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Trump used November Rain last night at a rally

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20 hours ago, Sweersa said:

Homosexual, no. Transgender, probably. I don’t think it’s a coincidence so many an hero themselves, which is of course unfortunate. 

I'll repeat the point that you dodged with cowardice:

"Studies have repeatedly shown that suicidality comes from the very misgendering and mocking of them you are engaging in right here, and shown that acceptance drastically lowers it."

If you actually thought it was unfortunate, you would be interested in finding out what can prevent it. You've just proven that you are not interested in that.

Come to think of it, you dodged every point I made, what a surprise. The right has no answers to anything because they know all of their talking points are BS.

When they get eviscerated with facts, they lose their mind and start screaming hysterically about everyone they disagree with being mentally ill. Sounds like the temperament of every fascist in history. Confront them with reality and they will go on a hysterical tirade about their chosen scapegoat being sub-human.

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10 hours ago, Sweersa said:

I just don't like it all thrown in my face. The parades where people dress up like they are on their way to a swingers party, or as animals which can be appealing to children, etc. It's a bit much. Of course, they have every right to do it, and I also have every right to believe and express my disgust for such immaturity and delinquency. I've seen a lot at these things I accidentally end up near when vacationing at places that unfortunately also happen to celebrate such perversions, large bearded men with huge breasts, men with breasts and scratches all down their arms. If changing their physical appearance prevents them from self-harm or worse, okay, but I don't think that's a realistic treatment for their issues. How can any reasonable person see this and not think they are seeing a freak show?

I'm sick of Republican degeneracy being shoved in my face. It's vile and perverted. Grotesque, insecure men who dress like a child's idea of masculinity, driving clownish oversized trucks to compensate for their insecurities, wearing clothes with sexually degrading slogans on them around children, grooming children into heterosexuality from long before puberty, morbidly obese from a lack of personal responsibility and self control, reeking of body odor from a lack of personal hygiene, walking strangely from the back injuries that resulted from the physical labor they idolize with no regulations or union protection to preserve their bodies...

How can any reasonable person see this and not think it's a freak show?


Man, when you flip right wing rhetoric on its head, it makes it pretty hard to fool anyone into thinking the left is radical, huh? I have never in my life heard a leftist speak even remotely like that.

Edited by evilfacelessturtle
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4 hours ago, Cosmo said:

I have absolutely no words for the level of prejudice and intolerance. Once again, bigotry and ignorance being disgised as religious beliefs. The best part is - these people ignore the fact Donald Trump is the furthest thing from a christian as one can be. Just look at his history and his ped0 sex trafficking friends. But no, the proplem is trans people being free to be whoever they want to be without harminh anyone. This is simply sickening to read…


1 hour ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

You are wrong. People run against Trump in 2020 Republican primary. They just didn't fair well. 400,000 votes against Trumps 19,000,000.

Gee, maybe because they didn't hold primaries in 9 states?


Where is the outrage over that?

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On 10/17/2024 at 1:21 AM, matt1313 said:

- He fosters division and polarity through his remarks and statements

THE MEDIA, a LEFT wing media,  fosters division and polarity.  

- He undermines democracy by refusing to accept elections 

Like Hilary Clinton?  Like Al Gore?  And if you only get your news from CNN and MSNBC, you would never understand how the last election was stolen.  I mean, a surrogate of George Soros, Lord Malloch Brown, owns Dominion Voting.  Dominion Voting tabulates more than half of the United State's ballots.  This doesn't take a rocket scientist here.   That's not to mention disregarding all the video footage of pollsters pushing fake ballots through machines in battleground states and counties.  But, sure, whatever you say. 

- He undermines democracy by threatening to punish people opposed to him

Really?  Like the Biden Administration's DOJ and their state-level surrogates trying to lock Trump up as we speak with non-existent "crimes"?  

- He is an extremely bad role model, something presidents should be

Really?  Like Bill Clinton visiting Epstein Island and getting blow jobs from interns under his desk in the Oval Office?  Or Biden showering with his daughters?   

- He is weakening women rights

Like the left shoving transgender ideology down our throats and allowing MEN to take prominent roles, positions and scholarships away from women by allowing them to compete with women?  

