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Guns N Roses AXL is GNR Axl could never be replaced.


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Yeah, its a shame. But now we know AD's just going to see your screename and automaticaly ignore or disagree with what you say, some things cant be acknowledged I guess.

because he's one of the biggest fucking hypocrites on this board. He talks about people playing favorites, when he is further up Slash's ass than YOU are, and he comes on this board everyday to bash Axl Rose and the band we are here to support. All he does is talk out his ass and whine about what was and what could have been if only this happened or that happened. fuck that, this what we have.

I think hes one of the best posters on the forum, and it probably easier for me to say that than you because I actually agree with him, but I stand by it. But I havent seen him bash Axl, he just states his opinion and backs it up with facts. If you read closesly and with an open mind you might see that.

ask him where his thread went about the hammerstein shows and what we should have done with our tickets? he's a cupcake dude.

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The truth is however that when Guns N' Roses broke up in 1996/97 unlike his former bandmates Slash, Duff and Matt....he did not have the balls to move on from the break up and accept what happened and to restart his career. The truth is that he is affraid to step out into the real rock world with a band in his own name, and not with that of what was the greatest band ever. Because he knows that his masterpiece album wouldn't be much without the backing of Guns N' Roses songs and without adding the history of the world's greatest band to his own solo band.

I've always looked at it differently than that:

Why should Axl stop using the Gn'R name because other people chose to depart?

The thing that people forget, is the reason why other people chose to part.

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I've had this discussion alot with people I know, this is probably going to be ridiculed or flamed by some, but I feel I should share my thoughts here.

Without Axl Rose, GnR would never be the same, look at Velvet Revolver. I like them alot, but they could never do what GnR did due to Scott Weiland.

However, when I look at this current GnR, aside from the fact and yes it is a fact that Axl cannot sing like he could before, especially live. They simply don't have the same feel, I stuck on Ritz 88 the other day and it was absolutely awesome, I went to Wembley this year for the final show and was dissapointed because it just didnt have the feel of a true GnR show.

Cause any band without the lead singer will never be the same, look at Queen. Especially the calibre of either Axl or Freddie. However without Slash, Duff or Izzy on the stage as well (I know Izzy made a cameo) its just not the same (I like both Matt and Steven), Finck I believe is a decent enough guitarist but hes just playing someone elses material, I can't respect someone for that he didn't go and write all those songs he plays or add anything really substantional, hes just playing Slash's stuff and I can't see anyone else but Slash playing it and get involved. Sorry to all you fanboys. For me Slash is just as much GnR as Axl. What would the stones be without Keith Richards?

The name is what is keeping this GnR really going, if it was some new band it wouldnt have the same pulling power would it, it would just be Axl and his new band mates. The fanboys here would love it, but we're talking about mug punter I don't look at GnR internet boards person.

There is far too much divide here, and to those of you who completely write off the old band, you are just insane. Without them there is no band that you love today, remember that. You're either a Axl fan or a "oh fuck off not a GnR fan when they had those shit members in" fan, I see this far too much.

For me GnR the true GnR will always be 87-93, and this new band will be Axl's new band, I'll enjoy it and give him his props if he does a good album probably buy it and listen to it, but will I still be listening to it 15 years after its release? Who knows.

Oh and usually when a band does split they dont reuse the old name, look at audioslave.

Edited by muttyhc
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This is why there is a band called Velvet Revolver. GNR without Axl, cannot be called GNR.


For me personally, Guns will always first and for most be axl & izzy, then slash/duff camp, then buckethead & robin, etcetera.

Right now the guns look pretty damn tight. Will izzy still be touring with Guns? Will there be anymore surprise guest appearances?

Capt. Axl: Please bring your merry band of guns n roses to the nearest hoosierville exit. Thank You.


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No he's not. Guns N' Roses is a band not a person .

He is the voice of a band. He is the frontman of a band. But technically, by it's definition, he is NOT a band.

Get the difference?

No. without Axl there would be no gnr.

No shit, but that doesnt make him GNR :monkey:

It sure as hell does to some people! actually a lot.

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He talks about people playing favorites, when he is further up Slash's ass than YOU are, and he comes on this board everyday to bash Axl Rose and the band we are here to support.

