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I think Nintendo won this E3. Sony comes in second, Microsoft failed miserably. Just my opinion.

Strangely lost of analysts thing the MS conference was quite good, for hardcore gamers it failed hard.

Yeah. I can see how they would think the Kinect thing was a good move. It doesn't interest me, but it's cool I guess. MUCH better than Move, IMO. Still, Wii has been owning that department for years now, just seems dumb to try and come out strong with it now. And the price tag is a bit steep, too.

Actually, I change my mind, Sony lost. I forgot the cool trailers that Microsoft had at the beginning, and the Kinect isn't nearly as bad as Move or the 3D thing, IMO. Nintendo still won, though.

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I think one problem MS failed on is aside from MGS: Rising everything they showed was an exclusive whereas Sony are showing games like Tiger Woods which isn't.

I would say at the moment Nintendo won and Sony and MS are tied second.

Yeah, but the whole point of the conference is to show why your console is the best and attract people to it, which exclusives achieve well. I mean, every game Nintendo showed was exclusive, after all. And I got the last Tiger Woods game for the Wii, looked the same exact way they were showing it for the PS3 Move lol.

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I think one problem MS failed on is aside from MGS: Rising everything they showed was an exclusive

Is that not a good thing?

Very good point.

But I think it was very annoying they spent too long on Kinect after last year being criticised for not showing it last year so they went very OTT this year.

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It's a sad day for the gaming industry when nearly half of a companys conference is dedicated to showing what the console can do other than play games.

So true, which is why I liked the Wii this year. They just showed some great looking games that people have been craving for years now.

And Tottenham, good point. 2/3 of the amount of time that MS had went towards Kinect, which was very overkill. But still, Sony showed like no games at all almost, with the exception of Killzone 3, and maybe a few little trailers later on (like for that Heroes on the Move or whatever that was), and focused largely on Move and 3D and stupid stuff like that. At least Kinect sounds better than Move, IMO, which is better to spend enormous amounts of time on.

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I think one problem MS failed on is aside from MGS: Rising everything they showed was an exclusive whereas Sony are showing games like Tiger Woods which isn't.

I would say at the moment Nintendo won and Sony and MS are tied second.

Yeah, but the whole point of the conference is to show why your console is the best and attract people to it, which exclusives achieve well. I mean, every game Nintendo showed was exclusive, after all. And I got the last Tiger Woods game for the Wii, looked the same exact way they were showing it for the PS3 Move lol.

Apparently the Wii version of Tiger Woods 11 is more accurate than the PS3 according to IGN.

I agree about exclusives but MS failed as they concentrated on this year only really. Halo: Reach, Gears 3 and Fable III are all this year aswell as Kintect, they could have done with a few teasers of things which are coming in the future but at the same time next years E3 should be a big one as a result.

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When did Halo hire the guys from Dynasty Warriors to do their soundtrack?

I love Dynasty Warriors.


The more I see of Move the more I think "So it's a Wii remote with a paint job and connotations of a blow job?"

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I wouldn't really call Portal 2 a surprise.

True, if it was an exclusive then yes but to say it is coming out on PS3 isnt that big a surprise.

Sony are doing what MS did a few years ago and just announcing exclusive DLC and content that people don't really care about.

If you have a 360 and want to play Mafia 2 or Assassin's Creed 2 or Dead Space 2 you aren't going to rush out and get a PS3 to play those games as they have exclusive DLC or something which will in all likelyhood come out on 360 like the Fallout DLC and GTA DLC did.

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For MS and Sony this year, MS focused too much on Kinect and this year rather than next year where they only showed MGS: Rising, The Cryteck Rome game and the Star Wars Kinect game. They also suffered from only showing exclusives but obviously they are pushing this year alot.

Sony I also feel missed a trick by not revealing anything groundbreakingly huge today. Exclusive DLC isn't going to convince people to buy a PS3 i they have a 360 in all likely hood and showing off 3D was a nice touch but almost noone has a 3D tv at the moment and it would have been better to save it for next year. Also the pricing of Move was weird, having to buy the two parts separately and pricing the PS3 and Move bundle at $399 which is the same as the Xbox Kintect bundle. Move also did look a little laggy at times, noticeable so, so we shall see when it comes out.

Nintendo had a great year and won clearly despite a few techincal difficulties. Lots of exclusives and the only real gripe was they didn't really announce new franchises which would have been nice. Zelda looked good as did Donkey Kong and Kirby. Also the leaked pics of Ocarina of Time for 3DS is made of WIN!

Edited by Tottenham Hotspur
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DLC is the only thing RB has on Guitar Hero, in my opinion.

I like the gameplay a lot more on GH and it just sucks on RB. imo.

Meh, I actually much prefer Rock Band in pretty much every aspect. I had trouble switching between the Guitar Hero engine and the Rock Band engine when I made the initial switch, but it's been worth it IMO.

BTW, the Ozzy songs that came out today as DLC are VERY fun!

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DLC is the only thing RB has on Guitar Hero, in my opinion.

I like the gameplay a lot more on GH and it just sucks on RB. imo.

Meh, I actually much prefer Rock Band in pretty much every aspect. I had trouble switching between the Guitar Hero engine and the Rock Band engine when I made the initial switch, but it's been worth it IMO.

BTW, the Ozzy songs that came out today as DLC are VERY fun!

I agree with LB here, playing GH and thought it was great and when I switched to RB I found it a little strange but once I got used to it I thought it was much better.

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