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Richard responds to Slash comment???


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This was posted today at HTGTH site by rfowebmaster who claims to be the webmaster from the fortus site. I guess we all know now what you wrote now Lawrence to get such an answer from Richard!


Rock on rock1 rock2

And how would the webmaster at that site have access to personal emails that were sent to Richard? Are you saying Richard just happened to forward all of his emails to the webmaster? Makes no sense. And - on top of that - you reveal the identity of the person who sent the emails? Really unprofessional. To me this post makes it appear - more than ever - that it was the fan who ran that site who received and answered those emails. Shame on him!

I have to say i agree, this poster has done nothing but drag this out and at worst make Richard look stupid, if i was famous and aloud somebody to respond on my behalf i hope i would have enough sense to find somebody with tact and at least not somebody trying to out a member just because they dont like it being descussed.

If you read the webmasters second post, he explains that he was doing exactly what he was told to do. How was Richard trying to "out a member" I just think he didn't like the fact that responses from him were being posted and the questions were not. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

Fair point i guess ;)

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Message #1:

> -------- Original Message --------

> Subject: gnr

> From: bluecandy

> Date: Tue, September 06, 2005 8:32 am

> To: 4tus@richardfortusonline.com



> i have read an email from you a member posted at the my gnr forum

> you stated you ( HOPE ) the cd will be released in 2006 & tracks were being sequinced

> i find this comment strange

> here are a few comments from other members of gnr about cd release

> tommy- a hairs breadth away

> dizzy- see you in march with the new album

> tommy the album is finished were waiting for artwork

> axl -see you next year with new songs (rir)

> tommy- touching the launchpad,

> all these comments are from months ago,if not years,

> why do members of this band keep lying to fans & getting there hopes up when they obviously cant deliver the goods

> when the article the greatest album never made surfaced in the new york times, axl & merk were quick enough defending that,

> hows about a statement for the fans, axl promised them a statement when buckethead left, he aint delivered it,after all you'll all be wanting our money if it ever comes out , i'm sorry but you wont be getting mine,izzy stradlin was the genius of gnr, when he left all they released were mediocore covers,if anyone deserves the right to the name its him, also velvet revolver can find a singer, write, & release an album in 12 months,


> i put it to you that the album does not exist


> prove me wrong,

1st Response:

4tus@richardfortusonline.com wrote:

hi bluecandy,

thanks for taking the time to write to me. I understand your

frustration. Chinese Democracy might be out in '06, maybe '07, maybe

never, but it is a truly amazing piece of work and I hope that the

world has the chance to hear it. If not, the world will survive and so

will you. Thanks again for your comments, hope to see you at some point

in the near future.


2nd E-mail from bluecandy:

>how come slah knows when cd is coming out but you dont?

>he left the band a long time ago,


>your the best new member in my opinion


From: 4tus@richardfortusonline.com>

To: bluecandy>

Subject: RE: gnr

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:53 AM

You believe Slash, huh? You think he knows more than everyone else you

quoted previously? God bless you. I hope Santa was good to you. Keep

holding your breath man, March is right around the corner.



Richard asked me to post these to avoid any confusion over whether or not he wrote them, and so that people could know exactly what he was responding to. Also, to clear up that it is Richard Fortus who reads and answers the e-mails via his interact section at richardfortusonline.com.

- Webmaster

the official website of richard fortus

(If anyone doesn't believe this is the webmaster, feel free to check my email address, or just ask Jarmo. And if in the future there is any confusion over whether or not Richard wrote something, Jarmo knows how to verify it.

This was posted today at HTGTH site by rfowebmaster who claims to be the webmaster from the fortus site. I guess we all know now what you wrote now Lawrence to get such an answer from Richard!


Rock on rock1 rock2

i never knew an email would cause such a fuckin storm in a tea cup- all of you who said i was lying & the email was fake-(fuck you- suck my fuckin dick)

did you like my questions i asked richard? obviously the truth hurts eh?

i am bluecandy indeed, but now ive changed my email adress' looking forward to the next thrilling instalment?

