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Anyone think a single could come out in August?

december pain

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It seems that Guns arent touring in august, so why not release a single then? They need to promote the album somehow if they do plan on releasing it by the end of the year. Since there not touring in august, is this a good idea? Do you think it could be possible?

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YES! A single should be released within the next month or 2. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

it would be a dumb move.

everybody is on vacation in august.

nobody gives a fuck about the latest news in music during august. the single would go unnoticed.

just look at the war in beirut:) its only july and nobody notices it. I doubt GNR would get more atention.

sept. is a great time. people are back from vacation, still sitting in their office dreaming about the summer, and music is just another way to relax.

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I predict GN'R at the VMAs on August 31st, where the band does another medley hinting at what fans can expect. Could be something like Chi Dem - TWAT - Better. Old for us but new for most viewers. Axl will then give us the date for a single which will be in late September. ROUND 2!!! That sets up an album release in early/mid November. This is my prediction. Seriously.

To all the nay-sayers who will bring out the usual moaning over the MTV VMAs...the band cannot find bigger exposure as quickly and easily as they can get at this event. Say what you want, it won't change the fact that it makes a ton of sense to do it. Giving us a date to look forward to means the buzz will not die this time.

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Guns will finish up the current tour and schedule an american one.Take a quick 2 week break and finish up what needs to be done album wise such as selecting a first single. Then they need to do something BIG such as a mtv video thing again or the superbowl and then do their american tour. Halfway through the tour they drop the single and then Axl needs to get in some more tabloids and create a buzz. After the first single/ video then they choose a release date. Then we wait.

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I predict GN'R at the VMAs on August 31st, where the band does another medley hinting at what fans can expect. Could be something like Chi Dem - TWAT - Better. Old for us but new for most viewers. Axl will then give us the date for a single which will be in late September. ROUND 2!!! That sets up an album release in early/mid November. This is my prediction. Seriously.

To all the nay-sayers who will bring out the usual moaning over the MTV VMAs...the band cannot find bigger exposure as quickly and easily as they can get at this event. Say what you want, it won't change the fact that it makes a ton of sense to do it. Giving us a date to look forward to means the buzz will not die this time.

That does seem like the best idea. The more exposure, the better.

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It may make a ton of sense for GN'R to do the VMA's, but what's in it for MTV? Unless GN'R have a single released that is excellent and selling well, there is no reason why MTV would want to book them for their biggest show of the year. Axl had his chance on the VMA's and it wasn't a success.

It wouldn't surprise me if they kept their focus outside of the US, since that is where the audience is at the moment. After CD is released, that situation may change, but it will take a lot of work from Axl to make it happen.

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i do think they will play at the vmas this year and maybe a sit down interview with kurt loder and the band or just axl alone. i could see the single be released around that time also. gearing up for the us tour and album release in november.

Edited by patcooper
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YES! A single should be released within the next month or 2. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

it would be a dumb move.

everybody is on vacation in august.

Makes sense, cuz, you know, people don't listen to the radio or anything when they go on vacation

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It may make a ton of sense for GN'R to do the VMA's, but what's in it for MTV? Unless GN'R have a single released that is excellent and selling well, there is no reason why MTV would want to book them for their biggest show of the year. Axl had his chance on the VMA's and it wasn't a success.

You really think MTV would say no to having GN'R on their show? If you do then I guess we will disagree.

How was the 2002 performance a failure? The band was not going to release anything at the time. Axl even said it when Loder interviewed him backstage that night. All it was ever going to be was a performance. It wasn't Axl's finest hour in terms of live performances, but even if it was, how does that change anything? They followed it up with nothing. Good performance or bad, when you do that the hype will fizzle out.

It wasn't a success and it wasn't a failure. It was just a performance. Nothing more, nothing less.

What's in it for MTV? It's Guns N' Roses. It's a highly anticipated album. One that will achieve at least moderate success, but has a chance at something much more. MTV knows it's different this time - the album actually is coming (probably!). It'd be stupid of MTV to pass up this opportunity, and for what? So that some run of the mill pop/punk garbage can perform on a show already loaded with run of the mill pop/punk garbage? MTV's got lots to gain and nothing to lose by letting Guns perform.

