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Oh god I hate the British people on xbox live, I met a really cool Irish guy on Halo once, actually became friends with him, but all the British kids/guys are just huge assholes with a chip on their shoulder, who can't tolerate Amurrricunts for some reason :rolleyes:

no offense UK members I'm sure youre all cool but online some of you need to calm the fuck down haha

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So far, I'm loving Assassin's Creed 2. I knew I would since I loved the first one.

The glyphs are really cool. I like solving the little puzzels and stuff.

Not really a spoiler, so if you haven't played the game, you can read it and not be ruined, but still:

Killing an archer on a roof, then throwing the body off is priceless!
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Has anyone ells played God of War collection?

Got mine from canada about a week ago. Just finished playing trough the first game. I have played both games before on my PS2, but I felt it was worthy a upgrade to the PS3. They have done a good job upscaling it. It looks alot better then the original PS2 version, but not as good as GOW3 ofcourse.

It has been a delight to play trough one of the best action games of all time, and gotten alot of trophies from it to. Got about 80% from going trough the game first time. I think I'm going to go for platinum, at least on the first one.

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I plan on getting the God Of War Collection next. I haven't gotten a confirmed price yet though. Is it $40 or $60?

Regardless, I'll probably have it before December is over.

Can't wait to play through both of them again and get Trophies at the same time. ^_^

Just...Just stop

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I plan on getting the God Of War Collection next. I haven't gotten a confirmed price yet though. Is it $40 or $60?

Regardless, I'll probably have it before December is over.

Can't wait to play through both of them again and get Trophies at the same time. ^_^

It's $40, so there is no reason to wait.

In the end, there will be only chaos!!!

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Actually, the only way I got Assassin's Creed 2 was because I finally gave in and traded in LittleBigPlanet, along with Resident Evil 5 and Dead Space. Even after trading those in with a 30% trade-in boost on Black Friday, I had to bum $20 off of my mom. :tongue2:

So the only games I have no are Modern Warfare 2 and AC2.

It's nice to look down at your game shelf and see a nice collection, but it's also nice to look down and only have three or so games that you are actually playing at that time.

Can't wait to get the GoW Collection. ^_^

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It's nice to look down at your game shelf and see a nice collection, but it's also nice to look down and only have three or so games that you are actually playing at that time.

Or do both and only keep a few games off the shelf at a time. I got a shit ton of games on Friday, all for under 100 bucks, at gamestop and this local game store that I am so happy to have (Picked up the original MGS for 12 bucks!). I would repeat what I got, but I posted a pic in the recently bought thread.

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You guys must be made of money.

flashed 360 modded wii :D

Serious question, hows online with the 360?

on a richness note, 2 part time jobs give me plenty of spending money

Haven't played online for a couple of months but it was fine then

I have heard about the recent banning's so haven't been online

I'll probably update my console with a patch etc when it's safe to play online again with my console

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Guest floyd the barber

Actually, the only way I got Assassin's Creed 2 was because I finally gave in and traded in LittleBigPlanet, along with Resident Evil 5 and Dead Space. Even after trading those in with a 30% trade-in boost on Black Friday, I had to bum $20 off of my mom. :tongue2:

So the only games I have no are Modern Warfare 2 and AC2.

It's nice to look down at your game shelf and see a nice collection, but it's also nice to look down and only have three or so games that you are actually playing at that time.

Can't wait to get the GoW Collection. ^_^

Come on man, you're sixteen right? You can get a job now.

My parents became tired of giving me money all the time so now I have to pay for almost everything I want. Unfortunately a lot of that money goes towards my car so I don't have a lot of spending money.

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^Loved that Modern Warfare 2 picture

I've been playing AC2 alot. It's improved from the first game SO much it's unbelievable. I've had to put at least 25 hours into it and I'm just barely half done the main story. Great game, but the controls are a little bad. Too many buttons have more than one function and it can be fatal.

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