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Hmmm, I haven't played with my Wii in a while (hurhur penis joke). Does anyone have a good Wii game that's either out or will be out soon that I should buy (excluding Super Mario Galaxy, of course. I'm gonna buy the shit out of that). I'd prefer a fighting game but as far as I know, Wii has few to none of them. :(

If you haven't played Super Paper Mario yet, I suggest that, I found that game to be alot of fun, not alot of replay value, but it was one of the games I most enjoyed playing in years.

Yeah, I already played it. It was a really good game, the only problem was it was too easy to beat. I only rented it and beat it in about 5 days.

Are there any good mature titles coming out for this system besides Manhunt 2? I keep hearing that the games are mostly aimed at children and that much of the adult content is being made for the xbox and ps3...what do you say?

Well, Metroid Prime 3 isn't exactly mature, but it sure as hell isn't childish either. It's definetly one of, if not the best Wii game out there too (although I haven't played them all to make an accurate fact).

Also, thanks for suggesting Manhunt 2. I remember watching a vid of it a while ago and it did look kick ass. I might just pick that up, afterall.

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Hmmm, I haven't played with my Wii in a while (hurhur penis joke). Does anyone have a good Wii game that's either out or will be out soon that I should buy (excluding Super Mario Galaxy, of course. I'm gonna buy the shit out of that). I'd prefer a fighting game but as far as I know, Wii has few to none of them. :(

If you haven't played Super Paper Mario yet, I suggest that, I found that game to be alot of fun, not alot of replay value, but it was one of the games I most enjoyed playing in years.

Is that in any way like Super mario world for the snes? I've been dying to play a proper mario game since my snes bit the dust 10 yrs back...but I've been loyal to sony...and never had the cash for a 2nd system...

Are there any good mature titles coming out for this system besides Manhunt 2? I keep hearing that the games are mostly aimed at children and that much of the adult content is being made for the xbox and ps3...what do you say?

To be honest, I don't truly believe the "next-gen" period has taken off just yet. I own a PS3 and a Wii, got them both on launch, I'm a casual gamer so I don't buy that many games, but for PS3 so far theres one game out that even interested me - Resistance - and I owned it and completed it and sold it.

The Wii I've owned a few games, most of the games have been misses rather than hits - I was VERY disappointed with Sonic and The Secret Rings and Mario Strikers Charged, and Medal of Honour: Vanguard now you mention it, but Wii Sports and Super Paper Mario compensated for these games.

All my friends have the Xbox 360, and every game just seems too...I don't know, generic. The only REAL game that even half tempted me in buying an Xbox 360 was Gears of War, I disliked Vampire Reign, Dead Rising, I thought Bioshock was Okay, but overrated, Halo 3 is just stupidly overrated although Multiplayer can be fun on occasion.

Anyway, point is. Xbox 360 has been around over 2 years now, and the Wii and PS3 are just strecthin the year mark. Give it another 6 months to a year and I'd definately consider buying either a PS3 or a Wii. Despite the amount of hate the PS3 gets - and in it's current state, I can see why - I reckon "slow and steady wins the race" and the PS3 will come out on top. I'm intrigued about this "Home" thing they have going on. Metal Gear Solid 4, Blu Ray capability. Internet Capability. It really IS worth the money.

Anyway, that's just my opinion, no doubt Jack_The_Ripper will go tear it apart with "please bitch, yadda yadda" But I don't treat or expect everyone in this thread to be a complete video game nerd. I actually agree with Bromle's opinion on the Wii in it's current state. It has potential to extend it's shelf life though.

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Hmmm, I haven't played with my Wii in a while (hurhur penis joke). Does anyone have a good Wii game that's either out or will be out soon that I should buy (excluding Super Mario Galaxy, of course. I'm gonna buy the shit out of that). I'd prefer a fighting game but as far as I know, Wii has few to none of them. :(

If you haven't played Super Paper Mario yet, I suggest that, I found that game to be alot of fun, not alot of replay value, but it was one of the games I most enjoyed playing in years.

Yeah, I already played it. It was a really good game, the only problem was it was too easy to beat. I only rented it and beat it in about 5 days.

Are there any good mature titles coming out for this system besides Manhunt 2? I keep hearing that the games are mostly aimed at children and that much of the adult content is being made for the xbox and ps3...what do you say?

Well, Metroid Prime 3 isn't exactly mature, but it sure as hell isn't childish either. It's definetly one of, if not the best Wii game out there too (although I haven't played them all to make an accurate fact).

