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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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The only way this is going to get cleared up, in my opinion, is if Madison contacts Merck AND Weisman's law firm to get confirmations from both of them.

wasn't Weisman's nr at the bottom of that release? So if you live in the states, and its a local call for you, then ring 'em yourself and ask....I would, but the call alone would cast me a fortune...not to mention the time difference.

I called him last night. Still waiting on a call back though.

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The only way this is going to get cleared up, in my opinion, is if Madison contacts Merck AND Weisman's law firm to get confirmations from both of them. On top of this, the contradiction that Axl hadn't talked to Slash in 10 years, then all of a sudden "oh, yeah, except back in October" thing has to be brought up to Merck and Weisman.

That little contradiction is making Axl look like a liar, and this is not something Weisman or Merck or Axl should ever want, so I think it is in their best interest to clear that up. It could come back to haunt them in court bigtime.

Madison, can you help on this? I know some others at other boards already talked to Merck, but that's not good enough. Axl's own press release is making him out as a liar, and this needs to be cleared up.


I contacted both of them.

Merck responded that "The paragraph in question was always part of the statement but was edited out of the version that the wire service sent out."

It's not clear who edited the paragraph out. (Business Wire does not normally write or edit press releases - it only distributes them for clients). Sometimes errors can be made in transit though and normally BW will issue corrections when this happens. However, I didn't get an explanation on why BW wasn't contacted about the "error" and wasn't asked to re-issue the statement with a correction.

When I contacted Axl's lawyer, I asked if the paragraph was intentionally left off the original press release that was sent to the mainstream media - But later requested (possibly from Axl) to be put back in. .... I have not received a response.

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If this DID happen, Axl might have wanted to keep it to himself, Slash laying into VR members is pretty sensative stuff and Axl would be right to be tactful about saying he'd been talking with Slash.


going along with the fact that Axl, although known to be a lot of untasteful things, certainly does not have the reputation of being a liar. (quoting "The Aviator")

and also... Dizzy did say before about how the ex-Gunners have always tried to contact Axl secretly about a reunion although word has never gotten out... well... maybe it finally has?

and certainly... Slash saying these things isn't all THAT farfetched... I mean heck, just watch that VH1 documentary on VR and you'll see that there's a lot of turmoil within the band.

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I contacted both of them.

Merck responded that "The paragraph in question was always part of the statement but was edited out of the version that the wire service sent out."

It's not clear who edited the paragraph out. (Business Wire does not normally write or edit press releases - it only distributes them for clients). Sometimes errors can be made in transit though and normally BW will issue corrections when this happens. However, I didn't get an explanation on why BW wasn't contacted about the "error" and wasn't asked to re-issue the statement with a correction.

When I contacted Axl's lawyer, I asked if the paragraph was intentionally left off the original press release that was sent to the mainstream media - But later requested (possibly from Axl) to be put back in. .... I have not received a response.

Thank you Madison! :) Now I guess all that is left to find out is why Axl is contradicting himself. I know you probably don't want to intrude on Merck too much, but would it be at all possible to ask about this contradiction in Axl's words?


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Well considering thats true (the paragraph being part of the original statement),

I must say this a sad day to be a GNR fan,

all of them have a serious stink of oestrogen, they should stick to what their good at and

leave the dramatics and soap opera antics to the Australians, I for one don't care, don't care about Axl fucking over VR, I don't care about VR fucking over Axl, I don't care!

what i do care about is both their respective releases (VR + Axl) but of course not a word about that,

All we get is this auld-one non sense!

Fuck the lot of them!

:monkey: (the monkey was added to lighten the tone of this post, I mean just look at his little face!)

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But why haven't we heard anything from the Slash/Duff camp yet? As far as I know they'd comment all of axl's previous lawsuits within days. Or is this lawsuit as old as a few months?

Can't somebody just mail that merck-guy or anyone else, like anyone in the vr-camp? All this silence makes you mad ffs

somebody wrote on the HTGTH-board that Slash was on KLOS radio earlier today, anybody else who thinks that's just another BS-rumour coming from that site?

oh fuck

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But why haven't we heard anything from the Slash/Duff camp yet? As far as I know they'd comment all of axl's previous lawsuits within days. Or is this lawsuit as old as a few months?

because it's probably true. Right now Duff and Scott might be pissed at Slash....considering all the rumors of VR not doing well..........why is that?

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I like sound .

Ie. Car " WOOOSH! " by or p'haps " Last Castrato " lp. or even 50 Cent " bass textures " new single :book:

" Axl Rose d'not like Slash " | " Slash is cock "

Where is Cardinal W. Axl Rose 2oo6 New Fusion lp. ? [ I d'not understand ? :unsure: ]

:lol::lol::lol: where the fuck you been dude?

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But why haven't we heard anything from the Slash/Duff camp yet? As far as I know they'd comment all of axl's previous lawsuits within days. Or is this lawsuit as old as a few months?

because it's probably true. Right now Duff and Scott might be pissed at Slash....considering all the rumors of VR not doing well..........why is that?

somebody ever thought about the fact that Slash infact is human?? that it hurts him having to play with people that he doesn't want to play with. Have you ever thought about the solos that he made in GNR infact reflect his personality, rather then just being some robotic flashing of skills?

The way he responded to Axl's singing is one of the strongest suits to their success.

So if this is true, why would it be so weird that a man who shared the best of his years with another man one day feels like going there to talk and settle things. At the same time I understand Axl too. Things said and done hurt him just as much.