- He seems to have a poor grasp on evidence-based reasoning

According to MSNBC and CNN and, apparently, you. 

- He has no qualms about making whatever lie that serves his purpose

According to MSNBC and CNN.  This can also be said of just about every lifelong politician. 

- He is not in favor of strengthening gun laws

Sure he is... he wants to STRENGTHEN and PROTECT the 2nd amendment.   We're witnessing the fall of the great republics of Europe as we speak because the government took their weapons away and the citizens can't fight back.   Again, this isn't rocket science.  On a local level, crime in the United States where it's commonly legal to open carry is almost non-existent.  But if you visit a left-wing city where they take guns away, crime across the board is off the charts.   The bad guys still get guns.   Again, this ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. 

- He doesn't seem to actually have any solutions to anything but just say whatever his supporters want to hear

I'm a business owner and my business was THRIVING under the last Trump administration.  My taxes were at an all time low, homeownership in the country at an all time high, gas prices the lowest they've been in over 25 years, unemployment rate at an all time low, the stock market at all time highs, NO WARS, and the man actually brokered a real peace treaty in the Middle East.  

Now?  Inflation is through the roof.  I've had to lay people off... business is no where near as good.  Home prices are out of reach for the common American.  Joblessness again skyrocketing.  Foreign nations are emptying their prisons and sending them to the United States with our open border.   That's hit home for my area... two women were brutally murdered by illegal MS-13 gang members who were known murderers in their home country. 

When Trump wanted to pull the United States out of the worthless Afghanistan war that was propagated by politicians on the left and right in the 2000's and supported by Bush and Obama, he walked into a room with the Taliban leaders and simply showed them photos of their homes from satellite imagery.  Told them if one American service member is killed during the drawdown, all of the homes in those photos would vanish in seconds.   Not a single American was killed from that point on... up until Biden got in there and botched it all.

I get you might not like 'mean tweets'.  He might be an ass hole and a tough bastard.  But who would you rather have dealing with terrorists or other dictators as the world leader?  Kamala?  Biden?  

Then you really go off the rails:

- His America first policy will make the world less stable

America is less stable because of the Biden's open borders.  America is less stable because we're practically bankrupt.  The country is literally on the verge of collapse.  If that happens, the rest of the world can kiss their ass goodbye.  

- He openly admires "strong men" like Putin, Victor Orban and Kim Jung-Un instead of clearly stating why they are wrong and hurting their people through their policies

According to CNN and MSNBC.  Trump believed in communicating with your enemy vs. isolate them.  Isolating them makes the world a more dangerous place.  Ukraine is a perfect example of that.  So is the current state of affairs in the Middle East. 

- His policies regarding Israel will likely only perpetuate the current conflicts in the middle east

Again, Trump was the only one to garner a real peace deal in the Middle East.  The big problem there is Hezbollah and Iran.  Believe me, most of the middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia would love nothing more than to see both of those entities wiped off the map.  Iran's own PEOPLE want the regime gone.  But what does Biden and Harris do?  Send Iran billions in aid... that's used to propagate war against Israel.  Again, NOT ROCKET SCIENCE HERE. 

- He is not willing to do enough for green transition and curb climate change

This is all a myth.  The Earth is nowhere near the hottest it's ever been.  It cycles hot to cold every 40k years or so, and we're right in the middle of that cycle.  There are no more hurricanes than there was 100 years ago, in fact, there's LESS.  The data is out there.  There just happens to be a lot more people living in the areas where major storms hit.  But I'll humor you here for a second and say 'climate change' is real.   The left, Biden and Harris, want to do away with the fossil fuel industry.  Did you see all the windmills and solar farms destroyed by the hurricanes last month?  Anyway... when the United States is not energy dependent, we have to OUTSOURCE our energy needs, pulling it form China and the Middle East.  Not only is that bankrupting the United States, but the methods the Chinese and middle-eastern entities use to extract the fossil fuels for us is far more damaging to the environment than if we were to responsibly produce it ourselves.  

You see, only brainwashed western countries do away with fossil fuel, only to have to import it from China, who's absolutely destroying the environment.  

