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It's weird. I can't think of a single thing that could make me that angry except for videogames.

I always get pissed off with video games. Ever since I literally twisted my PS2 controller in half after I couldn't beat the Challenge of the Gods on God of War, I vowed to never break a controller after that. Especially since PS3 controllers are $50.

I do punch myself in the leg though, but usually it doesn't go farther than that. Though, if I do get even more angry, I will take my blue-tooth out and throw that and my control onto my futon. But they land on something soft, so it isn't too bad.

I beat the challange of the Gods on God of War without twisting the controller in half. Although the last challange was a pain in the ASS!!!

That's the challenge I couldn't beat. The damn rising platform...

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

That being said if they are correctly (Timesplitter 2 challenges) I have no problem playing them due to the fun/ frustration factor!

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That being said if they are correctly (Timesplitter 2 challenges) I have no problem playing them due to the fun/ frustration factor!

I remember that those where alot of fun. A fun game altoughter. Would have loved a new timespitter game.

Or even better, a new SSX game.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

It's weird. I can't think of a single thing that could make me that angry except for videogames.

I know exactly what you mean. I don't know how man tables and controls I've levied my anger on. It's been on NHL pretty much every time. When Iginla, Gomez or Sundin or one of the other fuckers they've done to supermen that you can't hit scores with every shot they make from any angle... I'm sitting here wishing I had something to smack just by the thought of it.

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I think videogames usually piss people off because they are coded to cheat pretty much, from the simplest coding in NES games there would be unfair advantages against you as pointed out by The Angry Video Game Nerd.

Whether it be needing a pixel perfect jump in platformers, to not being able to tackle in sports games and finally to being killed when completely hidden in FPS games. The AI will always have an unfair advantage over the human players.

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I think videogames usually piss people off because they are coded to cheat pretty much, from the simplest coding in NES games there would be unfair advantages against you as pointed out by The Angry Video Game Nerd.

Whether it be needing a pixel perfect jump in platformers, to not being able to tackle in sports games and finally to being killed when completely hidden in FPS games. The AI will always have an unfair advantage over the human players.

i'd find it quite the opposite. AI isn't nearly as smart as most humans. there is always some glitch to beat AI. for example in alot of FPS games the AI duck for cover and are guarenteed to bob up and down in the same place until you kill them. i remember on the old fifa games you could just run around the AI players most of the time. sure they might have some advantages, but if you can't handle it then play games on easy mode. some of us enjoy a challenge

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

I agree with you totally. It really pisses me off that so many games have had shit single player campaigns because all the effort's gone into the online aspect. Five hour single player campaign in Modern Warfare 2 was shocking! I always much preferred multiplayer games when you're sitting next to the person you're playing against. Makes it so much more satisfying when you can give somebody shit to their face after you've just handed their them their arse on FIFA or Mario Kart or whatever.

The Challenge Rooms in Bayonetta are an exception though as they're basically extended tutorials that give you upgraded powers for use in the game proper.

Another thing which is bullshit in games is having to complete things before completing the game, just makes it longer artificially and pisses people off. Take Assassin's Creed 2, spent a long time today getting to the end and being happy I was going to finish it, get to the last memory streams only to find out I can't complete the game until I go and collect all the codex pages which is bullshit.

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

I agree with you totally. It really pisses me off that so many games have had shit single player campaigns because all the effort's gone into the online aspect. Five hour single player campaign in Modern Warfare 2 was shocking! I always much preferred multiplayer games when you're sitting next to the person you're playing against. Makes it so much more satisfying when you can give somebody shit to their face after you've just handed their them their arse on FIFA or Mario Kart or whatever.

The Challenge Rooms in Bayonetta are an exception though as they're basically extended tutorials that give you upgraded powers for use in the game proper.

the Modern Warfare single player was really poor, even on veteran it was quite easy and the plot was so jumbled up and chaotic. Call of Duty 4 had a much better story mode whilst both WAW and Cod2 were much harder (I still get nightmares about one Cod2 level that took me a month to complete on veteran!)

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

I agree with you totally. It really pisses me off that so many games have had shit single player campaigns because all the effort's gone into the online aspect. Five hour single player campaign in Modern Warfare 2 was shocking! I always much preferred multiplayer games when you're sitting next to the person you're playing against. Makes it so much more satisfying when you can give somebody shit to their face after you've just handed their them their arse on FIFA or Mario Kart or whatever.

The Challenge Rooms in Bayonetta are an exception though as they're basically extended tutorials that give you upgraded powers for use in the game proper.

Another thing which is bullshit in games is having to complete things before completing the game, just makes it longer artificially and pisses people off. Take Assassin's Creed 2, spent a long time today getting to the end and being happy I was going to finish it, get to the last memory streams only to find out I can't complete the game until I go and collect all the codex pages which is bullshit.

Can't be worse than the first Assassin's Creed! There was such a great game in there fighting to get out but after about the first four missions with all the repetitive side missions I just about lost the will to live.

