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Trump used November Rain last night at a rally

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3 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

You will never win if you keep chickening out of responding when I obliterate your canned talking points. :lol:

The left are warhawks? :lol:

Who was protesting the Vietnam war again? Who was protesting the war on terror?

I will not bow down to your authoritarian speech enforcement that I refer to you by whatever identity your mental illness compels you to believe you are. You can call yourself an "independent all you want, but I will continue to live in reality and call you a Republican because that's what Evolution made you.

I gave you the links to crime stats. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Huh, but you can talk about what cities are like without living there? More Republican hypocrisy.

You're ALL hard working? Even though republican states take more in welfare than they pay in taxes? Democratic states are paying for your survival and lifestyle.


See, this is the problem, you live in a fantasy world of absolutes. EVERYONE in the country is hard working and EVERYONE in cities are lazy. In reality, there is a mix of both regardless of where you live. You want to divide this country by pitting rural against urban because you're a radical extremist who can't see past the partisan propaganda you've been spoonfed.

You don't blame your problems on the government? If that were true, I would never hear a single word about "Biden destroying the country, causing inflation, blah blah blah" from y'all. That a bald faced lie and you know it. You blame the government when you stub your toe if a Democrat is president.



You can't even parody how delusional y'all are.

You're completely living in fantasyland. I showed you the stats that PROVE there is more violence per capita in rural areas and you have the delusion to suggest there is no crime at all? Clown World.

Man, check out these "city freaks":


You're right, these don't exist because you don't personally own one:



Another "responsible" gun owner threatening to murder anyone who takes his toy, folks. Thanks for proving for the billionth time that the average gun owner is violent and mentally unwell.

Then why do you obsessively blame Biden and Demcorats for all your failings in life?

The difference is that leftists have no problem with personal responsibility where appropriate, but you also need to have social responsibility. Republicans don't believe in that at all. Like with your one-sided insistence that rural Americans are perfect little angels who never commit any crime, and cities are swarming with crime, your worldview is cartoonishly one-sided. You are living in Republican fantasyland. And I will not be forced to entertain your delusions.

I hope you realize you're wasting you time, as I'm not reading 90% of your posts as it's all bullshit, which I decided months ago. Maybe others take value from it though, so post away, especially if it distracts you from a destructive lifestyle, not that I know anything about your life, nor would I want to. If you want to give me a label, as many in the left do, call me a libertarian. That's probably the closest one I can think of that you would be able to comprehend, and I'm sure you probably hate them as well, which is fine. I believe Trump and Harris are pretty tied up now too, which is funny. You would think it should be an easy victory. Doesn't Trump usually do better than the polls indicate? Bad news bears for the commies. 

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8 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

Especially in Democrat run large cities, and other places I can't indicate without getting called more names, but we all know those places:D 

I only know how it is here in England, obviously not every place is the same but some big companies are going too far to be inclusive and it's real women that have to put up with it.


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19 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

I only know how it is here in England, obviously not every place is the same but some big companies are going too far to be inclusive and it's real women that have to put up with it.


All to cater to a small minority of mentally ill people. I’m sorry you have to deal with such strange policies, or whatever they can be called. 
It’s bad enough men dominate just about everything they can in the workplace and elsewhere, and now some men can even dominate women’s sports and even in bathrooms. 😡 

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14 hours ago, Sweersa said:

Because you are right! Ask they/them what a woman is. Their “answer” won’t be scientific, nor half as simple as the real answer is. 


All due respect I think you may be talking about the concept "female" as opposed to the concept of a woman.  Gender identity and roles plays more into sociology and culture rather than biological science - it is a common misconception many folks who use a lot of harsh terminology directed at trans folk seem to have

Hope this helps :)


Here are some additional resources that expand on this - I am of the belief that true power comes from always striving for more knowledge and worldly awareness of something.





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I even think the debate of who is competing with athletes in segmented groups, or the best way for us as human beings to handle the bathroom debate - are worthy ones to be had. They are multi-layered conceptual issues that a combination of empthy and healthy debate are how they get handled best


But these past 6 pages some of the words, rhetoric, descriptions, and depictions of transgendered folks see..... I quite frankly find disgusting and the opposite of condusive to a healthy debate about anything. 


And it makes me realize how far down the rabbit hole of hate some people are - it makes it clear why some folks are voting for Trump and willfully ignore the plethora of big things that demonstrate the last place he should ever be is in a position of political power (again)


The fear mongering works and works well.  Be right back, gotta shepard my cats back into my house before Haitian immigrats kill and eat them while on their way to illegally cast votes for Kamala

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19 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

All due respect I think you may be talking about the concept "female" as opposed to the concept of a woman.  Gender identity and roles plays more into sociology and culture rather than biological science - it is a common misconception many folks who use a lot of harsh terminology directed at trans folk seem to have

Hope this helps :)


Here are some additional resources that expand on this - I am of the belief that true power comes from always striving for more knowledge and worldly awareness of something.





So “female” is the sex of a person (in this context let’s assume a human individual) with XX chromosomes, isn’t a “woman” defined as an adult female? 

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4 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

So “female” is the sex of a person (in this context let’s assume a human individual) with XX chromosomes, isn’t a “woman” defined as an adult female? 

Via Stanford Medicine (link:  https://mededucation.stanford.edu/glossary/woman/)


noun – A term used to describe someone who self-identifies as a woman or as feminine based on what is important to them as an individual—including gender roles, behavior, expression, identity, and/or physiology.

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6 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

Via Stanford Medicine (link:  https://mededucation.stanford.edu/glossary/woman/)


noun – A term used to describe someone who self-identifies as a woman or as feminine based on what is important to them as an individual—including gender roles, behavior, expression, identity, and/or physiology.

