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Motley Crue were able to change their music style with the music scene unlike a certain band

Changing their music and style because of a change in fashion....the word your looking for Mama Kin is sellout.

Listen to Motley Crue, Generation Swine and New Tattoo. These albums had a change in sound and direction in a musical sense compared to the Crues previous albums. As much as i love Guns N' Roses they couldn't change their sound to fit in with the scene of the 90's hence why we havn't seen anything since

Nikki Sixx's song writing is nothing short of excellence and Motley Crue were able to change their music style with the music scene unlike a certain band


That was a joke, right??


Who would want to sound like the so called "Music Scene" of the 90's anyway?Furthermore,I don't think there was a music scene in the 90s!WORST DECADE THE MUSIC WORLD WILL EVER SEE....FACT!

Generation Swine SUCKS TOO! New Tattoo was worth the money,not bad.

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Motley Crue were able to change their music style with the music scene unlike a certain band

Changing their music and style because of a change in fashion....the word your looking for Mama Kin is sellout.

Listen to Motley Crue, Generation Swine and New Tattoo. These albums had a change in sound and direction in a musical sense compared to the Crues previous albums. As much as i love Guns N' Roses they couldn't change their sound to fit in with the scene of the 90's hence why we havn't seen anything since

Nikki Sixx's song writing is nothing short of excellence and Motley Crue were able to change their music style with the music scene unlike a certain band


That was a joke, right??


Who would want to sound like the so called "Music Scene" of the 90's anyway?Furthermore,I don't think there was a music scene in the 90s!WORST DECADE THE MUSIC WORLD WILL EVER SEE....FACT!

Generation Swine SUCKS TOO! New Tattoo was worth the money,not bad.

motley crue is horseshit

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Um, they're all right. Axl really has turned into a Wizard of Oz like spot, and Vince is right on the ball. THE FACT THAT WE EVEN REMEMBER THE FEUD IS STUPID.

And as far as Motley not holding a candle, Motley announced a tour after fucking up a performance on an awards show (Spike! TV's Video Game Awards), and they are selling out every single show. Vince hasn't no-showed once, and the tour is winding down a year later so that the band can get to work on a full album (after releasing 3 new cuts last February). GNR announced a tour after fucking up an awards show performance, and their tour - which staggered out of the gate with a cancellation and half-full venues - had to cancel because CLEAR CHANNEL WERE LOSING CLOSE TO 2 MILLION DOLLARS A SHOW. As far as going into the studio after the tour....who knows?

Judging by touring success and musical output over the past 10 years, Motley are beating GNR by several quality records and 3 sold-out world tours to.....a leaked, low-quality demo of IRS, one cancelled European tour, a few festival appearances, and one total flop of a US tour.

Over the past 10 years, then, who doesn't hold the candle?

Hate to break it to the Crue haters, but Motley has been kicking Axl's ass. The new album will only further prove that Motley continue to kick ass, while Axl....well the only news we have from him is that he bought a car.

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How many times does it have to be said. Moetley Crue represented everything that was pathetic about hair metal. They were basically a manufactured glam-rock-pop band, and as soon as that pitiable scene dissolved, so did their popularity. They were a product of their era, epitomising insincerity. They did not define it. Their musical output was, at its very best, decisively average, and at its worst, downright appalling. The lyrics to their songs could have been written by a seven year old: -

Without you, there’s no change

My nights and days are grey

If I reached out and touched the rain

It just wouldn’t feel the same

Without you, I’d be lost

I’d slip down from the top

I’d slide down so low

Girl you’d never, never know...

How clichéd and immature do you get!

Their comeback was a complete failure, simply because they could not transcend their genre as GNR did. They are absolutely right about Axl being an emo - no doubt about it. But at the end of the day, Axl dares to step out and sing what is in his heart. He doesn't care about being judged. And isn't that what rock n' roll is all about. It's not about the sex n' drugs n' girls n' partying. When all those old bands were doing the sex drugs n' rock n' roll, it was considered to be cool because they were contravening social mores/conventions/expectations. Tatoos were for criminals and sailors; people weren't supposed to talk about sex; multiple sexual relationships got you condemned; one didn't swear publicly; drugs were bad and for scumbags. These things didn't define rock n' roll. What defined it was the fact that those boys were not adhering to what was expected: they were living as they wanted to with no regard for social conventions. They were breaking the rules and, as such, people frowned and condemned.

Nowadays, all those things are perfectly acceptable. Nobody honestly believes in sex before marriage; everybody talks about sex; drugs are not frowned upon - there are even campaigns to get them legalised; even tinee-bopper pop-stars have tattoos and indulge in god-knows-what sexual practices; nobody is offended by swearing anymore.

The thing about glam rockers is that they really believe that rock n' roll is defined by sex, drugs, tattoos, etc. They can't understand that those things only defined rock n' roll when they were considered "bad". Is there anything sadder than happily-married men like Gene Simmons or Vince Neil strutting around, saying that they still indulge in all those practices, that they have open sexual relationships, that they are still bad boys at 50!? Isn't it rather pathetic they still need to do that to sell records because their material is so bloody weak? Wouldn't it be more rock n' roll to use their relationships and new middle-aged lives to stimulate their material rather than living a lie?!

