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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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Jarmo, on HTGTH, in response to queries about this Press Release:

I got the same one Mysteron got....

Again, I have no earthly clue why BusinessWire would self-edit a PR - but two people are now claiming that they have the 'full' copy. (And I'm not counting Blabbermouth in that mix)


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I don't disagree. Mysteon is claiming Businesswire has edited the PR, though. I have no idea why they'd do that. I just find it weird that he's insisting that Sanctuary / Merck stand by the unedited copy (the part w/ the Slash visit info intact)


That makes no sense; Businesswire wouldn't edit out the juiciest part of a story. That would be like reporting that the LAPD stopped Rodney King for a traffic violation but leaving out that they beat his ass, you know?

Subs, Businesswire is a reputable media outlet; whereas Blabbermouth is anything but.

Anyway, you guys do what you think is best. I just thought that we always believed reputable outlets over gossip-mongers, especially ones that continuously lie like blabbermouth.

Thanks for the note, Subs!! B)

Mysteron has "triple checked" the section regarding Slash's visit to Axl's house with Merck/Sanctuary, and they have confirmed it. What he posted at HTGTH is the release as he received it from Sanctuary. it IS NOT Blabbermouth that has added that section.

Anyone familiar with the Gn'r online community will know Mysteron has a long history with Sanc/Merck - if he says he received it from them, i wouldn't doubt it for a second.

It's possible that they sent the unedited version to Mysteron and decided against the "full fat" version for the Wire - it may be that if they were unable/unwilling to prove it they would be open to libel, i don't know.

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lol, sure theres gunna be more about this to come!!!! just get in the ring motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fight it out like men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wish you all would shut the fuck up about them "lying" to us about not speaking or not during the past 10 years. People in the public eye HAVE to lie at times for the sake of their own privacy that they deserve to have. It's morons like you that they try to keep things from.

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Wish you all would shut the fuck up about them "lying" to us about not speaking or not during the past 10 years. People in the public eye HAVE to lie at times for the sake of their own privacy that they deserve to have. It's morons like you that they try to keep things from.

oh you hurt my feelings...

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This is a big pile of steaming elephant shit, it just does not add up.

Neither of them have alluded to this in recent interviews, if anything they say the opposit.Yet now this shit comes out, am i the only one that finds the fact that the lawyers used the term Axl in certain parts then reverted to Mr Rose in other parts as odd?

For the record i dont believe that a credible news source would edit out the most interesting part of it.

Inside sources my fucking ass, you know fuck all.

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Guest RonMexico82

If this is a legal statement/press release then it sure as hell is amateurish - at best. It isn't clear at all and smells like bullshit. I seriously doubt that any official statement would be as badly composed as that and if so then Axl needs to fire some people.

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The OFFICIAL release mentions nothing of the relations between members of VR. It also says nothing of Slash making an unanounced visit to Axl's house. Here is the REAL text, from Businesswire.com
Axl Rose Responds to Lawsuit

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 6, 2006--W. Axl Rose, on Friday March 3, 2006 responded to one of Saul "Slash" Hudson's baseless lawsuits by filing a counterclaim asking the Federal Court to confirm his ownership of his own creative works. Slash and Michael "Duff" McKagan had previously filed cases both in Federal Court and in the Los Angeles Superior Court making numerous false allegations about Axl. Mr. Rose believes that once apprised of the true facts the Judge or Jury deciding these lawsuits will rule in Axl's favor on every issue before them.

More surprising to Axl are recent media reports that Slash (Saul Hudson) is claiming that he has always been supportive of Axl Rose and the new Guns N' Roses. Slash's actions in recent years have in fact been anything but supportive. Besides the lawsuits filed against Axl Rose, claiming, among other things, that Axl does not own the copyright in the songs that Axl co-authored with his former Guns N' Roses band mates, Slash has continually made negative and malicious statements about Axl in order to garner publicity for himself.

As an example the Federal lawsuit Hudson and McKagan filed was based on a faulty premise from the start. What Hudson and McKagan attempted to portray as egregious misconduct by Axl was in fact -- as Slash and Duff have learned -- nothing more than a clerical error committed by ASCAP. Had Slash and Duff or their representatives bothered to pick up the phone the clerical error could have been easily sorted out without the need for filing an utterly baseless lawsuit which one can only assume had been filed for the purposes of self-publicity at Axl's expense.

