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that's real rock and roll, bitches. take it or leave it.

True dat, true dat

and it's that reason why rock n roll in that sense of the word is considered lame, geriactric and completely narcissistic. If the majority of people were cool with Axl showing up 2 or 3 etc hours late then there wouldn't be riots would there. Nobody stood for that shit back ithen and nobody is going to stand for that shit now. Bottom line it is disrespectful and you better have a goddamn good reason why besides being an overpriveldged primadonna who's acting like a bitch with a skinned knee.

In case you people are wondering why there isn't any rock stars anymore case in point. " Axl where have you been, you're 2 hours late?" "I was taking a shower" *bursts of laughter from Eddie Trunk,Sebastian Bach,some wrassler and Axl*

See how easily relatable that is to the average working stiff?

All I can say is hold on to nostagia because that's all rock fans have left. It's been left to rot on the vine and that's fine by me

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but he did end up showing up, so why people complain about the waiting, when they should just enjoy the show

i take your point, now take mine, axl rose has failed to turn up at more than 1 show in the past, people complain about the wait cos they may still be waiting in the next millenium (i hope not im too old as it is) too much suspence kills the surprise, being fashionably late is one thing but it has been done. and if you happen like me to be one of the mugs who gave money away to wait for axl to turn up when he didnt. it is fkin iritating. He still rocks though...I got ripped anyhow :rofl-lol:

and it's that reason why rock n roll in that sense of the word is considered lame, geriactric and completely narcissistic. If the majority of people were cool with Axl showing up 2 or 3 etc hours late then there wouldn't be riots would there. Nobody stood for that shit back ithen and nobody is going to stand for that shit now. Bottom line it is disrespectful and you better have a goddamn good reason why besides being an overpriveldged primadonna who's acting like a bitch with a skinned knee.

In case you people are wondering why there isn't any rock stars anymore case in point. " Axl where have you been, you're 2 hours late?" "I was taking a shower" *bursts of laughter from Eddie Trunk,Sebastian Bach,some wrassler and Axl*

See how easily relatable that is to the average working stiff?


Edited by Ricardoco
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Pretty simple. Axl shows up on time or close to on time 0% of the time. If that doesn't work for you, don't buy a ticket. I'm not saying it's cool, I'm not saying it isn't disrespecful to those that have to show up on time to their jobs. But it is what it is. On the other hand, there's a ton of bulshit bands that go onstage as soon as they are told to. I don't care to see them. So to each his own.

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Pretty simple. Axl shows up on time or close to on time 0% of the time. If that doesn't work for you, don't buy a ticket. I'm not saying it's cool, I'm not saying it isn't disrespecful to those that have to show up on time to their jobs. But it is what it is. On the other hand, there's a ton of bulshit bands that go onstage as soon as they are told to. I don't care to see them. So to each his own.

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Pretty simple. Axl shows up on time or close to on time 0% of the time. If that doesn't work for you, don't buy a ticket. I'm not saying it's cool, I'm not saying it isn't disrespecful to those that have to show up on time to their jobs. But it is what it is. On the other hand, there's a ton of bulshit bands that go onstage as soon as they are told to. I don't care to see them. So to each his own.

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I take it you really mean that after all you wrote it thrice, and if you read my posts you will in fact see that i agree with you and being a die hard fan i do know this and i still buy the tickets and always have and probaly alwyas will, I do however understand people who get pissed about it :anger: , thats just me im an understanding sort of guy. expect him to be late is the motto...when he is on stage he rocks, getting him there on time thats another thing, I cant honestly say it impresses me but i forgive him the second he walks on the stage....and being late for work has been a pass time of mine for ever so i couldnt really complain about him could I...

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If Axl wonts this tour to work then he has to show up on time.

The show starts at 8:30 NOT 10:00!

If GnR were to do a stadium tour in the US the show would have to start on time.

If this tour does not work then Axl's only way to get back on top is to get back together

with Slash,Duff and Matt.

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