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As far as I'm concerned PS3 still fails miserably as a gaming system, especially if you already have a 360 with xbox live, there's virtually no use for it other than as a blue ray player

unless anyone can point me to some good PS3 exclusive games this is the most disappointing thing I've played since Sega fucking Saturn, and I've been a Sony fanboy for years, I still think PS2 is the greatest system ever

but seriously anytime i hear anyone talk about PS3 like its awesome it just sounds like they have buyers remorse and they're kidding themselves

i want to get the best out of this thing, after owning it for a year i can honestly say i've chalked up maybe 5 or 6 hours of playing time, where the hell are the good games?

It all depends on what games you play. Since your a big fan of 360 and Xbox live, I'm guessing that Shooters and Sports games are up your ally. Truth been told, it's probably the best system for those games. Hands down.

If you take shooters for example, Xbox has halo and Playstation has resistance. Those games can be compared becouse they are space shooters with guns that goo peew peew. Then you have the gritty shooter like gears of war. Playstation has killzone 2. Both great games, but popularity seems to favour Gears.

The problem with the 360, there isn't really any exclusive game there that can compare to Uncharted, or Ratchet and Clank.

So the way I see it, 360 is a great system for some games, but they lack when it comes to different types of games.

I have both PS3 and Xbox 360, and I prefer PS3 over 360 becouse of the games and the media capability. I recently bought Forza 3, a really good game. To bad my 360 is giving up on me now :-/

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unless anyone can point me to some good PS3 exclusive games

Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank series, Killzone 2, Warhawk, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (don't judge a book by its cover. This game is actually pretty badass), MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, Folklore. Not to mention you guys are getting games like God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Persona 5, that new Team Ico game...

And this is coming from someone that doesn't own a PS3.

I don't get what people dig about Uncharted so much, way too scripted for me

But thanks for the suggestions, I might rent some of these :thumbsup:

Loved Killzone 2, I actually heard Demon Souls was really good, LittleBigPlanet was alright for a while, and of course MGS4 thats the main reason most PS3 owners I know even bit the bullet and got one. But I dunno, I just feel like the list runs a bit short for something that was initially 800 bucks 4 years ago, though it's definitely a fantastic piece of hardware

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I don't get what people dig about Uncharted so much, way too scripted for me

But thanks for the suggestions, I might rent some of these :thumbsup:

Loved Killzone 2, I actually heard Demon Souls was really good, LittleBigPlanet was alright for a while, and of course MGS4 thats the main reason most PS3 owners I know even bit the bullet and got one. But I dunno, I just feel like the list runs a bit short for something that was initially 800 bucks 4 years ago, though it's definitely a fantastic piece of hardware

Keep in mind that a lot of those are RPGs, and RPGs aren't exactly a lot of peoples thing.

But yeah, I think right now, priced at $300, the PS3 is a great console to have. Like Bromle said, each console has their stronger genres. PS3 has a lot of good RPG games, whereas the 360 only has a handful. Same with 360 and Shooters.

But to be honest, if you're a gamer and have a job, you don't have an excuse to not own all 3 consoles. It's worth it, imo.

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If you take shooters for example, Xbox has halo and Playstation has resistance. Those games can be compared becouse they are space shooters with guns that goo peew peew. Then you have the gritty shooter like gears of war. Playstation has killzone 2. Both great games, but popularity seems to favour Gears.

The problem with the 360, there isn't really any exclusive game there that can compare to Uncharted, or Ratchet and Clank.

So the way I see it, 360 is a great system for some games, but they lack when it comes to different types of games.

I have both PS3 and Xbox 360, and I prefer PS3 over 360 becouse of the games and the media capability. I recently bought Forza 3, a really good game. To bad my 360 is giving up on me now :-/

I agree with this

and you're mostly right about the kinda games I play, definitely a lot of shooters, perhaps too many :confused:

but what really sets the systems apart for me are the online capabilities, where imo 360 easily has PS3 beat

i guess im just generally disappointed in the selection of games for PS3, mostly due to owning a 360 for two years prior to getting a PS3 :shrugs:

the graphics are fucking awesome though, with an HDMI cable and a nice HD TV :mellow:

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Alright, so I think I'm bailing on the PS3 idea (everyone I know said it was a bad idea if I already had the 360, and my dad isn't letting me put it up on the HDTV, so meh), so I think I'll be blowing my money on the combination of Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Yeah, those games are much better then a PS3 :rolleyes:

Why won't he let you hook it up to the HDTV?

