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Axl and gang, get out of Britin dude....


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Terrorists seem to be set to blow planes out of the air and/or poison passenger/crews, or some freaky shit. All flights from UK to US have been banned and tagged code level 'red'. I would try to boat to France then fly the hell out.

Dont know what this all means, but figured I would give yall a heads up.

MERCK get on it!!!! :)





10 August 2006; 0445 am ET: In an unprecedented upward move, “at 2:00 a.m. this morning the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre raised the U.K. threat state to its highest level – critical," stated Britain's Home Secretary John Reid. The heightened alert was in response to intelligence officials in the UK thwarting an Islamic terrorist plot to blow up as many as 20 aircraft in flight between the United States and the United Kingdom, using explosives smuggled in hand luggage. The "critical" level means authorities believed a terrorist attack or attacks were “imminent.”

Within the last 18 hours, police and intelligence officials in the UK arrested about 20 individuals in and around London, stemming from a major covert counterterrorism operation that has been in progress over the last several months. The investigation reportedly involved suspects in at least two other European countries, as well as suspects or person of interest inside the U.S. and Canada. According to US intelligence sources close to the Northeast Intelligence Network, the investigation is expected to expand "well beyond the UK," and described the threat to the US as "just the tip of the iceberg and very significant." The international investigation “is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.” Information provided to this agency suggests that Islamic terrorists had active and operational plans to smuggle bomb materials and/or explosive liquid/foam substances onto various international flights originating from the UK destined for the US. The plot suggested that terrorists also had plans to detonate bombs aboard aircraft with the specific intent to crash the aircraft into structures inside the US. According to UK officials, the plot “involved mass murder on an unimaginable scale.”

At present and based on the best and most recent information, all liquids in carry-on luggage are PROHIBITED. If traveling, commercial air passengers are being advised to carry on to the aircraft ONLY the BARE NECESSITIES, and carry those items in a CLEAR PLASTIC BAG. Such items may include your wallet (with proper ID, glasses, and any necessary medication with the proper prescription.

The following is the current color-coded threat level:

*****ALL FLIGHTS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM: Threat Level RED (SEVERE), or “CRITICAL (UK),” suggesting attack “imminent”



The background information and the overall basis for this threat is contained in the information below, which has been excerpted from the last two-(2) HQ INTEL-ALERT Private Intelligence Report newsletters. Please review the information below.

As subscribers to the HQ INTEL-ALERT, you will be the first to receive any additional information or changes to this advisory. We are monitoring this and other threats in “real time” and will keep you informed as conditions warrant.

Edited by Dervaj
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Updated: 09:34 AM EDT

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Britain Thwarts Plot to Bomb U.S.-Bound Planes

Air Travel Snarled as New Security Measures Enacted


LONDON (Aug. 10) - British authorities said Thursday they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in carry-on luggage. Home Secretary John Reid said 21 people had been arrested in England following a lengthy investigation, including the alleged "main players" in the plot.


Watch Video:

London on Highest Terror Alert | Scotland Yard Terror Statement

Security Heightened | Chertoff: 'Steps to Ensure Safety'

More Coverage:

· Security Increases at U.S. Airports

· European Flights to Britain Canceled

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Officials raised security to its highest level in Britain and banned carry-on luggage on all trans-Atlantic flights. Huge crowds formed at security barriers at London's Heathrow airport as officials searching for explosives barred nearly every form of liquid outside of baby formula.

Heathrow was closed to most flights from Europe, and British Airways canceled all its flights Thursday between the airport and points in Britain, Europe and Libya.

The extreme measures at a major international aviation hub sent ripple effects throughout the world.

Washington raised its threat alert to its highest level for commercial flights from Britain to the United States amid fears the plot had not been completely crushed. The alert for all flights coming or going from the United States was also raised slightly.

Two U.S. counterterrorism officials said the terrorists had targeted United Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines. They spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

A U.S. intelligence official said the plotters had hoped to target flights to major airports in New York, Washington and California, all major summer tourist destinations.

British Home Secretary John Reid said 21 people had been arrested in London, its suburbs and Birmingham following a lengthy investigation, including the alleged "main players" in the plot. Searches continued in a number of locations.

The suspects were "homegrown," though it was not immediately clear if they were all British citizens, said a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case. Police were working closely with the South Asian community, the official said.

The official said the plotters intended to simultaneously target multiple planes bound for the United States.

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"We think this was an extraordinarily serious plot and we are confident that we've prevented an attempt to commit mass murder on an unimaginable scale," Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson said.

Prime Minister Tony Blair, vacationing in the Caribbean, briefed President Bush on the situation overnight, Blair's office said. There was no immediate public comment from the White House. Bush is spending a few days at his ranch near Crawford, Texas.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the plot had the hallmarks of an operation planned by al-Qaida, the terrorist group behind the Sept. 11 attack on the United States.