In all fairness man Sweetness does support the new lineup too and I wouldn't say he was up Slash's ass. As for KickingtheHabit... well any one of us can come on and write an emotive post about the past and how it was then and there. Try being original and write something good about Guns N' Roses now. ;)

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He talks about people playing favorites, when he is further up Slash's ass than YOU are, and he comes on this board everyday to bash Axl Rose and the band we are here to support.

In all fairness man Sweetness does support the new lineup too and I wouldn't say he was up Slash's ass. As for KickingtheHabit... well any one of us can come on and write an emotive post about the past and how it was then and there. Try being original and write something good about Guns N' Roses now. ;)

thats my whole point.. he brings nothing positive at all to any discussion about Axl or GNR now. absolutely nothing. I mean shit, the past is the past... how much longer do people need to go on and on babbling about shit that happened years ago, or sit around wondering what might have been if something happened differently. :rolleyes:

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Hell yes GnR is Axl now but he was not alone in making GnR what they are today.

Ex members played a vital part in making GnR the name they were so Axl could use the reputation to sit on his arse for years, i love Axl and new GnR but lets not forget Axl would have been kicked on his ass if GnR didnt have the reputation that original GnR created.

That being said the new line up fucking rock and so does Axl but he was not a one man show.

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To be fair, I don't see why "kicking the habbit" as too sacrifice his whole point of view to be listened too, for instance A_D you have always made it very clear that you would prefer this line up to any other and thats fine, but in this instance thats not the question.

The question is, is Mr Rose the sole embodiment of Guns and Roses, if he is, then it never mattered who was with him the band was always Guns N Roses, if he isn't, than this new line up cannot be considered Guns N Roses, because other vital conponents are missing.

I agree with Kicking the habbit/Sweetness on this, the way I see it, is Guns N Roses stemed from the combination of Duff's Punk rhythms, Izzy magnificent songwriting ability, Slash's riffage and Axl's over the top imagination, I am of the opinion, that a band is a callabrative enterprise, or its not a band, its a person and his/her backing.

So while Mr Rose adds one of the more distinctive elements to the music, his voice, he cannot equal the sum total of the other 3. Therefore in my opinion and you saw this coming I'm sure, this is not Guns N Roses.

But this those not mean any of the multitude of response your planning, including but no limited to,

"you just love slash" - Not true the reality is Axl is my favourite member i'm merely remembering that he is a member of a group and it was his input in conjuction with others that made the band I love.

"you hate the new band" - Also not true, Im quite fond of a number of their tracks and do look forward to the album, while I don't accept this as Guns and Roses, I do accept that if they got the finger out they would be quite an excellent band, Madagascar barely goes without a listen on my computer.

"if you dont think this is GNR, than what you doing here?" - Very simple, I refuse to be brow beaten by aload of people who call themselves Guns and Roses fans, but in reality are Axl Rose fans (this is not meant to mean anybody neccessarly just in general). I want toknow whats happening with this band, I have interest in it, i enjoy their music, why shouldnt I be here? Is it because Axl got a legal document to say the sky is green and I choose not to accept it?

The main point here is this, if you want to consider the new band Guns and roses, than fine, go right ahead, but not attack other guns n roses fans who dont agree with you, this is a very contentious issue, if kicking the habbit/myself or sweetness wish to continue enjoying the new band while maintaining their not the old band, then why shouldnt be allowed too?

Discussion forums feed on the diversity of opinions without such diversity they starve and die...

Edited by Mr Estranged
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To be fair, I don't see why "kicking the habbit" as too sacrifice his whole point of view to be listened too, for instance A_D you have always made it very clear that you would prefer this line up to any other and thats fine, but in this instance thats not the question.

The question is, is Mr Rose the sole embodiment of Guns and Roses, if he is, then it never mattered who was with him the band was always Guns N Roses, if he isn't, than this new line up cannot be considered Guns N Roses, because other vital conponents are missing.

I agree with Kicking the habbit/Sweetness on this, the way I see it, is Guns N Roses stemed from the combination of Duff's Punk rhythms, Izzy magnificent songwriting ability, Slash's riffage and Axl's over the top imagination, I am of the opinion, that a band is a callabrative enterprise, or its not a band, its a person and his/her backing.

So while Mr Rose adds one of the more distinctive elements to the music, his voice, he cannot equal the sum total of the other 3. Therefore in my opinion and you saw this coming I'm sure, this is not Guns N Roses.

But this those not mean any of the multitude of response your planning, including but no limited to,

"you just love slash" - Not true the reality is Axl is my favourite member i'm merely remembering that he is a member of a group and it was his input in conjuction with others that made the band I love.