So, again, good job on doing your homework, bud.  THIS ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. 

On top of that, last time I checked, one of Trump's BFF's is Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla.  I have a Tesla, model Y, great car.  I believe the world does need to transition to green energy because that would ultimately be better for the environment and planet.  But it's not going to happen in 5-10 years.  A steady transition over the next century is more realistic, especially with fusion power right around the corner.  

And, don't worry, in the major city near me, ran by leftists, climate alarmists erected an obelisk at our harbor to track the progress of 'certain sea level rise' way back in 1980.  By now, the harbor water should have risen over 10 feet and the entire downtown area under water.  Well, it's only gone up less than ONE INCH.  

So we have plenty of time to sort green energy out.  Stop letting leftists get your panties all bunched up in knots.

Finally, there's a reason why everyone hates Trump (and why all Americans should love him), HE'S NOT A LIFELONG POLITICIAN.  Every 'professional politician' in this country, and in all of Europe, is bought and paid for by special interests.  They're beholden to the George Soros' of the world and their agendas.  They are NOT looking out for their citizens, NONE OF THEM.  If you believe they are, you're part of the problem.

Trump is not and can not be bought.  He CAN'T BE CONTROLED.  He's literally trying to do everything he can for the betterment of the United States and its people.  Not George Soros.  Not Bill Gates.  Not China.  

That's why he's attacked and ravaged by the media, by politicians on both sides because Trump was cutting off their gravy train of money from China and others, the same politicians who control the media, who controls YOUR thoughts and beliefs.  And until folks like you wake up and understand your politicians don't give a rats-ass about you, you'll go down with the ship.  Because it will go down if people don't begin to educate themselves on these topics.

I was one of them... used to sound just like you.  I 'woke up' in 2016.   I hope you do too one day.    

This will be lost on you, but for the sake of anyone who doesn't know why these arguments are bullshit:


- He fosters division and polarity through his remarks and statements

THE MEDIA, a LEFT wing media,  fosters division and polarity.  

"I'm rubber and you're glue" is not an argument.


- He undermines democracy by refusing to accept elections 

Like Hilary Clinton?  Like Al Gore?  And if you only get your news from CNN and MSNBC, you would never understand how the last election was stolen.  I mean, a surrogate of George Soros, Lord Malloch Brown, owns Dominion Voting.  Dominion Voting tabulates more than half of the United State's ballots.  This doesn't take a rocket scientist here.   That's not to mention disregarding all the video footage of pollsters pushing fake ballots through machines in battleground states and counties.  But, sure, whatever you say. 

Clinton and Gore did not send FAKE electors to Congress. Clinton and Gore did not put up baseless legal challenges and continue pushing those lies after the court cases were lost. Clinton and Gore did not demand a Secretary of State "find the votes" they needed to flip that state. Clinton and Gore did not insist that they won for years after the fact.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a Democrat being on the Board of Directors of Smartmatic (not Dominion), is not evidence that they rigged the vote tallies. By that logic, any Republican in charge of their state election process is proof that republicans rigged that state.

The video footage you're referring to does not show "fake" ballots at all, they were real ballots, as proven in a court of law. How would you even think you could tell the veracity of a ballot from a security camera? Ridiculous.


Really?  Like the Biden Administration's DOJ and their state-level surrogates trying to lock Trump up as we speak with non-existent "crimes"?

There is zero evidence that Biden directed any of the DOJ charges, you're just making shit up out of thin air.


Like Bill Clinton visiting Epstein Island and getting blow jobs from interns under his desk in the Oval Office?  Or Biden showering with his daughters?   

Trump was also on Epstein's plane logbook. That claim about Biden comes from fake lines added to a stolen diary. Just like Hunter's laptop, it was a real object, but had tons of fake things added into it by the right wing con artists who got a hold of it.


Like the left shoving transgender ideology down our throats and allowing MEN to take prominent roles, positions and scholarships away from women by allowing them to compete with women?

Trans women are women, deal with it.


Sure he is... he wants to STRENGTHEN and PROTECT the 2nd amendment.   We're witnessing the fall of the great republics of Europe as we speak because the government took their weapons away and the citizens can't fight back.   Again, this isn't rocket science.  

