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Axl & Bucket


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its called being orignal, something axl has been accused of not being.

so if i strapped a live cat to my head and called my self cat head....... i'd be orignal and interesting? no i'd be a fuckhead.

i think he did a little more than just put the bucket on his head dude, try this, close ur eyes, fuck what he looks like, and use ur ears. THEN judge. he's a guitarist, therefore u judge him playing. if he was a model, then there might seem some point behind judging his appearance.

yes he could play........was it helping gnr? no, whats this world run by? image!, did i like buckets image?..........no........!, he was making gnr a laughing stock!.......which takes away people from focusing on the music!, it's better he's gone!.

was it helping gnr? well yes, he was their lead guitarist for fuckssake. this world is run by image? no, i disagree, and u dont hafta like his image if u dont have to. a laughing stock? no offence dude, but few have taken them too seriously anyway as of late, we're all fans n congregated here so it looks like they're immensely popular which they are to a great degree but the general mainstream consenus is that "NuGnr" are basically Ego Rose and his Interchangeable Backing Band. and, although im not axl rose therefore its not my perogative, but im not sure i'd want people listening to my shit that cared more about what i wore as opposed to the product/art im putting out. that said, u dont hafta like the dude, but he's a musician, and a damn fine one. its like disliking Queen cuz Freddie was gay, dont really have nothin to do with nothin.

other people can play just as well as bucket........who ain't fucking wacked!,trust me people will take axl rose seriously when he gets back out in public again.........the guys loved!....people just get all shitty at him because he doesn't do what they want........... when they want, just look..........everyone loves axl again after these interviews!, not many people take bucket seriously full stop!.....fact!, image comes hand in hand with music, it's allways been the way!.......to the masses anyway........i mean how could anyone like 50cent?

just think gnr is better off without bucket!.

being wacked is generally a positive thing in terms of this image thing ur talkin bout, sparks interest, the best performers to my mind have been the ones who r a lil out there, its personality. Axl isnt exactly the sanest/normalest of people. i mean he's been refered to more times than once as a hermit. he REALLY is not that loved, n dude, that interview has hardly been noticed. true about image n music comin hand in hand though.

axl is real!, whats bucket head?.........he thinks he's a chicken?.

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You know, for a while I really believed that Axl had actually fired Buckethead, as Buckethead supposedly claimed to someone here at an autograph session. But the more I read about Buckethead, the more and more I believe that he really is fucking nuts and that he did just take off.

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I don't beleive bucket got fired because the whole thing happened just before RIR 4 and why would Axl fire him when he really wanted to play at RIR and they had to cancel performing at the festival because of buckethead.

Edited by Axl-rocks
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guys, there are two sides to every story...no one other than axl and bucket himself knows the real deal....and neither is talking....so hopefully we will get some bucket rants in NY...but even then...it will only be axl's half that we will get....

until both of them do concrete factual statements on what happened between them....we won't know....

so speculating is not really going to do anyone any good...bucket was (is) a damn fine guitar player...and i truly hope that his departure hasn't left a massive gap in the way they're about to perform in NY...

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yes and all of that ....the statement still stands.... fuck Buckethead. Not that any of us got to really get to "know" Buckethead during his tenure as GNR's lead guitarist/studio stooge. Outside of some lame puppet telling us on international T.V. that he was scared of girls...... Well duh no shit......that really boosted my affinity for him. The rubber chicken nunchacku bit during the concert was one step up from watching hamsters get it on. Great fretmaster but the whole mega nerd shtick was/is so beneath GNR... and that goes for the other fool with the shaved head, facepaint and the Pippi Longstocking/cat in the hat sox.

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yes and all of that ....the statement still stands.... fuck Buckethead. Not that any of us got to really get to "know" Buckethead during his tenure as GNR's lead guitarist/studio stooge. Outside of some lame puppet telling us on international T.V. that he was scared of girls...... Well duh no shit......that really boosted my affinity for him. The rubber chicken nunchacku bit during the concert was one step up from watching hamsters get it on. Great fretmaster but the whole mega nerd shtick was/is so beneath GNR... and that goes for the other fool with the shaved head, facepaint and the Pippi Longstocking/cat in the hat sox.

another example of an axl rose fan, as opposed to a guns n roses fan

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perhaps the most versatile and thought provoking musician on the underground scene in the past decade.

i'm sorry to see him leave gnr but i expected it since he has the personality that mixes with a band that's "set in stone" like oil and water...i can understand why he would...

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it was gay and lame!..........

Good to know there's a legit reason behind your dislike.

what......... you need me to explain in detail why a K.F.C bucket on your head is fucking retarded?.......right.........

next time try not to pick a small section out of what i write and try and make me look stupid

No, no. I don't think he tried to make you look stupid at all..

You cant call him retarded......and.....write like.....that.

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I thought Buckethead was a space cadet, albeit one who could play.

But I can't mourn his loss due to his whole appearance and schtick that was only going to hurt a new line-up of a band already with an uphill climb credibility wise.

That said, its not a reach to see where Buckethead might have lost patience with Mr. Rose. I mean, how many YEARS has it been here?? Its hardly inconcievable to see him thinking this was never going to happen.

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I'm sure axl is very hurt by him. He is somebody he actually trusted, and somebody he clearly really wanted to become close to. He probably thought that he and Buckethead could relate to each other, and then he stabbed him in the back. It's very tough to find an awesome guitarist, but it's even tougher to find an awesome guitarist you can trust.

