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Do you know Jack Shit?

Guest Matt13

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No disrespect to KK... but it's funny how many forumers registered this year are telling people to fuck off...

I know you mean no disrespect Leigh, but just because I didn't know shit about forums until this year doesn't mean I haven't been a true fan for a very long time! I have been waiting with bated breath for this album the same as you and everyone else who's been here for the last 3/4 years or so...

I can tell them to fuck off, with the same right as you and admin and anyone who's been here from day one, because in my opinion they should put up or shut up.. If they don't like it here, or don't wanna wait around for the album to be released, or no longer want to support their "favourite" band, then what are they doing on a forum..? There is no need for them to release their negativity on the rest of us loyal fans who are here to support the band.. regardless of Chinese Democracy!

Simple as that.

KK x

I completely agree with this. Funny how internet forums become so insular that long time posters seem to think they have authortiy and even that they may know more about GNR than those that haven't got 3 hours per day to fuck around on a forum (not aimed at anyone in particular - I spend hours online myself).

Shooting down 'noobs' is so childish. It also seems that this forum now has a reputation in the GNR online community as being full of childish people that want to bitch about the band and other forum members. It's just not necessary. Everyone is here as a fan of the band.

I think you missed my point. I was referring to members of this community who have only just joined, telling other members that have been putting their time and energy into the forum (regardless of opinion) to fuck off the forum.

Edited by Leigh-Rok!
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Some people need to step down from their imaginary pedestal, and stop preaching to others how they should feel. You want someone to agree with you all the time, talk to yourself in the fucking mirror.

The internet IS very similar to the real world, in that you meet people with varying views. If you disagreed with a co-worker, friend or family member about a certain subject, do you just tell them to "fuck off" and ask them what they're doing there, or do you try and articulate, intelligently, your arguments about why you feel a certain way.

I find it amusing that people who are so supportive of the band and Axl get SO frustrated with others who have a differing opinion, and take the criticism as if it were a personal attack on themselves!! They feel the need to protect and defend the honor of a man at all cost, who they don't even personally know. Your only affiliation with him is the fact that you own his albums and perhaps seen him in concert. Talk about needing to disconnect from the computer.....

Now here is a more realistic take on the matter, I think.

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The internet IS very similar to the real world, in that you meet people with varying views. If you disagreed with a co-worker, friend or family member about a certain subject, do you just tell them to "fuck off" and ask them what they're doing there, or do you try and articulate, intelligently, your arguments about why you feel a certain way.

Case in point.

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The internet IS very similar to the real world, in that you meet people with varying views. If you disagreed with a co-worker, friend or family member about a certain subject, do you just tell them to "fuck off" and ask them what they're doing there, or do you try and articulate, intelligently, your arguments about why you feel a certain way.

Case in point.

But there is a double standard there. You MUST see that.

The true believers tell the skeptics to go fuck themselves because they don't knwwo the facts. This despite the fact they have no more of the fact then the sketics do. How is one postion noble and the other disgraceful?

The true believers also want this optimism to exist in a vaccum. As if we are not supposed to not look at the man's history on failing to deliver and his flat out indiffernece to it all. Let's get real here, that plays a part in this.

Constantly being told that we should ignore all available evidence we have and just zip our lips and sit tight doesn't cut it anymore.

But we sure keep trying though. Kaneda just made a thread with the exact opposite viewpoint of this one. It was deleted after 4 posts. This is on its fourth page.

Edited by D-GenerationX
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The internet IS very similar to the real world, in that you meet people with varying views. If you disagreed with a co-worker, friend or family member about a certain subject, do you just tell them to "fuck off" and ask them what they're doing there, or do you try and articulate, intelligently, your arguments about why you feel a certain way.

Case in point.

But there is a double standard there. You MUST see that.

The true believers tell the skeptics to go fuck themselves because they don't knwwo the facts. This despite the fact they have no more of the fact then the sketics do. How is one postion noble and the other disgraceful?

The true believers also want this optimism to exist in a vaccum. As if we are not supposed to not look at the man's history on failing to deliver and his flat out indiffernece to it all. Let's get real here, that plays a part in this.

Constantly being told that we should ignore all available evidence we have and just zip our lips and sit tight doesn't cut it anymore.

But we sure keep trying though. Kaneda just made a thread with the exact opposite viewpoint of this one. It was deleted after 4 posts. This is on its fourth page.

You know what? There ARE true believers here, Leigh being one of them, who do not tell people with an opinion different than his to "fuck off" or " go find a VR forum", because someone does not agree with his viewpoints.