"Take the guns first, deal with the 2nd Amendment later" - Donald Trump

You think Europeans should be murderously rebelling against their government for allowing immigrants? MAGAs are violent traitors to the country, confirmed.


On a local level, crime in the United States where it's commonly legal to open carry is almost non-existent.  But if you visit a left-wing city where they take guns away, crime across the board is off the charts.   The bad guys still get guns.   Again, this ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. 

False. Rural areas have more crime per capita (that means adjusted for population, rocket scientist). Louisiana is a violent dangerous shithole, statistically speaking:




I'm a business owner and my business was THRIVING under the last Trump administration.  My taxes were at an all time low, homeownership in the country at an all time high, gas prices the lowest they've been in over 25 years, unemployment rate at an all time low, the stock market at all time highs, NO WARS, and the man actually brokered a real peace treaty in the Middle East.  

Now?  Inflation is through the roof.  I've had to lay people off... business is no where near as good.  Home prices are out of reach for the common American.  Joblessness again skyrocketing.  Foreign nations are emptying their prisons and sending them to the United States with our open border.   That's hit home for my area... two women were brutally murdered by illegal MS-13 gang members who were known murderers in their home country. 

Your poor business skills aren't Biden's fault. What ever happened to personal responsibility?

Trump only passed one major piece of legislation, but you think he can take credit for the entire economy. :lol:

I thought this was a capitalist country with a privatized economy? I thought the president controlling the economy was Communism? Which is it?

The stock market is now higher than it was under Trump. Inflation was a worldwide trend as a result of Covid shutting down economies, and the US had nearly the LOWEST inflation in the world post-covid.

Home prices were only lower under Trump because time moves forward and they have always increased over time. Derp. Home ownership is also higher under Biden than it was under Trump. Unemployment is LOWER under BIden than it was under Trump. You're just lying through your teeth.

The lie that other countries are emptying prisons into the US is just a bald faced lie with absolutely zero evidence behind it. Falling for that whopper really proves that you will just believe anything the man says. He could say that other countries are putting bombs inside toddlers and you would believe it, seeing as you don't need any proof at all, just his word and you'll blindly believe whatever he says.

More people have been murdered by native born Americans than immigrants. You aren't fooling anyone with your fear mongering.

Anyway, that's enough time wasted on your clownish bullshit. Keep on blindly believing everything a politician tells you, it will serve you well in life.

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1 hour ago, evilfacelessturtle said:


Gee, maybe because they didn't hold primaries in 9 states?


Where is the outrage over that?

People drop out of the primaries at all different stages because they either have no support or fundraising.

The incumbent or leading candidate does not drop out.

If they had anything on Trump about Epstein they would expose everyone just to bring him down 

I would get nasty and call you some bad words but that accomplishes nothing. Good day to you sir.

Edited by gnfnrs1972
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4 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

LOL, what are you trying to say the "dirty left shifted around"?

Jesus Christ, this comment is a disturbing cry for help.

Nobody on the left is calling heterosexuality a mental illness. Way to prove to everyone that y'all are the radicals.

If anything is mental illness, it's believing there's a man in the sky controlling everything.

Damn, this comment gets more and more unhinged the further you get into it. Please seek therapy. Oh wait, y'all don't believe in therapy. But you try to call everyone you disagree with "mentally ill", despite the fact that they actually do believe in mental health, and you don't.

I guess that brings us back to the projection. Every accusation is a confession.

Stay triggered, it helps us win because you expose yourself as the unhinged radicals you are.

You will never win. Won’t be for lack of trying though. For as good as the left is at getting into wars, they can’t handle them themselves.

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3 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

I'm sick of Republican degeneracy being shoved in my face. It's vile and perverted. Grotesque, insecure men who dress like a child's idea of masculinity, driving clownish oversized trucks to compensate for their insecurities, wearing clothes with sexually degrading slogans on them around children, grooming children into heterosexuality from long before puberty, morbidly obese from a lack of personal responsibility and self control, reeking of body odor from a lack of personal hygiene, walking strangely from the back injuries that resulted from the physical labor they idolize with no regulations or union protection to preserve their bodies...