The lawsuit also attacks Axl's integrity as Slash and Duff, in a vindictive attempt to aggrandize their own stature, re-write history through false statements, which have been repeated by the media. Their attacks on Axl stand in sharp contrast to Rose's conduct. Axl has at all times worked diligently to maintain the artistic integrity of the band by choosing with great care which properties to license Guns N' Roses songs to and refusing to participate in what he believed were potentially embarrassing projects. He has fought to avoid the release of material that does not live up to the highest of standards demanded by the band's history and it's followers. Axl chose not to respond through the media while taking the high road in the face of Slash and Duff's attacks. Hudson and McKagan, by contrast, have told ever changing - and false - stories regarding the formation of the band and it's history and believe that the band's catalogue should be exploited without careful consideration - for the Guns N' Roses brand and their loyal audience - or Axl's input as if it were fast food by anyone willing to pay for it.

For over 10 years Slash, a consummate press, photo and media opportunist and manipulator, has attacked Axl Rose on a number of levels. Slash's actions whether in or out of Gun's N' Roses have been a complete betrayal across the board of his alleged friendship and business relationship with Axl and the so called brotherhood and band loyalties that are supposed to have existed. Instead Slash has publicly attempted, by soliciting public and media support, to take credit for something that was not his or anyone else's to take, notwithstanding that Slash played a major part in the success of the band as Axl has continually acknowledged.

Mr. Rose's attorney Howard Weitzman commented, "Axl regrets having to spend time and energy on these distractions but he has a responsibility to protect the Guns N' Roses legacy and expose the truth. Axl believes he has been left with no alternative but to respond to these lawsuits. It would have been Axl's preference to resolve disputes with Slash and Duff in private. The courthouse is not his choice of forum. However, Axl could no longer sit quietly and allow the continuing dissemination of falsehoods and half-truths by his former band-mates."

As I stated before, you can find the transcript on businesswire.com but you'll have to register to see it.

Thanks for that. Whoever fucked around with this article can get in big trouble.

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Sanctuary have re-sent out the press release, as Business Wire edited the original. The release now has this cover note:

The following press release, which was sent earlier, is the official response from W. Axl Rose in regards to the lawsuits filed by Saul "Slash" Hudson and Michael "Duff" McKagan. A version of this release was also sent out over the Business Wire through the Entertainment Wire National with Trades, but was edited and did not contain all of the information intended. The attached release is the version that should be used in all reporting of Mr. Rose's reply to the lawsuits and all inquiries about this discrepency should be directed to Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq.

I'd provide a link but Sp/1at is censored :lol:

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If this is a legal statement/press release then it sure as hell is amateurish - at best. It isn't clear at all and smells like bullshit. I seriously doubt that any official statement would be as badly composed as that and if so then Axl needs to fire some people.

LOL @ RonMexico!! Michael Vick, we know it's you, dude!! :lol:

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Maybe the extra paragraph was added as a joke for whatever reason. Maybe the extra paragraph is true but not relevant to the case while it was on going (Courts of law frown on clowns). The exta bit was added for the outside world to read once the case was over with. If it is true, there is not too much anybody can do about it.

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Sanctuary have re-sent out the press release, as Business Wire edited the original. The release now has this cover note:
The following press release, which was sent earlier, is the official response from W. Axl Rose in regards to the lawsuits filed by Saul "Slash" Hudson and Michael "Duff" McKagan. A version of this release was also sent out over the Business Wire through the Entertainment Wire National with Trades, but was edited and did not contain all of the information intended. The attached release is the version that should be used in all reporting of Mr. Rose's reply to the lawsuits and all inquiries about this discrepency should be directed to Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq.

I'd provide a link but Sp/1at is censored :lol:

Now confirmed by Jarmo @ HTGTH

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Jarmo over on HTDGTH says:

The following press release, which was sent earlier, is the official response from W. Axl Rose in regards to the lawsuits filed by Saul "Slash" Hudson and Michael "Duff" McKagan. A version of this release was also sent out over the Business Wire through the Entertainment Wire National with Trades, but was edited and did not contain all of the information intended. The attached release is the version that should be used in all reporting of Mr. Rose's reply to the lawsuits and all inquiries about this discrepancy should be directed to Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq.