Also, thanks for suggesting Manhunt 2. I remember watching a vid of it a while ago and it did look kick ass. I might just pick that up, afterall.

yeah ive heard some good things about metroid prime...it looks like a blast to play from the trailers...that'll be one of the first games I pick up if I get the wii...

re: manhunt 2, I hope the censorship board hasn't neutered the game. It was banned until last week when it finally got an M rating...

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Hmmm, I haven't played with my Wii in a while (hurhur penis joke). Does anyone have a good Wii game that's either out or will be out soon that I should buy (excluding Super Mario Galaxy, of course. I'm gonna buy the shit out of that). I'd prefer a fighting game but as far as I know, Wii has few to none of them. :(

If you haven't played Super Paper Mario yet, I suggest that, I found that game to be alot of fun, not alot of replay value, but it was one of the games I most enjoyed playing in years.

Is that in any way like Super mario world for the snes? I've been dying to play a proper mario game since my snes bit the dust 10 yrs back...but I've been loyal to sony...and never had the cash for a 2nd system...

Are there any good mature titles coming out for this system besides Manhunt 2? I keep hearing that the games are mostly aimed at children and that much of the adult content is being made for the xbox and ps3...what do you say?

To be honest, I don't truly believe the "next-gen" period has taken off just yet. I own a PS3 and a Wii, got them both on launch, I'm a casual gamer so I don't buy that many games, but for PS3 so far theres one game out that even interested me - Resistance - and I owned it and completed it and sold it.

The Wii I've owned a few games, most of the games have been misses rather than hits - I was VERY disappointed with Sonic and The Secret Rings and Mario Strikers Charged, and Medal of Honour: Vanguard now you mention it, but Wii Sports and Super Paper Mario compensated for these games.

All my friends have the Xbox 360, and every game just seems too...I don't know, generic. The only REAL game that even half tempted me in buying an Xbox 360 was Gears of War, I disliked Vampire Reign, Dead Rising, I thought Bioshock was Okay, but overrated, Halo 3 is just stupidly overrated although Multiplayer can be fun on occasion.

Anyway, point is. Xbox 360 has been around over 2 years now, and the Wii and PS3 are just strecthin the year mark. Give it another 6 months to a year and I'd definately consider buying either a PS3 or a Wii. Despite the amount of hate the PS3 gets - and in it's current state, I can see why - I reckon "slow and steady wins the race" and the PS3 will come out on top. I'm intrigued about this "Home" thing they have going on. Metal Gear Solid 4, Blu Ray capability. Internet Capability. It really IS worth the money.

Anyway, that's just my opinion, no doubt Jack_The_Ripper will go tear it apart with "please bitch, yadda yadda" But I don't treat or expect everyone in this thread to be a complete video game nerd. I actually agree with Bromle's opinion on the Wii in it's current state. It has potential to extend it's shelf life though.

Thanks for the reply, that was informative. I bought the ps3 about 3 months back and it's collecting dust. I figured it was a good investment because of the amount of technology the system packed. The problem is the games so far haven't caught my fancy. I sold off my copy of resistance too as well as heavenly sword (I'm a very casual gamer and I zipped through that game in a couple days)...November seems like a promising month for us ps3 owners though....

I'm really surprised to hear that you don't much care for the Xbox games, some of those look great like Gears, Bioshock and Halo 3. The only reason I don't own one is that they are so poorly designed and unreliable. I'm thinking twice about getting one now though... :question:

Edited by SylvesterStallone
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yeah ive heard some good things about metroid prime...it looks like a blast to play from the trailers...that'll be one of the first games I pick up if I get the wii...

re: manhunt 2, I hope the censorship board hasn't neutered the game. It was banned until last week when it finally got an M rating...

Yeah, I was just looking at a few articles saying they censored certain death scenes in the game. Now there's a blur effect whenever you kill someone too gruesomely. Oh, well, hopefully you can still make out what's going on.

And on the subject of 360... I've liked the way it looks so far. I'm a big fan of FPS and TPS games and so far it has FEAR, Gears of War, Halo 3, GRAW2, Saints Row and Rainbow Six. Also, the online looks incredibly fun too, much more customizable than the Wii online. The only thing that's put me off from buying a 360 is the price. College kids can't exactly afford 500 dollar luxuries. Although I do agree that Halo 3 is seriously overrated.

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yeah ive heard some good things about metroid prime...it looks like a blast to play from the trailers...that'll be one of the first games I pick up if I get the wii...

re: manhunt 2, I hope the censorship board hasn't neutered the game. It was banned until last week when it finally got an M rating...