If rock n' roll is about honesty, which I believe it is, then the likes of Axl Rose, Robert Plant, Richie Blackmore and Slash have to score high. They behave as they want to behave. They don't do it to sell records or to play to any stereotype. Axl never tried to play to any stereotype. He behaved as he wanted to behave when he wanted to behave. He didn't care about swearing in records (before it was considered "the done thing" - I don't remember Motely Crue ever having the balls to do it), he didn't care about using offensive terms (black person and hooray for tolerance!), he didn't care about writing about sex and drugs one record and then lonliness, emptiness, love, hate, mental problems, etc, the next record. His honesty was the key to Guns' success and, indeed, to their ability to transcend their genre and their era.

If Motley Crue want to offend GNR and Axl, then that's fine. They are dead men walking anyway. Nobody wants to give them the time of day. They and their "act" is a walking freak-show - a throwback to a forgotten period of hair metal and glammed up dudes. They are an anachronism who, let's face it, have never even produced a half-decent song. Then they decide to make a comeback, not for artistic satisfation, but to make a quick buck by making a thrash-record, just because that's what happens to be hot at the moment.

Do you care when a tramp or a whore or a porn-star judges you? Of course not. And why? Because they are low-lifes: bottom-feeders who command no respect. It's the same with Motley Crue. I bet Axl laughed his arse off when/if he read those comments.

Wow, great post! I like about ten songs from the Crue but it's hard to argue with most of what you have said.

To be fair to MC though, they have better lyrics than Without You (which I think is actually a pretty nice song aside from the lyrics, and which themselves are far from the worst you'll find in this sort of song). Stuff like Girls, Girls, Girls, and Wild Side show some pretty good lyrical ability and the Crue in top form musically. They've got a bunch more songs from this time period that were IMO above average...one of my favourite songs is Don't Go Away Mad.

But of course MC aren't even in GN'R's league, which I agree makes their criticisms of Axl somewhat laughable. But their pop/rock style of music does have it's place and when I look at the shit that's out there in mainstream rock today, MC is better than most of it...having bands like them that can actually write the occasional good tune and play their instruments worth a damn wouldn't be a bad idea. Guess what I'm saying is that with the plethora of utter garbage out there today, I appreciate even the mediocre bands like MC and Poison. I don't like most of their stuff, but when they do release something I have to hear it because it actually could be good.

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Their comeback was a complete failure, simply because they could not transcend their genre as GNR did.

If Motley Crue want to offend GNR and Axl, then that's fine. They are dead men walking anyway. Nobody wants to give them the time of day. They and their "act" is a walking freak-show - a throwback to a forgotten period of hair metal and glammed up dudes. They are an anachronism who, let's face it, have never even produced a half-decent song. Then they decide to make a comeback, not for artistic satisfation, but to make a quick buck by making a thrash-record, just because that's what happens to be hot at the moment.

Motley Crue have released 3 new songs in the past year. None of them qualify as glam rock. They have trancended the genre, I would say. And their comeback was a failure? Tell that to the sold out world tour. You want to argue that Axl's grand comeback of no-showing, cancelation, half-full stadiums, and losing ClearChannel 2 million a show tops the Crue touring the world for over a year and selling out every show? Dude, I'm sorry, but Motley Crue still have it and Axl doesn't. That's all there is to it. You can't argue with loyal fans worldwide and selling out any venue with your name on it. The Crue makes headlines by selling out shows and entertaining their fans, while Axl makes headlines by buying a new car. That's not news! That's bullshit! The Crue are active. Axl's a recluse. In the end, music can only be judged by what you put out. Sick Love Song was amazing. If I Day Tomorow was incredible. The cover of Street Fighting Man, while not as great as the original, was still mindblowing. What has Axl done? Madagascar is decent at best. Chinese Democracy blows. The Blues is good. I like Silkworms and Oh My God a lot, but not as much as the Crue's new stuff. And IRS......can't really tell with the quality, but it's not amazing from what I can hear. Motley still makes music and keeps the fans happy. Axl....what has he done?

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Hehe go tommy.

Motley Crue since 1995 - two pretty good albums and three world tours, and a great book

Guns since 1995 - failed tour, crappy demo of a crappy song

Haha the motley bashing is lame, they were never trying to be artistic, they were just making cool rock n roll. OMG V!NCE WEARS MAKEUP AND CHALLENGED AXL TO A FIGHT AND OUR HERO AXL BEAT THAT PUSSY INTO THE GROUND AND THEN SAVED THE WORLD ROXZOR!!

Vince actually showed up to every one of axls challenges, though axl didnt.

And yes the balls on chin thing did happen.

Edited by sabre
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how fuckin old is this news?, motley crue rock!, i haven't seen guns rock in a long time, infact i haven't seen axl in a long time? i'm not suprised that half the people on here don't like motley crue, i think axl's picking up a totally different fan base then he had in the early 90's.

let the good times roleee,.

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