"you hate the new band" - Also not true, Im quite fond of a number of their tracks and do look forward to the album, while I don't accept this ids Guns and Roses, I do accept that if they got the finger out they were quite band, Madagascar barely goes without a listen on my computer.

"if you dont think this is GNR, than what you doing here?" - Very simple, I refuse to be brow beaten by aload of people who call themselves Guns and Roses fans, but in reality are Axl Rose fans (this is not meant to mean anybody neccessarly just in general). I wanted know whats happening with this band, I have interest in it, i enjoy their music, why shouldnt I be here? Is it because Axl got a legal document to say the sky is green and I choose not to accept it?

The main point here is this, if you want to consider the new band Guns and roses, than fine, go right ahead, but not attack other guns n roses fans who dont agree with you, this is a very contentious issue, if kicking the habbit/myself or sweetness wish to continue enjoying the new band while maintaining their not the old band, then why shouldnt be allowed too?

Discussion forums feed on the diversity of opinions without such diversity they starve and die...

whether or not this lineup is Guns N Roses is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact. This doesn't mean Axl is the sole person responsible for GNR's success, I acknowledge it was a band effort. It always has been, and now is no exception.

Kicking has never not once made a supportive post towards the band. He suggested those of us who had hammerstein tickets rip them up once it was confirmed it was this lineup. his posts indicate he has no interest in this version of GNR, the only interest he has in it, is so that he can act resentful about something. Its really annoying. We are here to support the band, not bring them down. ;)

In general, I feel if you aren't at least more than half way content with whats going on, you really aren't a fan of this. If all one can dwell on is the negatives and they constantly refuse to see any good in anything, what is their purpose in being here on a fan forum?

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To be fair, I don't see why "kicking the habbit" as too sacrifice his whole point of view to be listened too, for instance A_D you have always made it very clear that you would prefer this line up to any other and thats fine, but in this instance thats not the question.

The question is, is Mr Rose the sole embodiment of Guns and Roses, if he is, then it never mattered who was with him the band was always Guns N Roses, if he isn't, than this new line up cannot be considered Guns N Roses, because other vital conponents are missing.

I agree with Kicking the habbit/Sweetness on this, the way I see it, is Guns N Roses stemed from the combination of Duff's Punk rhythms, Izzy magnificent songwriting ability, Slash's riffage and Axl's over the top imagination, I am of the opinion, that a band is a callabrative enterprise, or its not a band, its a person and his/her backing.

So while Mr Rose adds one of the more distinctive elements to the music, his voice, he cannot equal the sum total of the other 3. Therefore in my opinion and you saw this coming I'm sure, this is not Guns N Roses.

But this those not mean any of the multitude of response your planning, including but no limited to,

"you just love slash" - Not true the reality is Axl is my favourite member i'm merely remembering that he is a member of a group and it was his input in conjuction with others that made the band I love.

"you hate the new band" - Also not true, Im quite fond of a number of their tracks and do look forward to the album, while I don't accept this ids Guns and Roses, I do accept that if they got the finger out they were quite band, Madagascar barely goes without a listen on my computer.

"if you dont think this is GNR, than what you doing here?" - Very simple, I refuse to be brow beaten by aload of people who call themselves Guns and Roses fans, but in reality are Axl Rose fans (this is not meant to mean anybody neccessarly just in general). I wanted know whats happening with this band, I have interest in it, i enjoy their music, why shouldnt I be here? Is it because Axl got a legal document to say the sky is green and I choose not to accept it?

The main point here is this, if you want to consider the new band Guns and roses, than fine, go right ahead, but not attack other guns n roses fans who dont agree with you, this is a very contentious issue, if kicking the habbit/myself or sweetness wish to continue enjoying the new band while maintaining their not the old band, then why shouldnt be allowed too?

Discussion forums feed on the diversity of opinions without such diversity they starve and die...

whether or not this lineup is Guns N Roses is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact. This doesn't mean Axl is the sole person responsible for GNR's success, I acknowledge it was a band effort. It always has been, and now is no exception.

Kicking has never not once made a supportive post towards the band. He suggested those of us who had hammerstein tickets rip them up once it was confirmed it was this lineup. his posts indicate he has no interest in this version of GNR, the only interest he has in it, is so that he can act resentful about something. Its really annoying. We are here to support the band, not bring them down. ;)

In general, I feel if you aren't at least more than half way content with whats going on, you really aren't a fan of this. If all one can dwell on is the negatives and they constantly refuse to see any good in anything, what is their purpose in being here on a fan forum?

