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Bucket and CD


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Did we really need to expand on this in a different thread? Buckethead's solos ruined IRS in my opinion. Too technical. No feel. To answer your question, based on Tommy & Richard saying BH leaving was a real good thing, I would say his work will not appear on CD. Sounds like he burned some bridges and I doubt Axl will want to give him any more press, or money, then he's already ripped off from being a part of GNR.

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Quit with the ridiculous Bucket praise for now please.

Shredding and speed do NOT make you a good guitarist. They make you a fast guitarist. There are people faster still than Bucket. His solo material is NOT particularly outstanding and he would be a nobody were it not for his brief involvement with Guns n Roses.

Having said that I would like to hear his work on the album, assuming he was heavily involved, which we don't know.

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It's not ridiculous, pick up one of his solo albums, they are not all fast, technical yes, and he can play with feeling. Check out Population Override. He has more skills than Hendrix ever did technically, although his gimmick and him being less well known mean he doesn't get the recognition and indeed credit he deserves.

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0h come on! give me a fuckin break! how many times can you say that buckethead is 'just speed,no feel'?

a guitar player that can play REALLY fast, doesn't mean he plays without feel...

and if he CAN shred that a good thing but it's only one of his many abilities

jimi hendrix had the ability to 'shred' but he didn't use it on his recordings,so that was a bad thing that he could? I don't think so...

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