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Fucking great, go to play Heavy Rain and this bug goes to work. Funny thing is my PS3 isn't even connected to the net, hasn't been for months. The software update on the game did it. Now I'm going to have to lug the bloody thing somewhere to connect it to the net and fix it. Good work, Sony.

I'd advise not doing that, as it could mess things up more. Heavy Rain had nothing to do with this bug.

Yeah its a bug in the PS3 software itself that caused the problem. Sony have said do not do anything with the PS3 until an update is released.

It was Heavy Rain that updated the PS3. I only got the twinkling dashboard recently after getting Bioshock 2. Or is it just something that's been laying dormant in the PS3 code for a while?

Anyway, the point is any patch will have to be found online which just means hassle. Bit too bloody late now to find the news out now though. Good job I've got my 360.

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Fucking great, go to play Heavy Rain and this bug goes to work. Funny thing is my PS3 isn't even connected to the net, hasn't been for months. The software update on the game did it. Now I'm going to have to lug the bloody thing somewhere to connect it to the net and fix it. Good work, Sony.

I'd advise not doing that, as it could mess things up more. Heavy Rain had nothing to do with this bug.

Yeah its a bug in the PS3 software itself that caused the problem. Sony have said do not do anything with the PS3 until an update is released.

It was Heavy Rain that updated the PS3. I only got the twinkling dashboard recently after getting Bioshock 2. Or is it just something that's been laying dormant in the PS3 code for a while?

Anyway, the point is any patch will have to be found online which just means hassle. Bit too bloody late now to find the news out now though. Good job I've got my 360.

Been in the code for a while which is why it is only effecting Fat PS3's and not the Slim's.

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To be fair, the story of the PS3 hasn't covered Sony in glory so far. Backwards compatibility was a farce. My favourite is shelling out almost £300 for one only to see one get launched later with a bigger HDD. Now you can get 120GB models. I don't think you can buy new PS3 HDD's like you can for the 360 either, can you? What a joke.

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To be fair, the story of the PS3 hasn't covered Sony in glory so far. Backwards compatibility was a farce. My favourite is shelling out almost £300 for one only to see one get launched later with a bigger HDD. Now you can get 120GB models. I don't think you can buy new PS3 HDD's like you can for the 360 either, can you? What a joke.

You can but HDD to replace the one in the system but it isnt official. My bro upgraded his to a 400GB last year.

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Since offline systems are affected, it is suggested a firmware error could be to blame rather than a network error.

There are rumours it has been caused by a leap-year miscalculation, as the fault emerged overnight as February rolled into March.

Many PS3 owners are reporting their console clocks have reset to December 31, 1999 or January 1, 2000.

If this is the reason, it will be embarrassing for Sony, though they should be able to solve the problem by releasing a 'patch'.

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ahhh, just got back from class, I think I'll fire up my XBOX360 and play some MW2 for a while

Despite being a fellow 360 owner it willbe fucking hilarious if you get RROD now.

already got it back in November when MW2 came out, had a buddy of mine break into my xbox to replace the thermal glue with higher grade shit, pennies wrapped in electrical tape and whatnot, now it runs like I just bought it. If I ever get the RROD again it won't be for quite some time

it's only a temporary fix. but you can do that same fix a few times. after that if you're still in warranty microsoft won't fix it because you opened it up. but its a good fix if you're out of warranty. IMO i don't think there should be any warranty limit on the RROD

My xbox is way past warranty, thats why I let the guy crack into it. I know it wont last forever, nothing does, but I wasn't about to drop $200 on a 360 without a hard drive, or $300 on an elite when they're both gunna have the RROD anyway. So I didn't pay shit and I'm still playing my xbox, best route I coulda taken

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Just picked up AvP for 360. I only played a little bit, the sounds make this game. :)


You wont be saying that once you use the smart gun >.<

Are you saying it doesn't sound right? :(

I remember playing AvP2 online a lot and when the merc team had a bunch of people using the chaingun I would bust out the smartgun. The cries....er, typed out of course, of noob quickly followed. :P


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Just picked up AvP for 360. I only played a little bit, the sounds make this game. :)


You wont be saying that once you use the smart gun >.<

Are you saying it doesn't sound right? :(

I remember playing AvP2 online a lot and when the merc team had a bunch of people using the chaingun I would bust out the smartgun. The cries....er, typed out of course, of noob quickly followed. :P


The smartgun sounds weak, doesn't sound like in the film and sounds like its firing tiny pellets.

That being said the Pulse Rifle sounds fantastic!

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