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Message #1:

> -------- Original Message --------

> Subject: gnr

> From: bluecandy

> Date: Tue, September 06, 2005 8:32 am

> To: 4tus@richardfortusonline.com



> i have read an email from you a member posted at the my gnr forum

> you stated you ( HOPE ) the cd will be released in 2006 & tracks were being sequinced

> i find this comment strange

> here are a few comments from other members of gnr about cd release

> tommy- a hairs breadth away

> dizzy- see you in march with the new album

> tommy the album is finished were waiting for artwork

> axl -see you next year with new songs (rir)

> tommy- touching the launchpad,

> all these comments are from months ago,if not years,

> why do members of this band keep lying to fans & getting there hopes up when they obviously cant deliver the goods

> when the article the greatest album never made surfaced in the new york times, axl & merk were quick enough defending that,

> hows about a statement for the fans, axl promised them a statement when buckethead left, he aint delivered it,after all you'll all be wanting our money if it ever comes out , i'm sorry but you wont be getting mine,izzy stradlin was the genius of gnr, when he left all they released were mediocore covers,if anyone deserves the right to the name its him, also velvet revolver can find a singer, write, & release an album in 12 months,


> i put it to you that the album does not exist


> prove me wrong,

1st Response:

4tus@richardfortusonline.com wrote:

hi bluecandy,

thanks for taking the time to write to me. I understand your

frustration. Chinese Democracy might be out in '06, maybe '07, maybe

never, but it is a truly amazing piece of work and I hope that the

world has the chance to hear it. If not, the world will survive and so

will you. Thanks again for your comments, hope to see you at some point

in the near future.


2nd E-mail from bluecandy:

>how come slah knows when cd is coming out but you dont?

>he left the band a long time ago,


>your the best new member in my opinion


From: 4tus@richardfortusonline.com>

To: bluecandy>

Subject: RE: gnr

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:53 AM

You believe Slash, huh? You think he knows more than everyone else you

quoted previously? God bless you. I hope Santa was good to you. Keep

holding your breath man, March is right around the corner.



Richard asked me to post these to avoid any confusion over whether or not he wrote them, and so that people could know exactly what he was responding to. Also, to clear up that it is Richard Fortus who reads and answers the e-mails via his interact section at richardfortusonline.com.

- Webmaster

the official website of richard fortus

(If anyone doesn't believe this is the webmaster, feel free to check my email address, or just ask Jarmo. And if in the future there is any confusion over whether or not Richard wrote something, Jarmo knows how to verify it.

This was posted today at HTGTH site by rfowebmaster who claims to be the webmaster from the fortus site. I guess we all know now what you wrote now Lawrence to get such an answer from Richard!


Rock on rock1 rock2

i never knew an email would cause such a fuckin storm in a tea cup- all of you who said i was lying & the email was fake-(fuck you- suck my fuckin dick)

did you like my questions i asked richard? obviously the truth hurts eh?

i am bluecandy indeed, but now ive changed my email adress' looking forward to the next thrilling instalment?

Don't you think it's a little lame to email someone just for the purpose of pissing them off and then posting about it to make yourself look cool?

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Honestly guys lay the fuck of Lawrence, they are two seperate Emails, get a fucking life.He decided to Email Richard, how he choses to go about getting a response is his fucking buisness-what annoys you fucking idiots is that one of us dared to act like we had been treated like shit buy this band, well boo fucking hoo.

Most of you are monkeyboys anyway :lol:

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Honestly guys lay the fuck of Lawrence, they are two seperate Emails, get a fucking life.He decided to Email Richard, how he choses to go about getting a response is his fucking buisness-what annoys you fucking idiots is that one of us dared to act like we had been treated like shit buy this band, well boo fucking hoo.

Most of you are monkeyboys anyway :lol:

thanks pal- i dont care what they say, fuckin ass kissers,

in future i will not share any more info i get on here

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From: .....@richardfortusonline.com>

To: xxxxxxxxxxx>

Subject: RE: gnr

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:53 AM

You believe Slash, huh? You think he knows more than everyone else you

quoted previously? God bless you. I hope Santa was good to you. Keep

holding your breath man, March is right around the corner.



> -------- Original Message --------

> Subject: RE: gnr

> From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Date: Fri, January 06, 2006 6:47 am

> To: xxxxxxxxxx



> how come slah knows when cd is coming out but you dont?

> he left the band a long time ago,

> ps

> your the best new member in my opinion

What a Dick, so far what we've heard from Richard is something anybody who has no fucking clue about GNR could have written. I bet slash knows more about the present GNR than any of the current gnr members does

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Interesting they both say march :drevil:

Who are "both"? Slash said March was the release. I'm not sure that Richard's (?) comments can strictly be interpreted as saying "CD is coming out in March".

i think they can be interpreted that way, but thats just me

When I read it I thought that Richard was being sarcastic saying "Keep

holding your breath man, March is right around the corner". I thought that seemed kinda obvious. I mean read the rest of it:

"You believe Slash, huh? You think he knows more than everyone else you

quoted previously? God bless you. I hope Santa was good to you."

If that's not sarcasm then what is?

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