Im not accepting your first point, I refuse to let legalities inform my opinion, rather the content of the situation to speak fo itself.

On your second point, I don't see this board as some kind of pep squad for the band, they dont need it and we dont need to be it, I see this board has a discussion board and for that to work you need conflicting views, you can't have a perfect fan board and a discussion board in my opinion, if that were the case, then conversation of interest would die, as conversation drifted towards the "who do you love more" topics.

I can see your third point but still it ties back with what i said for no. 2, if this place was a pure fan site then it would horrifically boring, you may have noticed this band is hardly forthcoming with information, there sure as fuck would'nt be allot to discuss very quickly.

In any case, I was under the impression, this whole site was dedicated to all entites known as guns n roses?

Edited by Mr Estranged
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To be fair, I don't see why "kicking the habbit" as too sacrifice his whole point of view to be listened too, for instance A_D you have always made it very clear that you would prefer this line up to any other and thats fine, but in this instance thats not the question.

The question is, is Mr Rose the sole embodiment of Guns and Roses, if he is, then it never mattered who was with him the band was always Guns N Roses, if he isn't, than this new line up cannot be considered Guns N Roses, because other vital conponents are missing.

I agree with Kicking the habbit/Sweetness on this, the way I see it, is Guns N Roses stemed from the combination of Duff's Punk rhythms, Izzy magnificent songwriting ability, Slash's riffage and Axl's over the top imagination, I am of the opinion, that a band is a callabrative enterprise, or its not a band, its a person and his/her backing.

So while Mr Rose adds one of the more distinctive elements to the music, his voice, he cannot equal the sum total of the other 3. Therefore in my opinion and you saw this coming I'm sure, this is not Guns N Roses.

But this those not mean any of the multitude of response your planning, including but no limited to,

"you just love slash" - Not true the reality is Axl is my favourite member i'm merely remembering that he is a member of a group and it was his input in conjuction with others that made the band I love.

"you hate the new band" - Also not true, Im quite fond of a number of their tracks and do look forward to the album, while I don't accept this as Guns and Roses, I do accept that if they got the finger out they would be quite an excellent band, Madagascar barely goes without a listen on my computer.

"if you dont think this is GNR, than what you doing here?" - Very simple, I refuse to be brow beaten by aload of people who call themselves Guns and Roses fans, but in reality are Axl Rose fans (this is not meant to mean anybody neccessarly just in general). I want toknow whats happening with this band, I have interest in it, i enjoy their music, why shouldnt I be here? Is it because Axl got a legal document to say the sky is green and I choose not to accept it?

The main point here is this, if you want to consider the new band Guns and roses, than fine, go right ahead, but not attack other guns n roses fans who dont agree with you, this is a very contentious issue, if kicking the habbit/myself or sweetness wish to continue enjoying the new band while maintaining their not the old band, then why shouldnt be allowed too?

Discussion forums feed on the diversity of opinions without such diversity they starve and die...

Very good post. :)

No point being one eyed about the situation with this band. The reason GN'R forums are so popular are because of the constant comparisons between Old vs New, and the mystery surrounding Chinese Democracy. If you try and homogenise those opinions by blind Axl worship, then the board becomes boring. If you ask me, A_D - your argument is far more tired and old than Kickingthehabit's is. ;)

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Very good post. :)

No point being one eyed about the situation with this band. The reason GN'R forums are so popular are because of the constant comparisons between Old vs New, and the mystery surrounding Chinese Democracy. If you try and homogenise those opinions by blind Axl worship, then the board becomes boring. If you ask me, A_D - your argument is far more tired and old than Kickingthehabit's is. ;)

I see what you mean, and you make some valid points. But you have to draw the line somewhere. It sucks when his type of shit ruins every single thread. If I did in the VR section the kinds of things Kickingthehabit does in the GNR section, I'd get warned about it. Its happened before, and now I dont go there anymore because in general, I'm not interested in Velvet Revolver, nor do I consider myself a true fan of VR. I guess I could start posting there again tho to balance things out. Since you think its a good idea and all for people who aren't fans of a band to post on their boards so we get the haters view.

All he cares about is the old gnr and VR. Its plain as day. If I can't post in the VR section, he shouldn't post in this section.

