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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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I also have to question its truth. Afterall, didn't Slash state in a recent interview that he hadn't spoken to Axl in 10 years? ... Whoever added this paragraph sounds like they have an axe to grind, and - frankly - I have a hard time believing it.

And didn't Axl say the same in the Rolling Stone interview in January this year?

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I'm not sure where that paragraph came from about Slash showing up at Axl's house. It wasn't in the press statement that was issued over Business Wire.

I also have to question its truth. Afterall, didn't Slash state in a recent interview that he hadn't spoken to Axl in 10 years? ... Whoever added this paragraph sounds like they have an axe to grind, and - frankly - I have a hard time believing it.

However, I thought the rest of the statement made good points.

Check with Merck

He'll point you in the right direction

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Why the hell is Axl doing this stuff now? Bitching about 'his former friends' when all along he made out that he had moved on.

Why not release a single instead of a lawsuit? Why not speak to the fans rather than have his monkey address the legal community?

Why not f$cking wake up Axl?

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Guest Matt13

I love how all the Slash dick lickers say this is a "childish" or "immature" statement written by a "teenager". I find it very poignant, informative and professionally written.

Funny, all Slash, Duff and especially Matt have done over the years is badmouth Axl and badmouth what was GNR. Every now and then one of them would come out and pay a compliment to Axl... but in that same time frame, Axl has for the most part kept his mouth shut less a brief mention of the old guys back in 2001/2 when he released that statment on GNR online.com.

Now that the other side of the story has been made known, all the Slash/Duff lovers are up in arms... "how immature"... "that was stupid".

Fact is, half of you probably don't even understand half of the statement as it's beyond your capacity for comprehension.

I think the goal of this letter is to put to rest any ideas of a reunion, for good. Slash recently has been doing a little ass kissing and getting some press thanks to the current status, or at least the recent rumblings, of Chinese Democracy. Axl probably doesn't like that free press and also is probably sick of people approaching him with reunion questions.

Something tells me some of the current band members needed some reassuring that they're not going anywhere.

This definitely does it.

Again, good job Axl. At least you're firing back professionally and not doing it through some reporter or something. It's good to know that side of the story and THANK YOU for shutting some of these reunion folks up once and for all. Try to ignore their bitching.

I don't recall Matt Sorum bashing Axl. The only time i recall Matt Sorum mention Axl was when said he sure hopes Axl finds happiness (as he was under the impression he wasn't).

You're kidding, right?

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I love how all the Slash dick lickers say this is a "childish" or "immature" statement written by a "teenager". I find it very poignant, informative and professionally written.

Funny, all Slash, Duff and especially Matt have done over the years is badmouth Axl and badmouth what was GNR. Every now and then one of them would come out and pay a compliment to Axl... but in that same time frame, Axl has for the most part kept his mouth shut less a brief mention of the old guys back in 2001/2 when he released that statment on GNR online.com.

Now that the other side of the story has been made known, all the Slash/Duff lovers are up in arms... "how immature"... "that was stupid".

Fact is, half of you probably don't even understand half of the statement as it's beyond your capacity for comprehension.

I think the goal of this letter is to put to rest any ideas of a reunion, for good. Slash recently has been doing a little ass kissing and getting some press thanks to the current status, or at least the recent rumblings, of Chinese Democracy. Axl probably doesn't like that free press and also is probably sick of people approaching him with reunion questions.

Something tells me some of the current band members needed some reassuring that they're not going anywhere.

This definitely does it.

Again, good job Axl. At least you're firing back professionally and not doing it through some reporter or something. It's good to know that side of the story and THANK YOU for shutting some of these reunion folks up once and for all. Try to ignore their bitching.

Don't call me a dick licker,

my post made it clear that I thought all (Axl, Slash, Duff) were acting below their age

they should all colectively learn to grow up

you might of heard wrong due to axl's sodomization of your ear.

Also that statement is anything but professional

other than that, solid post and good point ;)

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axl might not've said anything to slash

plus it's 5:30 in the morning.....

he might not be up

but just incase...

(imagines window scene from 1970's romeo and juliet and slash standing in romeo's place yelling about how vr sucks ass)

Who just drops by someone's house at 5:30am and says "hi, I hate my current bandmembers"? If it truly happened (which I doubt) those comments sound more like something that would take place in the course of a conversation.

Edited by luvaxl4ever
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I love Slash, and I love Axl...both equally...they're both great muscicians in their own areas

they formed one of the greatest 1-2 punches EVER...so i won't say that one is greater than the other because they are a tandem together, to say the least...

BUT...I do find it hard to believe that Slash would go ot Axl's house at 5:30 in the morning, unless he was drunk

And like Madison said, didin't Axl state that he hadn't talked to Slash in 10 years in the RollingStone interview? Or was that Slash stating that he hadn't talked to Axl in 10 years in the radio interview before a gig? Either way one stated that he hadn't talked to the other in 10 years...

It's crazy enough to be true I guess....and one more thing,

Whether the whole thing about Slash going to Axl's house is true.....if this statement is true, that Axl said that Slash showed up slandering VR; then a fire that had been going out, is burning as bright as it could be.

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Guest Matt13

Again, the Slash dick lickers can't handle Axl's side of the story. Madison, thanks for pointing out that paragraph... I thought that was the only part that sounded non-professional. If it wasn't in the original statement, sounds like someone threw that in there for shits and giggles. I'd erase that part of it.

Anyway, you Slash lovers have to come to grips with the fact that Slash, Duff and Matt have bad mouthed Axl for years and have thrown lawsuit after lawsuit at him. Now that Axl speaks up, through his lawyer or not, you all cry like the cry baby you portray Axl to be.