How can any reasonable person see this and not think it's a freak show?


Man, when you flip right wing rhetoric on its head, it makes it pretty hard to fool anyone into thinking the left is radical, huh? I have never in my life heard a leftist speak even remotely like that.

Who ever said I was a Republican? Also, your bullshit about rural areas having more crime is pathetic. You must not live in the country. We’re all hard working, self sufficient folks who don’t blame our problems on the government. Nor do we look to them for anything. No crime here, unless the freaks from the city make their way out here. Save for the occasional oddity, of course. Gun legislation doesn’t go very far out here anyways, we’re above all that crap. 
Oversized trucks? Please. I drive a 1997 Ford Ranger man, my newest vehicle is a 2005 Ford Exploder. I’m practical. I don’t need to be in a fancy vehicle, it enables me to afford a nice home on a good chunk of property away from deranged people like you along with a bunch of other things that would probably make you uncomfortable to know I have, and that’s ok. If they ever ban those things, come and take them. Then you will see what they are really intended for. 
In short, personal responsibility. You can make your life amazing, or not. Life free. Anyone not comfortable living in a free society, don’t. 

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Also, trans women who are biologically male are not women. But, we can pretend they are. It’s one of those things we all know, so stop wasting our time with that bullshit. 
If a trans person expresses they want to be identified as whatever, I’ll respect that and will abide by whatever pronouns they prefer as a basic exercise of respect and tolerance. But, that still doesn’t change what they are from a biological perspective, nor does it change the definition of a man or woman. There’s some things that can’t be changed. 

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55 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

. But, that still doesn’t change what they are from a biological perspective, nor does it change the definition of a man or woman. There’s some things that can’t be changed. 


The definition of gender roles (man, woman, etc.) is not fixed - it is agreed upon terminology based on societal structure of a given culture.  Not an unchanging naturally occuring objective fact

https://www.britannica.com/list/6-cultures-that-recognize-more-than-two-genders#:~:text=Hindu society features the gender,community also includes intersex people.


^^ Here are examples of cultures that deviate from our Western usages of the terms man and woman, for an example


And hormone therapies literally change the human body a.k.a.... its biological qualities.  Is the concept you are looking for rather, "it still doesn't change what physical characteristics a given person biologically started out with"?


Edited by WhazUp
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3 hours ago, janrichmond said:

As a woman, I strongly disagree.

Because you are right! Ask they/them what a woman is. Their “answer” won’t be scientific, nor half as simple as the real answer is. 

I was born too late in a secular world full of filth. Isn’t this shit peddled in America more than any other country anyways? I guess when we’re not facing real issues, people come up with new problems. 

Edited by Sweersa
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On 10/16/2024 at 9:30 AM, SoulMonster said:

I am not American but from the top of my head here is why he is a bad choice for the US and for the world.

For the US:
- He fosters division and polarity through his remarks and statements
- He undermines democracy by refusing to accept elections 
- He undermines democracy by threatening to punish people opposed to him
- He is an extremely bad role model, something presidents should be
- He is weakening women rights
- He seems to have a poor grasp on evidence-based reasoning
- He has no qualms about making whatever lie that serves his purpose
- He is not in favor of strengthening gun laws
- He doesn't seem to actually have any solutions to anything but just say whatever his supporters want to hear


- The media divides people more than the things Trump actually says

- Here’s 24 minutes of democrats denying election results:

- as far as punishing people opposed to him, he wasn’t the one going after his political opponents with the justice system

- He doesn’t have any solutions? Are you talking about Kamala Harris, who’s been in charge for 3.5 years but it talking about how we need change?


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I didn't even have to read this thread to know I don't want to read this thread.

When you go back and watch the Al smith dinner from 2008 it's baffling how political discourse and overall environment has deteriorated in such a short period of time...settle in for some less than enjoyable future. Everyone would benefit so much from just a little moderation and honest debate instead of dogmatism. And by the way, it's OK to be wrong and change an opinion once in a while and it's also OK to not understand something without being automatically against it. It's sad when I write such an obvious and simple things and yet I'm sure that it's far from the most ridiculous thing that has been written here.