There's a way to debate things. People who have criticisms actually spell out why they are unhappy about certain things. The majority of people who support the band have no definitive answers, so they rely on their only recourse..."fuck off". THAT is the problem here, NOT the people who post their concerns about what is going on with the band, imo.

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No disrespect to KK... but it's funny how many forumers registered this year are telling people to fuck off...

I know you mean no disrespect Leigh, but just because I didn't know shit about forums until this year doesn't mean I haven't been a true fan for a very long time! I have been waiting with bated breath for this album the same as you and everyone else who's been here for the last 3/4 years or so...

I can tell them to fuck off, with the same right as you and admin and anyone who's been here from day one, because in my opinion they should put up or shut up.. If they don't like it here, or don't wanna wait around for the album to be released, or no longer want to support their "favourite" band, then what are they doing on a forum..? There is no need for them to release their negativity on the rest of us loyal fans who are here to support the band.. regardless of Chinese Democracy!

Simple as that.

KK x

I completely agree with this. Funny how internet forums become so insular that long time posters seem to think they have authortiy and even that they may know more about GNR than those that haven't got 3 hours per day to fuck around on a forum (not aimed at anyone in particular - I spend hours online myself).

Shooting down 'noobs' is so childish. It also seems that this forum now has a reputation in the GNR online community as being full of childish people that want to bitch about the band and other forum members. It's just not necessary. Everyone is here as a fan of the band.

I think you missed my point. I was referring to members of this community who have only just joined, telling other members that have been putting their time and energy into the forum (regardless of opinion) to fuck off the forum.

In the same way they 'noobs' are frequently told to fuck off by 'veterans' of the board.

Anyway, I was just trying to point out another side.

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<Nori123> You don't know jack shit

<VioletSky> That's not true, I know him well

<Nori123> Haha

<VioletSky> I'm serious

<VioletSky> Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children

<VioletSky> Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.

<VioletSky> However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.

<VioletSky> She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.

<VioletSky> Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.

<VioletSky> The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.

<VioletSky> Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

<VioletSky> So there.

<FiPo> LOL

<Nori123> I have actually chortled coke through my nose

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<Nori123> You don't know jack shit

<VioletSky> That's not true, I know him well

<Nori123> Haha

<VioletSky> I'm serious

<VioletSky> Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children

<VioletSky> Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.

<VioletSky> However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.

<VioletSky> She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.

<VioletSky> Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.

<VioletSky> The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.

<VioletSky> Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

<VioletSky> So there.

<FiPo> LOL

<Nori123> I have actually chortled coke through my nose

and that's how the thread will die :P

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<Nori123> You don't know jack shit

<VioletSky> That's not true, I know him well

<Nori123> Haha

<VioletSky> I'm serious

<VioletSky> Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children

<VioletSky> Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.

<VioletSky> However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.

<VioletSky> She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.

<VioletSky> Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.

<VioletSky> The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.

<VioletSky> Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

<VioletSky> So there.

<FiPo> LOL

<Nori123> I have actually chortled coke through my nose

This is exactly what I was thinking of when i read the title of the thread.

Matt I couldn't agree with what you said more.

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I usually don't respond to posts from matt, because he's a cupcake who thinks that abuse is a substitute for debate. However, this is a forum for discussion and if you can't handle opinions that are different from yours then you either need to leave or get used to it.

Is constantly referencing a commercial for a shitty cheap beer, the best you can come up with? Ever thought about reading a book?

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I usually don't respond to posts from matt, because he's a cupcake who thinks that abuse is a substitute for debate. However, this is a forum for discussion and if you can't handle opinions that are different from yours then you either need to leave or get used to it.

Is constantly referencing a commercial for a shitty cheap beer, the best you can come up with? Ever thought about reading a book?

Just when I thought we were getting along T.

- cupcake? You better step back and think about that for a second, pal. I suggest you look in a mirror for the true definition of that.

- Abuse a substitute for debate? This is a Guns N' Roses forum. It's not the Fox News blog or Queen Elizabeth knitting club forum. There's a time and place for everything... pretending to be smarter than other people (reference the mirror comment above) on a forum for a vulgar rock band is laughable. You insult people with your intelligence. So don't play coy. I put everything on the table and give two shits what people think about it around here. Jesus, get a life.

- Miller Lite is a shitty cheap beer... but those commercials are damned funny and some of us are having a little fun with it... just like you waste half your day in Anything Goes having political debates with pot heads and 13 year olds. And you take that SERIOUSLY... although I do like your political views.

Motion to 'pants' Takeshi when he's not looking?

