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Trump used November Rain last night at a rally

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2 hours ago, Lio said:

I'm all for unisex toilets! I go to the men's room/disabled toilet when I see 50 women queuing up and men just walking in and out.

In Sweden you'll often only find gender neutral/unisex toilets, so it doesn't seem to be a problem.

But thanks for the heads up, I'll think twice when using the toilets next time I'm in the UK :nervous::lol:

You'll be fine :lol: It's more the office type places, not shops or venues. 


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15 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

The recent (and largely American?) trend of the whole trans/gender pronoun phenomenon. Seems more political than biological or scientific to me. 

Again though if I may - what aspects are political and how are they political?

Edited by WhazUp
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On 10/19/2024 at 5:46 PM, janrichmond said:

That's not a guy, she has hips

LOL, guys don't have hips? There are guys with big hips and women with small hips. I thought gender was chromosomes? Now it's how well you can visibly pass? Which is it?

On 10/19/2024 at 8:43 PM, Sweersa said:

I hope you realize you're wasting you time, as I'm not reading 90% of your posts as it's all bullshit, which I decided months ago. Maybe others take value from it though, so post away,

I'm well aware that you are incapable of considering that you could be wrong about anything and entrenched in your ideology. Too cowardly to even read something that might challenge your fragile "identity".

We all know you don't read anything outside your partisan bubble, that much is crystal clear.


especially if it distracts you from a destructive lifestyle, not that I know anything about your life, nor would I want to.

Says the one who became hysterical at the mere mention of trans people. I sincerely hope you seek the therapy you so desperately need for this mental illness of yours. It's a perverted "lifestyle" that is destructive to society.


If you want to give me a label, as many in the left do, call me a libertarian.

You don't get to decide your identity, evolution does. Your biology is Republican and you cannot deny that, no matter how hard you try to shove your perverted, degenerate lifestyle down my throat.


Bad news bears for the commies. 

A libertarian would know the difference between a neoliberal like Harris and a communist. You don't know anything about anything, so you continue to humiliate yourself.

Edited by evilfacelessturtle
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20 hours ago, Sweersa said:

I'm curious how languages like Spanish handle these politically motivated changes of definitions of words that define the two genders/sexes.

"There are only two sexualities, straight and political. There are only two races, white and political. There are only two genders, male and political."

17 hours ago, matt1313 said:

And this, my friends, is exactly what the left wing media and politicians propagate and wants you to believe.  If you knew anything about law, you'd understand there were no crimes committed.  If Trump were a normal human being not running for president, none of the charges would have ever been brought forward.  Sheep. 

My brother is a registered Republican Professor of Constitutional Law (who also defended police officers in court for decades) and he says Jan 6th was an insurrection and Trump has committed crimes. Where is your law degree?

Rightoids are so high on their own hubris that they can confidently bluff like they're legal experts even though they barely escaped grade school with a D+

19 hours ago, BillConnor_1982 said:

I'd love to see what they're teaching in grade school Civics 101 in 2024

And he has no response! I accept your concession.

The powers of the VP have not changed since you went to school. This is something you were taught, cupcake. Come on... tie breaking vote in the senate? Ring a bell?

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On 10/17/2024 at 7:22 PM, WhazUp said:

Just so we are clear - you are calling the concept of being transgender and/or homosexual as a "repulsive illness" in this case?


What's really disappointing is that the mods are allowing this kind of dehumanization of what has become the number one scapegoat of a neo-fascist movement. When you're talking about people who are at high risk for suicide, it's not just an abstract theoretical discussion anymore. And if they do end up doing anything about it, they'll probably also target me for putting a mirror up to it, because they don't want to look like they're playing favoritism.

I do think it's quite a stark contrast when you flip it on its head though, because you've never heard a leftist speak even remotely like that. Calling heterosexuality or cisgenderism a "mental illness"? How about "anti-woke mind virus"? Or "crime-infested degenerate rural areas"? The extremism is so one-sided and yet nobody seems to notice because they have no frame of reference for what that would look like if the left behaved the way the right does.

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56 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

On a side note, why does every Trump stan think that "Marixist" or "communist" is a synonym for even socialism let alone anything remotely left of center? 

