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Is Heavy Rain worth getting? Someone told me it's "a bit like" MGS...

It's abit like MGS because it is highly cinematic. Is it worth getting? YES! The kind of immersion you get to the story and the characters are unparalleled to any other medium. It really shows the strengt of videogame as a entertainment medium.

I had alot of fun, and as almost everyone ells, I finished it it a day. (it's not short, it's just really exciting)

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As Spurs mentioned before, my PS3 fixed itself although I lost my AVP trophies. Anyhow, finally started Heavy Rain. It's absorbing. Definitely some ropey parts but it's still compulsive to play. Not only that, the action sequences really grip as you're aware it can all go wrong and end in that character dying. High-point so far is driving the wrong way through traffic.

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As Spurs mentioned before, my PS3 fixed itself although I lost my AVP trophies. Anyhow, finally started Heavy Rain. It's absorbing. Definitely some ropey parts but it's still compulsive to play. Not only that, the action sequences really grip as you're aware it can all go wrong and end in that character dying. High-point so far is driving the wrong way through traffic.

Your AVP trophies should be fine. All you should have to do it put the game in, turn it on, turn it off then go over to your profile name after you sign in and click on that (that is, if you back them up like you should) and it will sync them back up.

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Has anyone been following the news that Activision fired the two heads of Infinity Ward.

They sued Activision and are being counter-sued. Here are some details.


activision sure do like to sue people.

personally i don't see what the big deal is. its not like their firing the game devs or the creative designers

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Has anyone been following the news that Activision fired the two heads of Infinity Ward.

They sued Activision and are being counter-sued. Here are some details.


activision sure do like to sue people.

personally i don't see what the big deal is. its not like their firing the game devs or the creative designers

Apparently they fire the two head of Infinity Ward about 2 weeks before they were due to be paid royalities for MW2.

Activision entered the building with security on tuesday to removed them.

Prior to this they had been investigating the Heads of IW and apparently they had interviewed (interrogated) the majority of employees in a windowless room forcing many of them to tears.

The former heads also claim that they own the intellectual properties the the Modern Warfare franchise and all COD games set post Vietnam.

Activision do like suing people, in particular people who create successful franchises and after they are out of the way they run the franchise into the ground! They bought Red Octane so they could own the rights to Guitar Hero and after that they moved the development of the franchise to another studio and shut Red Octane down. Man Activision like making enemies.

And Vicious not all the details are in that article, but if you look around and see all the details it seems Activision are so in the wrong here and it is a big deal.

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Valve has confirmed Portal 2 is due to be released this holiday for the PC and Xbox 360.

No details on a PS3 version yet.

Don't hold your breath for a PS3 version.

Guess I have to get this on my 360.

Can't wait for more portal, the first game is easily one of the best games of all time....OF ALL TIME!

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I was getting it for the 360 anyway and just wanted to put that in incase someone with a PS3 was interested about it.

Agreed about Portal being awesome but makes me think. WHERE THE HELL IS HL2: EPISODE 3!!

I mean its taking the piss, the episodes consist of things they originally wanted in the original HalfLife 2 but were cut, then the Episodes were announced and expected to be 1 every 18 months or so. Its been 2 and a half years since Orange Box and Episode 2. WTF!

Edited by Tottenham Hotspur
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I was getting it for the 360 anyway and just wanted to put that in incase someone with a PS3 was interested about it.

Agreed about Portal being awesome but makes me think. WHERE THE HELL IS HL2: EPISODE 3!!

I mean its taking the piss, the episodes consist of things they originally wanted in the original HalfLife 2 but were cut, then the Episodes were announced and expected to be 1 every 18 months or so. Its been 2 and a half years since Orange Box and Episode 2. WTF!

I think episode 3 will be half-life 3, on a new engine maybe. Only speculations. I can't see any other reason to delay it that long.

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I was getting it for the 360 anyway and just wanted to put that in incase someone with a PS3 was interested about it.

Agreed about Portal being awesome but makes me think. WHERE THE HELL IS HL2: EPISODE 3!!

I mean its taking the piss, the episodes consist of things they originally wanted in the original HalfLife 2 but were cut, then the Episodes were announced and expected to be 1 every 18 months or so. Its been 2 and a half years since Orange Box and Episode 2. WTF!

I think episode 3 will be half-life 3, on a new engine maybe. Only speculations. I can't see any other reason to delay it that long.

What annoys me is that the head of Valve stated that the episodes make up what they intended to be HL3 and there was a quote around that it should have been HL3: Episode

s rather than 2.

But what I really don't get is that the story of the episodes was originally planned for HL2 but so many cuts had to be made, the Borealis which will be in ep3 was going to be the end of HL2 originally.

I totally agree though, I doubt we will get episode 3 now but will get HL3 which better be good otherwise fans will get pissed, problem is that aside from some concept art and the planned stuff cut from HL2 not a lot is known about Episode 3/ Halflife 3

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Episode 3 ends the current arc with Gordon Freeman IIRC, Valve has stated that HL3 will be what HL2 is to HL1, a full sequal not a story continuation.

Also, as for Portal 2, notice on the Steam page where it is announced certain letters are underlined? Check out the "Dinosaur puzzle" thing. Portal 1 on the PC got an update which added radios to the game which could be found, an achievement with them. The ending was also lengthened.

The radios were decoded (I read some stuff, it's insane) and people found blurred images through decoded sound files as well as a Telnet modem number. It's an awesome way to advertise a game. Theres a 700+ page thread on the Steampowered forums as well as 100+ threads on places like Somethingawful. http://kotaku.com/5484157/valves-portal-puzzle-so-far-the-files-recovered-from-aperture-science this link has a shortened version of what was found.

It's also been suspected that Cave Johnson will be the antagonist, hes a dead billionaire who started Aperture Science and had his brain imprinted into a machine, peeps reckon GlaDOS' personality is based on him. Saying stuff like "If you like it so much why don't you marry it".

Very interesting stuff.


Oh and there are suspicions that since Portal 2 has now been announced, some dude from Valve is giving some info on Episode 3 at an awards ceremony on the 11th of March, this was deciphered from one of the pictures (I think it was of a DOS screen or some shit).

Edited by Mr_Oujamaflip
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