Oh it is far better than the first one. But I hate poor game design and this is it. You can't start the last sequence until you have all the codex pieces which you are told Ezio gets in the corrupted memories, you are given a map from the memories to find them all which makes no logical sense. He either has both as I can't see why he would have the map from the corrupted memories and not the codex or neither of them, either way it is poor game design aimed at lengthening the story mode and some people may say the codex pieces are important and part of the story and I say bullshit if they were that important to the story you would end up finding them all in the story mode or atleast make finding them fun. But no, spent the last hour finding the 16 pages I hadn't found yet and as a result all momentum and urgency going into the final memory sequence is lost.

Aside from that one gripe; brilliant game.

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

I agree with you totally. It really pisses me off that so many games have had shit single player campaigns because all the effort's gone into the online aspect. Five hour single player campaign in Modern Warfare 2 was shocking! I always much preferred multiplayer games when you're sitting next to the person you're playing against. Makes it so much more satisfying when you can give somebody shit to their face after you've just handed their them their arse on FIFA or Mario Kart or whatever.

The Challenge Rooms in Bayonetta are an exception though as they're basically extended tutorials that give you upgraded powers for use in the game proper.

the Modern Warfare single player was really poor, even on veteran it was quite easy and the plot was so jumbled up and chaotic. Call of Duty 4 had a much better story mode whilst both WAW and Cod2 were much harder (I still get nightmares about one Cod2 level that took me a month to complete on veteran!)

Even in veteran it is quite easy? you must be a monster man, or maybe I am too bad but in veteran i have a lot of troubles to move forward the next scene and always get really angry :anger:

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It's probably just me being a huge singleplayer fan; but I feel that challenges and stuff for the most part are a waste of time. Some are good like the MW2 spec ops mode and like challenges you can earn through single player and online but stuff like the Arkham Asylum challenge rooms annoy me a little bit. I mean I buy the game for the story and then maybe online, not some challenges which don't really add anything but pad things out.

I agree with you totally. It really pisses me off that so many games have had shit single player campaigns because all the effort's gone into the online aspect. Five hour single player campaign in Modern Warfare 2 was shocking! I always much preferred multiplayer games when you're sitting next to the person you're playing against. Makes it so much more satisfying when you can give somebody shit to their face after you've just handed their them their arse on FIFA or Mario Kart or whatever.

The Challenge Rooms in Bayonetta are an exception though as they're basically extended tutorials that give you upgraded powers for use in the game proper.

the Modern Warfare single player was really poor, even on veteran it was quite easy and the plot was so jumbled up and chaotic. Call of Duty 4 had a much better story mode whilst both WAW and Cod2 were much harder (I still get nightmares about one Cod2 level that took me a month to complete on veteran!)

Even in veteran it is quite easy? you must be a monster man, or maybe I am too bad but in veteran i have a lot of troubles to move forward the next scene and always get really angry :anger:

what level is this?

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Completed Assassin's Creed 2.

The ending.

The fuck?!

I thought the ending was great. I love mindfuck stuff like that.

It was good but seriously mindfucky.


So I have been playing through the game as Desmond in Ezio's memories.

Only to be given a message to Desmond when playing as Ezio. *Mindfuck*

Edited by Tottenham Hotspur
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Over the last 6 weeks I have completed:

Dragon Age: Origins

Mass Effect 2

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Bioshock 2

Assassin's Creed 2

Tomorrow I shall be getting Alien Vs Predator.

Being unemployed gives me way too much time to play games.

I also apologise for my spamming in this thread!

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I think the last game I played and actually got to a point that I couldn't beat was Brutal Legend... The bastard.

Where did you get stuck? I got the Platinum Medal on that and it took me fucking ages!

I was playing on the hardest difficulty I think and I got stuck on the first battle with, was her name Athelia or something? Whatever the bitch's name was that betrayed you.

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Heavy Rain is cool

I just picked that up tonight and I couldn't put it down. It's a very weird game because it's not really so much a game but an interactive movie. I just keep wanting to see what happens next. And the opening scene and the parts right after where you play as the dad is probably the first time a game has gotten an emotional response from me the way a film would. Could be the future of gaming.

What do you think, is it a buyer or a renter? I'm thinking about picking it up tomorrow as well, but I don't want to pay $60 and then only have the urge to play through once. That being said, I enjoyed the demo.

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First piece of AC2 DLC sucked but it was only like 400 MSP so I didn't expect much. I'll be picking up the second piece soon.

AvP demo wasn't for me. Single Player seems better.

Mass Effect 2 is awesome, I plan on starting my second playthrough in the next few days on Insanity

Question: When one beats Mass Effect 2, they have the option to restart the game with the same character level/stats. If I did this, would it have to be on the same difficulty as the first playthrough? I'm hoping to start Insanity at level 30.

Edit: This is my thousandth post. Kind of a disappointing 1000th post.

Edited by ItsSuchACrimeUKnowItsTruee
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