Yeah, I was just looking at a few articles saying they censored certain death scenes in the game. Now there's a blur effect whenever you kill someone too gruesomely. Oh, well, hopefully you can still make out what's going on.

And on the subject of 360... I've liked the way it looks so far. I'm a big fan of FPS and TPS games and so far it has FEAR, Gears of War, Halo 3, GRAW2, Saints Row and Rainbow Six. Also, the online looks incredibly fun too, much more customizable than the Wii online. The only thing that's put me off from buying a 360 is the price. College kids can't exactly afford 500 dollar luxuries. Although I do agree that Halo 3 is seriously overrated.

There's a rumor that there might be a price drop around christmas for the xbox and they may bundle it with a game like gears or halo 3. If they fix those things and make them more reliable I'd definitely consider picking one up. There are way too many good games coming out for that system. I'm a big FPS fan too and the x-box360 seems to specialize exclusively in those...

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yeah ive heard some good things about metroid prime...it looks like a blast to play from the trailers...that'll be one of the first games I pick up if I get the wii...

re: manhunt 2, I hope the censorship board hasn't neutered the game. It was banned until last week when it finally got an M rating...

Yeah, I was just looking at a few articles saying they censored certain death scenes in the game. Now there's a blur effect whenever you kill someone too gruesomely. Oh, well, hopefully you can still make out what's going on.

And on the subject of 360... I've liked the way it looks so far. I'm a big fan of FPS and TPS games and so far it has FEAR, Gears of War, Halo 3, GRAW2, Saints Row and Rainbow Six. Also, the online looks incredibly fun too, much more customizable than the Wii online. The only thing that's put me off from buying a 360 is the price. College kids can't exactly afford 500 dollar luxuries. Although I do agree that Halo 3 is seriously overrated.

You're lucky. The censors over here, in their infinite wisdom have refused Manhunt 2 a certificate again.

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I don't know, I've never really got into the whole "online multiplayer" thing. It only seemed fun when I was playing my friends, because we talk the shit about general stuff that was going on while playing, you can't really do that with a complete stranger, add to the fact that 80% of them are just like Jack_The_Ripper and will just aim to increase their kill score to show how cool they are. Not my thing at all.

Sly, I hope you're right about the November thing. I pre-ordered Singstar, GTA IV, Metal Gear Solid 4, Medal Of Honour : Airborne and Smackdown vs Raw '08 for the PS3 and they ALL got pushed back. I was so gutted.

Still holding out for Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bro's on the Wii though.

Is Heavenly Sword any good? I work in a supermarket and we sometimes have game discs with no cases that they sell to staff for cheap prices, I could have got that game - just the disc - for $20 a couple of months ago but passed it up at the time, I could see if there is still a copy.

Whoever said about being suprised I didn't like the Xbox (think it was you again, Sly) Meh, I owned the original Xbox (as well as the PS2 and Gamecube) and I just barely played it, the only game I enjoyed was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic...(Number 2 had too much dialogue), and Toejam and Earl 3, which wasn't even THAT great.

Any news on when Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics and Mario Kart Wii come out?

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There's a rumor that there might be a price drop around christmas for the xbox and they may bundle it with a game like gears or halo 3. If they fix those things and make them more reliable I'd definitely consider picking one up. There are way too many good games coming out for that system. I'm a big FPS fan too and the x-box360 seems to specialize exclusively in those...

That'd be perfect! Hopefully they'll release it with a different colour as well. The reliability I'm not too fussed over, as I hear they have a 2 or 3 year guarantee with the 360 since there have been a mass of malfunctions lately.

You're lucky. The censors over here, in their infinite wisdom have refused Manhunt 2 a certificate again.

Wow, that sucks. Is that only in UK or all of Europe? If worse comes to worse, you can just import it.

Also, I just checked a video for Manhunt 2 and the censors aren't bad at all. It's all flashy and a tad bit blurry but you can still easily see the kill sequences. This game looks like too much fun, now. :)

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There's a rumor that there might be a price drop around christmas for the xbox and they may bundle it with a game like gears or halo 3. If they fix those things and make them more reliable I'd definitely consider picking one up. There are way too many good games coming out for that system. I'm a big FPS fan too and the x-box360 seems to specialize exclusively in those...

That'd be perfect! Hopefully they'll release it with a different colour as well. The reliability I'm not too fussed over, as I hear they have a 2 or 3 year guarantee with the 360 since there have been a mass of malfunctions lately.

You're lucky. The censors over here, in their infinite wisdom have refused Manhunt 2 a certificate again.

Wow, that sucks. Is that only in UK or all of Europe? If worse comes to worse, you can just import it.

