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Punk V Metal


What genre is better?  

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Heavy metal is the law. There are so many levels in metal and metal singers can actually SING! Unlike most punk singers who just make useless noise.

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LOL PUNK, all the fuckin' way, no contest.

can anybody here justify or reason with me, list things as to why metal is better than punk? i mean opinions are fair enough but they're supposed to be based on something if they're to be taken seriously...so someone, tell me why, and i'll tell u how ur wrong because NOTHING matters as much to music as punk and what it creates.

excuse me? useless noise? lol what use exactly is it that ur tryna extract from sounds that punk doesn't achieve? you do not need to hit the high notes to get ur point/passion/emotion across.

and i agree, post-punk was better in a progressive sense, but certainly not genesis and all that stuff.

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Metal is infinitely better than Punk


There are many, many reasons

Firstly there are so many subgenres of Metal

Heavy Metal: Black Sabbath and Judas Preist

Speed Metal: Deep Purple and Iron Maiden

Thrash Metal: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer

Neo-Classical Metal: Rainbow, Yngwie Malsteen

Progressive Metal: Dream Theater

not to mention, Power Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal etc

And all are vastly different and unique from each other

Metal is also technically challenging with many influences such and Blues, Jazz, Classical and Medieval.

Complex scales are used and varied timings that change throughout the songs, this keeps it fresh and exciting.

Metal has lyrics that are most of the time very deep in meaning, and relate to the social situtation.

Metal owns Punk

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I really don't like punks too much. Metal dudes are much cooler. Ok a tinge of punk in the music or even attitude is nice, I can relate. A bit spiky, no worries. But I meet to many "professional punks" and it makes me sick or just really bores me. Just reeling off a load of punk quotes and having a really bad attitude - a mixture of cynicism and snideness and macho bullshit dressed up as intelligence, its just makes me feel uncomfortable.

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theres are so many sub-genres of metal? which means its easily defined and bracketted, thats not exactly a good thing, other than progressive metal, those sub genres are all identical, the format doesn't change, just themes, subject matter, mood...thats a difference in attitude, not music...theres no move away from the guitar bass and drum format...

blues as an influence smothers most post rock n roll music. scales & timing dont actually account for a drastic change in the music, considering how long metal has been around.

punk on the other hand, is EXTREMELY difficult to define, which makes it challenging, i have heard every from the doors, to the stooges, to public image limited being classified as punk...William S Burroughs the poet is cited as the grandfather of punk...

and in terms of commenting on social situations, what do u think the sex pistols were doing? and the clash? and x ray specs and sham 69? in fact, the pistols awakened that...

punk is a million times more diverse and is an infinetly larger umbrella where a million bands/singers can fit. in terms of influence, punk is incredible...i could write a masters thesis on it and its influence on ALL popular music post the mid 70s...not a stone left unturned. u wanna talk about musical diversity...listen to:

Public Image Limited

Le Tigre

Beat Happening

The Sex Pistols

GG Allin

Johnny Thunders' later stuff

Big Audio Dynamite

then tell me metal is more diversive than punk, punk includes influences ranging from Can, Captain Beefheart, to rave music, to straight ahead rock n roll, to dub reggae, even hip hop (listen to world destruction - john lydon and afrikka bambaataa) liking it or not is a matter of personal preference but none can deny the orignality of punk. punk, in a true sense, is almost indefinable

"Punk Rock should mean freedom, liking and accepting whatever u want, playing whatever u want, as sloppy as you want, as long as its good and it has passion"

thats a kurt cobain quote but i think it's um, really....its just amazing, because under that banner, musically speaking, ANYTHING is possible in punk rock....which makes it infinetly more diverse than heavy metal, which is easily definable and as such, quite boring at times...

and to the dude talking about "professional punks"...if theres a correlation in them, they ain't punk....punk is about individuality...not uniform

Edited by rocketsredglare
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Ok obivously you are deaf,

Metal defantly does not all sound the same, geez its vastly different. Using different scales and timings greatly change the sound of a song. Most metal artists know theory music, so they can actully right REAL music unlike Punk artists who come up with some boring crap.

Punk has come and gone, it was a fad, and now no one remebers it, Metal is alive and healthy and has been around alot longer than Punk. That tells you which is more diverse.

As for you saying Metal is unorginal, well buddy it is THE most original style of music ever. There were no bands like Black Sabbath before them, they started from no where. Punk is an ugly child of metal that happened to be aborted a few years after its conception.

Metal is unique, is has grown into a massive force that it is now, it has had huge influence. There are more bands no days that use distortion than bands than play clean. Punk bands used distortion, defantly a Metal influence. Metal changed the entire face of music, music has never been the same.

