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UYI Artwork


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Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

Im looking for information on the artwork used on the front on the UYI cd cover. Who did the original painting?.. I believe this was done years ago and was not anctually done especially for Gn. Cant find anything on the web.


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Guest swwet_child

The cover design is done by Mike Kostabi, who took out a piece of the painting titled "La scuola di Atene" (which can be translated to Athens School) and edited it. The original picture was drawn by Raffaello Sanzio, in 1509-10, and you can see Platon and Aristotle on the picture.

Source: gnrinfo.tk

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Correct me if I'm wrong but the paintings were done by Raphael, the italian paintor

Nobody knows about art in here ?


You're wrong. The artist Mark Kostabi re-interpreted "School of Athens" by Raphael and made it into his own painting.

I believe he has a website www.markkostabi.com

"You're wrong" you say :drevil: If I make my own version of the mona lisa, it will still be Leonardo's fuckin monalisa. :rolleyes:

Kiddies :rolleyes: always wanting to start a riot, even on a website... :xmasssanta:

remember, fighting over the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win, you're still a retard

Edited by Wooody
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Ripping off a painting to turn a buck is no better than plagiarism. It's one thing to copy something, whether it's a painting, a song or a writing, for shits-and-giggles... IE... personal use. It's another to make a profit on somebody elses' work. This Mark Kostabi guy shouldn't get credit for anything. All he did was copy Sanzio's work. Real original. Problem is, nobody can sue him for doing it. Sanzio's been dead for nearly 500 years. I'm sure his lawyer is passed on to...lol.

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"You're wrong" you say mf_Dr_Evil.gif If I make my own version of the mona lisa, it will still be Leonardo's fuckin monalisa. rolleyes.gif

Kiddies rolleyes.gif always wanting to start a riot, even on a website... x_santa.gif

remember, fighting over the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win, you're still a retard

Gimme a fucking break. You said "correct me if I'm wrong" so I fucking corrected you. Mark Kostabi is the one credited with the paintings on the UYI covers. If you want to have an argument about art and plagirism I'm game, though I made no reference to either in my original post.

Bottom line is it's Kostabi's work on the covers of the album, and YOU asked for correction. So shut your mouth kiddo and don't play with the grownups anymore.

Axl is the one who wanted the painting on the cover. HE asked Kostabi for permission to use it after seeing in an art gallery--he liked the idea of the "illusions" of the painting, and told Kostabihe had been writing about Illusions on the new record. It's also where the name "Use Your Illusion" came from...kinda how Appetite for Destruction was named after a painting too.

There ya go a little GNR history for you.

Edited by KillYourIdols
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