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Okay, some people today don't feel like they are in the right body, so they want a sex change.  I feel sorry for them because it must be horrible not to feel right.  If they want a sex change, go for it. I don't see why it upsets anyone.

If they are now a woman, why not use the woman's bathroom or for a woman who is now a man. Honestly, most of us probably wouldn't know. And why should it bother you. they won't molest you if that's what you're afraid of.

I've know gay men and women and never felt threatened by them. 

You have a better chance of getting molested by a man in the men's room than a trans.

Let people be who they want to be. It won't change your life any.

Try to see their feelings. If you didn't feel whole in your body, and you could do something about it, why now do it?

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20 hours ago, gnfnrs1972 said:

People drop out of the primaries at all different stages because they either have no support or fundraising.

The incumbent or leading candidate does not drop out.

If they had anything on Trump about Epstein they would expose everyone just to bring him down 

I would get nasty and call you some bad words but that accomplishes nothing. Good day to you sir.

Try again, those primaries were not canceled because candidates dropped out. Read the link:

"Both of Trump's main challengers at the time, Bill Weld and Joe Walsh, criticized these cancellations as undemocratic".

Ah, there it is, the mysterious "They". Just claim everything in the world is controlled by your opposition and you don't have to take responsibility for anything. Ignore all the republicans in positions of power and MAGA judges and you can play pretend fantasyland where the "deep state" controls everything and is coincidentally made up of only the politicians you disagree with. What a joke.

Donald Trump IS the establishment, that's why he was best friends with Epstein and at Clinton's wedding. He's a billionaire real estate mogul from NYC. He hired the head of the WWE, who monopolized the wrestling industry, to run the Small Business Administration. Trump is the establishment and only the easiest scam targets can't see that.


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3 hours ago, janrichmond said:

Because they still have a man's strength and physique, I don't want to share a woman's loo or changing room with someone who is not female. I don't agree with men joining women's teams in sporting events. I want to feel safe. 


People being afraid of unisex toilets while there are wars going on and democracy is at stake. Priorities.

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18 hours ago, Sweersa said:

You will never win. Won’t be for lack of trying though. For as good as the left is at getting into wars, they can’t handle them themselves.

You will never win if you keep chickening out of responding when I obliterate your canned talking points. :lol:

The left are warhawks? :lol:

Who was protesting the Vietnam war again? Who was protesting the war on terror?

18 hours ago, Sweersa said:

Who ever said I was a Republican?

I will not bow down to your authoritarian speech enforcement that I refer to you by whatever identity your mental illness compels you to believe you are. You can call yourself an "independent all you want, but I will continue to live in reality and call you a Republican because that's what Evolution made you.


Also, your bullshit about rural areas having more crime is pathetic.

I gave you the links to crime stats. Facts don't care about your feelings.


You must not live in the country.

Huh, but you can talk about what cities are like without living there? More Republican hypocrisy.


We’re all hard working, self sufficient folks who don’t blame our problems on the government.

You're ALL hard working? Even though republican states take more in welfare than they pay in taxes? Democratic states are paying for your survival and lifestyle.


See, this is the problem, you live in a fantasy world of absolutes. EVERYONE in the country is hard working and EVERYONE in cities are lazy. In reality, there is a mix of both regardless of where you live. You want to divide this country by pitting rural against urban because you're a radical extremist who can't see past the partisan propaganda you've been spoonfed.

You don't blame your problems on the government? If that were true, I would never hear a single word about "Biden destroying the country, causing inflation, blah blah blah" from y'all. That a bald faced lie and you know it. You blame the government when you stub your toe if a Democrat is president.


No crime here, unless the freaks from the city make their way out here. Save for the occasional oddity, of course. Gun legislation doesn’t go very far out here anyways, we’re above all that crap. 



You can't even parody how delusional y'all are.

You're completely living in fantasyland. I showed you the stats that PROVE there is more violence per capita in rural areas and you have the delusion to suggest there is no crime at all? Clown World.