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I very highly doubt it. September, perhaps, but August is fast approaching and I just can't see it happening this soon. Knowing Axl it will be put off as long as possible. :)

It may make a ton of sense for GN'R to do the VMA's, but what's in it for MTV?

Guns N' Roses.

Unless GN'R have a single released that is excellent and selling well, there is no reason why MTV would want to book them for their biggest show of the year. Axl had his chance on the VMA's and it wasn't a success.

It was one of the highest-rated awards shows in MTV's history. In other words, it had a lot of viewers. Their performance may have been bad but the show was a major success for MTV, and a big reason was due to the fact that GN'R were rumored to show up and Fallon was dropping hints all through the show.

It wouldn't surprise me if they kept their focus outside of the US, since that is where the audience is at the moment. After CD is released, that situation may change, but it will take a lot of work from Axl to make it happen.

I don't think they'll play the VMAs again. At least not for a while. Although seeing as how the tour's setlist is very similar to '02, it wouldn't surprise me if he showed up and did another medley.

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I very highly doubt it. September, perhaps, but August is fast approaching and I just can't see it happening this soon. Knowing Axl it will be put off as long as possible. :)

It may make a ton of sense for GN'R to do the VMA's, but what's in it for MTV?

Guns N' Roses.

Unless GN'R have a single released that is excellent and selling well, there is no reason why MTV would want to book them for their biggest show of the year. Axl had his chance on the VMA's and it wasn't a success.

It was one of the highest-rated awards shows in MTV's history. In other words, it had a lot of viewers. Their performance may have been bad but the show was a major success for MTV, and a big reason was due to the fact that GN'R were rumored to show up and Fallon was dropping hints all through the show.

It wouldn't surprise me if they kept their focus outside of the US, since that is where the audience is at the moment. After CD is released, that situation may change, but it will take a lot of work from Axl to make it happen.

I don't think they'll play the VMAs again. At least not for a while. Although seeing as how the tour's setlist is very similar to '02, it wouldn't surprise me if he showed up and did another medley.

I didn't know the show got such good ratings. Just strengthens my point, although ratings will likely be at the crux of whatever decision MTV makes.

What I really wanted to discuss was the medley comment you made. It could work if executed well and with the right songs. I like the three that I came up with. Considering where the band is headed I think it's a pretty good way to introduce Chi Dem to the masses. And to be honest, the 2002 medley always seems to get panned but I actually thought it was really cool. It gave me goosebumps. It's not so much the quality of the performance (which isn't near as bad as many claim) but the energy it had, and that it was a fuckin' big deal at the time. Guns N' Roses was back in the spotlight!!

Edited by KBear
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I very highly doubt it. September, perhaps, but August is fast approaching and I just can't see it happening this soon. Knowing Axl it will be put off as long as possible. :)

It may make a ton of sense for GN'R to do the VMA's, but what's in it for MTV?

Guns N' Roses.

Unless GN'R have a single released that is excellent and selling well, there is no reason why MTV would want to book them for their biggest show of the year. Axl had his chance on the VMA's and it wasn't a success.

It was one of the highest-rated awards shows in MTV's history. In other words, it had a lot of viewers. Their performance may have been bad but the show was a major success for MTV, and a big reason was due to the fact that GN'R were rumored to show up and Fallon was dropping hints all through the show.

It wouldn't surprise me if they kept their focus outside of the US, since that is where the audience is at the moment. After CD is released, that situation may change, but it will take a lot of work from Axl to make it happen.

I don't think they'll play the VMAs again. At least not for a while. Although seeing as how the tour's setlist is very similar to '02, it wouldn't surprise me if he showed up and did another medley.

I didn't know the show got such good ratings. Just strengthens my point, although ratings will likely be at the crux of whatever decision MTV makes.

What I really wanted to discuss was the medley comment you made. It could work if executed well and with the right songs. I like the three that I came up with. Considering where the band is headed I think it's a pretty good way to introduce Chi Dem to the masses. And to be honest, the 2002 medley always seems to get panned but I actually thought it was really cool. It gave me goosebumps. It's not so much the quality of the performance (which isn't near as bad as many claim) but the energy it had, and that it was a fuckin' big deal at the time. Guns N' Roses was back in the spotlight!!