Also, I just checked a video for Manhunt 2 and the censors aren't bad at all. It's all flashy and a tad bit blurry but you can still easily see the kill sequences. This game looks like too much fun, now. :)

Yeah, Rockstar made the same changes but the BBFC (our censors) weren't happy still. They're complaint is it encourages sadism for sadism's sake. These are the same people who OK'd Hostel though.

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That's ridiculous, but I've heard that you can mimic a lot of the killing motions with the wiimote which to them might seem a bit too close to reality. That function might have been removed out of the current iteration of the game though...

It's absurd, but there you go. The thing is, even if you use the Wii remote to act the actions out it's still not going to turn you into a violent killer. Lightguns didn't. When I played the first one I remember wincing at a few of the deaths but they were so nasty they actually became laughable after a few times.

Edited by ADPT
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That's ridiculous, but I've heard that you can mimic a lot of the killing motions with the wiimote which to them might seem a bit too close to reality. That function might have been removed out of the current iteration of the game though...

It's absurd, but there you go. The thing is, even if you use the Wii remote to act the actions out it's still not going to turn you into a violent killer. Lightguns didn't. When I played the first one I remember wincing at a few of the deaths but they were so nasty they actually became laughable after a few times.

Good point, that makes absolutely no sense.... :rofl-lol:

It's surprising that the UK censors are so sensitive to violent content these days, although Americans aren't too far behind.. :confused:

There was a huge furor about the original manhunt in the UK though if I recall, apparently there were some murders where the killer said he was inspired by manhunt. Same thing happened in the 80's over there when Rambo was popular. This might just be a way for the censors to get back at Rockstar by banning the sequel...

What a shame...guess you'll have to import the unrated copy from finland or norway.... :xmasssanta:

Edited by SylvesterStallone
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That's ridiculous, but I've heard that you can mimic a lot of the killing motions with the wiimote which to them might seem a bit too close to reality. That function might have been removed out of the current iteration of the game though...

It's absurd, but there you go. The thing is, even if you use the Wii remote to act the actions out it's still not going to turn you into a violent killer. Lightguns didn't. When I played the first one I remember wincing at a few of the deaths but they were so nasty they actually became laughable after a few times.

Good point, that makes absolutely no sense.... :rofl-lol:

It's surprising that the UK censors are so sensitive to violent content these days, although Americans aren't too far behind.. :confused:

There was a huge furor about the original manhunt in the UK though if I recall, apparently there were some murders where the killer said he was inspired by manhunt. Same thing happened in the 80's over there when Rambo was popular. This might just be a way for the censors to get back at Rockstar by banning the sequel...

What a shame...guess you'll have to import the unrated copy from finland or norway.... :xmasssanta:

There was a murder, the victim's parents blamed the game. The police stated on numerous occasions the game had nothing to do with it. It's the first time they've done this to a game in 10 years. It came as quite a surprise.

EDIT: "Police said robbery was the motive behind the attack on Stefan in Stokes Wood Park on 26 February 2004 - and not the video game blamed by Stefan's parents."


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don't worry about the ps3 not having alot of good games right now. november will see so many great games coming to us. and then again in feburary. the ps3 is kicking ass now, amazon have sold out of the 60gb and with the price cut they can't loose with those specs and games. here's a list, you can add Ratchet and Clank to that too ^_^

November 5, 2007 BlackSite: Area 51

November 5, 2007 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

November 6, 2007 Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War

November 6, 2007 LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

November 13, 2007 Assassin's Creed

November 13, 2007 Assassin's Creed (Limited Edition)

November 13, 2007 Beowulf

November 13, 2007 Need for Speed ProStreet

November 13, 2007 Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back

November 13, 2007 WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008

November 13, 2007 WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008 (Special Edition)

November 19, 2007 College Hoops 2K8

November 19, 2007 Medal of Honor: Airborne

November 20, 2007 History Channel: Battle For the Pacific

November 20, 2007 Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

November 20, 2007 Time Crisis 4

November 20, 2007 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

November 23, 2007 Rock Band

November 23, 2007 Rock Band: Special Edition

November 27, 2007 Haze

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Mario Galaxy out soon. I'm looking forward to it a lot. It looks like it's gonna be like SM64, a massive free roaming adventure that just makes you feel like you can fly. Games like that are a joy to play.

DK64 was another game that made you feel like that.

