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december pain

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He did it at Glasgow definitely.... The funniest thing I remember hearing is at Rock in Rio III where we ended up with Robin's mike being turned up way too loud so we had. I'm on the NIGHTRAIN! On the NIGHTRAIN! :P i don't think they're gonna live that down anytime soon :lol:

Edited by Graeme
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cause he can't keep his breath

most likely reason

he should get the rest of the band to sing the "nightrain"s while he does these bits in between. they really make the last part of the song.

Edited by Maddergascar
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Axl really needs to get in shape.

give him a break hes 44 man

Even so if I was a frontman of a masive rock group, I'd make sure I took care of myself as best I could if it was effecting my performance. I don't think Axl has changed his lifestyle one bit and I doubt he's hit a gym for years.

I don't expect him to come out looking as young and healthy as the UYI tour obviously but losing a few pounds could really help his vocal performances.

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I noticed this as well about Nightrain and PC the last few times I saw them. I think the lyrics are just too fast for him now and he is indeed just getting out of breath. Also usually during PC he is running around like a maniac so it's probably that much harder for him to keep his breath to get all the words out. I noticed sometimes he doesn't even finish the song at all, just runs around til the end til he says "Good Fuckin Night" to whatever city he's in-

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How come axl never sings the stuff that comes inbetween the words "Nightrain" in the chorus. He always goes, "Nightrain... Im on the Nightrain..."

Has there ever been a concert where he says it the words in between? Or has it always been a pause?

Maybe is is too lazy or lacks the oxygen levels to sing all the words.

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