Like you say, leave the drama, and deal with it as adults should, and not a fuckn clique of blonds in highschool.

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good to see everybody following the rule :)

not familiar with that rule? jeez. it states:

you must pick one of the two (Slash or axl) to like and then you cannot acknowledge anything positive from the other. similarly, you must try to nitpick at everything the other one does and ignore similar transgressions of your choice. Also, the other person is 100% responsible for breaking up guns n roses, and you must admit that he had no part in the success of the original lineup (for those albums must be viewed as the work of individuals, not of a band as a whole). addendum: dizzy, steven, matt, duff, and izzy fans must be treated as crazy and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. they are clearly wrong in who they choose to like, and everyone can agree on this.

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Im not believing ANY of it until I read it from a CREDIBLE source.

Just curious as to how you define credible. The statement came straight from Axl's attorney's office. Its been confirmed by Sanctuary / Merck and written about on MTV's website. How much more credible are you looking for?


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My guess is that Axl and Slash talked, about what exactly who knows, but it seems recently they both started saying decent things about each other. Slash probably was told about release, which is why he was talking about it, maybe even heard the CD from Axl.

They probably talked about dropping the suit. And maybe by that not happeneing, Axl felt betrayed by the recent trust he gave Slash.

As far as the comments:

Duff is Spineless - could be in reference to getting the lawsuit dropped, and that Duff is afraid to confront the attorneys or admit being wrong about it.

Scott is a fraud: Anyone can tell his Vocals tracks, especially ballads are highly produced. maybe his voice is shot?

He hates Matt: Matt is the one guy who still gets to truly live the rockstar life... single and loving it, and this may have been said sarcastically when talking about his adventures.

Overall, I think they came to some kind of understanding, and that understanding was disrespected.

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Im not believing ANY of it until I read it from a CREDIBLE source.

Just curious as to how you define credible. The statement came straight from Axl's attorney's office. Its been confirmed by Sanctuary / Merck and written about on MTV's website. How much more credible are you looking for?


Apparently, it must come out of both Axl's ass and his mouth

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Im not believing ANY of it until I read it from a CREDIBLE source.

Just curious as to how you define credible. The statement came straight from Axl's attorney's office. Its been confirmed by Sanctuary / Merck and written about on MTV's website. How much more credible are you looking for?


Some of ya really gotta get a sense of humor man. Never mind.

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A reply from the VR camp would be nice. It's all just so odd. Even if Slash said those things, what if he's reconciled with the VR guys at this point. I mean he was on the road with them for two years. Anytime your in the same environment with the same people for an extended period of time, you're bound to get sick of someone. Matt and Duff have come out with statements within the last month or so talking about the progress of the next VR record. Why would they even build up the fans' hopes if they thought the future of the band was shaky. See the oddest thing to me is that Slash went to Axl with these problems. I do acknowledge that this has been confirmed by Sanctuary and Merck, but it doesn't make the situation less strange. I think instead of more confirmation, we could use some clarification.

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Overall, I think they came to some kind of understanding, and that understanding was disrespected.

you know dude...you're the only one that made sense in this whole topic!

I fully agree with that!......that's exactly what has happen between them!

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I found this on velvetrope.com - it is supposedly Merck's response to Axl's lawyers legal statment the other day. Sorry, if someone has already posted it.

Here is what Merck apparently said about this today:

A response from Merck


"To be clear this is a counter claim and a result of them suing Axl not just once but twice.

When information is not provided everyone complains yet when detailed information is offered up there are a large number of people who try to second guess it.

This will not delay the new album - quite the opposite - tying up these loose ends allows us to get on with it."

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BUT with all the leaks and rumors Why do a press release about something that is a few years old?

"Mysteron" was asked to release the one press release with the questionable paragraph at HTGTH but they released another to business wire without it, then made a half assed excuse about it. You don't make mistakes about something like this, I feel that it was planned. What the plan is, i'm not quite sure...the word "ruse" keeps coming into my head

I learned along time ago not to believe anything I read and only half of what I see. But I do feel that we will find out everything....soon.

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My guess is that Axl and Slash talked, about what exactly who knows, but it seems recently they both started saying decent things about each other. Slash probably was told about release, which is why he was talking about it, maybe even heard the CD from Axl.

They probably talked about dropping the suit. And maybe by that not happeneing, Axl felt betrayed by the recent trust he gave Slash.

As far as the comments:

Duff is Spineless - could be in reference to getting the lawsuit dropped, and that Duff is afraid to confront the attorneys or admit being wrong about it.

Scott is a fraud: Anyone can tell his Vocals tracks, especially ballads are highly produced. maybe his voice is shot?

He hates Matt: Matt is the one guy who still gets to truly live the rockstar life... single and loving it, and this may have been said sarcastically when talking about his adventures.

Overall, I think they came to some kind of understanding, and that understanding was disrespected.

Well Axl told Rolling Stone that they hadnt spoken in 10 years. and its 3 months from ockober to january...hmm well,..

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I found this on velvetrope.com - it is supposedly Merck's response to Axl's lawyers legal statment the other day. Sorry, if someone has already posted it.

Here is what Merck apparently said about this today:

A response from Merck


"To be clear this is a counter claim and a result of them suing Axl not just once but twice.

When information is not provided everyone complains yet when detailed information is offered up there are a large number of people who try to second guess it.

This will not delay the new album - quite the opposite - tying up these loose ends allows us to get on with it."

thanks :kiss:

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