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Heavy Rain was a fantastic game. The story and how you interact and get involved with the caracters are unparalleled. If you've only watched movies of the game, it looks like a game filled with quick time events, but it is so much more then that. (not gameplaywise). Almost every button you pushes or action you do with your controller, the amount of intigration and implimentation you get into the game is outstanding. It's not the longest game ever made. Me and a buddy of mine got it yesterday and we finished it in one day. That said it's not that short, the story is just so good, and you are so compelled to move forward that it is almost impossible to put aside. We only took a brake to eat, and that was becouse we had to eat something.

It might not become game of the year, but I would like to see anything ells become "interactive experience of the year".

But if your only going trough it once, just rent it.

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i dont rent games

anyway i sat down to play heavy rain and i got this message "Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit"

Just searching google to see what the problem is.

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what is your date and time settings blacksabbath? mine says 1/1/2000 Some other peoples clocks got messed up too.

A wide rash of game-crashing errors is spreading among the PS3-owning community at the moment, most of which can be chalked up to a 8001050F error code. This has led to a variety of unfortunate side-effects for those affected, including corrupted trophy information and an inability to access the PSN. When combined, those two issues prevent players from launching certain games, such as Heavy Rain, without being kicked back to the XMB.

We've contacted Sony to find out what's causing the issue, and when we can expect to get back to chasing down the Origami Killer. He might just be able to make a clean getaway while we suffer through this downtime.

Update: Sony has acknowledged the issue, and is "looking into it." We've yet to hear an official word on what the problem is, though it seems to be a bit larger than just the PSN. Owners of PS3 Phats are reporting that the date on their console has reverted to 12/31/1999, which is likely the cause of the data-corrupting errors. Some Phat-owners have reported receiving the errors while their console was offline, which is upsetting, to say the least. We'll let you know when we hear official word from Sony.


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22,000+ on second play through.

you suck

no u

what is your date and time settings blacksabbath? mine says 1/1/2000 Some other peoples clocks got messed up too.

And it's set to December 31st, 1999. :lol:

My fucking Heavy Rain trophies aren't in my Trophy Collection either! They better damn well sync back up whenever I'm able to get back online.

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looks like the slim ps3's are fine but the fat ps3s have the problem.

PSN status

update: We're narrowing down the issue and continue to work to restore

service to all. Updates as soon as we have them. PSN status update (part 2): Readers/followers are confirming that "slim" units (120/250 GB models) are connecting normally."

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Being a 360 fan I honestly do feel for you, must be like getting the Red Ring of Death...

It's a software error, so I guess they will be able to sort it out. Also, it's only the old big consoles that are effectet, slim is as far as reports go, out of daner.

But that error explains why my PS3 was acting up this morning before I went to work.

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BFBC2 got 95% on Game Informer ."Not content to settle for second place, DICE throws down the gauntlet with Bad Company 2, delivering its best multiplayer package since Battlefield 2 and a remarkably improved single-player campaign that openly mocks its rival while cribbing from them at the same time. "

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