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Jesus people. 90% of you are complaining like it's December 27th. Some of you say you're spirits are broken. Cry us a river. Some of you say GNR won't be producing an album this year. Last I checked, it was November 16th, 2006.

Save the mellow-drama for January 1st if your dreams don't come true by then.

I just read something like 'after all this bad shit that's gone down...'.

Excuse me, what bad shit? You know what bad shit is? 2003. That's bad shit. No news, no performances, nothing. Absoulutely fucking nothing. You wanna know what was even badder shit? 2004. You wanna know what the shit was that took the cake? Yup, you guessed it, 2005.

This year? We get a new and improved Axl Rose with the screech back... no jerseys... no clowns with KFC buckets on their heads... a very successful European tour... more 'leaks' than we know what to do with... GNR playing the states on a successful trip around North America... oh, and VERY ADAMENT PROMISES from GNR's management and AXL ROSE HIMSELF that the album will be out this year. We're halfway into the whole '13 Tuesdays' bit and people are cutting their wrists.

Seriously... then some of you pretend like you've 'given up' on GNR. You think they're 'a joke'. I read things like 'RIP GNR'. You know what, if any of you feel that way, what the fuck are you still doing around here? There surly has to be better things to do in life, wouldn't you say? What's sad is, the whole lot of folks bitching and whining like some rockstar owes them somthing is pathetic. You same people will be the first ones back on here... whether it's this year or five years from now... singing GNR and Axl praises when the album is dropped. It's sad, very sad. Trust me, I've been on GNR forums since there were GNR forums, and this same group of people are around all the time. In 2000 people were saying the same damned thing. Those same people are here saying the same damned thing... but are ALWAYS first to jump on the bandwagon when a leak hits or any kind of positive news happens. It's pathetic.

You wanna know what positive news is? GNR is touring North America. I suggest you see a show. Because in 2003, 4 and 5 we didn't have that. You know what else? Some of you complain about 'marketing strategy' and 'advertising'. Well guess what? Every magazine, radio station, newspaper and rock forum is lit up right now with GNR news. I'm starting to find their marketing strategy genius.

Finally, if you want to believe and pretend like you know how the record industry works, so be it. I'm just sick of all the idiots with crystal balls and music industry CEO's around here telling the forums this is what's going to happen and this is what's not going to happen. You know what, blow it out you ass. You know Jack Shit... and you know who you are. Nothing is impossible.

I'm not going to believe 'axlwarrose2006' on some forum telling me he's pissed, Axl owes him something, he knows how the record industry works, the album is not coming out this year and that he's finished with GNR and never looking back. If that were the case, Joe Blow know-it-all wouldn't still be posting on a GNR fan forum. If that certainly is the case, GO AWAY! It's not that hard. For Christ's sake... GNR even told those people to fuck off. They didn't tell their whole fan base to fuck off, they told the Chuck Heston mini-disaster people who do nothing but spread horse shit rumors and bitch, bitch, bitch for candy like some kid in a candy store holding Axl's hand while he flirts with the chick behind the counter to fuck off.

We have a tour, great music, a plethera of leaks and words from the horses mouth that says this year. That's what I'm going by and that's what I'm excited for. If December 27th hits and there's no album and no related news, life will go on. I'll be dissapointed, but shit, it's not the end of the world.

So before you, the next 'JohnAxlDoe4557' wants to complain some more, do us all a favor spare us the same-old same-old cry-me-a-river thread.


Who's with me?

Good form Matt. Nicely done. Some people around here are psychotic about this bands every move and obviously a lack there of as well. I can understand frustrations on their part, but shit....The world hasn't stopped spinning the last time I checked. There are so many self righteous people here playing the victim role like Axl is physically and emotionally hurting them or some shit. Maybe they just think that he's reading this forum every day and it's their way of trying to call him out. But whatever... 2006 has been a great GNR year and that's good enough for me. I'm going to see them on December 12th... New album out, or no album out. I'm also looking forward to the many foots in mouths when CD does make its way.

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Jesus people. 90% of you are complaining like it's December 27th. Some of you say you're spirits are broken. Cry us a river. Some of you say GNR won't be producing an album this year. Last I checked, it was November 16th, 2006.

Save the mellow-drama for January 1st if your dreams don't come true by then.

I just read something like 'after all this bad shit that's gone down...'.

Excuse me, what bad shit? You know what bad shit is? 2003. That's bad shit. No news, no performances, nothing. Absoulutely fucking nothing. You wanna know what was even badder shit? 2004. You wanna know what the shit was that took the cake? Yup, you guessed it, 2005.