Even Trump himself called Kamala a Marxist which I am of the belief that we will see Izzy and Steven rejoin GNR full time for 7 new full length albums before Trump ever learns what the term even is :lol:

Add that to the instant list of things that make me disregard anyone instantly as candidates for a viable healthy debate partner

From an outsider's perspective, it seems like the Overton window in US politics is such a narrow aperture on the far right of the economic axis that anything even slightly left of Reagan can be decried by its opponents as practically bolshevik, despite political science indicating that the Democrats sit to the right of most European Conservative parties, never mind left wing parties.

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1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

I wonder when Axl will tweet something anti Trump like he used to because now would be a really good time to do that. 

Maybe it’s because I’m in UK but it doesn’t seem like that many artists are saying anything against hime like they did when he was president. 

He's not often mentioned in the media anymore either. Which is nice :lol:

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1 hour ago, WhazUp said:

Again though if I may - what aspects are political and how are they political?

A world where "men" get pregnant and where "women" were born men and altered cosmetically to resemble women (some better than others) is not a world of nature and/or science. Maybe there's a better word or expression than politics. Mental health?

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19 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

A world where "men" get pregnant and where "women" were born men and altered cosmetically to resemble women (some better than others) is not a world of nature and/or science. Maybe there's a better word or expression than politics. Mental health?


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1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

I wonder when Axl will tweet something anti Trump like he used to because now would be a really good time to do that. 

Maybe it’s because I’m in UK but it doesn’t seem like that many artists are saying anything against hime like they did when he was president. 

My guess is now Axl has an abuse sexual accusation, same like Trump has.  Just a guess.

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1 hour ago, janrichmond said:

He's not often mentioned in the media anymore either. Which is nice :lol:

I see him all the time, my kids are always reposting TikTok’s of people taking the piss out of the latest dumb thing he said, so it’s every day :lol: 

43 minutes ago, Ratam said:

My guess is now Axl has an abuse sexual accusation, same like Trump has.  Just a guess.

Yeah, that’s probably why he is silent

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2 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

I wonder when Axl will tweet something anti Trump like he used to because now would be a really good time to do that. 

Maybe it’s because I’m in UK but it doesn’t seem like that many artists are saying anything against hime like they did when he was president. 

At this point, I don't see the benefit.

People know how Axl feels about him.  I don't think many people are basing their votes on how GNR's lead singer feels about Trump. 

I think we've reached a point in our culture that unless a celebrity has something valid and worthwhile to add to the discussion, them voicing their voting preferences might do more harm than good.

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19 minutes ago, downzy said:

At this point, I don't see the benefit.

People know how Axl feels about him.  I don't think many people are basing their votes on how GNR's lead singer feels about Trump. 

I think we've reached a point in our culture that unless a celebrity has something valid and worthwhile to add to the discussion, them voicing their voting preferences might do more harm than good.

I agree, Axl's bit on voting in 2014 (Jimmy Kimmel):  "I haven't really voted" and explain because he's in CA and it's always a democratic landslide anyways makes that clear. And they talk about the Halloween tree. That whole interview was soft ball. 

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21 hours ago, WhazUp said:

^^ Much of this world salad are indeed, not facts.....  and are filled with many full blown conspiracy theories (claims by right-wing politicians either not true or unsubstantiated), as well as fairly distorted views on what things actually entail

I am not a "hard-core liberal" either so that is a wrong assumption, I have many things that I voted against in my ballot here in CA that would get the true hard-core liberals thinking I was right wing lol.  I don't play political football, I take it candidate by candidate and issue by issue.  Anyone, left or right who doesn't do that is part of a cult IMO


@matt1313Literally, if you can make a single post here that at the very least cites your sources and doesn't resort to ad hominem fallacies I am happy to continue. Otherwise....

Dude... everything in that post is blatantly obvious.  All you have to do is turn on the news to hear another illegal alien has killed an American, just about every day.  Gangs are taking over apartment complexes in cities throughout the country.  Your state is so bad in the bay area, that businesses are shutting down all over Oakland, not to mention the professional sports teams fleeing.  This shit is all over the news.  Bill Clinton was impeached for his relationship with Monica Lewensky.  Do I have to look up the articles of impeachment for you?  Biological men ARE competing against women in collegiate and high school athletics across the country.  Have you really not heard about any of this?  You need links and 'proof'?  