Man, check out these "city freaks":



Oversized trucks? Please. I drive a 1997 Ford Ranger man, my newest vehicle is a 2005 Ford Exploder. I’m practical. I don’t need to be in a fancy vehicle, it enables me to afford a nice home on a good chunk of property away from deranged people like you along with a bunch of other things that would probably make you uncomfortable to know I have, and that’s ok.

You're right, these don't exist because you don't personally own one:




If they ever ban those things, come and take them. Then you will see what they are really intended for. 

Another "responsible" gun owner threatening to murder anyone who takes his toy, folks. Thanks for proving for the billionth time that the average gun owner is violent and mentally unwell.


In short, personal responsibility. You can make your life amazing, or not. Life free. Anyone not comfortable living in a free society, don’t. 

Then why do you obsessively blame Biden and Demcorats for all your failings in life?

The difference is that leftists have no problem with personal responsibility where appropriate, but you also need to have social responsibility. Republicans don't believe in that at all. Like with your one-sided insistence that rural Americans are perfect little angels who never commit any crime, and cities are swarming with crime, your worldview is cartoonishly one-sided. You are living in Republican fantasyland. And I will not be forced to entertain your delusions.

Edited by evilfacelessturtle
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13 hours ago, janrichmond said:

As a woman, I strongly disagree.

So then, as a man, I have the authority to say that trans men are men?

If simply being a gender makes you an expert on that gender, I guess so...

3 hours ago, janrichmond said:

Because they still have a man's strength and physique, I don't want to share a woman's loo or changing room with someone who is not female. I don't agree with men joining women's teams in sporting events. I want to feel safe. 


So you think that trans men should be in womens' locker rooms, then? Or would you prefer segregation of trans people?

You want this guy in womens' locker rooms?


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3 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Okay, some people today don't feel like they are in the right body, so they want a sex change.  I feel sorry for them because it must be horrible not to feel right.  If they want a sex change, go for it. I don't see why it upsets anyone.

If they are now a woman, why not use the woman's bathroom or for a woman who is now a man. Honestly, most of us probably wouldn't know. And why should it bother you. they won't molest you if that's what you're afraid of.

I've know gay men and women and never felt threatened by them. 

You have a better chance of getting molested by a man in the men's room than a trans.

Let people be who they want to be. It won't change your life any.

Try to see their feelings. If you didn't feel whole in your body, and you could do something about it, why now do it?

Being gay and being trans are two completely different things, I fully support the LGB community and I don't know anyone who doesn't. What I don't support is trans people using women's spaces. Whatever letters they have added to LGB I don't support. That is my choice.

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10 hours ago, Sweersa said:

Because you are right! Ask they/them what a woman is. Their “answer” won’t be scientific, nor half as simple as the real answer is. 

I was born too late in a secular world full of filth. Isn’t this shit peddled in America more than any other country anyways? I guess when we’re not facing real issues, people come up with new problems. 

Oh, now y'all believe in science? "Trust the science"? Except when it disagrees with your politics, am I right?

You should try looking up what biologists actually say next time before trying and faceplanting like this.


7 hours ago, BillConnor_1982 said:

- The media divides people more than the things Trump actually says

- Here’s 24 minutes of democrats denying election results:

- as far as punishing people opposed to him, he wasn’t the one going after his political opponents with the justice system

- He doesn’t have any solutions? Are you talking about Kamala Harris, who’s been in charge for 3.5 years but it talking about how we need change?


Notice how all of these clips come from immediately after the election? That's because once it was proven that Trump did win legitimately, they stopped saying that because it would then be a lie instead of a speculative opinion. Trump did not stop once his lies were disproven. Nice try though.

I'm still waiting for the evidence that Biden directed the charges against Trump. Still waiting...

Trump has a "concept of a plan" XD

You think the Vice President is in charge of the country? Dear God, please go back to grade school Civics 101 before you even think about voting again.

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5 minutes ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

So then, as a man, I have the authority to say that trans men are men?

If simply being a gender makes you an expert on that gender, I guess so...

3 hours ago, janrichmond said:

Sex not gender. I never once said that I'm an expert. I don't care if you think trans men are men, that is your choice.


8 minutes ago, evilfacelessturtle said:


You want this guy in womens' locker rooms?

That's not a guy, she has hips


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