W. Axl Rose, on Friday March 3, 2006 responded to one of Saul "Slash" Hudson's baseless lawsuits by filing a counterclaim asking the Federal Court to confirm his ownership of his own creative works. Slash and Michael “Duff” McKagan had previously filed cases both in Federal Court and in the Los Angeles Superior Court making numerous false allegations about Axl. Mr. Rose believes that once apprised of the true facts the Judge or Jury deciding these lawsuits will rule in Axl’s favor on every issue before them.

More surprising to Axl are recent media reports that Slash (Saul Hudson) is claiming that he has always been supportive of Axl Rose and the new Guns N' Roses. Slash's actions in recent years have in fact been anything but supportive. Besides the lawsuits filed against Axl Rose, claiming, among other things, that Axl does not own the copyright in the songs that Axl co-authored with his former Guns N' Roses band mates, Slash has continually made negative and malicious statements about Axl in order to garner publicity for himself.

As an example the Federal lawsuit Hudson and McKagan filed was based on a faulty premise from the start. What Hudson and McKagan attempted to portray as egregious misconduct by Axl was in fact -- as Slash and Duff have learned -- nothing more than a clerical error committed by ASCAP. Had Slash and Duff or their representatives bothered to pick up the phone the clerical error could have been easily sorted out without the need for filing an utterly baseless lawsuit which one can only assume had been filed for the purposes of self-publicity at Axl’s expense.

The lawsuit also attacks Axl’s integrity as Slash and Duff, in a vindictive attempt to aggrandize their own stature, re-write history through false statements, which have been repeated by the media. Their attacks on Axl stand in sharp contrast to Rose’s conduct. Axl has at all times worked diligently to maintain the artistic integrity of the band by choosing with great care which properties to license Guns N’ Roses songs to and refusing to participate in what he believed were potentially embarrassing projects. He has fought to avoid the release of material that does not live up to the highest of standards demanded by the band’s history and it’s followers. Axl chose not to respond through the media while taking the high road in the face of Slash and Duff’s attacks. Hudson and McKagan, by contrast, have told ever changing - and false - stories regarding the formation of the band and it’s history and believe that the band’s catalogue should be exploited without careful consideration - for the Guns N’ Roses brand and their loyal audience - or Axl’s input as if it were fast food by anyone willing to pay for it.

For over 10 years Slash, a consummate press, photo and media opportunist and manipulator, has attacked Axl Rose on a number of levels. Slash’s actions whether in or out of Gun's N' Roses have been a complete betrayal across the board of his alleged friendship and business relationship with Axl and the so called brotherhood and band loyalties that are supposed to have existed. Instead Slash has publicly attempted, by soliciting public and media support, to take credit for something that was not his or anyone else's to take, notwithstanding that Slash played a major part in the success of the band as Axl has continually acknowledged.

In October of 2005 Slash made an unannounced 5:30 AM visit to Axl Rose’s house. Not appearing to be under the influence, Slash came to inform Axl that: “Duff was spineless,” “Scott was a fraud,” that he “hates Matt Sorum” and that in this ongoing war, contest or whatever anyone wants to call it that Slash has waged against Axl for the better part of 20 years, that Axl has proven himself “the stronger.” Based on his conduct in showing up at Rose's home, Axl was hopeful that Slash would live up to his pronouncements that he wanted to end the war and move on with life. Unfortunately that did not prove to be the case.

Mr. Rose's attorney Howard Weitzman commented, "Axl regrets having to spend time and energy on these distractions but he has a responsibility to protect the Guns N’ Roses legacy and expose the truth. Axl believes he has been left with no alternative but to respond to these lawsuits. It would have been Axl’s preference to resolve disputes with Slash and Duff in private. The courthouse is not his choice of forum. However, Axl could no longer sit quietly and allow the continuing dissemination of falsehoods and half-truths by his former band-mates.”

If there are further queries regarding this statement, please contact:

Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq

(310) 201-7450 Direct

Pay attention to the following: "the official response from W. Axl Rose in regards to the lawsuits filed by Saul "Slash" Hudson and Michael "Duff" McKagan."


FAKE? Guess not :P

Edited by dobadog
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It's funny that the press release says that Slash was constantly bashing Axl and dragging his name through the mud, yet this 'press release' is doing exactly that to Slash.

This article reads like it was written by a kid in high school. No esteemed law office, or any type of professional would ever release a 'press release' so dumb and amateurish.

This has fake written all over it.

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