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If we don't get a release date within the next 3 weeks, can we count out 2006?


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I was watching BET the other night and the rapper "The Game" was on promoting his album that comes out in mid-November. They also talked about another huge release, Jay-Z's new album hitting at the end of November. Now while most of you on here will blast rap, Jay-Z probably has more of a following now than Axl Rose, well, he easily does.

If all of these top artists are promoting end of November albums in mid-September, doesn't that give GNR just a few weeks to announce a release date or 2006 is out of the question? I know Axl keeps saying this year, this year, but when you look at the path other artists are taking, when you look at the promotion surrounding other major 2006 releases, it doesn't look good that we will see Chinese D this year.

Also, usually a single/video for a new album release is out at least a month before tha album streets. I just don't believe Axl has a plan for this thing. What do you guys think? We will get a release date soon?


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If it's coming out late December then things will start happening mid October at the earliest, but they could even announce this thing at the start of November!!

So you can save your negative bullshit for next week, can we expect you at the same time?

Edited by f**k_your_enemy
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like you said...the album can not appear just suddenly. It has to go through a lot of bureucracy and that means first speculations, than rumours, than some information given in inner cycles that always go out in any case, than claims, hard proove statements of management, some infos from stuidos, than OFFICIAL statement!...and finally PROMOTION of the ALBUM!


ROUMOURS WERE FALSE and was created by the fans not by the any official stuff!!!

It was just thoughts in someones head that unfortunately came out to it's tongue by accident!

I hope it comes out this year...but I doubt it!

I hope if it takes another 13 years to make...BUT THIS TIME MAKE A REALLY GOOD RECORD as you PROMISSED IT!!! <_<

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Axl still said at the VMAs that it would come out THIS YEAR!

And I don't think he would have said that if he didn't have a plan or a release date.

And the fact that the tour starts in mid october might just be the main promotion. We might get a releasedate before that. And then the single will hit the charts during the tour as they add new songs and get's closer and closer to the release date.

Show some fate Kanada. You are cronicly negative towards the band and you call yourself a big GNR fan.

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Axl has reportedly told a radio DJ in Canada that CD will come out in "early 2007".:(

Still it's not that far away.:)


Another "radio DJ Rumor"

I still think the VMAs comment stands strong.

And By the way. A local radio DJ got a copy of Chinese Democracy. Sent to him from a unknown source. The album art is good and the songs are epic.

It even comes with a roll of toiletpaper with the picture of slash on it. So you can wipe your ass with slashs face.


Edited by Bromle
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Axl has reportedly told a radio DJ in Canada that CD will come out in "early 2007".:(

Still it's not that far away.:)


Another "radio DJ Rumor"

I still think the VMAs comment stands strong.

DJ`s = kaneda = big jokes :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph:

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Axl has reportedly told a radio DJ in Canada that CD will come out in "early 2007".:(

Still it's not that far away.:)


Another "radio DJ Rumor"

I still think the VMAs comment stands strong.

DJ`s = kaneda = big jokes :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph:

har aldri ment noe annet ;)

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Chill people, itl be out this year, axl said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xmassrudolph:

NoW soon is the word, "itl be out later this year".

Dont worry, i wouldnt expect anything to happen until at least mid oct. Then an xmas release (mid dec)



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I'm not really expecting any announcements regarding the CD until the "official" tour gets under way, around late October. These are still warm-up shows - it would be a pretty big shock if Axl were to announce a release date during this period.

If mid-late November comes and there is no release date, then I think there's more reason to believe that it won't be out this year.

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I think your point is a fair one this time, Kaneda. My guess is that Axl wants the album out before the christmas-rush so that it ends up under the christmas tree. But of course, an album like this, with no promo yet, needs a few weeks in stores perhaps before the sale kick-starts with the mainstream public.

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Axl has reportedly told a radio DJ in Canada that CD will come out in "early 2007".:(

Still it's not that far away.:)


Another "radio DJ Rumor"

I still think the VMAs comment stands strong.

And By the way. A local radio DJ got a copy of Chinese Democracy. Sent to him from a unknown source. The album art is good and the songs are epic.

It even comes with a roll of toiletpaper with the picture of slash on it. So you can wipe your ass with slashs face.


hey RedEurope i can tell you i got a copy of Chinese Democracy r u going beleave it :rolleyes:

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