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Ah, I see. I guess it was just the "obnoxious" way you posted it that made me think you were being sarcastic.

Lol, take it as "frustration" more than anything else. I was really looking forward to that game and it's just disappointing to see another promising title turn out to just be another console port. Only shooter I'm really looking forward to for PC now is Bad Company 2....

I agree tbh, also other things like lack of admin controls and lean, I mean, why get rid of lean? That's just weird.

next thing you know they will take out keyboard and mouse support

Wouldn't surprise me. I remember reading an interview where they actually specified that it would have "added keyboard and mouse support". Seriously...

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Yo, any word on the night vision goggles?

IGN did a review of them and it got an alright review for the money it is worth compared to the game. I think it is like $70 minus all the other stuff for the goggles.

Worth the money I read.

On another note.

The online on MW2 is very fun, however I havent unlocked all the game modes and alike so am cannot say whether it is better or worse then MW1. However at the moment I have to say MW1 probably edges it, havent played on all of the maps but I prefer a few of the MW1 maps currently.

Does also seem like they have added a few too many perks and challenges which in my opinion is taking away from the fun aspect as it is quickest to level up with the weapon challenge exp so it seems a little that it is a little forced to use different weapons to get exp instead of actually using the ones you like.

Edited by Tottenham Hotspur
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There isn't enough MW2 discussion here.

-Veteran mode was VERY easy.

-Single player started out TERRIBLE but got really good.

-Multiplayer is COD 4 with new shit, yet it's still fun I suppose.

-Third Person mode is just a gimmick, it was neat though.

-Stay frosty is the funniest thing out of a COD game ever.

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The online maps on MW2 aren't as good as the first, in my opinion.

My favorite is probably Terminal (airport map), and there a few I'll leave the whole room just so I don't have to play the map.

I havent played all the maps enough to comment but I miss the maps like the one n the boat from COD4

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The MW2 campaign is awesome, I can see myself playing this over a few times. i'd go as far to say its a piece of art

The online is fun too, frustrating as ever but a lot of fun, I like it more than COD4. I guess they have a shit load of more maps on the way, but likely they wont be released until January or whatever. I agree the current ones are pretty underwhelming but the overall gameplay is still addicting as hell.

the "No Russian" mission... holy shit, what really disturbed me was how i loved every second of it

I haven't been able to play since i got the red ring of death earlier today :(

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Oh my god, the multiplayer looks like complete shit. There's even less skill involved in it than there was in COD4. The killstreak rewards are a joke... and there's perks like extra health if you keep dying over and over and shit. Even like... dual p90 weilding? Wtf?

One big old spamfest with no skill required. They even took leaning out of the PC version. I'm sure the SP will be fun, but all the attempts to close the skill gap in MP have meant that a dude picking up the game for the first time will be no worse at it than someone playing for 6 months. ZZZZ

sorry but this isn't true at all. Other than Far Cry 2 last summer I haven't really played a shooter since i got tired of the last Call of Duty like 9 months ago, it really shows online. I flat out suck, but man its addicting.

COD5 didn't take skill, just run around by yourself and kill the enemies, get 7 kills without dying and youre set... This game actually takes some teamwork to really get anywhere, especially with the riot shields n shit. There are always those games packed with anti-socials, but you can't blame Call of Duty for that.

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Just started playing COD: MW2. Got to the mission that's caused some contreversy. It is, I'll agree, quite jarring to see an atrocity so realistically feasible in a game. However, you don't have to pull the trigger and if the scenario were in a book or film I doubt it would generate quite as much controversy.

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My custom class title: "Rhino" (when you sprint with the riot shield, it resembles a rhino. seriously.)

Primary: Riot Shield

Secondary: Noob Tube (grenade launcher)

Perk 1: Marathon (sprint forever)

Perk 2: Makes me run faster

Perk 3: Commando Pro (Increased melee distance+no fall damage)

I go around WRECKING kids. It's the most fun I've ever had in a COD game. It only takes two melees to kill someone and when crouching it's impossible for just one person to kill you. You get LOADS of assists too.

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My custom class title: "Rhino" (when you sprint with the riot shield, it resembles a rhino. seriously.)

Primary: Riot Shield

Secondary: Noob Tube (grenade launcher)

Perk 1: Marathon (sprint forever)

Perk 2: Makes me run faster

Perk 3: Commando Pro (Increased melee distance+no fall damage)

I go around WRECKING kids. It's the most fun I've ever had in a COD game. It only takes two melees to kill someone and when crouching it's impossible for just one person to kill you. You get LOADS of assists too.

Riot Shelid = Life = <3

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So the "Hidden" mission on special ops mode is heaps fun. Haven't finished it yet :(. I seem to get caught up in the house about 100m away from the second checkpoint and getting done by one of the snipers <_<, this map is brutal on veteran while trying to get perfect kills. Anyone done it yet? (This is mw2 btw)

Edited by Vogstar90_G'N'R
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^^ yeah that mission kicks ass! special ops are my favourite part of them game. i'd rather they make more as DLC than new maps. also i found out what to do in the museum level, there's a button on the desk which says "do not push". so push it and you get a big surprise(i won't ruin it!!)

i really can't get into the online, there's just too much going on and they changed ALOT for the worse IMO. also i'm experiencing some minor lag issues, plenty of times(even with a full green bar of signal) if a guy shoots at me and i duck behind a wall in time. i still die, then i watch the kill cam and it shows the other guy is shooting right at me and i don't jump behind a wall?

Edited by vicious
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^^ yeah that mission kicks ass! special ops are my favourite part of them game. i'd rather they make more as DLC than new maps. also i found out what to do in the museum level, there's a button on the desk which says "do not push". so push it and you get a big surprise(i won't ruin it!!)

i really can't get into the online, there's just too much going on and they changed ALOT for the worse IMO. also i'm experiencing some minor lag issues, plenty of times(even with a full green bar of signal) if a guy shoots at me and i duck behind a wall in time. i still die, then i watch the kill cam and it shows the other guy is shooting right at me and i don't jump behind a wall?

Playing 360 or PS3, I have it for 360 and have only had minor lag in one game but my brother on the PS3 has had a fair bit of lag. Probably due to the problems they had with the PS3 servers.

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Regarding the riot shield in MW2, I enjoyed beating people to death with them. :lol:

Some people, if you're close enough, just lose all hope and let you kill them.

Funniest thing I saw regarding the shielf was a guy was coming towards me with the shield, I threw a semtex grenade and stuck the shield which protected him. However just before it blew a couple of his teammates ran infront of him as it blew taking them with it.

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^^ yeah that mission kicks ass! special ops are my favourite part of them game. i'd rather they make more as DLC than new maps. also i found out what to do in the museum level, there's a button on the desk which says "do not push". so push it and you get a big surprise(i won't ruin it!!)

i really can't get into the online, there's just too much going on and they changed ALOT for the worse IMO. also i'm experiencing some minor lag issues, plenty of times(even with a full green bar of signal) if a guy shoots at me and i duck behind a wall in time. i still die, then i watch the kill cam and it shows the other guy is shooting right at me and i don't jump behind a wall?

Playing 360 or PS3, I have it for 360 and have only had minor lag in one game but my brother on the PS3 has had a fair bit of lag. Probably due to the problems they had with the PS3 servers.

ps3 version. its not lagging for anything else but that though

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