It's the family TV or whatever, and I've got one in my room (though not nearly as good and not HD). Not the main reason I'm not getting one, though. These games aren't "better" than a PS3, but I rarely get games (this is leftover Christmas money and my birthday is next week, so not all that much money until December of '10) so I'd be stuck with like 1 game for the PS3. I've also been wanting a new iPod for quite a while now, as my current one is only 4gb, so I bought a 30gb iPod Video for 80 bucks yesterday.

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unless anyone can point me to some good PS3 exclusive games

Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Demons Souls, Ratchet & Clank series, Killzone 2, Warhawk, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (don't judge a book by its cover. This game is actually pretty badass), MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, Folklore. Not to mention you guys are getting games like God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Persona 5, that new Team Ico game...

And this is coming from someone that doesn't own a PS3.

Uncharted 2 is all you need, I'm still playing it every day online muliplayer. I never been so addicted to a game like this, Something about games where u level up can really hook you :(

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I just have to get something of my chest. Right now I HATE MICROSOFT!

I know hate might be abit on the strong side here, so I will downgrade it to, really dislikes. What they've done you ask? Well I finally found my wireless adapter (700 NOK, thats 123,24 USD). Now I'm rather happy that I've found it, becouse I've been playing alot of Forza 3, and was looking forward to checking out the storefront. I tried to enter and got this message. "Only accessible with a Xbox live Gold membership". I know you need it to race live, but that is just fucking insane. Locking a good portion of the game so I have to use another 500NOK a year (about 88,03 USD) to get some cool designs. Since I don't play much ells on my Xbox, It's really not worth getting Gold for just that game.


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Holy crap. I just finished Assassin's Creed II and the ending was freaking horrible. I loved the game up until that last little bit, it just got incredibly ridiculous.

I didn't mind the ending that much, it's your typical half way point in a 3 game story but what did annoy me was

the final boss fight, all you do is beat up some old fat guy. After all that came before that you would expect something a bit more on the epic scale
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I have a Wii (yeah, sue me) but I finally found a non-cartoony game that rules. MadWorld. It fucking rules. A city's exits have all been incapacitated and an airborne toxin given to everyone in it. The only way to get the antidote is to kill everyone else that you come across. The more elaborate that you kill someone, the more points you get. Look up reviews. That and No More Heroes.

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Holy crap. I just finished Assassin's Creed II and the ending was freaking horrible. I loved the game up until that last little bit, it just got incredibly ridiculous.

I thought the ending was awesome.

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Funniest thing. I was playing MW2 and I my online name is the same as my mygnr name My Name-Tag is Companion Crate. For those who don't know it's a bunch of hearts and says Companion crate I use it for comical value. Two redneck guys I'm playing with keep saying "Damn that Spoofy girl keeps killing us" I won the match for all men mistaken to be women who are kickass at video games..

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I was so fucking close to getting a nuke yesterday. Some of my ratios were like 23-0, 20-1 and 30-5. Will try again today.

lol I don't play MW2 that often so I just started playing Capture the Flag on my brother's computer yesterday and Skidrow was the first map and I got a nuke on the first map. :lol:

As soon as you use a nuke everyone instantly calls you a camper. :P

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GT5 Delayed Again.

Citing "production-related matters" the much anticipated racing title from Polyphony Digital will no longer be shipping this coming March in Japan.

Reuters is reporting Sony has delayed the release of Gran Turismo 5 to an unspecified date, which the company plans to update in the future.

Sony had yet to announce release dates for North American and European territories, but this news certainly doesn't bode well for fans anticipating a March worldwide release.

At this rate Forza 4 will be out before GT5 sees the light of day. I mean not to be so critical but in the time it has taken Polyphony to make this game Turn 10 have released 2 Forza games with full damage, fuel consumption and most of the features that GT5 will have.

I mean GT5 will be good when it comes out, but enough to make up for the delays.

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