I see no need to dwell on the past. As Axl said, so much for the past. Live and Let Die.

Edited by Axls_Disillusion
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Very good post. :)

No point being one eyed about the situation with this band. The reason GN'R forums are so popular are because of the constant comparisons between Old vs New, and the mystery surrounding Chinese Democracy. If you try and homogenise those opinions by blind Axl worship, then the board becomes boring. If you ask me, A_D - your argument is far more tired and old than Kickingthehabit's is. ;)

I see what you mean, and you make some valid points. But you have to draw the line somewhere. It sucks when his type of shit ruins every single thread. If I did in the VR section the kinds of things Kickingthehabit does in the GNR section, I'd get warned about it. Its happened before, and now I dont go there anymore because in general, I'm not interested in Velvet Revolver, nor do I consider myself a true fan of VR. I guess I could start posting there again tho to balance things out. Since you think its a good idea and all for people who aren't fans of a band to post on their boards so we get the haters view.

All he cares about is the old gnr and VR. Its plain as day. If I can't post in the VR section, he shouldn't post in this section.

I see no need to dwell on the past. As Axl said, so much for the past. Live and Let Die.

From what I have noticed, you are always the one bringing Old vs New, or Slash up. I dont see how you can sit there and say "Sweetness obviously hates the new band" blah blah. One could say that you obviously hate the old band. All you do is always complain about how people talk about them and how they fail in comparison to the band. Maybe YOU shouldn't come to this board if you expect people to quit talking about the people that made the band we all love famous.

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Very good post. :)

No point being one eyed about the situation with this band. The reason GN'R forums are so popular are because of the constant comparisons between Old vs New, and the mystery surrounding Chinese Democracy. If you try and homogenise those opinions by blind Axl worship, then the board becomes boring. If you ask me, A_D - your argument is far more tired and old than Kickingthehabit's is. ;)

I see what you mean, and you make some valid points. But you have to draw the line somewhere. It sucks when his type of shit ruins every single thread. If I did in the VR section the kinds of things Kickingthehabit does in the GNR section, I'd get warned about it. Its happened before, and now I dont go there anymore because in general, I'm not interested in Velvet Revolver, nor do I consider myself a true fan of VR. I guess I could start posting there again tho to balance things out. Since you think its a good idea and all for people who aren't fans of a band to post on their boards so we get the haters view.

All he cares about is the old gnr and VR. Its plain as day. If I can't post in the VR section, he shouldn't post in this section.

I see no need to dwell on the past. As Axl said, so much for the past. Live and Let Die.

From what I have noticed, you are always the one bringing Old vs New, or Slash up. I dont see how you can sit there and say "Sweetness obviously hates the new band" blah blah. One could say that you obviously hate the old band. All you do is always complain about how people talk about them and how they fail in comparison to the band. Maybe YOU shouldn't come to this board if you expect people to quit talking about the people that made the band we all love famous.

ok fuck it then. VR section is fair game from now on.

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To be fair, I don't see why "kicking the habbit" as too sacrifice his whole point of view to be listened too, for instance A_D you have always made it very clear that you would prefer this line up to any other and thats fine, but in this instance thats not the question.

The question is, is Mr Rose the sole embodiment of Guns and Roses, if he is, then it never mattered who was with him the band was always Guns N Roses, if he isn't, than this new line up cannot be considered Guns N Roses, because other vital conponents are missing.

I agree with Kicking the habbit/Sweetness on this, the way I see it, is Guns N Roses stemed from the combination of Duff's Punk rhythms, Izzy magnificent songwriting ability, Slash's riffage and Axl's over the top imagination, I am of the opinion, that a band is a callabrative enterprise, or its not a band, its a person and his/her backing.

So while Mr Rose adds one of the more distinctive elements to the music, his voice, he cannot equal the sum total of the other 3. Therefore in my opinion and you saw this coming I'm sure, this is not Guns N Roses.

But this those not mean any of the multitude of response your planning, including but no limited to,

"you just love slash" - Not true the reality is Axl is my favourite member i'm merely remembering that he is a member of a group and it was his input in conjuction with others that made the band I love.

"you hate the new band" - Also not true, Im quite fond of a number of their tracks and do look forward to the album, while I don't accept this ids Guns and Roses, I do accept that if they got the finger out they were quite band, Madagascar barely goes without a listen on my computer.