You know, the VMAs was the first time I'd heard the "new" Axl voice. The first time I heard the WTTJ scream I was like, "Kickass!" It was awesome. But as soon as he belted out "Welcome to the Jungle" my heart sank.

But as I got used to the "new" Axl and revisited the VMAs performance it didn't bother me at all. I think it's something you get used to after a while. I think that's part of the reason so many people claim Axl's voice is terrible, even though right now I think it's more melodic than it's ever been (although I still prefer the Illusion era rasp). When he sings The Blues it's amazing.

I agree that the VMAs had great energy. I think that's what I miss from the band right now. After seeing bootlegs and RIR5, it doesn't compare to the way Axl was in 2002. I'm not bashing - I just think it's become very routine now. There's no "surprise." He does the same songs every show, and he never even changes the opening. It's always "You know where the FUCK you are?" He doesn't even throw the scream in once in a while.

Anyway, I think VMAs would be cool. Rip into IRS, Better and The Blues. I didn't see your suggestion, I'll take a look at your post, but I'd love to hear The Blues played for a wide audience, because I think it's their strongest song right now.

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IF they play the VMAs, I don't think that MTV gave them again a whole 10 minutes or what is was in 2002 so that can play a medley. If Guns at the VMAs is gonna happen this year, I expect Axl and company to go out, play the first single of CD, and the performance wouldn't be longer than perhaps 5 minutes.

But they would only play the VMAs if the release of the first single would be really imminent, IMO.

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It was one of the highest-rated awards shows in MTV's history. In other words, it had a lot of viewers. Their performance may have been bad but the show was a major success for MTV, and a big reason was due to the fact that GN'R were rumored to show up and Fallon was dropping hints all through the show.

GN'R wasn't billed to be part of the show, so to claim that their presence had any impact on the numbers, is to fly in the face of logic. As for internet rumors of GN'R appearing on the show. You need to get out more, only a couple of obsessives were aware of it.

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Learn to accept the reality of being wrong - because it seems to be your specialty.

GN'R wasn't billed to be part of the show, so to claim that their presence had any impact on the numbers, is to fly in the face of logic.

Then tell that to MTV, since press releases after the show attributed the ratings boost to "friends who called friends" to tell them GN'R were coming on TV in a few minutes. Jimmy Fallon whistled "Patience" before the commercial break and said to tune in for a big surprise, and during the commercial break people got on the phone and the 'net to tell people to tune in to MTV. The numbers boosted up right before GN'R took the stage. The show also became heavily requested afterwards on VHS. Statistics do not lie.

The type of people who tune in to the VMAs were the type of people who knew. It was a story that gained steady popularity a few days before the show and spread fast. People who cared knew they were going to be there. First there were rumors that something "big" was going to happen. Then someone leaked info that Axl was going to show up with some guy who wore a bucket on his head - hence why Pink, at the awards show, before anyone was supposed to know one hundred percent, said she was looking forward to seeing Axl and Buckethead.

As for internet rumors of GN'R appearing on the show. You need to get out more, only a couple of obsessives were aware of it.

A couple obsessives?

Here's why making assumptions only makes an ass out of one's self:

1. I had never heard a single GN'R song in 2002 and was not a fan of them at the time. I was, however, aware of who they were and people told me - someone who had never heard a single album - to tune in to the VMAs to see GN'R. I didn't watch the show because I had no interest at the time.

2. http://groups.google.com/groups?as_q=guns+...03&safe=off

And those are just through Google's groups search. Many more if you advance-search with Google for "GUNS N' ROSES MTV VMAS 2002" prior to the airdate of the show. Go ahead, try it.

3. As for telling me to "get out more" - apart from the aforementioned fact that I wasn't a fan of GN'R at the time - I'm not the one who is so obsessed with the macabre as to have a wedding where I dressed up in bloody and disgusting makeup.

Of course, I'd never say something that cruel unless someone attacked me first - which you did. And finally - who's more active on this site between the two of us?


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