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Anyway, I've just got off the first disc of Lost Odyssey (I've had it for ages but not got around to playing it) and I'm greatly enjoying it. Jensen makes me laugh.


his voice actor's a genius lol

And Kaim's one of the most epic main characters ever :wub:

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A good friend of mine works for IGN.

He's hearing a GTA 5 announcement may be coming very soon

I hope so. A new GTA game would be sweet. I am not much of a gamer, to be fair, but this would definitely be something that I would rush out and get.

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I caught one today, too.

I love my team right now.

Archeops: lvl 38

Lilligant: lvl 38

Tynamo: lvl 37

Samurott: lvl 37

Victini: lvl 37

Conkelgurr (sp?): lvl 37

I just beat Skyla (who I almost swept with Tynamo lolololol) and I'm starting on Twist Mountain now.

I'm right behind you, then.

I need to fight Skyla. I took a small break to catch some pokemon.

My team right now:

Excadrill: lvl 33

Victini: lvl 34

Krokorok: lvl 36

Servine (Smugleaf ^_^): lvl 37

Whirlpede (training for final evolution): lvl 25

Ducklett (just for Flying): lvl 24

The last two I don't really use for battle.

Love this game, but I'll be the first to say it: Some of the pokemon are fucking dumb.

i.e.: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/582.shtml

Along with it's other two evolutions. So far, that's one of the biggest "WTF" pokemon I've seen. (I caught it, of course <_<)

And don't get me started on these:



These three sets are probably the dumbest. I mean, the fucking ice cream and chandelier? What the fu...

Anywho, besides the handful of dumb-ass pokemon, a good number of them are actually pretty cool and some are awesome.

EDIT: Also, is it bad that I only like to catch Male pokemon? :lol:

Unless I absolutely have to, I will keep trying until I find a male version of a pokemon.

Edited by Black Sabbath
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Oh, there are definitely some other Pokemon that whenever I see them, I'm like "Srsly?"

Also, has anyone gotten their Zorua or Zoroark yet? I was going to see if LightningBolt wanted to trade and we could help each other out, but he signed off. <_<

Also, I caught an Axew last night :3

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The one that really made me go "Wut" was the final evolution. I mean... it's a chandelier :| A fucking Pokemon chandelier.

Look back at some of the Gen 1, 2 and 3 and they are almost as bad.



Mr Mime?





All the Generations have stinkers, granted there are a few more this time around.

Personally I thought Gen 3 had the most badass looking Pokémon, Metagross, Salamence and Flygon were epic.

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