"if you dont think this is GNR, than what you doing here?" - Very simple, I refuse to be brow beaten by aload of people who call themselves Guns and Roses fans, but in reality are Axl Rose fans (this is not meant to mean anybody neccessarly just in general). I wanted know whats happening with this band, I have interest in it, i enjoy their music, why shouldnt I be here? Is it because Axl got a legal document to say the sky is green and I choose not to accept it?

The main point here is this, if you want to consider the new band Guns and roses, than fine, go right ahead, but not attack other guns n roses fans who dont agree with you, this is a very contentious issue, if kicking the habbit/myself or sweetness wish to continue enjoying the new band while maintaining their not the old band, then why shouldnt be allowed too?

Discussion forums feed on the diversity of opinions without such diversity they starve and die...

whether or not this lineup is Guns N Roses is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact. This doesn't mean Axl is the sole person responsible for GNR's success, I acknowledge it was a band effort. It always has been, and now is no exception.

Kicking has never not once made a supportive post towards the band. He suggested those of us who had hammerstein tickets rip them up once it was confirmed it was this lineup. his posts indicate he has no interest in this version of GNR, the only interest he has in it, is so that he can act resentful about something. Its really annoying. We are here to support the band, not bring them down. ;)

In general, I feel if you aren't at least more than half way content with whats going on, you really aren't a fan of this. If all one can dwell on is the negatives and they constantly refuse to see any good in anything, what is their purpose in being here on a fan forum?


I think it's amusing how easily offended you get on a message board designed for public discussion. You are one of the very few on this board who attempt to censor opinions that deviate from your own. Is it difficult to understand that we all have the right to express our thoughts on Guns N' Roses? I have never instructed you on what you should or should not post -- I would expect the same courtesy..

The fact that you constantly attack anyone who disagrees with you is a testament to your ignorance. You can raise a red flag to every member on this board - but you never look at yourself. You're a hypocrite..

While I have never blatantly attacked any member of the current band, you have made several tasteless remarks about Slash and the color of his skin. You have openly attacked members on this forum by calling them 'cunts'. It's ridiculous how you parade endlessly at our expense..

I ask you to find a single post in which I mention anything remotely negative about Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Tommy Stinson or Brain. You know what's funny? You won't find anything. In regards to Robin Finck - I, like many others, have merely questioned his ability based on live performances. I'm allowed to do this.. constructively..

The truth is, this is nothing but a pissing contest between you and I. We stand on opposite ends of the spectrum and that will never change. I've been a fan of Guns N' Roses since 1986, and I refuse to give praise to a band that has achieved absolutely nothing on their own merit. I refuse to be spoonfed that bullshit..

I've repeated myself many times.. and I will do it again. They need to give me a reason to care - a reason to support them. Isn't that fair? I want to see the fruits of their labor, I want to hear their music..

Am I the only member on this forum who hasn't waited since 1996 to hear Axl perform Appetite for Destruction?

Oh, and in regards to that thread I posted.. what? Five months ago? You obviously misinterpreted my comments. There were several rumors regarding the possibility of a reunion in New York.. I posted a link to an article that denied such fabrications. I merely instructed anyone who purchased tickets to see Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Steven to not hold their breath because it wasn't happening..

I was sent a message by the head admin of the message board, who understood why I posted the thread. His response?

"Hey Kickingthehabit,

I must point out that you did not get a warning. Of course we need people to voice opinions.. Your statement was acceptable..

Remember to have fun,


All hot and flabbergast for what, A_D? Find something better to do..

ok fuck it then. VR section is fair game from now on.

EDIT: And this is a perfect example of why no one can respect you. In the span of minutes, you've rushed to the VR forum and responded to every thread in sight. You want all the negativity to stop, and yet you throw fuel on the fire by provoking others. It's juvenile..


Edited by Kickingthehabit
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Ok this time I have to agree with KickingtheHabit. Axls_Dillusion you know that I have nothing but respect for your undying support of the new line-up but I agree that you make your points surrounding this at former members expense.

Whilst I agree that it's annoying to see posts like 'Bring back Slash' in Discussion & News of the new band it's also the way it's gonna be. The former members have helped make this what it is today. Axl Rose has never denied this and nor should you. ;)

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In my opinion all Axl needs to do is to come out with two or three...heck, even one heavy old-school rock tune and Americans would greet the new GNR with open arms. Even though his new stuff is cool, and I finally get/accept and like where he went with it all, GnR is ROCK AND ROLL. Axl is a great singer but he is the BEST rock singer and deep inside most know this. Most Americans want/need just a little bit of that rock back...just a little would do. The older dudes would buy it because it would remind them of the golden years, younger crowds would buy because Axl rocks. It wouldnt even need to be anything great, just rockin. Let Axl lay his magic over the top and it would be all over.