"It was sophisticated, it had a lot of members and it was international in scope. It was in some respects suggestive of an al-Qaida plot," Chertoff said, but he cautioned it was too early in the investigation to reach any conclusions.

It is the first time the red alert level in the Homeland Security warning system has been invoked, although there have been brief periods in the past when the orange level was applied. Homeland Security defines the red alert as designating a "severe risk of terrorist attacks."

"We believe that these arrests (in London) have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," Chertoff said.

He added, however, there was no indication of current plots within the United States.

Chertoff said the plotters were in the final stages of planning. "We were really getting quite close to the execution phase," he said, adding that it was unclear if the plot was linked to the upcoming fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

A senior U.S. counterterrorism official said authorities believe dozens of people -- possibly as many as 50 -- were involved in the plot. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.

The plan involved airline passengers hiding masked explosives in carry-on luggage, the official said. "They were not yet sitting on an airplane," but were very close to traveling, the official said, calling the plot "the real deal."

Passengers in Britain faced delays as tighter security was hastily enforced at the country's airports and additional measures were put in place for all flights. Laptop computers, mobile phones, iPods, and remote controls were among the items banned from being carried on board.

Liquids, such as hair care products, were also barred on flights in both Britain and the U.S., raising the possibility that authorities were searching for a liquid explosive.

In the mid-1990s, officials foiled a plan by terrorist mastermind Ramzi Youssef to blow up 12 Western jetliners simultaneously over the Pacific. The alleged plot involved improvised bombs using liquid hidden in contact lens solution containers.

Huge lines formed at ticket counters and behind security barriers at Heathrow and other airports in Britain.

Ed Lappen, 55, a businessman from Boston, who was traveling with his wife and daughter to Russia, found himself unable to travel further. "We're safe, we're OK," he said at Heathrow. "Now my daughter is going to get a shopping trip in London."

Hannah Pillinger, 24, seemed less concerned by the announcement. "Eight hours without an iPod, that's the most inconvenient thing," she said, waiting at the Manchester airport.

Most European carriers canceled flights to Heathrow because of the massive delays created after authorities enforced strict new regulations banning most hand baggage.

Tony Douglas, Heathrow's managing director, said the airport hoped to resume normal operations Friday, but passengers would still face delays and a ban on cabin baggage "for the foreseeable future."

"At this point in time it is unclear how long these restrictions will remain in place," he said.

Heathrow's block on incoming traffic applied to flights of three hours or less, affecting most of the incoming traffic from Europe, an airport spokesman said on condition of anonymity in line with airport policy.

Officials at Frankfurt's airport, Europe's second-busiest, Schiphol in Amsterdam and Charles De Gaulle in Paris said Heathrow-bound planes could instead land at their airports if they needed to.

London's Heathrow airport was the departure point for a devastating terrorist attack on a Pan Am airplane on Dec. 21, 1988. The blast over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed all 259 people aboard Pan Am Flight 103 and 11 people on the ground.

The explosive was hidden in a portable radio secreted in checked baggage.

Associated Press writers Lara Jakes Jordan in Washington and Matt Moore in Frankfurt, Germany, contributed to this report.

8/10/2006 09:26:29

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Some people don't like Flying private jets across oceans because the entire flight is bumpy as hell.

Also, the 'thwarted' article is labled wrong. It should be 'almost thwarted' because there are 20 to 25 suspected men and they only caught 10. They are onto the plot, just not onto the freaks.

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21 people have been arrested, level raised to the highest and there are heavy delays. With all this going on, i don't think it realy matters what one guy is going through to get home. I am proud the Police here finally did something without shooting the public.

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Guns should stay in the UK and play some more gigs, Axl obviously likes London, so he should stay a while!



true but dizzy and ron got a gig in new york or i misunderstand that

But as long as we know they could already be in USA, the only one we know is still in UK is Axl

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Odds are he's allready in the states, nice to know this may have affected Axl and the bands travel plans, im sure the British government will issue knighthoods to them as compensation :rofl-lol:

Arise Sir Bumblefoot :laugh::laugh:

Queen shaves Axls braids by accident :o

"You fucking blue blooded old bitch, do you know who the fuck im am?, your in the jungle queeny, your gonna diiiiiiieeeeee!"

Get some fucking perspective guys.

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Odds are he's allready in the states, nice to know this may have affected Axl and the bands travel plans, im sure the British government will issue knighthoods to them as compensation :rofl-lol:

Arise Sir Bumblefoot :laugh::laugh:

Queen shaves Axls braids by accident :o

"You fucking blue blooded old bitch, do you know who the fuck im am?, your in the jungle queeny, your gonna diiiiiiieeeeee!"

Get some fucking perspective guys.


Classic GOAB right there! :P

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