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360 has some absolutely fucking amazing games coming out this Christmas and next year rock3

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja

The Simpsons

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mass Effect

Fable 2


Assassin's Creed

Army Of Two

Devil May Cry 4

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need For Speed: Pro Street

WWE SmackDown Versus Raw 2008

Burnout Paradise

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty

Universe At War: Earth Assault

Grand Theft Auto IV

Ninja Gaiden II



Mafia 2

Alone In The Dark

Fallout 3

Guitar Hero III

Rock Band

Mercenaries 2

The Last Remnant

Dead Space

The Club

Silent Hill V

Tom Clancy's Air Combat

Resident Evil 5

Left 4 Dead

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

Now come on, that's one fucking impressive list rock4

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360 has some absolutely fucking amazing games coming out this Christmas and next year rock3

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja

The Simpsons

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mass Effect

Fable 2


Assassin's Creed

Army Of Two

Devil May Cry 4

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need For Speed: Pro Street

WWE SmackDown Versus Raw 2008

Burnout Paradise

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty

Universe At War: Earth Assault

Grand Theft Auto IV

Ninja Gaiden II



Mafia 2

Alone In The Dark

Fallout 3

Guitar Hero III

Rock Band

Mercenaries 2

The Last Remnant

Dead Space

The Club

Silent Hill V

Tom Clancy's Air Combat

Resident Evil 5

Left 4 Dead

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

Now come on, that's one fucking impressive list rock4

I remember viewing a video of Army Of Two at E3 or something like that, I thought it looked really funny and I was tempted to get it - please don't tell me it's Xbox 360 exclusive?

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
360 has some absolutely fucking amazing games coming out this Christmas and next year rock3

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja

The Simpsons

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mass Effect

Fable 2


Assassin's Creed

Army Of Two

Devil May Cry 4

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need For Speed: Pro Street

WWE SmackDown Versus Raw 2008

Burnout Paradise

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty

Universe At War: Earth Assault

Grand Theft Auto IV

Ninja Gaiden II



Mafia 2

Alone In The Dark

Fallout 3

Guitar Hero III

Rock Band

Mercenaries 2

The Last Remnant

Dead Space

The Club

Silent Hill V

Tom Clancy's Air Combat

Resident Evil 5

Left 4 Dead

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

Now come on, that's one fucking impressive list rock4

considering most of those aren't exclusives, and more so, most of those will suck ass... I stay unimpressed. 3 titles in that whole thing worth playing:

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

and that other game by bioware that I always forget the title for.

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360 has some absolutely fucking amazing games coming out this Christmas and next year rock3

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja

The Simpsons

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mass Effect

Fable 2


Assassin's Creed

Army Of Two

Devil May Cry 4

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need For Speed: Pro Street

WWE SmackDown Versus Raw 2008

Burnout Paradise

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty

Universe At War: Earth Assault

Grand Theft Auto IV

Ninja Gaiden II



Mafia 2

Alone In The Dark

Fallout 3

Guitar Hero III

Rock Band

Mercenaries 2

The Last Remnant

Dead Space

The Club

Silent Hill V

Tom Clancy's Air Combat

Resident Evil 5

Left 4 Dead

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

Now come on, that's one fucking impressive list rock4

considering most of those aren't exclusives, and more so, most of those will suck ass... I stay unimpressed. 3 titles in that whole thing worth playing:

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

and that other game by bioware that I always forget the title for.

You can't know they'll suck until you play them.

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360 has some absolutely fucking amazing games coming out this Christmas and next year rock3

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Naruto: Rise Of A Ninja

The Simpsons

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mass Effect

Fable 2


Assassin's Creed

Army Of Two

Devil May Cry 4

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need For Speed: Pro Street

WWE SmackDown Versus Raw 2008

Burnout Paradise

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty

Universe At War: Earth Assault

Grand Theft Auto IV

Ninja Gaiden II



Mafia 2

Alone In The Dark

Fallout 3

Guitar Hero III

Rock Band

Mercenaries 2

The Last Remnant

Dead Space

The Club

Silent Hill V

Tom Clancy's Air Combat

Resident Evil 5

Left 4 Dead

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

Now come on, that's one fucking impressive list rock4

considering most of those aren't exclusives, and more so, most of those will suck ass... I stay unimpressed. 3 titles in that whole thing worth playing:

Eternal Sonata

Lost Odyssey

and that other game by bioware that I always forget the title for.

Fable 2

Mass Effect

Assassins Creed

all of them are going to be amazing

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November 20, 2007 History Channel: Battle For the Pacific

:o You're right! With awesome games like this, the PS3 sure as hell can't go wrong. :rolleyes: Honestly, I bet you don't even know most of the games, yet you're calling them great.

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