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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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Well, this kills any chance of Slash and Axl reuniting this summer! fuck why can't these guys just bury the hatchet!!! It's like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards not speaking to each other.

well its more like Axl an Slash dont speak together...

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so did Slash go round to Axls for a sleep-over then?

My guess is Slash had a panic attac when he heard TWAT........went out for a drink, then some how found himself at Axl's house fucked up drunk!......Axl kidnapped his ass...made him say all kind of stuff about his VR band mates.


But the lawyers statement says that Slash was sober.


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chris harris is a martian penguin that dreams of one day seeing slashes balls. i think it is great that slash went to axls pad and talked to him,regardless of what he said.we all know that 10 years from now,when they are all too old to matter, slash and axl will be together again making that "final" tour.REGARDELESS OF ANY OF WHAT IS TRUE OR NOT-SLASH IS GOD-AXL IS GOD.THE END

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Back in 1993-94, you couldn't have convinced me that GnR would be at this state...Slash and Axl publicly humiliating each other....they were like brothers.....

They were like brothers in 93/94? :unsure:


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we all know that 10 years from now,when they are all too old to matter, slash and axl will be together again making that "final" tour.REGARDELESS OF ANY OF WHAT IS TRUE OR NOT-SLASH IS GOD-AXL IS GOD.THE END

Thats pretty much how I see it, regardless of whatever transpires between those two, they will both be the most amazing rock duo of all time to me. I don't understand why fans of Guns N Roses take such glee in trashing ex-members of their favorite band. In the end it makes Guns look like a joke. It's like if you have an estranged wife, you may have disagreements with her but if you keep making a mockery out of that relationship by publicly humiliating her, pretty soon everyone jumps on the bandwagon and the marriage itself loses respect in public. The Guns N Roses name is being embarassed publically with this bullshit. Fans need to wake the fuck up and not take every single bait to flame a band member out of loyalty to Axl/Slash or whoever....

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Back in 1993-94, you couldn't have convinced me that GnR would be at this state...Slash and Axl publicly humiliating each other....they were like brothers.....

They were like brothers in 93/94? :unsure:


Regardless of their disagreements during the UYI tour, they were still close. Things didn't get really bad until late 94/95 publically between them in any case....

Point being, its sad the story is playing out like this. A fan of Guns in their prime would be hardpressed to say that things would be happening this way between two guys who seemingly were as close as brothers.

To be honest, I can't help but feel embarassed for both of them over this press release....

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Back in 1993-94, you couldn't have convinced me that GnR would be at this state...Slash and Axl publicly humiliating each other....they were like brothers.....

It is sad. For true Guns fans, these are depressing times.

yeah i hate seeing this happen, i'm a massive fan of both guys. :(

but i'm standing in axl's corner with this one. :angry: .

but i'm happy axl's putting his side of the story out for once.

Edited by aussie_axl
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*side note* - Isn't fun being a Guns N' Roses fan? Come on, its hardly boring stuff even without music! :D

Just when you thought Axl and Slash were saying nice things to each other and starting to at the very least build bridges, then BANG!

How many Chapters has this book got?


No it's not fun. It's getting fucking old.

"Their attacks on Axl stand in sharp contrast to Rose’s conduct. Axl has at all times worked diligently to maintain the artistic integrity of the band by choosing with great care which properties to license Guns N’ Roses songs to and refusing to participate in what he believed were potentially embarrassing projects."

The movie Black Hawk Down was not an embarrassing project. It was a very good film.

Agreed. It's pretty funny how Axl's idea of an embarassing movie is Black Hawk Down, but a good movie for a GN'R track is Big Daddy. :rolleyes:

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It really is sad.

If Slash did show up, which I believe true, it would be a lot better to say he "didn't appear under the influence" to validate sentiments he then made about his current band mates. See? If you say he was coked up, or drunk off his ass, it's not as hurtful for Matt and Scott to hear about it later, and discredits the occurance in whole as meaningless drug behavior. Axl also knows it's unlikely Slash would come back and say "No man, I was ripped". He could have easily been smashed, it was 5 am, food for thought.

It's also just like Axl to mention something like this later, lol, hate to say it, but it's true. He did this with Izzy too, years ago. Something like "Izzy showed up and was seen by the camera's at the security gate. Axl said "I didn't think it would be healthy for me to let him in at the time"". He let Slash in, and was probobably happy to see him, until this suit kept progressing, or the next think pissed him off. Meanwhile, I'm on Axl's side 100%. As much as I don't agree with the "I'm telling what you said" mentality, I do agree a suit like this is just wrong. Axl owns GnR's name, It's probably good he does, they agreed to this long ago, percentages of song rights were also determined long ago, so now that's that.


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Again, the Slash dick lickers can't handle Axl's side of the story. Madison, thanks for pointing out that paragraph... I thought that was the only part that sounded non-professional. If it wasn't in the original statement, sounds like someone threw that in there for shits and giggles. I'd erase that part of it.

Anyway, you Slash lovers have to come to grips with the fact that Slash, Duff and Matt have bad mouthed Axl for years and have thrown lawsuit after lawsuit at him. Now that Axl speaks up, through his lawyer or not, you all cry like the cry baby you portray Axl to be.

Whatever. You must all have simple minds and work in greese pits to not understand this press release.

Something must have happened that forced Axl to release this release. Maybe the new guys need some reassurances that their jobs aren't in jeopardy. I don't blame them, a lot of you do nothing but wish for Slash and Co. to come back and do nothing but bash the new guys.

You people, and you know who you are, are lifeless pricks that have nothing better to do but bitch, cry and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way.

The reactions from the Slash lovers in this thread are perfect examples.

Jeez, you go on and on about the Slash lovers, dick lickers, nut swingers, etc. in this thread. And yet your posts don't exactly reek of objectivity, Matt.

I won't even waste much time commenting on this, because you know what? All of us knows squat. The only ones who know the truth are the people directly involved, i.e. Axl and Slash. The only thing I will say is that this release seems incredulous on several levels. I won't swallow it as easily as some of you people, but I won't dismiss it entirely either.

See, that's called being objective. <_<

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