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So I kinda regret entering prestige mode in MW2. I was just starting to own everyone with my AK, but then they took it away. :(

Dude, already? You play too much :lol:

I don't have much time to play anymore, it's a shame. :(

If you think that's a lot of gaming, you should see some of my friends. One of them started second prestige around the same time I started first, and he's already at, like level 50 while I'm at 16. :lol:

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left 4 dead2 is AMAZING! i'm addicted.

as for the ps3 guy, MGS4 is a MUST, if you really pay attention to the story(its hard) you might pick up the story of the first 3, they really do make it so you don't have to have played them all. reading a wikipedia page on MGS will help too. besides i played the series in this order: 3, 2, 4, 1(i still reccomend playing all of them). the 4th is truely a breath taking experience!

infamous is also a pretty cool game. i didn't love resistence or killzone 2. and MAG is not out yet

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Does anyone here play Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe or Tekken 6 on XBox Live? I don't do all that great, but I enjoy playing it. If anyone here is interested, shoot me a pm. I won't actually have Tekken 6 til Saturday or Monday, it's in the mail on it's way.

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Could some of you PS3 guys list some cool exclusives for the PS3? I wanna get one for my birthday (in 2 and a half weeks), and I'm kinda close to the amount I need... now all I need to do is make myself believe that the purchase is justified. :P No one wants to spend $299 on something that they won't use....

So I came up with LittleBigPlanet, the Uncharteds, MAG, the Ratchet and Clanks, the Resistance games, and Killzone 2. I purposely left MGS4 off since I haven't played the other 3.

And if any of the ones I mentioned aren't good, then could you also tip me off to that, as well?

God of War comes out in march, and that is one of the biggest exclusive to sony. Other then that you listed most of the best known. There is also GT5 if your into racing games, but Forza is just as good (if not better).

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Hey, because of them I went 30-14 in Wasteland.

They really need to penalize people for camping it's getting out of hand at this point.. <_<

Unless sniping, people should automatically die for staying within an X metres squared area for longer than a minute or something. I don't understand the fun in camping.

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Camping is nothing the ol' heartbeat monitor can't fix. ;)

The ol' hearbeat moniter is nothing the ninja perk can't fix. ;)

The ninja perk is only used by middle-aged basement-dwellers and squeaky British kids.

I'm just a few headshots away from getting the Red Tiger camo on my SCAR-H, by the way. Shit is so cash

Edited by Lithium
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Getting back into fallout 3, download zeta mothership which is good so far. I think there are 5 dlc's all up so that will keep me busy for awhile :) also downloaded final fantasy 7, zen pinball (with street figher 2) Played through some of FF7 and it brings back so many memories, first time i played it since around 2000.

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Alright, so I think I'm bailing on the PS3 idea (everyone I know said it was a bad idea if I already had the 360, and my dad isn't letting me put it up on the HDTV, so meh), so I think I'll be blowing my money on the combination of Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Army of Two: The 40th Day.

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Alright, so I think I'm bailing on the PS3 idea (everyone I know said it was a bad idea if I already had the 360, and my dad isn't letting me put it up on the HDTV, so meh), so I think I'll be blowing my money on the combination of Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Yeah, those games are much better then a PS3 :rolleyes:

Why won't he let you hook it up to the HDTV?

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Alright, so I think I'm bailing on the PS3 idea (everyone I know said it was a bad idea if I already had the 360, and my dad isn't letting me put it up on the HDTV, so meh), so I think I'll be blowing my money on the combination of Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Bayonetta looks good, but it looks like it'd be short.

The rest... eh....

up to you, your money.

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As far as I'm concerned PS3 still fails miserably as a gaming system, especially if you already have a 360 with xbox live, there's virtually no use for it other than as a blue ray player

unless anyone can point me to some good PS3 exclusive games this is the most disappointing thing I've played since Sega fucking Saturn, and I've been a Sony fanboy for years, I still think PS2 is the greatest system ever

but seriously anytime i hear anyone talk about PS3 like its awesome it just sounds like they have buyers remorse and they're kidding themselves

i want to get the best out of this thing, after owning it for a year i can honestly say i've chalked up maybe 5 or 6 hours of playing time, where the hell are the good games?

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unless anyone can point me to some good PS3 exclusive games

Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank series, Killzone 2, Warhawk, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (don't judge a book by its cover. This game is actually pretty badass), MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, Folklore. Not to mention you guys are getting games like God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Persona 5, that new Team Ico game...

And this is coming from someone that doesn't own a PS3.

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