Whatever. You must all have simple minds and work in greese pits to not understand this press release.

Something must have happened that forced Axl to release this release. Maybe the new guys need some reassurances that their jobs aren't in jeopardy. I don't blame them, a lot of you do nothing but wish for Slash and Co. to come back and do nothing but bash the new guys.

You people, and you know who you are, are lifeless pricks that have nothing better to do but bitch, cry and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way.

The reactions from the Slash lovers in this thread are perfect examples.

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One thing is for sure, this will reassure to the rest of the band that the new Gn'R is the only Gn'R and there is no chance of any ex members returning. That should make the new Gn'R stronger and erase any doubts in the minds of Robin, Tommy that they are not simply in the band because they are hired and could be replace in a flash if Duff and Slash came a knocking.

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what would be funny, would be if the whole thing is some sort of rouse, and Slash gets back in GnR. I'm in NO WAY saying that i think it's gonna happen- cuz i don't think it will. It would be funny though. i just wonder how quick all the Slash bashers would change their tune.

i could really give 2 shits about all the "he's a liar" soap opera drama that goes on with this band. Just put out some fucking music! i don't care what kind of people they are in their personal lives, it has no affect on me. I don't hang out with any of them. They all have their faults, and they probably all deserve one another,imo.

where's the press release that says chinese democracy is coming? quit wasting our time with the "he called me this", "he's trying to sabotage me","he's a liar" childish nonsense!

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axl might not've said anything to slash

plus it's 5:30 in the morning.....

he might not be up

but just incase...

(imagines window scene from 1970's romeo and juliet and slash standing in romeo's place yelling about how vr sucks ass)

Who just drops by someone's house at 5:30am and says "hi, I hate my current bandmembers"? If it truly happened (which I doubt) those comments sound more like something that would take place in the course of a conversation.

Actually,I did once, I went to my keyboardist's house of the band we were both in(currently envelope to everyone), and complained about our ex-best friend,who went off stage during our biggest concert and broke up the band. I was yelling at her window and she came out halfway through.

but other than that, who shows up to a guy's house at 5:30 in the morning after suing him,and:

a.actually gets let on after not seing him or 10 or so years

b.has a calm conversation about how he hates his own band

so if it probably happenned, conversation's as likely as chris webber replacing buckethead

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One thing is for sure, this will reassure to the rest of the band that the new Gn'R is the only Gn'R and there is no chance of any ex members returning. That should make the new Gn'R stronger and erase any doubts in the minds of Robin, Tommy that they are not simply in the band because they are hired and could be replace in a flash if Duff and Slash came a knocking.

I think that if Slash came a knockin, then he would be back in....Matt, no way...duff, maybe

just my opinion....if I was Axl, and I could take back some members....I would take Slash Izzy and Adler, and would only take Duff because he would complete the original band line-up and that would be cool

but if Izzy wouldn't come then I would take Gilby too...but never Matt, and only DUff if it completes the original Appetite lineup

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Guest Matt13

I love how all the Slash dick lickers say this is a "childish" or "immature" statement written by a "teenager". I find it very poignant, informative and professionally written.

Funny, all Slash, Duff and especially Matt have done over the years is badmouth Axl and badmouth what was GNR. Every now and then one of them would come out and pay a compliment to Axl... but in that same time frame, Axl has for the most part kept his mouth shut less a brief mention of the old guys back in 2001/2 when he released that statment on GNR online.com.

Now that the other side of the story has been made known, all the Slash/Duff lovers are up in arms... "how immature"... "that was stupid".

Fact is, half of you probably don't even understand half of the statement as it's beyond your capacity for comprehension.

I think the goal of this letter is to put to rest any ideas of a reunion, for good. Slash recently has been doing a little ass kissing and getting some press thanks to the current status, or at least the recent rumblings, of Chinese Democracy. Axl probably doesn't like that free press and also is probably sick of people approaching him with reunion questions.

Something tells me some of the current band members needed some reassuring that they're not going anywhere.

This definitely does it.

Again, good job Axl. At least you're firing back professionally and not doing it through some reporter or something. It's good to know that side of the story and THANK YOU for shutting some of these reunion folks up once and for all. Try to ignore their bitching.

Don't call me a dick licker,

my post made it clear that I thought all (Axl, Slash, Duff) were acting below their age

they should all colectively learn to grow up

you might of heard wrong due to axl's sodomization of your ear.

Also that statement is anything but professional

other than that, solid post and good point ;)

The burgers are burning, bunky. Better get back and flip them so you don't lose your job.

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Slash and Duff are like brothers...literally....the idea that Slash would say something bad about Duff is utter bullshit and completely fabricated imho...

i have to agree with you there...but if Slash was drunk, then all bets and guarantees are off...

I would only consider him making that comment if he was drunk

and since he showed up at 5:30 A.M. to AXL'S HOUSe...its possible he was wasted

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Guest Matt13

One thing is for sure, this will reassure to the rest of the band that the new Gn'R is the only Gn'R and there is no chance of any ex members returning. That should make the new Gn'R stronger and erase any doubts in the minds of Robin, Tommy that they are not simply in the band because they are hired and could be replace in a flash if Duff and Slash came a knocking.

I think that if Slash came a knockin, then he would be back in....Matt, no way...duff, maybe

just my opinion....if I was Axl, and I could take back some members....I would take Slash Izzy and Adler, and would only take Duff because he would complete the original band line-up and that would be cool

but if Izzy wouldn't come then I would take Gilby too...but never Matt, and only DUff if it completes the original Appetite lineup

Adler.... lol.... he... but... what... ummm... lol.

Did he say Adler? :lol:

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