Punk is boring, nuff said.

Edited by johnezz
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Heavy metal is the law. There are so many levels in metal and metal singers can actually SING! Unlike most punk singers who just make useless noise.


exactly rock3

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"obviously you are deaf"

uh, do u have to be insulting? i mean, d'ya think its smart? d'ya think its somethin i'm incapable of? if u wanna discuss, discuss...

"Metal defantly does not all sound the same, geez its vastly different. Using different scales and timings greatly change the sound of a song. Most metal artists know theory music, so they can actully right REAL music unlike Punk artists who come up with some boring crap"

where did i say metal all sounds the same? read my post dude...using different scales and timing does greatly change the sound of a song yes, but not drastically, relatively speaking, relative to a change in format...meaning using different instruments...how different can u be with the same instruments? its a boundary which encapsulates the music...u can hear a song and say, yeah, thats metal, but with punk, theres no definitive sound...a punk song can sound like anything, it is free and beyond bounds.

"Punk has come and gone, it was a fad, and now no one remebers it, Metal is alive and healthy and has been around alot longer than Punk. That tells you which is more diverse"

punk is a stance of adventure, discovery, attitude and pioneering, these things r timeless, but within the framework of the movement, well u can't compare, heavy metal was a genre, out & out...not a movement and hence metal can get away with immense unpopularity thru its chronology because its considered a genre and not a movement...movements r judged harsher because there is a undercurrent of revolt suggested in its title. there are more now, in the mainstream and outside of, that claim punk or punk influence....the same cannot be said (on the same scale) for metal. and being alive and healthy as a genre does not suggest diversity...explain that comment to me please because it makes no sense.

"As for you saying Metal is unorginal, well buddy it is THE most original style of music ever. There were no bands like Black Sabbath before them, they started from no where. Punk is an ugly child of metal that happened to be aborted a few years after its conception"

most orignal ever?!?!?! LOL turn rock n roll up, thats metal lol how is that orignal? how is it more orignal than free-form jazz or post-punk? explain that to me lol an ugly child of metal? lol no, i think not...how'd u work that out? their influences r cited as the stooges (rock n roll) MC5 (rock n roll) & The Velvet Underground (avante garde) how'd u figure metal into that equation?

"Metal is unique, is has grown into a massive force that it is now, it has had huge influence. There are more bands no days that use distortion than bands than play clean. Punk bands used distortion, defantly a Metal influence. Metal changed the entire face of music, music has never been the same"

ok, distortion and feedback, the beatles were doin that before metal was an itch in its daddys pants, so don't cite metal....and distortion did/does not change the entire face of music, it seems to be the only thing u cite in that paragraph...and i think music never being the same is something punk did, not metal.

listen to those bands i cited...THAT is orignal, u can't say no one sounded like sabbath...by their own admission they started off as just a rock n roll band.

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yeah somewhere along the line the meaning of the word punk changed from that little pussy everyone fucked in th ass in prison to being about anarachy? to being some sort of code of beliefs. I don't want to deny the word punk. It seems like it should have a positive meaning. Almost like the way black people reclaimed the word black person, punks used to be outcasts, then they fought back, or at least that is my fantasy of it, James Dean was a punk. But even Jonnhy Rotten and the Pistols were more about being middle class art students. Like Rage Against Machine use guitars made by slave labour in Asia. All Rebellion is corporation owned. and in someways thats what Kurt was so pissed about, that his code his way of life was so flawed. There was in the end no meaning to his. It wasnt constructive in anyway. His existence just seemed to tell people to do heroin cos nothing mattered. To me he was more a symbol of love, the way the good have to fight hard not to compromise in a corrupt world, how this world is harder if you have ideals...John Lydo said something like if you're gonna be anything, be an individual. I'm not sure what I think about that. Be Yourself. Which one?

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Come to think of it I put everything under the banner of Rock n Roll in my life. All good bands I like are Rock n Roll. The Pistols, Kylie, Guns, Prodigy, The Doors, The Orb, Slayer, Madonna, 50 Cent.

It all seems to come from Blues and Elvis?

"We all know that music is music."

I hate professional punks more than Britney Spears.

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wasted...ur one of few truly alive people on this forum...im fucking glad u exist...nice to see someone with an opinion they didn't read off the back of a cornflakes packet...i disagree on some of the shit u say but...i get where ur comin from and some of the stuff u go into is like a matter of, well could be right, might not...basically rock n roll is an amalgam of the black blues sound born in the bayous and backwoods and white folk music orignally bought over from europe...the rhythm and blues basically

Edited by rocketsredglare
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