And, from liberal NBC: https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/13000-immigrants-convicted-homicide-living-freely-us-ice-data-rcna173125

And the oil:  https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2022-02-28/where-does-the-u-s-get-its-oil

There's practically no regulations in Mexico, Russia, China and the middle-east, who pollute far more than the United States ever would if we mined our own natural resources.  And oil is just the tip of the iceberg.  All those car batteries?  



China, Chile, Gabon and Argentina don't have the best regulations when it comes to mining lithium... China is destroying the environment at an alarming rate.  

There are your links... but you'll probably say that's all conspiracy theories anyway, even from left wing sources like NBC.  

As for the elections... show me examples of these kinds of crowds for Kamala going to McDonalds:  

Or Kamala getting this kind of reaction at any sporting event:

Prove me wrong about the illegal alien crime wave... about Clinton/Lewinsky, about how bad it is outsourcing our energy need... about men playing in women's sports... that gangs aren't taking over apartment complexes.   Prove me wrong about anything in my original post... anything.  Not gonna hold my breath.  You'll come on and try to use some big words to sound smart and blow me off to get the last word, because that's all your ilk is good at.  Pathetic.  

Edited by matt1313
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On 10/18/2024 at 5:15 PM, evilfacelessturtle said:

This will be lost on you, but for the sake of anyone who doesn't know why these arguments are bullshit:

"I'm rubber and you're glue" is not an argument.

Clinton and Gore did not send FAKE electors to Congress. Clinton and Gore did not put up baseless legal challenges and continue pushing those lies after the court cases were lost. Clinton and Gore did not demand a Secretary of State "find the votes" they needed to flip that state. Clinton and Gore did not insist that they won for years after the fact.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a Democrat being on the Board of Directors of Smartmatic (not Dominion), is not evidence that they rigged the vote tallies. By that logic, any Republican in charge of their state election process is proof that republicans rigged that state.

The video footage you're referring to does not show "fake" ballots at all, they were real ballots, as proven in a court of law. How would you even think you could tell the veracity of a ballot from a security camera? Ridiculous.

There is zero evidence that Biden directed any of the DOJ charges, you're just making shit up out of thin air.

Trump was also on Epstein's plane logbook. That claim about Biden comes from fake lines added to a stolen diary. Just like Hunter's laptop, it was a real object, but had tons of fake things added into it by the right wing con artists who got a hold of it.

Trans women are women, deal with it.

"Take the guns first, deal with the 2nd Amendment later" - Donald Trump

You think Europeans should be murderously rebelling against their government for allowing immigrants? MAGAs are violent traitors to the country, confirmed.

False. Rural areas have more crime per capita (that means adjusted for population, rocket scientist). Louisiana is a violent dangerous shithole, statistically speaking:



Your poor business skills aren't Biden's fault. What ever happened to personal responsibility?

Trump only passed one major piece of legislation, but you think he can take credit for the entire economy. :lol:

I thought this was a capitalist country with a privatized economy? I thought the president controlling the economy was Communism? Which is it?

The stock market is now higher than it was under Trump. Inflation was a worldwide trend as a result of Covid shutting down economies, and the US had nearly the LOWEST inflation in the world post-covid.

Home prices were only lower under Trump because time moves forward and they have always increased over time. Derp. Home ownership is also higher under Biden than it was under Trump. Unemployment is LOWER under BIden than it was under Trump. You're just lying through your teeth.

The lie that other countries are emptying prisons into the US is just a bald faced lie with absolutely zero evidence behind it. Falling for that whopper really proves that you will just believe anything the man says. He could say that other countries are putting bombs inside toddlers and you would believe it, seeing as you don't need any proof at all, just his word and you'll blindly believe whatever he says.

More people have been murdered by native born Americans than immigrants. You aren't fooling anyone with your fear mongering.

Anyway, that's enough time wasted on your clownish bullshit. Keep on blindly believing everything a politician tells you, it will serve you well in life.

Quoting this spot on post here for the sake of reducing redundancy and circular debates by certain ppl :) 

Edited by WhazUp
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Man, reading the bullshit some of these Nazi scumbag crybabies post here makes me realize just how happy I am that my former female now trans male best friend is finally living life to the fullest. He now has a nice looking cock, a beautiful wife, owns a rad house with her, they have two ridiculously cute huskies and he's having an income I guess these crybabies only dream about (and blame everybody but themselves for. "It's the woke mind virus destroying everything!!!11111").

Grow some balls or get them surgically. Who really cares. 


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