I'm curious how languages like Spanish handle these politically motivated changes of definitions of words that define the two genders/sexes.

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5 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

Oh, now y'all believe in science? "Trust the science"? Except when it disagrees with your politics, am I right?

You should try looking up what biologists actually say next time before trying and faceplanting like this.


Notice how all of these clips come from immediately after the election? That's because once it was proven that Trump did win legitimately, they stopped saying that because it would then be a lie instead of a speculative opinion. Trump did not stop once his lies were disproven. Nice try though.

I'm still waiting for the evidence that Biden directed the charges against Trump. Still waiting...

Trump has a "concept of a plan" XD

You think the Vice President is in charge of the country? Dear God, please go back to grade school Civics 101 before you even think about voting again.

I'd love to see what they're teaching in grade school Civics 101 in 2024

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14 hours ago, BillConnor_1982 said:

- He doesn’t have any solutions? Are you talking about Kamala Harris, who’s been in charge for 3.5 years but it talking about how we need change?


Really, she was President of the US the last 3.5 years?  What were all the amazing things Mike Pence, or any VP did that she hasn't?


At least Kamala posted her platforms and policies online instead of saying she has concepts for plans, and the rest just being nondescript scare tactics and vague rhetoric



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On 10/16/2024 at 5:38 PM, Cosmo said:

Man, how could the US sink so low to even consider putting a convicted felon with multiple charges (not to mention the crimes he still wasn't convicted of yet) as their president? It's preposterous. There used to be a time when the US had some kind of respect for itself, when the US was seen as a solid democracy. It took a single sociopath to bring it all down. What a shame. Society is fucked.

And this, my friends, is exactly what the left wing media and politicians propagate and wants you to believe.  If you knew anything about law, you'd understand there were no crimes committed.  If Trump were a normal human being not running for president, none of the charges would have ever been brought forward.  Sheep. 

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On 10/17/2024 at 1:52 AM, WhazUp said:

Holy shit dude, this is the most unhinged post I have read since Axl came on here to cuss out Madison :lol:


I agree with only 1 thing in this entire long-winded post naming nearly every right wing conspiracy theory and distorted fact there is - Trump can't be controlled.  He is uncontrollable - you are absolutely right lol

Right wing conspiracy theory and distorted fact?  Bill Clinton didn't get a blow job from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office?  He admitted it... so did she.  MEN aren't playing against WOMEN in collegiate sport in the United States?  Not taking scholarships away from women in the process?   The US didn't send Iran billions?  Trump didn't move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and have several middle eastern countries sign the biggest peace treaty in that region in history?  Illegal aliens aren't killing Americans at an alarming rate?  This is the problem with you sheep... you just blow everything off as a 'conspiracy' theory, even though they're FACTS! It's mind-boggling.  It's like facts can fall out of the sky, land on your face, and start to wiggle... and you still just blow them off as 'conspiracy theories'.  

You don't understand that when the United States isn't producing it's own fossil fuel resources responsibly, that the country is forced to buy their energy from China and the middle-east, that have ZERO policies about protecting the environment?  That in the end, that's WORSE for the planet?  

It's really unbelievable.  One day you will wake up, and I hope it's not too late for you.   I was once a thinker like you.... and a hard-core liberal.  I blew every right-winger off as 'nazis'.  But that all changed when I became a business owner and family man and began to realize how much of a spell I was under from all the propaganda that the media and entertainment industry forces on us.  

I really feel sorry for all of you with a leftist mindset.  You don't even know or understand what you're talking about, and can't see or process anything clearly, despite it being right in front of you.  

When you do come out of it, if you do, you'll realize how far gone you were.   I did.  

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^^ Much of this world salad are indeed, not facts.....  and are filled with many full blown conspiracy theories (claims by right-wing politicians either not true or unsubstantiated), as well as fairly distorted views on what things actually entail

I am not a "hard-core liberal" either so that is a wrong assumption, I have many things that I voted against in my ballot here in CA that would get the true hard-core liberals thinking I was right wing lol.  I don't play political football, I take it candidate by candidate and issue by issue.  Anyone, left or right who doesn't do that is part of a cult IMO


@matt1313Literally, if you can make a single post here that at the very least cites your sources and doesn't resort to ad hominem fallacies I am happy to continue. Otherwise....

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6 hours ago, Graeme said:

This thread is pretty depressing reading. Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition with a high rate of mental distress, depression and suicide if untreated, and some people's knee-jerk reaction is just "fuck those weirdos".

Imagine how it feels reading it when a member of your family is trans.

People doing logical backflips to justify voting for a rapist

Fuck it.

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On Election Day in America, sometimes your preferred candidate is going to lose.

Trump will win this one.  If you don’t like it, try again four years from now. 
Or move out, whatever.

Cry those November Rain tears and Rock On!  See what I did there? Back on topic.

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6 hours ago, KURT19 said:

On Election Day in America, sometimes your preferred candidate is going to lose.

Trump will win this one.  If you don’t like it, try again four years from now. 
Or move out, whatever.


Trump could *possibly* win this one.  And Axl Rose *possibly* could regain all his rasp next year and sound like his 2006 self.  We will see what happens ;)

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21 hours ago, janrichmond said:

They are women's toilets, not unisex.

Women have to use the disabled toilets in some places to feel safe.

I'm all for unisex toilets! I go to the men's room/disabled toilet when I see 50 women queuing up and men just walking in and out.

In Sweden you'll often only find gender neutral/unisex toilets, so it doesn't seem to be a problem.

But thanks for the heads up, I'll think twice when using the toilets next time I'm in the UK :nervous::lol:

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