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I'm sure axl is very hurt by him. He is somebody he actually trusted, and somebody he clearly really wanted to become close to. He probably thought that he and Buckethead could relate to each other, and then he stabbed him in the back. It's very tough to find an awesome guitarist, but it's even tougher to find an awesome guitarist you can trust.

Trust is a two-way street.

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I'm sure axl is very hurt by him. He is somebody he actually trusted, and somebody he clearly really wanted to become close to. He probably thought that he and Buckethead could relate to each other, and then he stabbed him in the back. It's very tough to find an awesome guitarist, but it's even tougher to find an awesome guitarist you can trust.
That's too bad.I feel bad for Axl.
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yes and all of that ....the statement still stands.... fuck Buckethead. Not that any of us got to really get to "know" Buckethead during his tenure as GNR's lead guitarist/studio stooge. Outside of some lame puppet telling us on international T.V. that he was scared of girls...... Well duh no shit......that really boosted my affinity for him. The rubber chicken nunchacku bit during the concert was one step up from watching hamsters get it on. Great fretmaster but the whole mega nerd shtick was/is so beneath GNR... and that goes for the other fool with the shaved head, facepaint and the Pippi Longstocking/cat in the hat sox.

another example of an axl rose fan, as opposed to a guns n roses fan

a contraire mon frair..or however the frogs say on the contrary.....Thats pure GNR fan speaking. I'm all for jap slapping Axl upside his chops.....really.As for the rest of the band I'd send them to the corner with dunce caps on. GNR was the biggest band of that era... and it went to hell over what...... stupid shit.......petty stuff that could have been worked out after a good long detox/rehab session.

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Bucket is an amazing guitarist, but it's a pity that he used GNR to get more publicity and a new recorddeal..


axl's got his story mixed up there

especially in this bh comment taking place a year or 2 before gnr

Riffage: Does it bother you that albums like that might not get any exposure?

Buckethead: Nah, I think it's fine. It's kind of fun to have small, underground things like that, that spread by word of mouth. I like that -- it's fun and eventually it can (grow) as time goes on.

Riffage: You sell a lot of your stuff via mail order. Has that avenue -- and do-it-yourself Internet sites -- become the way to circumvent the traditional system of retail distribution?

Buckethead: I think it's more direct. It's more straight from ... it's just really neat when you do something and it's completely (coming from) emotion and then you just put it right out to the person, you know? There's no in-between, really, except for the manufacturing part. That's the part that appeals to me a lot -- that you don't have to go through anybody, like record people or anything like that.

Riffage: Have you soured on trying to deal with (conventional) routes?

Buckethead: A little bit ... earlier, more with Columbia. But this label I'm on now is better -- but still it's difficult, you know?

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Bucket is an amazing guitarist, but it's a pity that he used GNR to get more publicity and a new recorddeal..


axl's got his story mixed up there

especially in this bh comment taking place a year or 2 before gnr

Riffage: Does it bother you that albums like that might not get any exposure?

Buckethead: Nah, I think it's fine. It's kind of fun to have small, underground things like that, that spread by word of mouth. I like that -- it's fun and eventually it can (grow) as time goes on.

Riffage: You sell a lot of your stuff via mail order. Has that avenue -- and do-it-yourself Internet sites -- become the way to circumvent the traditional system of retail distribution?

Buckethead: I think it's more direct. It's more straight from ... it's just really neat when you do something and it's completely (coming from) emotion and then you just put it right out to the person, you know? There's no in-between, really, except for the manufacturing part. That's the part that appeals to me a lot -- that you don't have to go through anybody, like record people or anything like that.

Riffage: Have you soured on trying to deal with (conventional) routes?

Buckethead: A little bit ... earlier, more with Columbia. But this label I'm on now is better -- but still it's difficult, you know?

Did he speak through his puppet when he said that?? :drevil:

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rock1 I think buckethead was an excellent guitaist, he could play as good as anyone, and had absolutely perfect technique. with that being said he had a no sloppyness that gives feeling to a solo, and lacked the feeling slash could put out. he did make GNR a new appearence but i think fink adds enough of that. i think GNR will find them better off without BH but he most likely was just as hard to replace as slash. God i hope the new Guitarist is a show stopper.

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it was gay and lame!..........

Good to know there's a legit reason behind your dislike.

How's this as a reason, shithead:


thats a good reason!, i'd be interested in why axl throught this would help gnr?, other people can play just as well as bucket.... whats with that vid man? he's like a little kid, he needs a puppet to talk for him?

Edited by aussie_axl
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it was gay and lame!..........

Good to know there's a legit reason behind your dislike.

How's this as a reason, shithead:


thats a good reason!, i'd be interested in why axl throught this would help gnr?, other people can play just as well as bucket.... whats with that vid man? he's like a little kid, he needs a puppet to talk for him?

u take urself way too seriously lol

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it was gay and lame!..........

Good to know there's a legit reason behind your dislike.

How's this as a reason, shithead:


thats a good reason!, i'd be interested in why axl throught this would help gnr?, other people can play just as well as bucket.... whats with that vid man? he's like a little kid, he needs a puppet to talk for him?

u take urself way too seriously lol

it's a serious world! :xmasssanta:........but for real, i think it's lame!, just my opinion.

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