, only brainwashed western countries do away with fossil fuel, only to have to import it from China, who's absolutely destroying the environment.  

So, again, good job on doing your homework, bud.  THIS ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. 

On top of that, last time I checked, one of Trump's BFF's is Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla.  I have a Tesla, model Y, great car.  I believe the world does need to transition to green energy because that would ultimately be better for the environment and planet.  But it's not going to happen in 5-10 years.  A steady transition over the next century is more realistic, especially with fusion power right around the corner.  

And, don't worry, in the major city near me, ran by leftists, climate alarmists erected an obelisk at our harbor to track the progress of 'certain sea level rise' way back in 1980.  By now, the harbor water should have risen over 10 feet and the entire downtown area under water.  Well, it's only gone up less than ONE INCH.  

So we have plenty of time to sort green energy out.  Stop letting leftists get your panties all bunched up in knots.

Finally, there's a reason why everyone hates Trump (and why all Americans should love him), HE'S NOT A LIFELONG POLITICIAN.  Every 'professional politician' in this country, and in all of Europe, is bought and paid for by special interests.  They're beholden to the George Soros' of the world and their agendas.  They are NOT looking out for their citizens, NONE OF THEM.  If you believe they are, you're part of the problem.

Trump is not and can not be bought.  He CAN'T BE CONTROLED.  He's literally trying to do everything he can for the betterment of the United States and its people.  Not George Soros.  Not Bill Gates.  Not China.  

That's why he's attacked and ravaged by the media, by politicians on both sides because Trump was cutting off their gravy train of money from China and others, the same politicians who control the media, who controls YOUR thoughts and beliefs.  And until folks like you wake up and understand your politicians don't give a rats-ass about you, you'll go down with the ship.  Because it will go down if people don't begin to educate themselves on these topics.

I was one of them... used to sound just like you.  I 'woke up' in 2016.   I hope you do too one day.    

I stopped reading in the first paragraph because you regurgitated Trump's narrative of a stolen election despite absolutely no evidence.  Such little sheep.

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21 hours ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

Voting for someone that didn't receive any votes in the Democratic primary is great for democracy. I'm a changed man. I see all of your points. What has been burdened has been undone.Thank you for opening my eyes fellow gunners.

The weakest of all attacks.

Is every incumbent who runs for re-election without a primary anti-democratic?

Trump didn't have a primary in 2020.

The hypocrisy is hilarious.

And I love when the right accidentally admits that they can't grasp syntax above a grade school level because they can't understand what Harris is saying with "What can be, unburdened by what has been". It literally just means the future doesn't have to be constrained by the past.

You're exposing the fact that you can't speak English properly. Maybe we should require English language tests to vote. Immigrants would demolish Trump supporters at that. :lol:

20 hours ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

Of course you don't have an issue. You didn't even care that a senile man has been president for 3 and a half years. And still supposedly is. You have your opinion and I respect you as a fellow American my friend. I will do my best no matter who they elect or appoint, and I hope you do to.


More hypocrisy: "You won't admit that Biden is declining, but I'm gonna scream "foul!" when you run someone else because you did in fact recognize his decline and did something about it, unlike us with Trump's decline!"


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19 hours ago, bumcheecksmcghee said:

Found another triggered member lol hello there... I'm just sitting back laughing at this dumpster fire of a thread, the reason why politics should stay out of here. We're here together as GNR fans have united us, yet one spud has a cry about their team and using music... it's actually funny so thank you for highlighting your own saltiness stupidity... unless you want to talk about the band I have no reason to entertain your thoughts  😉 

Regard to rogan an pool (whoever that is.. I'm not American lol?) I don't know what threads you mean as I don't come here for politics so missed them I guess?? 

I've made you look silly enough now, so I'm off to listen to sorry... cos





Proving my point about MAGA projection. "Anyone that offends me is "offended", anyone that triggers me is "triggered", etc."

The use of juvenile insults like "butthurt" also really says a lot. But it's the maturity level I've come to expect from MAGAs.

6 hours ago, Sweersa said:

If we want to be technical about it, the freedom of speech doesn't apply to forums, much like social media like Facebook, etc. that are private companies. For example, someone speaking inappropriately at a bar getting removed from the property cannot argue the freedom of speech because it is a private business, and they have a right to refuse service. 

Oh, so you're okay with social media websites, say, suppressing certain political stories? Like say, hypothetically about Hunter Biden for example?

MAGAs really wanted to see those dick pics, apparently. Because that was what got taken down from Twitter when the Biden campaign asked if they would. They like to pretend it was some damning evidence of corruption but no, it was just illegally obtained and distributed revenge pornography that got taken down.

3 hours ago, Sweersa said:

I don't think the right is doing that, but it's pretty obvious someone is. There's children books about it, lots of TV  shows have it painfully obviously apparent, etc.

Now count how many children's books depict straight families and relationships, how many TV shows have straight romance stories. Is that indoctrination into heterosexuality? By the right's logic, it would be (if their logic were actually consistent).

Hell, the right actually creates camps to literally turn gay kids straight. The most literal definition of an indoctrination into a certain sexuality. Nothing remotely like that exists the other way around. If my son starts dating a girl, there is no "reformation camp" I can send him to until he's gay.



Needing to have pronouns in email signatures at some companies.

What a nightmare!


Getting heavily criticized for "misgendering" people who don't look anything like the sex they are trying to represent themselves as.

Getting criticized is being forced to do something? Once again proving the right doesn't believe in free speech.


In short, an overrepresentation of a very very small minority of people, who clearly need help of some kind seeing how their suicide rate is through the roof, which is unfortunate of course as everyone deserves to be happy.

Studies have repeatedly shown that suicidality comes from the very misgendering and mocking of them you are engaging in right here, and shown that acceptance drastically lowers it. 


I won't even get started on women's sports, I feel like everyone should be on the same page about that. 

The right wants trans men who are on testosterone to compete in women's sports.

You want this guy competing in women's sports?


It's shocking that more people don't realize the flip side of the coin because the right is always freaking out about trans women competing with women and having an unfair advantage. Trans men would have an even bigger advantage against cis women. Y'all haven't put a single minute of thought into this, you're just triggered by trans people and looking for any excuse to reject their identity.


But I'm not going to trip over my own words to accommodate their bullshit if I forget to go along with their "lifestyle" for lack of a better word or term, nor do I accept it as normal behavior, but I'll tolerate it because it's a free country and they have the right to pursue happiness. Just don't tell me I'm an asshole for not going along with their bullshit, I don't expect everyone to accept my behavior, but assuming it is lawful, they should tolerate it. 

Meanwhile the right wants us to trip over our words to accommodate their "Christmas, not X-mas" bullshit if we forget to go along with their "lifestyle".

Edited by evilfacelessturtle
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1 hour ago, GnR Chris said:

I stopped reading in the first paragraph because you regurgitated Trump's narrative of a stolen election despite absolutely no evidence.  Such little sheep.

You sure about that? Any time now Rudy Giuliani will present evidence to the contrary. Oh wait . He's disbarred due to the fraud nonsense. They only had about 60 chances to prove their case. Some in front of tRump appointed judges. But also if tRump wins in a few weeks then surely there's no fraud. If he loses: fraud. If he wins: no fraud. Vance still continues to say that tRump won





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