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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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He already did rants about Slash and Duff in 2001 and 2002... I think GNR fans and people in general are getting tired of these shitty wars.

yup...just release the damn music. and one day publish a book about what has happened.

Edited by elmir
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Madison once said Slash and Scott didn't got along, I've heard the same rumour somewhere else.

And I guess it's not easy to be spineful with an empty bank account!!!


You two made music history! :)

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Excuse my legal naivety, but why cant they all just be big boys and drop these silly claims. Other than the lawyers, does anyone really want to go through with this?? I can't see why.....


Edited by LA_0013
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Will Slash sue Axl and his lawyers if they are lying (which is likely) ? :)

If it were completely untrue then I'm sure they would. But I can't see them saying Slash went to Axl's house if he never.

The issue regarding what Slash said is a real tough one though, which could cause all sorts of problems. I think we can expect some form of statement from Slash/VR very soon....


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Will Slash sue Axl and his lawyers if they are lying (which is likely) ? :)

You think Axl made a story up that Slash showed up at his house without being able to prove it? You're joking right?

I'm still looking over the statement(there is just so much going on in there) - I'm going to respond later, currently its just interesting for me to read peoples responses..... I have to say though, I'm not happy.


Care to say why your not happy Subs?

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Will Slash sue Axl and his lawyers if they are lying (which is likely) ? :)

You think Axl made a story up that Slash showed up at his house without being able to prove it? You're joking right?

I'm still looking over the statement(there is just so much going on in there) - I'm going to respond later, currently its just interesting for me to read peoples responses..... I have to say though, I'm not happy.


I'm not joking. What Axl is trying to do is to destabilize Slash and VR.

Edited by Alan Niveen
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i cant stand htgth either'

I find it a bit snotty and condescending.

GOAB is a man for the people...... revolution starts now :o

HTGTH is HOSTED by Sanctuary and run by Jarmo.

Sanctuary don't tell him how to run his board. They just host it for him so he gets free hosting and Jarmo is NOT a liar or misleads anyone.

If you took the time to get to know Jarmo, you'd see he is a very kind, ethical, and decent person. He is very respected too. The ones he "bans" from his board are the ones who get banned from other boards because they can't follow rules.

And if HTGTH appears condescending, it's because they don't like bullshit.

But to think that Jarmo would receive a press release from Sanctuary and from Axl's attorney and people STILL say it's not right or the paragraph was altered, etc....it is ACCURATE and REAL.

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i cant stand htgth either'

I find it a bit snotty and condescending.

GOAB is a man for the people...... revolution starts now :o

HTGTH is HOSTED by Sanctuary and run by Jarmo.

Sanctuary don't tell him how to run his board. They just host it for him so he gets free hosting and Jarmo is NOT a liar or misleads anyone.

If you took the time to get to know Jarmo, you'd see he is a very kind, ethical, and decent person. He is very respected too. The ones he "bans" from his board are the ones who get banned from other boards because they can't follow rules.

And if HTGTH appears condescending, it's because they don't like bullshit.

But to think that Jarmo would receive a press release from Sanctuary and from Axl's attorney and people STILL say it's not right or the paragraph was altered, etc....it is ACCURATE and REAL.

In fairness i wasn't questioning Jarmo as a man JALP, just stating that i don't like the site, which is why i choose to be here.I didnt mean to imply there was anything untoward going on, im just less trusting than some.As you say they may be in the know, but i see no evidence of it.GOAB works on facts and evidence not opinions, if i see facts to show me they are in the know then i will believe it but not before.The main point of me saying i don't like the site is actualy more to do with the layout of things to be honest.I don't find it easy to view or stay on for any length of time.My comment was more about the general filter of information from the site not specificaly the statement... the statement is what it is ( no altering ) ;)

4000 posts...woohoo

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Will Slash sue Axl and his lawyers if they are lying (which is likely) ? :)

You think Axl made a story up that Slash showed up at his house without being able to prove it? You're joking right?

I'm still looking over the statement(there is just so much going on in there) - I'm going to respond later, currently its just interesting for me to read peoples responses..... I have to say though, I'm not happy.


I can believe that Slash went to Axl's house. What I CAN'T believe is that Slash would trashtalk his current bandmates to Axl. UNLESS he was purposely trying to bait Axl, or the comments are taken out of context.

It begs the question: If Slash was indeed going to make peace with Axl, why not drop the lawsuits? And where was Duff in all of that, since they are co-plaintiffs? Did Duff/VR know about this meeting? Why wouldn't Duff have gone with Slash to meet with Axl? And where were the lawyers? And why are there 2 versions of the press release? Why hasn't BW issued a correction? Something just isn't right.

Edited by luvaxl4ever
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I still dont understand this. Slash and Duff has been blowing shit for years now.. and when Axl finally make a statement you people start to blame Axl.

What the fuck is that crap?

Shame on you.

Iam sorry for those of you that was to blind to see all the blowing shit and thir campaign.

I want a big rant broadcasted world wide.

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Judging from Slash's passive personality. And the fact that admittedly was "suicidal" around 1998 or 1999 over this same shit. And notice If Slash making these comments on his current bandmates is in fact true, that would completely destroy everything that he has. I feel really sorry for him at this point and I am nervous about hearing about Slash dead in a hotel room. :unsure:

"ain't it fun when you've broken up every band that you've ever begun

ain't in fun when you know that your gonna die young" :scared::scared::(

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The only way this is going to get cleared up, in my opinion, is if Madison contacts Merck AND Weisman's law firm to get confirmations from both of them. On top of this, the contradiction that Axl hadn't talked to Slash in 10 years, then all of a sudden "oh, yeah, except back in October" thing has to be brought up to Merck and Weisman.

That little contradiction is making Axl look like a liar, and this is not something Weisman or Merck or Axl should ever want, so I think it is in their best interest to clear that up. It could come back to haunt them in court bigtime.

Madison, can you help on this? I know some others at other boards already talked to Merck, but that's not good enough. Axl's own press release is making him out as a liar, and this needs to be cleared up.


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The only way this is going to get cleared up, in my opinion, is if Madison contacts Merck AND Weisman's law firm to get confirmations from both of them.

wasn't Weisman's nr at the bottom of that release? So if you live in the states, and its a local call for you, then ring 'em yourself and ask....I would, but the call alone would cast me a fortune...not to mention the time difference.

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If this DID happen, Axl might have wanted to keep it to himself, Slash laying into VR members is pretty sensative stuff and Axl would be right to be tactful about saying he'd been talking with Slash.

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