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Its pretty well known that the Halo 3 code was really bad and inefficent but I had no idea how bad it was until they talked about it in the video.

Reach does look good though, dare I say it will be the game that Halo 3 should have been.

And you think that until you hear that the multiplayer lead designer said all multiplayer maps are direct ports from campaign :xmassrudolph:

Alot of people are in denial saying that he worded it wrong but he was pretty straight-up about it. I can see where they're coming from though, it's totally unlike Bungie, who's known for multiplayer design, to just go "LETS RIP THIS BITCH FROM CAMPAIGN".

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Its pretty well known that the Halo 3 code was really bad and inefficent but I had no idea how bad it was until they talked about it in the video.

Reach does look good though, dare I say it will be the game that Halo 3 should have been.

And you think that until you hear that the multiplayer lead designer said all multiplayer maps are direct ports from campaign :xmassrudolph:

Alot of people are in denial saying that he worded it wrong but he was pretty straight-up about it. I can see where they're coming from though, it's totally unlike Bungie, who's known for multiplayer design, to just go "LETS RIP THIS BITCH FROM CAMPAIGN".

I think it was somewhat misinterpreted. He probably meant to say that the multiplayer levels are inspired by parts of the campaign; so each level will be easily referenceable to the campaign story. The firefight maps however will be ported from campaign like in ODST.

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Will the story be co-op?

If not I can see why they where able to beef up the graphics.

One of the most enjoyable things about Halo was the co-op. I'd hate to see it go or be online only.

As for Heavy Rain, I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed Fahrenheit despite it's botched ending. The infamous striptease sequence seems a little queasy though (as opposed to the hilarity of the QTE sex in Fahrenheit).

We'll see if they can pull off adult without being gratuitous.

Also, Mass Effect 2. Sublime.

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Will the story be co-op?

If not I can see why they where able to beef up the graphics.

One of the most enjoyable things about Halo was the co-op. I'd hate to see it go or be online only.

As for Heavy Rain, I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed Fahrenheit despite it's botched ending. The infamous striptease sequence seems a little queasy though (as opposed to the hilarity of the QTE sex in Fahrenheit).

We'll see if they can pull off adult without being gratuitous.

Also, Mass Effect 2. Sublime.

Mass Effect 2 is heavenly.

And yes the Halo Reach story will be 4 player co-op both online and offline.

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This should not be on page 4!

Currently Playing through Bioshock 2 and Assassin's Creed 2.

Bioshock is very disappointing for me, I hated the first game when I played the demo. But loved the full game when I borrowed it and was completely immersed and wanted to keep coming back wanting to know what happened next.

With the sequel I don't feel like that, storywise its standard fare and I find it hard to relate to the protagonist of the Delta Big Daddy in this one when compared to Jack in the first. Also Delta does not feel "powerful" like a Big Daddy should, if anything I think he feels and plays weaker than Jack in the first game.

Graphically it is only slightly better than the first game but there are times I look out of portholes and its a blurry mess compared to the beautiful Rapture of the first game.

Multiplayer is fun from what I have played and using the Big Daddy suit here feels perfect and powerful which is what the story should have had in my opinion. So far the game is probably a 6.5-7/10

Assassin's Creed 2 is hard to comment on as I never played the original, I am enjoying it alot it has to be said although at times it does frustrate me.

The story is cool and I understand it is more streamlined than the first game assassination-wise which is good. I have just reentered the Animus in the story and I get the feeling the story will begin to pick up alot.

Combat it is frustrating at times but fun nonetheless and while flawed I think it is a solid 8.5/10 so far but I can't comment more until I complete it.

After I finish those two up I will get Alien Vs Predator, it seems that it is a game that splits players and critics, so far I have either heard good things about the game or bad things an there is a big gap between the top reviews and the bottom ones. I may just rent it for a weekend and complete the campaign however I feel I would be letting the game down without giving multiplayer a chance.

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God of War III

Heavy Rain

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

AVP (Maybe)

FF13 (Possibly. Was reading about it and I'd probably love it.)

I regret buying Guitar Hero 5, also. Fuck, I payed like $100 for the game and guitar and played it like 3 times since I got it. I guess I was just in the mood to get something new. :shrugs:

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that sucks. i bought the guitar hero world tour bundle and have played:

drums : 2

game : 1

guitar : at friends

mic : 2

there is a waste of $230. but on the upside i do have the mic for my inevitable youtube of 'this i love' for deadflower.

Edited by Jackie Moon
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I had the full bundle for that. Then all of my instruments besides the mic broke on me. So I raged and got rid of the fucking game and bought the guitar bundle for GH5 around New Years and wish I hadn't. It isn't as challenging as the others, and it just sucks. fml

Oh well. Maybe I'll try selling it to a friend and that'll help me get some of the games I listed.

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Can anyone give me a logical reason other than pure greed as to why MW2 (PC) is STILL around the £30-40 mark when newer games are coming out at regular prices of £20-30?

And yeah I know there are some places that sell it for less than £30 must most of the big name sellers still have the jacked up price.

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Can anyone give me a logical reason other than pure greed as to why MW2 (PC) is STILL around the £30-40 mark when newer games are coming out at regular prices of £20-30?

And yeah I know there are some places that sell it for less than £30 must most of the big name sellers still have the jacked up price.

Activision inflated the price on purpose due to the exchange rate. "That reflects a price hike of five pounds over the last Modern Warfare, which carried a RRP of 49.99 GBP when it launched in late 2007. The rise has been accounted to a weak pound, a factor that contributed to the inflation of the cost of Wii hardware earlier in the year."


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