This year? We get a new and improved Axl Rose with the screech back... no jerseys... no clowns with KFC buckets on their heads... a very successful European tour... more 'leaks' than we know what to do with... GNR playing the states on a successful trip around North America... oh, and VERY ADAMENT PROMISES from GNR's management and AXL ROSE HIMSELF that the album will be out this year. We're halfway into the whole '13 Tuesdays' bit and people are cutting their wrists.

Seriously... then some of you pretend like you've 'given up' on GNR. You think they're 'a joke'. I read things like 'RIP GNR'. You know what, if any of you feel that way, what the fuck are you still doing around here? There surly has to be better things to do in life, wouldn't you say? What's sad is, the whole lot of folks bitching and whining like some rockstar owes them somthing is pathetic. You same people will be the first ones back on here... whether it's this year or five years from now... singing GNR and Axl praises when the album is dropped. It's sad, very sad. Trust me, I've been on GNR forums since there were GNR forums, and this same group of people are around all the time. In 2000 people were saying the same damned thing. Those same people are here saying the same damned thing... but are ALWAYS first to jump on the bandwagon when a leak hits or any kind of positive news happens. It's pathetic.

You wanna know what positive news is? GNR is touring North America. I suggest you see a show. Because in 2003, 4 and 5 we didn't have that. You know what else? Some of you complain about 'marketing strategy' and 'advertising'. Well guess what? Every magazine, radio station, newspaper and rock forum is lit up right now with GNR news. I'm starting to find their marketing strategy genius.

Finally, if you want to believe and pretend like you know how the record industry works, so be it. I'm just sick of all the idiots with crystal balls and music industry CEO's around here telling the forums this is what's going to happen and this is what's not going to happen. You know what, blow it out you ass. You know Jack Shit... and you know who you are. Nothing is impossible.

I'm not going to believe 'axlwarrose2006' on some forum telling me he's pissed, Axl owes him something, he knows how the record industry works, the album is not coming out this year and that he's finished with GNR and never looking back. If that were the case, Joe Blow know-it-all wouldn't still be posting on a GNR fan forum. If that certainly is the case, GO AWAY! It's not that hard. For Christ's sake... GNR even told those people to fuck off. They didn't tell their whole fan base to fuck off, they told the Chuck Heston mini-disaster people who do nothing but spread horse shit rumors and bitch, bitch, bitch for candy like some kid in a candy store holding Axl's hand while he flirts with the chick behind the counter to fuck off.

We have a tour, great music, a plethera of leaks and words from the horses mouth that says this year. That's what I'm going by and that's what I'm excited for. If December 27th hits and there's no album and no related news, life will go on. I'll be dissapointed, but shit, it's not the end of the world.

So before you, the next 'JohnAxlDoe4557' wants to complain some more, do us all a favor spare us the same-old same-old cry-me-a-river thread.


Who's with me?

That was fuckin good dude. I totally agree with you. That really brings my spirit up Chinese Democracy-wise. Ive been holding this mindset and people just shoot it down... im on your side man... and Ill be watching your future posts. "Like a Shit-Hawk."

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Good form Matt. Nicely done. Some people around here are psychotic about this bands every move and obviously a lack there of as well. I can understand frustrations on their part, but shit....The world hasn't stopped spinning the last time I checked. There are so many self righteous people here playing the victim role like Axl is physically and emotionally hurting them or some shit. Maybe they just think that he's reading this forum every day and it's their way of trying to call him out. But whatever... 2006 has been a great GNR year and that's good enough for me. I'm going to see them on December 12th... New album out, or no album out. I'm also looking forward to the many foots in mouths when CD does make its way.

Cheers mate. Enjoy the show on the 12th... Baltimore was great... have a good time! You're spot on too with the 'foot in mouth' comments. Trust me, every single one of these morons who are bitching about everything from Axl's braids to to Finck's wardrobe will be the first ones right back here flooding the forum with praise for CD when it comes out... led by Kaneda.


That was fuckin good dude. I totally agree with you. That really brings my spirit up Chinese Democracy-wise. Ive been holding this mindset and people just shoot it down... im on your side man... and Ill be watching your future posts. "Like a Shit-Hawk."

Don't let these know-it-all's bring you down. They're called bandwagon people. One idiot genious expresses his or her negative views... I take that back... what they claim to be facts, and it suddenly turns into a wildfire and everyone embraces it.

It's like Axl is Moses and he goes up on a mountain to make Chinese Democracy, and by the time he gets back some time later, he finds that all of his followers made a gold statue of Justin Timberlake.

Yea, absurd, isn't it?

I just hope those idiots didn't make the Axe man stomp on CD and climb back up the mountain again.

Edited by Matt13
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