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Im always looking for new and different bands to listen to, as im sure a lot of people here are, and we all like sharing great bands that we have found, and since we all have at least one band in common, i thought i would start this thread

so name bands, that are not as well known, quite new, underrated bands, and well you get the picture,

and please give us what kind of genre, and a little information if you want, (aswell as things like websites ect. )

Thanks :D

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The Sheer (http://www.thesheer.nl/) - Dutch rock band

Peter Pan Speedrock (http://www.peterpanspeedrock.nl/intro.swf) - Like the name says: Speedrock

Red Top Matches: (http://www.redtopmatches.com/music.htm) - band from one of our forum members (red1). Old fashioned Rock music, they're really great.

Elan (http://www.elan-fans.com/english/index.php) - You might know her from the song she did with Slash, but her other songs are amazing too.

Edited by Streetchild
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