Edited by Dervaj
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I think it's amusing how easily offended you get on a message board designed for public discussion. You are one of the very few on this board who attempt to censor opinions that deviate from your own. Is it difficult to understand that we all have the right to express our thoughts on Guns N' Roses? I have never instructed you on what you should or should not post -- I would expect the same courtesy..

ANd i would expect someone who comes to a fan board about Guns N Roses to actually be a fan of Guns N Roses. And by fan, I mean you like more than you hate.. and you clearly don't like this.

The fact that you constantly attack anyone who disagrees with you is a testament to your ignorance. You can raise a red flag to every member on this board - but you never look at yourself. You're a hypocrite..

I dont attack anyone who disagrees with me, I just attack those who have no interest in this band.

While I have never blatantly attacked any member of the current band, you have made several tasteless remarks about Slash and the color of his skin. You have openly attacked members on this forum by calling them 'cunts'. It's ridiculous how you parade endlessly at our expense..

I ask you to find a single post in which I mention anything remotely negative about Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Tommy Stinson or Brain. You know what's funny? You won't find anything. In regards to Robin Finck - I, like many others, have merely questioned his ability based on live performances. I'm allowed to do this.. constructively..

I'm not taking the time to go thru your post history to find things. Axl and/or Finck are both targets in almost every post you make regarding this band.

The truth is, this is nothing but a pissing contest between you and I. We stand on opposite ends of the spectrum and that will never change. I've been a fan of Guns N' Roses since 1986, and I refuse to give praise to a band that has achieved absolutely nothing on their own merit. I refuse to be spoonfed that bullshit..

and don't act like you don't contribute to the pissing match with your sig, or gonig into other threads and correcting my posts to suit the way you want me to post things. You aren't innocent here.

I've repeated myself many times.. and I will do it again. They need to give me a reason to care - a reason to support them. Isn't that fair? I want to see the fruits of their labor, I want to hear their music..

Am I the only member on this forum who hasn't waited since 1996 to hear Axl perform Appetite for Destruction?

How anyone who calls themself a GNR fan can't at least appreciate the mere fact of getting to see Axl singing his classics is beyond me. Ya its not the original band, but Axl was a huge part of that band and if you can't have the original band, this is better than nothing right? After all its these songs that made you love this band in the first place, no? But what do you do? constant negativity, you bring absolutely nothing positive to any discussions about this band whatsoever. again dude, this is a fan forum.

Oh, and in regards to that thread I posted.. what? Five months ago? You obviously misinterpreted my comments. There were several rumors regarding the possibility of a reunion in New York.. I posted a link to an article that denied such fabrications. I merely instructed anyone who purchased tickets to see Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Steven to not hold their breath because it wasn't happening..

I was sent a message by the head admin of the message board, who understood why I posted the thread. His response?

"Hey Kickingthehabit,

I must point out that you did not get a warning. Of course we need people to voice opinions.. Your statement was acceptable..

Remember to have fun,


All hot and flabbergast for what, A_D? Find something better to do..

If there was nothing wrong with what you posted, the thread wouldn't have been removed in the first place. He is saying he can understand why someone feels that way, and I can understand why too I guess, but if I felt that way I wouldn't be on a GNR forum reminding everybody of it every single day.

EDIT: And this is a perfect example of why no one can respect you. In the span of minutes, you've rushed to the VR forum and responded to every thread in sight. You want all the negativity to stop, and yet you throw fuel on the fire by provoking others. It's juvenile..


Its no different then what you are doing here. No different at all. I have actually refrained from posting in that section for a long time now (something most of you slashites wont do here), but whats the use when I have to watch every thread here meant to support the band go to shit?

Edited by Axls_Disillusion
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Believe me, I dont even want to talk about Slash or the old band, I am so much more into whats going on right now and excited to see the band and anxious for the album. I hate fucking arguing these same tired topics over and over and over.

I just figure if you come to a Guns N Roses discussion board in 2006, you've accepted things as they are (even if you prefer the old) and take it for what it is.

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