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This article is positive in a lot of ways...


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1. Axl has once again confirmed the band is working on around 30 tracks, which leads me to believe he will select the 13 strongest from the batch soon and we should have Chinese Democracy by this summer.

2. Axl mentioned that they are always rumored to be at festivals, so that shows he is at least considering doing some shows this upcoming summer.

3.Axl stated that he "loves" slash and has spoken with Izzy.... I can't recall the last time he said something like that publicly where he know's Slash will hear it... maybe Slash will act on hearing that and give Axl a call or something along those lines.

I know we can't all believe for sure that Chinese Democracy will be released this year, but we are sure as hell in a better postion than we were a month ago. I hope C.D is released and has great success soon, I also hope for some type of re-union tour in the years to come, and with how Axl conducted himself toward questions about slash or izzy.. I think we can say that may now be a possibility again.

God damn do I wanna hear the track "Better" or "There was a time."

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As a fan, I am most excited to hear the music obviously...

But as a person who cares about other people in general and their relationships with others, I am most happy to see Axl state he loves Slash and is talking to Izzy again.

Axl, izzy, duff, slash, and steven made some of the best music ever with one another and I am sure there was as many good times between them all as there was bad...

I would like to see them all be on speaking terms and friends again... the original gnr deserved a better fate than what has transpired.

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3.Axl stated that he "loves" slash and has spoken with Izzy.... I can't recall the last time he said something like that publicly where he know's Slash will hear it... maybe Slash will act on hearing that and give Axl a call or something along those lines.

Do any of you think that this may be a response to what nice things Slash said recently re: Axl, and that Axl was maybe waiting for Slash to make the first move in perhaps trying to rebuild relations between him and the other ex-Gunners? I mean I can't realistically see a reunion any time soon what with VR still going strong and Axl with a whole vault of material to release with the new guys, but it does certainly look encouraging to see them being civil to each other, albeit through the press.


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3.Axl stated that he "loves" slash and has spoken with Izzy.... I can't recall the last time he said something like that publicly where he know's Slash will hear it... maybe Slash will act on hearing that and give Axl a call or something along those lines.

Do any of you think that this may be a response to what nice things Slash said recently re: Axl, and that Axl was maybe waiting for Slash to make the first move in perhaps trying to rebuild relations between him and the other ex-Gunners? I mean I can't realistically see a reunion any time soon what with VR still going strong and Axl with a whole vault of material to release with the new guys, but it does certainly look encouraging to see them being civil to each other, albeit through the press.


Axl's words about Slash and Izzy were not expected at all by some of the people on this forum who have been constantly bashing Slash over the last years. That makes me feel happy. :shades:

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3.Axl stated that he "loves" slash and has spoken with Izzy....

Yes, that made me happy too.

Thats the thing that made me the most happiest

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If Slash ever comes back they should open up with Sweet Child O mine and have slash walk out dressed as buckethead.... then near the end or the opening solo the drums are about to kick in he removes the bucket and it is indeed slash... and the fans go crazy... :)

Edited by jvitale2004
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Its a pitty that Axl love Slash. Slash is nothing to love...

The new band is old now. Time to move on.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say thats probably the single most stupid thing ive ever heard.

If Slash ever comes back they should open up with Sweet Child O mine and have slash walk out dressed as buckethead.... then near the end or the opening solo the drums are about to kick in he removes the bucket and it is indeed slash... and the fans go crazy... :)

That would cause some real confusion coz Buckethead left ages ago, so Axl would probably have him thrown off stage before Slash could get his bucket off! Nice idea though.

I'd to see Axl on his own on stage singin Sail Away Sweet Sister.... or somethin, then the mic goes dead and lights start flickerin, and slash appears rippin SCOM out! I think I need to calm down and get back to reality....


Edited by Grimo85
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It's amazing how much positive energy just some pictures and an interview with Axl can create....

and I think it's clear to see that a lot of gnr fans really like the fact Axl said he "loves" Slash...

How fucking amazing would it be to see them two side by side again some day on the stage?

I think it will happen.. I just don't know when. I think Axl has to release Chinese Democracy first and go from there. He owes it to himself to release that album after all the work he has put into it.

But, from there he can go anywhere with Guns N Roses sure he has made music and hired musicians to create music under the name Guns N Roses... but Axl is still really the only original member, he could let any of the older guys back in at any time if he wanted too, there is yet to be an official release listing people as "official" members of Guns N Roses... maybe he hired the musicians and never let them become "official" members because he wanted to reserve those places for Duff, Izzy, Slash, and Matt....

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Its a pitty that Axl love Slash. Slash is nothing to love...

i dont hope for a reunion. Just a damn good alum with the new band!

Why wouldnt you hope for a reunion??????? You dontwant the love, you just want the satisfaction? Your crazy!!!!!! You know you are......

I don't want a reunion. TSI? wasn't that good.

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No one seemed to notice how he said that some of the stuff wont sound like Guns N' Roses??!! Fuck that pish!

He might aswell release it as a solo album if it's not gonna sound like Guns N' Roses. :sleeper:

yeah I did notice that...makes me a little nervous too :confused: . I just really hope there's a few rockers on that album...I mean I love the ballads but I've gotta have my 'freakout songs' as well :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
If Slash ever comes back they should open up with Sweet Child O mine and have slash walk out dressed as buckethead.... then near the end or the opening solo the drums are about to kick in he removes the bucket and it is indeed slash... and the fans go crazy... :)

It would be easy to hear that its not Lee on the guitar....,Lee is a much better player

Slash cant play live, way to wasted.

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